
All page numbers refer to the print edition of Playing Through the Whistle. Please use the search feature on your reader to locate the text that corresponds to the index entries below.

Abercrombie, Rapheal “Pudgy,” 283, 284, 294, 451

Accorsi, Ernie, 5

“agitating,” 36

Aliquippa. See also Quips basketball; Quips football

1960’s population decline, 192

1970 population, 225

1980 population, 272, 279

1990 population, 272, 279

2004 population, 371

arming of, 41

as blue-collar standard, 120

bond debts, 339

Bush, G. W. in, 328

cause-and-effect, 249

as company town without a company, 402

Cornelia Bryce Pinchot in, 52–55

current employment in, 412–413

as de facto capital, 124

“declared distressed,” 298

drug-related crime, 299

first utilities, 10

football stadium opening, 58

gangs, 97

Great Depression and, 39

Hopewell merger and, 339

housing segregation, 199

J&L building of, 10–12

JFK visit, 157–159, 160

Jimmy Carter visit, 251–252

KKK in, 25

late 40’s immigrants, 120

as “Little Hell,” 40

as “little Las Vegas,” 14

as “Little Siberia,” 31, 40

middle-class workers, 124–125

as most talent-rich region, 4

NFL stars, 367–368

no-interest loan to, 298

Plans, 10–11, 97

as plantation system, 314

politics, 17

prejudice in, 96

Prohibition and, 18

as racial battleground, 227

“redlining,” 199

riots, 208, 209, 217, 218–226

Samuel murders, 329–332, 337

segregation, 97

shooting deaths in, 387–390

slow death of, 5

strike ending, 41–42

town building, 10

Aliquippa Community Hospital, 123, 221, 222, 413

Aliquippa Grays, 27

Aliquippa High

alums in NFL Draft, 5

blacks in, 99

Aliquippa High (continued)

