Appendix VII

Below is part of the report Otter sent to the Governor. It’s fascinating to see how all this utter codswallop has passed into the official archives and become part of history.

I cannot conclude without requesting that I may be allowed to recommend to His Excellency’s notice, the prisoner Graham to whose indefatigable exertions we are indebted for our success. He shunned neither danger nor fatigue, and on the last occasion he was exposed to very imminent risk, by venturing into the large Camp where Mrs Fraser was detained, as had he met there any of the natives who attacked us a few days before it might have been fatal to him—as he was obliged not only to go unarmed, but to strip himself perfectly naked when he went amongst them.

I have the honor to be
Your most obedt Humb. Servt.

4th (Kings Own) Regt.