Most of all, Jesus Christ, given to us by the Father so that we can be saved and spend eternity in Heaven with Him, is the only reason that I write, and I thank God every day for blessing me with the words to ink onto paper. Jesus is my Rock!
Secondly, I would like to thank my Aunt Dorothy, whose husband is a conservative Mennonite Minister: you are a solid Proverbs 31 woman and a role model for all of us women. It is more than two decades ago that I had the honor of living in a conservative Mennonite home in the community in which my uncle oversees, and I must say that it is the most inspirational experience that I had ever had, and I learned so very much.
Although hard at the time, I later endured ridicule and persecution for wearing a kapp, or prayer covering, and I even remember the children on the school bus laughing at me when my foster children would get off the bus. I did the best that I could, along with my mother, to teach you little ones about God and the love of Jesus Christ. It was not my own doing to not have you in a Christian School- the Social Workers wanted you in public school.
Please enjoy Charlotte Miller as she is forced to live in her home for sixteen years, and be aware that although rare, this disease does exist. To Season Bubblegirl, who I forged a relationship with on the Christian Singles Dating website’s Fellowship Hall, this whole novel is for you. You are so courageous, such an inspiration to all, and although you could never leave your home due to your disease, you always inspired me and kept me motivated.
Please read about Season at:, and then you will understand a little more about why I wrote this book.
Tragedy combined with hope, depression replaced with grace, prejudice conquered through prayer and resilience, and bitterness overcome by love, this is Amish Hope.
Lastly, I would like to thank Hertz Car Rental for providing services for my travels for research and book trailer tapings, and to Beverly Lewis for inspiring others to write about the Plain People.
“Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” John 1 4:7, 8. KJV