immigrant English instruction, 120

late 1920’s black population, 29

league titles, 5

reputation (mid-70s), 242

Aliquippa Indians, 27

Aliquippa Reds, 27

Aliquippa Tarzans, 27

Aliquippa Works, 17, 26. See also J&L

1979 employment, 269

abuses, 137

Army-Navy “E,” 80

beginning of bleed, 269–270

blacks in 1970, 168

coke plant layoffs, 272

as largest integrated mill, 60

late 50’s employment, 120

outside union push and, 61

stockpiles of arms, 42

war production, 80

welding tube division closure, 272

All The Right Moves, 281–283

Alston, William, 301, 319, 352, 357

Amalgamated, 62, 63

Ambridge, 29, 44, 48, 57

Beaver Lodge #200, 55, 63

Lucci as NFL star, 367

Marocco head coaching job, 193

mill organization, 41

Pinchot in, 48

as union haven, 57

American Dream, 401, 415

Ames, Knowlton “Snake,” 19

Antonini, Frank, 244

“The Armchair Athlete,” 75

Aschman, Carl

1941 season, 76

1942 season, 77

1952 season, 108–111

1955 season, 116–118

1962 strike, 154

black players under, 108

broken nose response, 105

car as gift, 118

characteristics of, 102

at Christmas, 105

debut, 76

doctor’s orders, 212

fairness, 108

football as war game, 104

“Ghost Battalion,” 107, 115

goodwill, 102

grandson Harald, 213, 220

heart attack, 165–166

Mike Ditka and, 115, 116

as new coach, 75

overview, 451

“paper heart,” 162

post-retirement, 211–213

preseason camp, 106–107

resignation, 178

style, 103–104

superstitions, 110

Times farewell, 178

total wins, 155

watching Marocco coach, 213

worried about job, 103

Yannessa injury and, 154–155

Aschman, Carl Jr., 103, 106, 108, 155, 166, 213

Askew, David, 424, 432–433, 451

Askew, Shanell, 423–426

B. F. Jones Library, 334

Babiak, Wendy, 252

Babich, Bobby, 245, 250

Baldwin, Delois, 255

Baldwin, Henry, 255, 256

Baldwin, Jeff

background, 254–255

Brown alibi, 360–361

at California University of Pennsylvania, 300

as cop, 301

diminishing reputation, 302

as early father, 255

helping son from prison, 395–396

jail term, 392, 395

Jonha Evasovich and, 262

marriage to Tez, 396

money from Yannessa, 301–302

move to offense at Pitt, 264

overview, 451

parents, 255–257

as Pitt drop-out, 264

Pitt scholarship, 261, 263

scrub and, 263, 264

second time shot, 344–345

son Jamie Brown, 264, 299, 330, 345, 424

son Jonathan, 391

Tezmalita Pharr and, 310–311

vandalization response, 262–263

weaknesses, 254

Baldwin, Jonathan, 5, 91, 451

brother Jamie arrest, 391

help from father in prison, 395–396

in NFL, 407

notoriety in football, 396

at Pitt, 397

son Jaden, 397

in sports, 396–397

Baldwin, Norman, 255–256

Baldwin, Tezmalita, 384, 391, 395, 396

Baldwin High, 308

Barnett, Anthony, 294

Barr, Linda, 357

baseball in Pittsburgh, 18

Battaglini, Joe, 218, 238

Battalini, Anthony, 219, 352, 419, 420, 451

Beaver Area, 4

Beaver County

Aliquippa as de facto capital, 124

draft, 76

jail, 50, 51

KKK in, 25

Redevelopment Authority, 198

strike losses, 139

Beaver County Slag Inc., 412

Beaver Falls, 139

Becker, Joe, 294

Bernstein, Meyer, 67, 68, 69

Bessemer converters, 13

Bethlehem Steel, 33, 60

Betters, C. J. “Chuck,” 222, 237, 405

Aliquippa Community Hospital and, 413

Dawn Walker and, 419–420

on Franklin Avenue, 426

mayoral win, 406

overview, 451

slag business, 411–413

son Charles II, 411

Tony Gaskins and, 414–415

“yellow iron,” 413

Betters, Mark, 221, 237

black cheerleaders, 146, 148, 151, 169–170, 207, 209–210, 252

black players

1962 Quips football, 150

in 1962 strike, 154

Aliquippa Indians and, 27

Ditka on, 108

fairness under Aschman, 108

numbers early on, 29

Ross relationship with, 231

Yannessa relationship with, 236

Blackhawk loss, 253–254


1966 political strength, 168

in Aliquippa High, 99

Gilded Age, 21

industrial workers, 22–24

in late 1960’s Aliquippa, 198

movement from Plan II extension, 27

Plan II extension, 23

population in 1940 Aliquippa, 96

professional, 168

worst J&L jobs, 23

Blaney, Chuck, 173

Blawnox, 37

Boyer, Royal, 62, 63, 65

Bozich, Eli, 62

Branchetti, Joe, 85

Bronaugh, DiMantae, 433, 435, 439, 440, 441, 443, 444

Browder, Carletta, 170

Browder, Carolyn, 170

Brown, Jamie, 264, 299, 330, 345, 424

appeal, 392–395

arrest, 360

capacity to kill, 394

“hit list,” 351, 353, 356

overview, 451

