How can I but weep when I think of the day
When your voice was so faltering, your step was so slow,
When you clung to my hand, and tears only could say
(Rolling down it) how soon and how far you must go.
Ah why all this sorrow, for sorrow it was,
And another had then never taught you to feign?
Before the year passes shall memory pass
And only one heart true and constant remain?
I was happy; so happy no other could make me;
I was proud; and the pride of my soul was in you;
But now you withdraw what you gave, and forsake me;
May my love, tho’ it weeps and yet lingers, go too!
Bettina! smile on! bright as ever the smile,
But where is its candor? it vanishes now;
The moment a beauty allures to beguile
That crown of all loveliness falls from the brow.