Chapter Ten
Jenna kicked off her shoes and lay down on her bed, not even wanting to take off the dress. She was exhausted. Mentally and physically. She’d met a handful of different people at the palace, each of them important in some way or another, but she could hardly keep any of it straight. She’d enjoyed meeting Oliver the most because it was more relaxed and in a quiet room with Stefan there to assist if she messed up. And Oliver had seemed genuinely interested in her research and the science behind what she did.
The other staff members all seemed busy doing whatever it was they did to keep the royal household running smoothly. And while they were all polite and kind to her, none of it felt like an introduction of friends. More of acquaintances and influential people.
She was relieved she hadn’t met the king and queen yet. That sounded more intimidating than anything else. Stefan assured her they would be impressed with her, but she doubted it. At least she wouldn’t have to worry about it for nearly a week. They were so busy with appointments and meetings that they couldn’t take time to hear her talk about the research just yet.
She hated to admit it, but she never wanted to explain her work to another person. She wished she could have just gone back to the lab and gotten to work on her studies. At least she could spend the whole day there tomorrow. She’d met with Nanna Grace every night after work this past week, going over dining rules and table manners, how to behave when you met someone, or the best way to sit while in a dress. How to walk where it looked like you were in total control, but not in a way that looked intimidating.
There were way too many things that one could mess up on if one wasn’t careful and she didn’t want to be the one that did the messing up.
A buzz from her phone alerted her to a text and she wondered briefly if it was from Stefan. She’d hardly had a chance to just talk with him and she’d missed their interactions.
Yet the text was from home instead and Jenna smiled at her roommate’s words.
How you doing? You getting used to all the Durham food? You talking with an accent yet?
Hey, Kelly. Food’s okay. Don’t talk like them yet. Just met some of the palace staff.
Really? King and Queen?
Jenna sighed with relief. No, not yet. Next week probably. Did meet his brother a while ago. Alex. He’s nice.
Are they all nice, or is it snotty royalty pretending?
Everyone is really nice. No complaints.
Awesome. So when do I get to come out and see you? You have room in your flat for me?
Of course! Jenna responded eagerly. Just let me know what flight you’re on and I’ll make sure Andrew comes to get you. You take care of your flight, and souvenirs, and I’ll cover the rest.
Yes! Get your butt over here ASAP. I miss you.
I miss you too. Let me look at this and see what I can do to make it happen. I really want to come out. How long can I stay?
As long as you want, Jenna responded.
K, I’m gonna count up my vacation days. I might even be able to do some of the projects remotely over the internet. I’ll let you know soon. Love you. Have lots of fun. And get to bed, isn’t it late there?
Yup, was just laying down and kicked off my shoes. Let me know. See you soon.
Jenna felt lighter and happier than she had felt in days. With Kelly here, she’d be able to enjoy her free time more. And having someone to whine to about all the strangeness and differences here would help her as well. It was hard being the odd one out. As she prepared for bed, Jenna thought of all the places she’d like to go see and tour with Kelly. Though she didn’t think she’d be able to get Stefan to take Kelly on a private tour of the palace like she’d had today, they could do the visitors tour like every other person who came to see it.
And then Jenna could try out some of the cute little restaurants and pubs that dotted the area instead of always ordering delivery or takeout at the end of the work day. She fell asleep feeling more relaxed than she expected after such an emotionally taxing day. And as she drifted to sleep at the last moment, Stefan’s handsome face floated through her thoughts making her smile.
The next morning, she woke knowing she’d dreamed of him, but she didn’t remember any details, just that she had spent time with him and enjoyed every minute of it. She had to push him out of her thoughts, otherwise working for him would be torture. He was a great guy, but being a prince made things just wrong for them. The people of Durham were all abuzz about Prince Alexander getting back with Isla and his American fiancée dumping him. There was no way she wanted to deal with that kind of trouble.