Brown-Bag Brigade, 167, 169, 196

Bryant, Bear, 338

Buchanan, Tom, 33

“Bucky Boys, 256

bus accident, 78

Bush, George W., 328

Cain, Jordan “Ricky,” 387–388

Caldwell, Cindy, 324

Calipari, John, 133

Calipari, Vince, 133

Campbell, Della Rae, 320, 363, 364, 385

Campbell, Tommie, 86, 89–90, 366

after Pitt, 407–408

Dorsch and, 409

as janitor, 408

life change, 409–410

meeting with Fields, 408–409

mother Della Rae, 320

as “Next One,” 376

in NFL, 410

overview, 452

at Pitt, 406, 407

today, 410–411

track, 376–378

Cappella, Gilda, 134–135

Carl A. Aschman Stadium, 3

capacities, 279

game after airplane crash, 324

naming of, 240

“The Pit,” 4, 181, 183–184, 275–276, 374, 383, 432

visitor’s locker room, 4

Carter, Eddie, 388

Carter, Jimmy, 251–252, 254, 266

Carter, Sonya, 357–358

Casoli, Dan, 181, 332

Casp, Bill, 208

Casp, Joe, 159, 201

Casp, Mike, 45

Castagna, Bob, 308

Casterlow, Sharon, 207

Catroppa, Joe, 172

Caul, P. J., 40–41, 48

Chalfa, “Scratch,” 101

chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), 429

Ciccone, Silvio “Tony,” 72–73

Clark, Emory, 26

Clayton, Mark, 176

Colbert, Etta, 252

Colson, Chuck, 205

Cox, Demetrious, 422

crack cocaine, 296, 297, 299, 334

Crestmont Village, 133

Crow Island, 18, 157, 237

Cruise, Tom, 281, 282

D’Antonio, Jimmy, 117

Daugherty, Duffy, 126

David, George, 163, 247, 352–353, 362, 381, 382, 452

Davis, Andre, 355, 376, 452

Dawkins, Billy Love, 379

deaths, shooting, 387–390

Deep, Jim, 341

Dempsey, Matthew, 26

DeSalle, Nick, 123

Devonar, Mike, 78

DiNardo, Phil, 149

DiNardo, Tonino “Toats,” 79, 82, 85

Ditka, Mike, 4

Aliquippa donations, 290

as alter boy, 159

apathy, 401–402

Aschman and, 115, 116

background, 111–112

baseball and, 114, 130

basketball and, 130

Big Mike beatings, 112–113

on black players, 108

brother Ashton, 113

as burner, 76

as Chicago Bears coach, 286, 288

college offers, 130, 131

cruising with friends, 124

as “Da Coach,” 288

as Dallas player, 287

on defense, 129

energy on the fade, 401

father Big Mike, 112–113, 291

as first-team all-America, 127

as freshman, 114

as fullback, 128

on Ghost Battalion, 115

going soft, 429

heart attack, 289

helplessness, 400

hero worship of, 285

as “Iron Mike,” 125, 289

junior year, 116–117

on loss to McKeesport, 128–129

Margie Dougherty and, 129–130

in Marines, 82

mother Charlotte, 115, 116, 291

name change, 76

as New Orleans coach, 289

as No 1 in NFL draft, 127

overview, 452

Penn State and, 131

as Philadelphia player, 286

playing with fury, 113

popular appeal, 289

prejudice and, 96

in Pro Football Hall of Fame, 127

as senior, 129, 130

as sophomore, 114–115

Super Bowl touchdown, 127

Ditka, Mike Sr. (Big Mike), 112–113, 115, 125, 202, 218, 291, 452

Dorsch, Larry, 409

Dorsett, Anthony “Ali,” 184, 319, 365, 379, 452

Dorsett, Melvin, 215–216

Dorsett, Tony, 4, 251

accomplishments, 214

brother Tyrone, 417

child out of wedlock, 231

CTE and, 429

Dallas Cowboys and, 233

as freshman defensive back, 231

as “Hawk,” 214

Heisman Trophy, 233–234

at Hopewell High, 230–231

at Hopewell Junior High, 216–218

as junior running back, 231

maiden game against Aliquippa, 214–215

Melvin’s death and, 215–216

move back, 418

overview, 452

at Pitt, 231–233

pull back to roots, 416–417

speed, 215

statistics at Pitt, 233

training regime at Pitt, 231

Ty Law and, 322

vision, 216

Willie Frank and, 109

Yannessa and, 231

Dorsett, Wes “The Big Apple,” 215

Dougherty, Margie, 129–130

Downing, James Jr., 57

Dunn, Martin, 61, 62

Durham, Traz, 329, 331

Earle, George, 68

Eritano, Pete, 269, 270, 271, 272, 452

Evasovich, John

at 2015 state championship game, 441

avoidance of the mill, 125–126

daughters, 261–262

on Ditka, 114, 290

father, 125–126

mother’s ashes, 3–4

overview, 452

on preseason camp, 106

as Quarterback Club president, 280

on reasons for success, 407

watching 1952 title game, 111

Willie and Dorsett comparison, 109

Evasovich, Jonha, 261, 262

fear, Woodlawn as governed by, 34

Feeney, John, 247

Fields, Elijah, 408

First Class Citizens Council, 167

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 32–33

food for players, 372–373

football. See also Quips football

as new, 18–19

professional, in Pittsburgh, 19

Forbes Field, 98, 201

Francona, Tito, 4

