No. 293.

WHISKERED Furies! boy-stuft blouses,
Fanning fires on peaceful houses!
What are all these oaths and yells
Rais’d from thirty million hells?
Swagger, scream, and pest away;
Courage now, anon dismay.
Never since the world began
Yours, O France, was one great man.
Him ye boast ye boast in vain,
Germany’s was Charlemagne,
Roland, Corday, and the Maid
At whose spear were those afraid
That had broken every sword
Drawn for your degenerate lord..
These were more than men, and more
Than your petty envy bore.
Louis-Philip! rear your walls
Round those madmen and their brawls;
Well you know the fiery rout
And what rain can put it out.