A few hours later, Jenna found herself at work waiting for one of the robots to finish up the chemical fill in the hundred count well plates when she felt the vibration of a text.
“Yay, that’s got to be Kelly.” But instead, of Kelly’s number, Jenna saw Stefan’s name and the little photo she’d put of a cartoon crown.
Are you free tonight?
Define free. Jenna responded.
Jenna debated on asking him to define that, but thought it might go more in the range of flirting and she didn’t want to cross the line.
Currently I have no plans after the lab is closed.
Excellent. Nanna Grace wants us to get together and practice a few of the dances we can expect at the ball.
An irrational desire to tell him no warred with her delight in the thought of dancing with him. He was too handsome to be good for her, and dancing with him would be such sweet torture. She could allow herself just a few things like this.
Okay, when and where?
I’ll send Andrew to get you.
Do I need to bring anything?
Nope, Stefan replied. Just yourself.
And a whole bunch of guts to get brave enough to do this, Jenna thought. She still couldn’t believe this was her life.
When the well plate was ready for the next step in the process, Jenna’s phone vibrated again. She pulled out her phone and smiled at the message from Kelly. She’d be coming next week and staying until just before Christmas. Nice to have a job that she could do online.
It was a good thing too, because Jenna needed someone to talk to about her feelings for Stefan. Especially when the thought of dancing with him had her feeling like she was back in high school and asked to the prom by the most popular guy in class. Not that it had really happened for her, but this is what she thought it would have felt like.
No, this was even better.
Stefan checked the sound system and turned to Nanna Grace. “Did she say she knows any of the dance steps?”
“None of them. But she’s a quick study. I’m sure she’ll do fine.”
Stefan nodded. He didn’t know why he was nervous. He’d danced in this room hundreds of times before as he’d learned the steps to the different dances. It shouldn’t be something he worried about, but being as close as he would need to be to Jenna while teaching her the moves would be a test of his strength.
The door opened and Jenna stepped inside, her dark hair back in her usual messy bun, but it looked adorable on her. She wore jeans and tennis shoes with a form fitting T-shirt sporting some kind of scientific equation on it and he wondered what it meant. At least she’d ditched the lab coat. Though if she’d been wearing it, it would have helped him keep his mind off her lovely shape.
“What does your shirt mean?” Stefan asked after he realized he’d been staring at her body.
Jenna smiled brightly. “It’s the chemical formula for chocolate.”
Stefan laughed. “It fits you.”
“You know me and chocolate.” She glanced at Nanna Grace who had risen from her chair. Jenna moved over to the other woman and gave her a hug making Stefan wish he could have been as lucky. He pushed that errant thought out of his mind and walked toward the women.
“Just to warn you,” Jenna said. “I hope you have sturdy shoes, cause I can’t promise I won’t step on your feet.”
Stefan tapped one foot on top of the other. “Steel toed.”
“Really?” Jenna asked looking at them.
“No,” Stefan chuckled. “But they’re good shoes. I’m not worried. Besides, you’re so petite, I doubt you could do much damage anyway.”
“Oh, you never know. I’ll try to be careful though.”
Nanna Grace took over the beginning of the lesson, showing Jenna the proper movement of her feet. She counted out the beat and had her follow along, first, side by side, then with Jenna standing behind Nanna Grace, then with Nanna Grace behind her. Once she felt Jenna had the movements down enough to try with a partner, she motioned for Stefan to join Jenna.
“Instead of looking down at your feet,” Nanna Grace said, “look up into his eyes. You’ll be able to see his movements in his body language. And if you can’t, then it means he’s no good as a leader.”
Jenna giggled, but it sounded a little forced. “Good thing you’re not the crown prince then, huh.”
“Good thing,” Stefan agreed. He didn’t want any of Alex’s troubles.
“Now follow the steps like we practiced as I count and let Stefan move you where you’ll go.”