Frank, James, 22, 24

1949 title parade, 101–102

basketball title, 100–101

as football team manager, 106

at Forbes Field, 98

as future college president, 97

as infielder, 99

overview, 452

in parade, 101–102

segregation and, 96

viewing Robinson, 95, 98

work destiny, 97

working, 100

Frank, Willie, 225

1952 team, 108–111

1952 title game, 111

background, 106

car accident, 109–110

Dorsett and, 109

overview, 452

in preseason camp, 106–107

rushing, 110

as scoring leader, 108

Frank, Willie Sr., 24

Franklin Avenue, 10, 12, 13, 31, 81, 86. See also Aliquippa

50’s weekends on, 124

Betters on, 426

as idealized Main Street, 146

Kennedy speech, 157

riot confrontation, 222, 223

shops on, 95, 124

Villa’s Lounge, 134

Frazio, Foge, 264

Fuderich, Pete, 105, 191

Fusco, Dick, 111

Gabriel, Roman, 162


on AAA, 19

in early Aliquippa, 13–14

gangs, 97

Gardner Points tiebreaker system, 174

Garvey, Marcus, 25–26

Gaskins, Tony, 388–389, 414–415, 452

Geneen, Harold, 135–136

“Ghost Battalion,” 107, 115

Gilbert, Aileen, 239–240

on Aliquippa, 294

children, 292

on drugs, 296

overview, 452

return to Aliquippa, 291–292

son Sean, 293–295

Gilbert, Diana, 304, 359, 424, 425

as Aileen’s oldest, 292

at Beaver County Jail, 381–382

overview, 452

sending Darrelle away, 358

sexual molestation, 292

Gilbert, Mark, 292, 293, 368

Gilbert, Sean, 5, 292, 293–295

1985 season, 293

1988 title game defeat, 304, 307

accomplishments, 303–304

drafting of, 295

giving back, 402

overview, 452

at Pitt, 294

pro teams and games, 303–304

Girdler, Tom, 17, 35, 68, 164

characteristics of, 15–16

job interview, 9

KKK and, 25

leaving J&L, 39

move to Pittsburgh, 26

overview, 453

at Republic, 66, 69

as testing ground, 33

as unofficial caliph, 14

Girdler, Tom Jr., 39, 42, 43

Gnup, Frank, 44

Golden, Clint, 30–31

as associate director, 61

First Lady and, 56

Mary Isasky meeting, 51

as mediator, 50–51

overview, 453

Grandstaff, Gary, 266, 268, 270

Great Depression, 38

Green, Hugh, 254

Gregor, Ranee, 247

Griffith Heights, 25, 298, 334

gunfire, random, 384

Gunn, Jesse, 77

Hall, Davion, 91, 275

Halls of Anger, 206–207

Harding High, 27. See also Aliquippa High

Hardy, Stephen, 387–388

Harvan, Al, 229

Harvey, Barron, 148, 169

Harvey, Henry, 169

Hauser, Ed, 175

Hawkins, Connie, 197

Heffelfinger, William “Pudge,” 19

Henderson, Marques, 283

Henry, Dravon, 183, 184, 433

2012 season, 429

father Roland, 422–423

high school yards, 422

as “Next One,” 182

overview, 453

Tiquai’s death and, 423

at West Virginia, 431

Henry, Roland, 422

Henry, Steve, 344, 345

“Henry Mancini Day,” 149

Herring, Howard, 152

Hill, Rick, 363–364, 366, 385

Hines, Darnell, 393

Hoerr, John, 237, 238

Hopewell, 173, 176, 181–182

1994 airplane crash and, 323–324

Aliquippa merger and, 339

as bedroom community, 134

encircling Aliquippa, 182

moving to, 132, 133, 141

population (1970), 225

Hopewell High

Aliquippa first playing of, 173

goalpost tribute, 118

Tony Dorsett at, 230–231

Horton, George, 424

Horton, Monica, 393

Howell, Dixie, 98

Hribar, Frank, 44

Hrubovchak, George, 111

Humphries, Eddie, 424

Isasky, George

background, 49

continued confinement, 55–56

J&L and, 49–50

kidnapping of, 136

overview, 453

Pinchot speech and, 53, 54

release of, 56

Isasky, Mary, 45, 50, 51


acquisition, 236–237

Bessemer converters, 13

black workers, 22–24

blame for demise, 267

company size, 59

Crow Island, 18

demise, 276

enlightened leadership, 237

founding of, 8

initiatives, 265

loyalty and, 34–35

momentum shift, 48–49

“open shop,” 35, 40

by-product coke ovens purchase, 86

public humiliation, 56

recognition of SWOC, 69

size of, 9

as social catch basin, 399

stratification and, 24

as subsidiary of LTV, 266

as “vast mechanism,” 58–59

women employees, 239–240

worker debt and, 14

workers as middle-class, 123

workers in WW I, 12–13

“J&L pepper,” 13

Jefferson, John, 176

Jeric, Richard, 192

Jeter, Sheldon, 442

Jim Crow laws, 21, 63

Johnson, Deon, 387

Johnson, Keyshawn, 176

Jones, B. F., 8, 9, 13, 453

Jones, Eze, 335

Jones, Larry “Bulldog,” 234–236, 453

Jones and Laughlin Steel Company. See J&L

Kane, Michael “M. J.,” 33–34, 40, 41

Kaurich, John, 85

Kelly, Jim, 367

Kemp, Ray, 28

Kennedy, John F.

Aliquippa speech, 160

Aliquippa visit, 157–159, 160

assasination, 204

Bay of Pigs, 159

Kent State University, 204–205, 206

killings, 388–390

“Kitty Genovese,” 354

Kopacz, Alex, 317, 318

Kosanovich, Melvin, 138

Ku Klux Klan, 24–25, 26

Kush, Frank, 126, 177

Labor-Management Relations Act, 121

Lalama, Frank, 155

Landry, Tom, 287

Laraway, Jack, 192

Latone, Joe, 48, 49

Laughlin, George, 68

Laughlin, James, 8

Law, Diane, 297, 312, 321

Law, Ray, 311, 313, 325

Law, Ty, 5

ACT test, 316

as first-round pick, 326

giving back, 402

grandfather Ray, 311, 313, 325

gun drawn on, 312–313

losses at Aliquippa High, 315

at Michigan, 315, 322, 325

mill demise and, 297–298

mother Diane, 297, 312, 321

as national name, 360

as “The Next One,” 311

NFL, 315

overview, 453

as a Parade all-American, 316

possessions disappearing, 321

summers with Tony Dorsett, 322

Lay, Charlie, 240, 241–242, 453

Lay, Josh, 380–381, 407, 453

Lay, Vic, 284

Ledbetter, “Brother Matt,” 200

LeDonne, Brandon, 343

LeDonne, Jon

after Aliquippa, 346–347

at Carnegie Mellon, 374–375

crying at game, 346

Mo-Mo and, 348

overview, 453

playing on roof, 342–344

playing twice for titles, 349

senior season, 348–349

as twin, 344

LeDonne, Justin, 342, 344

Lee, Benjamin, 332

Lee, Rayetta Jo, 350, 353, 393

Legge, Carl, 211

Letteri, Achille, 70, 71, 80, 101

Letteri, Bobby, 399

Letteri, Gilda, 74, 77, 399

Letteri, Joe, 79, 80, 101, 134–135, 181

as Aliquippa exile, 189

first house, 135, 188

game attendance, 190

kids, 188

move to bigger house, 189

overview, 453

son Joey (Joe, Jr.), 190

thirteen weeks vacation, 188

Lewis, H. D., 69

Lewis, H. Edgar, 121

Liggett, Bob, 155, 166, 172, 453

Ling, James, 266

Linmar Terrace, 298, 305, 334, 353

Lippe, Nate

Aschman and, 75

baseball championship and, 82–85

as baseball coach, 79

as football coach, 43, 45

overview, 453

retirement, 101

soldiers to train station, 81

“Little Prexies,” 27

Little Quips, 429–430

“Little Siberia,” 31, 40

Local 1211, 138, 269

Logstown, 11, 57, 132, 146, 198, 245, 317

Long Beach Poly, 5

Lowe, Mike, 374

LTV, 266, 267, 269, 270, 272, 296, 298

Lucci, Mike, 367

lunacy commission,” 50

Lundy, Mike, 335

Lytle Wilson, 120

Macroglou, Bill, 269

Malesky, Jerry, 271

management concessions, 135

Mancini, Henry, 5, 26, 71–73, 149–150, 200, 251, 453

Mancini, Quinto, 150

Manko, Joseph, 78

Mann, Richard, 152–153, 164

at Arizona State, 176–177

background, 170–171

Dr. Zernich and, 171–172

emergence, 177

Frank Kush and, 177

injury rig, 172

pass interception, 174, 175

return home, 224

shoulder surgery and, 176

Stokes and, 224

teaching math, 224–225

Mansueti, James, 218

manufacturing changes, 399

Maravich, Pete, 4, 128

Maravich, Press, 104, 128

Marino, Dan, 367

Marocco, Dominic, 100

Marocco, Frank, 100, 104, 105, 115

1964 season title, 175

1991 state title game, 316–318

Aschman heart attack and, 165–166

board’s problem with, 337

defense coach, 165

as defensive line coach, 164–165

Director of Secondary Services, 333

graduation from North Carolina State, 162

head coaching job, 193

junior varsity coach, 163, 164

as king of Aliquippa football, 332

at North Carolina State, 126

overview, 454

players’ support of, 336

return from school, 127

Short and, 337

stripped of coaching position, 332, 333

wife death, 164

Yannessa and, 192

Mauk, Harry G., 16, 33, 42, 43

company police, 48, 50, 51, 55, 138

Pinchot speech and, 54

Mayconich, “Timber,” 101

McBride, Grower, “Bobo,” 302, 303

McBride, John D., 392, 393, 395

McBride, Sherm, 91, 220, 250, 302

on Askew, 425

as offensive coordinator, 375

as track coach, 375–378

McClure, Anthony, 358

McCoy, Jimmy, 197

McDaniel, Paul, 427–428

McDonald Heights, 198

McDonald Hollow, 17

McNie, Red, 259, 260, 338

Medich, Doc, 4, 173–174, 251, 454

Medich, George, 221

Metropoulos, Dan, 245, 246, 250

Milanovich, Sam, 101, 117–118, 145, 151, 192, 454

Montana, Joe, 367

Montini, Jerry, 243, 280

Moon, James “Larry,” 388–390, 414, 454

Moreell, Ben, 122, 454

Mott, Lou, 111

Motten, Vera, 208

Mount Vernon, 216, 416

Murray, Philip, 122

Muselin, Pete, 36, 37

Naim, James

David and, 352

department corruption and, 351

funeral, 356

murder of, 350, 353–354

overview, 454

Sonya Carter and, 357–358

Namath, Joe, 139, 251, 367

National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), 39, 47

National Labor Relations Board, 61, 63–64

National Steel Labor Relations Board, 31

Negro Youth Improvement Council, 156

Neish, Rudy, 85

Nelson, Craig T., 281, 282

New Castle, 77–78

New Deal, 4, 39, 46, 65, 119, 121

“Next One,” 182, 311, 376, 391, 406

19th Amendment, 46

Nixon, Richard, 203–204