Nanna Grace then began counting a slow beat as Jenna moved her feet in the pattern she’d just been taught. Her body was stiff and tense at first, but the more they moved, the more she relaxed. Soon, Nanna Grace increased the speed of the counting and Stefan pulled her closer. She gave herself over to him and he led her across the floor in smooth movements.
“I’m going to turn the music on, so watch Stefan for the beat.” Nanna Grace’s voice barely registered with him since he was so lost in thoughts about Jenna.
He only had to adjust their footing through one measure and they were soon flowing through the dance seamlessly as if she’d been dancing her whole life. Of course, it was only a simple waltz but she was phenomenal.
When the song ended, he reluctantly stopped dancing and kept hold of her, studying her face. “Is there anything you can’t do?”
Her face flushed beautifully as she breathed deeply from the exercise. To save himself from embarrassment, he let go of her and stepped back. Otherwise he might pull her close and kiss her. He turned the movement into a bow like he would do with any woman he’d danced with and she hesitated only a moment before trying a passable curtsy.
“I’m not sure if I’d be able to do this in a dress with heels,” Jenna admitted.
“We’ll practice that as well,” Nanna Grace said, reminding Stefan that they weren’t alone. “First we’ll want to make sure you are comfortable with the different kinds of dances and the steps involved in each one. Then we’ll get you dressed up in the type of shoes and length of skirt you’ll be wearing.
“Good,” Jenna said. She turned and looked at Stefan and gave him a heart stopping smile. “Guess you would make a good leader after all. You’re perfect on the dance floor.”
“Most of the credit goes to you, my dear. You once again have me impressed by your skills.” When he saw a spark of something in her eyes, he knew he had to tread carefully. In order to prevent himself from making a mistake with her emotions, or his for that matter, he knew it was time for him to leave. “Please excuse me for the rest of the night. I have an appointment to go to. I’m sure Nanna Grace can go over another one of the dances to get those steps in place. We can practice again together another time.”
Before Nanna Grace could question him on what day, he slipped out of the room and hurried down the hall. Maybe a pounding horse ride would help him clear his head. Too bad he’d have to go all the way out to their country estate. Maybe he could go find Henry and see if he had any kind of video game they could play to help him put Jenna out of his thoughts.
Or fencing. He really wanted to hit something and Henry would be a good target. Especially since he was so wiry and good at fencing. It would be a challenge.
Something he really needed.
Jenna couldn’t believe he was gone. As they’d danced, she’d begun to let herself think there might actually be something developing between them. He was so kind and gentle, yet so incredibly alpha male that she was ready to throw herself at his feet. Or wrap herself around him and kiss him right there on the dance floor. And her face must have shown her interest because one moment he was looking at her with kindness, the next he was running from her.
He definitely didn’t want anything to do with her and she couldn’t blame him. She’d felt all the little mistakes she’d made as they danced, yet he had moved her across the floor like it was nothing. He was just that good.
No, she needed to remember that this was all to further her research. Or Dr. Holland’s research. She would learn the things she needed to in order to impress the rich people of his world and get them to agree to back their laboratory for as long as possible then she’d devote all her time in getting the lab running smoothly.
The scientists they’d hired were very competent and she knew they would soon get to the point where they no longer needed her to oversee them. By that time, she could either branch out into her own research here, or go back home to the States and continue working with Dr. Holland.
She did her best to shake off her disappointment at Stefan’s abrupt departure and listened to Nanna Grace as she went over the steps of another common dance she’d be likely to encounter. Thankfully the pattern was different enough she didn’t think she’d confuse the two of them, but after being assured that the partners she danced with would be able to lead her through the steps just like Stefan had done, she relaxed a little.
Though she doubted any man she danced with would ever compare to Stefan.
When she finally got home, she spent nearly an hour texting back and forth with Kelly as they planned what they would do when she arrived. Jenna told her about the dance class, leaving out everything about starting to fall for the prince.
That part she needed to keep to herself. And if Stefan would just stay away from her until the night of the ball she could probably do just fine.