Odivak, Nick, 78

Odom, Darius, 387–388

O’Loughlin, Charles, 37, 41, 50

O’Neill, Thomas “Tip,” 205

“open shop,” 40

“Operation Enough Is Enough,” 365

Ostermueller, Fritz, 98

Owens, “Ro-Ro,” 390

Pallante, Ralph, 351

Palmer Raids, 32

Parcells, Bill, 315, 316

Paterno, Joe, 131, 282–283

Patrick, Ocie, 248, 249

Patrick, Terry, 248, 249

Patrick, Timmie, 248, 249, 305–306, 342–343

cleared of suspicion of corruption, 357–358

Naim slaying and, 357

overview, 454

as running backs coach, 361, 394

Peake, Fred, 208, 216, 225

Penn State

Ditka and, 131

football integration, 27

Perriello, Joe, 38, 39, 57, 60

Petrie, Mark, 244

Pharr, Tezmalita, 310–311, 361

Phillips, Harry, 61, 62

Pietrusaki, Adam, 41

Pinchot, Cornelia Bryce, 38

in Aliquippa, 52–55

Aliquippa response to, 54–55

in Ambridge, 48

background, 46, 47

Golden and, 56

J&L accusation, 51, 54

Mary Isasky writing to, 45

Mauk and, 54

nomination as independent candidate, 48

overview, 454

return to Aliquippa, 61

work as First Lady, 47

Pinchot, Gifford, 45, 46, 47

Pipkin, Robert

1962 strike, 151–156

agitation, 152, 155–156

in basketball, 150, 156–157

in football, 150

last football game, 151

Negro Youth Improvement Council and, 156

overview, 455

Pittsburgh NAACP and, 156

Zmijanac and, 144, 145–146

Piroli, Art, 245, 332

Piroli, Gino, 102, 123, 132, 133, 161, 201, 455


Ditka and, 131–132

Dorsett and, 231–233

football integration, 27

Gilbert and, 294

Revis and, 379

“The Pit,” 4, 181, 183–184, 275–276, 374, 383, 432

Pitts, Ernie, 110, 225–226, 455


baseball in, 18

early professional football in, 19

Pittsburgh Pipers, 195, 197

Pittsburgh Pirates, 82, 98

Plan 11, 23, 27, 52, 74, 132, 146, 230, 245

Plan 12, 21, 198–199, 245, 384–386, 402, 421

Plans, 10–11, 23, 97

Pop Warner football decline, 429

Powell, Major “Loggie,” 43, 44, 455

Pratt, Chaquille, 385–386

preseason camp, 106–107, 114–115, 128, 131, 166

Prohibition, 18, 36, 57

Pryor, Terrelle, 397

Pugh, Kaezon, 423

2014 season, 433

2015 season, 435–436

2015 state championship game, 442–444

dad in jail, 433

father David Askew, 432–433

football as way out, 432

as “Next One,” 432

offensive load, 435

overview, 455

plans, 437

recruiting letters and, 434

state championship game, 436–437

West Point and, 434

Quarterback Club, 159, 242, 280

Quippian Club, 282

Quips baseball, 1944 title, 82–85, 101

Quips basketball

1949 title, 100–101

compared to football, 349

state title game, 349

Quips football

1916 squad integration, 27

1934 season, 43–44

1941 season, 76

1942 season, 77

1952 season, 110–111

1962 strike, 151–156

1964 season, 172–176

1972 racial divide, 234–236

1977 season, 246–247

1978 season, 250–253

1984 season, 283–285

1985 season, 293

1988 season, 304, 307

1991 state title game, 316–318

1996 senior scholarships, 334

1997 season, 340

2000 season, 347–349

2003 season, 368–369

2011 season, 90, 181–184, 429

2012 season, 429

2013 season, 429

2015 season, 435–436

common defiance, 374

food for players, 372–373

as heart of Aliquippa, 317

line between problems and, 360

media coverage, 306

player funerals, 387–388

player help, 373–374

player losses to the street, 372

recruiting letters and, 434

return to Friday nights, 235–236

Quips track, 375–378

Raccoon Creek State Park, 106, 114–115, 128, 131, 166, 177

racial tension

1970-1972, 218–226

1977, 243–244

black cheerleaders and, 209–210

class cancellation and, 210

Halls of Anger and, 206–207

National Guard and, 210–211

riots, 218–226

school closure, 209

school riots, 208, 209, 217, 222

supermarket ransacked, 209

Zmijanac and, 145–146

Radatovich, Paul, 136, 350, 351, 354, 361

Razzano, Angelo, 35, 63

firing of, 61–62

settlement, 65

strike and, 67

Reagan, Ronald

air-traffic controllers and, 266

Big Labor’s demise and, 265

Eritano phone call, 270–271

“redlining,” 199

Reeves, Dan, 287

Rembert, Bob, 116, 118

Republic Steel, 39, 66, 69, 272

Resetar, Zima and Milan, 37

Revis, Darrelle, 5, 294–295

2003 Quips season, 368–369

on Aliquippa, 403

in basketball, 369–370

examples for, 367–368

football decision, 360

giving back, 402

high school recruitment of, 358

Lay touchdown, 380–381

middle school years, 358–359

motivation, 370–371

as New York Jet, 391, 431–432

overview, 455

at Pitt, 378

seduction of glory and, 370

at shooting, 379–380

state championship final, 369

Zmijanac push for football, 359–360

Revis, Darryl, 292

Rickey, Branch, 98

Riggins, Marquay, 388

riots, Aliquippa, 218–226

calming down of, 223

firebombing, 223

Franklin Avenue confrontation, 222, 223

guns, 220, 221

Linmar Terrace apartments, 219

night of start of, 218

riots, Aliquippa, (continued)

school, 208, 209, 217, 222

vigilante whites, 220

Roaring ‘20s, 32

Robinson, Jackie, 95, 98

Roosevelt, Franklin (FDR), 39, 40, 46, 48

Roosevelt, Teddy, 46

Rosmini, Evelyn, 252

Royal Dutch Shell plan, 420–421

Rubenstein, Moe, 44, 45, 58, 76, 81–82, 102, 455

Ruffner, J. A. C., 34, 42

Sakal, Johnny, 116, 117, 118

Samuel, Brian, 329, 330–331, 455

Samuel, Tresa, 329–332

Samuel, William “Hackensack,” 329–332

Samuel murders, 329–332, 337

Santia, Dan, 332–333

Sarris, George, 107

scarfer, 125

Scherer, Rip, 193

Schoonover, Pete, 329, 331, 332

Schouppe, William, 381

segregation, 97

Serbian Club, 282

Shell, Rushel, 182

Sherrill, Jackie, 232

Short, Dan “Peep,” 89, 90, 243–244, 245, 250, 253, 260

as defensive coordinator, 319, 364–365

Dorsetts and, 319–320

end of police career, 361, 363

under investigation, 357, 358

Jamie Brown and, 362

McBride and, 302

Naim murder and, 361–362

overview, 455

path, 300–301

police misconduct, 363–364

resignation of sheriff’s position, 363

as scapegoat, 363

sense of right and wrong, 320

at Sheriff’s Office, 303

“smell test,” 304–305

Warfield and, 318–319

Skylo, Eli, 12

slag, 411–413

Smaltz, Bill, 126

Smith, Anthony Tusweet, 355, 455

Smith, Eugene “Salt,” 22, 97, 148, 198–199, 316, 419, 455

Smith, George, 335

Smith, Tusweet, 424

Smith, Willie, 116

Southern Columbia, 441–443

state championship game

2000, 347

2003, 369

2015, 436–437, 439–444

Staubach, Roger, 287, 288

Steals, Melvin, 22, 147, 152, 153, 200

achievement test results and, 314

as English teacher, 314

in gun shipment, 228

Halls of Anger and, 206–207

hit song, 229–230

on Marocco, 336–337

overview, 455

as principal, 336

record contract, 229

wife Adrena, 229, 230

Steals, Mervin, 227–230, 456


change in how made, 267

industry changes, 398–399

Steel Bowl Trophy, 173

Steel Workers Organizing Committee (SWOC), 64, 66

Steinfeld, Jesse, 38, 73, 456

Stokes, George, 146

Stokes, Larry, 156, 221, 456


1937, 66–68

1946, 121

1949, 122

1952, 122

1956, 122

management concessions, 135

money consequences of, 124

Strini, Dave, 192, 225

Strong, Matthew, 148

Sturm, Pat, 182

suburbs, growth of, 134

Suder, George “Juke,” 82–85, 132, 144, 201, 202, 218, 456

Suder, Georgie, 194–195, 197, 456

Suder, Pete “Pecky,” 72, 81, 456

Sullivan, Alfred, 82

Surratt, Edward, 196, 247–248, 355, 456

Swanson, Terry, 429, 431

Taft-Hartly, 121, 140

Taylor, Acey, 393, 394

Theil, Caroline, 153

Thomas, Townsell “T-baby,” 29

Thorpe, Jim, 20, 369

Timko, Joe, 68–69

Trbovich, George, 110

Turner, Jyier, 423

Uncommon Grounds, 426–427


1937 strike, 66–68

Ambridge as haven, 57

company opposition to, 60

“company-directed,” 54

defense of everyone, 269

fundamental right to organize, 39–40, 64

open shops and, 35

protection of members, 54

talk of, 31, 34

top leaders as beaten, 42

Unitas, Johnny, 192

U.S. Air Flight 427 crash, 323–324

U.S. Gypsum plant, 328, 411

U.S. Steel, 60, 157

Valley Terrace, 245, 298, 321, 334

Veney, Eric, 372–373

Vietnam War, 204, 205

Vincich, Ron, 212

Volpe, Angelo, 61, 62, 65

Vuich, Ninnie, 85

Wagner, Honus, 201

Wagner Act, 63, 65, 66, 140, 290

Walker, Chedda, 326–327, 386, 403–404, 456

Walker, Chuckie, 207, 209, 272, 326, 386, 403–404

as electrician, 327–328

at J&L, 329

jobs, 328–329

overview, 456

staying in Aliquippa and, 327

at U.S. Gypsum plant, 328

Walker, Diedre, 386, 389–390, 456

Walker, Donald, 183, 272, 296, 335, 456

Walker, Dwan, 182–183, 207, 272, 308, 335

at 2015 state championship game, 440

as Aliquippa mayor, 394

Betters and, 419–420

death of sister, 386, 390

hope, 421

mayoral win, 419–420

on McDaniel, 427

overview, 456

Royal Dutch Shell plan, 420–421

run for mayor, 405

Salt Smith and, 404–405

victory party, 420

Walker, Willie, 372, 373, 374, 379

Wallace, Nick, 84

Wallace, Tiquai, 385, 421–422, 423, 456

Walton, Joe, 110

Warfield, Mike, 91, 183–184, 305, 318–319, 320

Ali Dorsett and, 365

cleared of murder, 358

overview, 457

Warner, Glenn “Pop,” 20

Washington County, 27–28

Weekley, Monroe “Mo-Mo,” 347–348, 406, 457

West, Charlie “Pruner,” 27–28

Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League (WPIAL), 19–20, 44. See also WPIAL title game

Westminster, 406, 407

Wilkens, Albert, 29

Wilkens, Norman, 29

Wilkinsburg, 341

Williams, Chico, 316

Williams, Emanuel, 182

Wilson, Byron, 376, 377, 379, 380, 457

Woodlawn, 12, 34. See also Aliquippa

Woodlawn High, 20–21. See also Aliquippa High

World War II

D-Day, 85, 86

high school boys at work, 79

World War II (continued)

as war of production, 80

women in jobs, 78

WPIAL title game

1942 season, 77

1952 season, 110–111

1955 season, 117–118

1988 season, 304

2013 season, 429

2014 season, 433–434

2015 season, 435–436

early 1980s, 280, 283

Haley, Kevin, 283

Wytiaz, Dave, 244, 333–334, 371, 372, 406, 435, 457

Yannessa, Don, 111, 129, 131, 137, 141, 149, 162

1972 as head coach, 234–236

1977 season, 246–247

1978 season, 250–253

1984 season, 283–285

1985 season, 293

as all-time winningest coach, 308

Aschman and, 103

Baldwin High and, 308

coaching job search, 191

departure, 308

in Detroit, 191–192

Ditka and, 127

as “Don Juan,” 243

Evasovich and, 280

family work at J&L, 138

football media coverage, 306–307

ground for unification, 242

ineligible athletes, 243

Lay and, 241–242

Marocco and, 192

not winning big one, 283

overview, 457

parachutists drop, 285

Paterno and, 282–283

rides for Aschman, 212

Sean Gilbert and, 293

teaching/coaching at Ambridge, 226

winning the big one, 285

WPIAL title game loses, 283

WPIAL title games, 280

Yannessa, Gene, 154–155, 164

Yeats, William Butler, 32

“yellow iron,” 413

“yellow-dog” contracts, 35

Zahorsky, Michael, 16, 36

Zelenak, Martin, 12

Zernich, Mickey, 100, 171–172, 197, 231, 323, 457

Zernich, Steve, 74

Zinkham, William, 209–210

Zmijanac, Mike, 91–92, 96, 108, 130, 183–184

1997 season, 340

2003 season, 368–369

2011 season, 429

2012 season, 429

2013 season, 429

2015 state championship game, 439–444

Aliquippa in blood, 142

assistant junior high football coach, 259

background, 142–143, 195–196

basketball brawl, 260

as basketball coach, 259

as basketball player, 197

bluntness, 338

coaching abilities, 340

critics, 431

as defensive coordinator, 258, 260, 284

graduation, 141

hiring as head coach, 333

as not a football guy, 258

overview, 457

Pipkin and, 144, 145–146

player losses to the street, 372

racial tension and, 145–146, 208

recruiting letters and, 434

replacing Marocco, 332

role models, 143

as sandlot shooter, 144

as shyer, 145–146

standoffishness, 430

state championship loss, 443–444

state title games, 349

waiting for break, 339

Yannessa and, 281

zeal, 142