Chapter Eleven
Jenna stood to the side of Andrew as they waited for Kelly’s flight to arrive. She had a paper sign with the words, In search of Single Female to be roommate, scrawled in red lipstick.
She was so excited for Kelly and kept checking her phone, hoping to get the text Kelly promised to send the moment the plane touched down. She’d taken the day off from the laboratory, hoping none of the staff would question her reasons, and was planning on doing everything they could before Kelly crashed from jet-lag.
She already had the best fish and chips place picked out, then they would go visit one of the old castles that had been turned into a museum showcasing tons of the history of the Durham royalty through the ages. She hadn’t had a chance to do it on her own yet, but she was looking forward to it today.
And having her own personal driver was awesome. When Stefan had asked again if she wanted her own car, she’d declined, knowing she would rarely use it, but more because she didn’t really want to worry about finding a parking spot. Having someone to drop her off and pick her up was the best thing ever.
It would be really weird to get back to normal when she returned to the state of Washington.
Her phone buzzed letting her know Kelly had arrived and before long, the two roommates were reunited with a bunch of laughs and even a few tears.
“You weren’t kidding when you said you had a driver,” Kelly said when Jenna introduced her to Andrew. The man smiled and offered to take the rolling suitcases.
“Thank you,” Kelly said. She then turned to Jenna and gave her another hug. “I’m so happy to see you.”
“Me too,” Jenna said. “I hope you slept on the plane, because I have a full day planned for us.”
“I’m ready,” Kelly said. “Lead the way.”
It didn’t take long for Jenna to relax and feel human again. Kelly was her other half and she hadn’t realized how much she would miss her when she took the job in Durham. But now that they were together again, doing the things they had always done, talking, shopping, and laughing, it was like Jenna felt like she could be herself again. Being the boss at the lab had been a little stressful, especially since she had to report to a prince, but after time with Kelly and returning to her roots, Jenna was sure she could survive the next few months. At least until the lab was to the point she could hand it over to them and return home.
When she’d first come, the idea of staying in Durham held major appeal, but if she had to keep seeing Stefan in a professional position only with no chance of anything else, she didn’t want to put herself through that. And the thought of putting herself out there and letting him know she had feelings for him, only to be rejected by royalty was more than she could bear.
After they’d eaten the fish and chips Durham was famous for, and Kelly had declared her approval, they headed to the castle museum. Andrew dropped them off and Jenna passed the entry ticket to Kelly.
“I’ve not been in here yet, but we’ve got like four hours till it closes so let’s see what we can see. I want to see all the historical things they’ve got on display. There’s supposed to be old armor and weapons the knights used, and then the old dresses and some of the jewelry. We’ll have to get a tour of the palace later. That’s where they’ve got the crown jewels.”
The two of them worked their way through the crowds, happy to be tourists and blend in. Jenna led the way and Kelly made her stop every now and again to get a double selfie in some of the better locations.
By the time the tour was over and Jenna messaged Andrew to pick them up, she was ready for a movie night on the couch with a huge bowl of buttered popcorn.
“Sounds wonderful,” Kelly said when Jenna suggested it. “Do you have any ice cream too?”
“Yes, and I found this new kind I’m in love with. I don’t think they have it in the states but I’m gonna have to look for it when I go home. So much smoother and creamier than anything I’ve tried.”
“Sounds delish,” Kelly said as they climbed in the back of Andrew’s car. “And look at you, having a personal driver and everything. He’s kinda cute,” Kelly whispered.
“He’s married,” Jenna whispered back.
“Bummer,” Kelly said. “I came here to find some handsome fella to enjoy my vacation with while you were busy at work. Anyone else you know you could introduce me to?”
“I haven’t really looked,” Jenna said.
“Mmm, right. You’ve probably had your eyes on Stefan the whole time.”
Jenna sighed. “If only. I don’t think anything will ever come from that. He’s completely out of my reach, and not interested at all, but it was kinda fun to dream about it at first.”
“Well, at least you can say you know one of the princes of Durham. I mean, you even have his number, right?”
Jenna shrugged.
“So, not many girls have that. And if he’s too stuck on himself to give you the attention you deserve, then he’s a fool and you don’t need him.”
But Jenna sure wanted him. And the idea that she wanted to have a prince of her very own made her feel incredibly childish. Yet in his presence she couldn’t help falling a little more in love with him every time.
“That’s what the ice cream is for,” Jenna said.
After his meetings were finished, Stefan stopped in at the laboratory to see Jenna. He wanted to personally deliver some good news about Oliver’s interest in setting some of his business funding toward the laboratory, but when he got there, he was told she’d taken the day off.
He was surprised that the hardest working employee he’d ever met wasn’t there. He hadn’t known her to take time off before, but he knew she deserved it.
He debated on sending a text, but wanted to give her the news in person. She’d impressed Oliver on her own and needed to know her efforts had paid off. Stefan messaged Andrew to find out if he had driven her anywhere and he’d informed Stefan she’d returned home after a day out. Stefan entered the parking garage and asked Cavel to take him to Jenna’s flat.
He ignored the look his guard gave him and pictured the joy that would cross Jenna’s face when she learned they were on their way to making the research laboratory stronger. And they could attract some of the brightest minds to tackle the problem in front of them.
His interest in seeing her was purely for the lab.
All for the lab. He repeated.
When Cavel pulled up in front of the building where Jenna’s apartment was, Stefan pulled out one of the random hats they always had in their vehicles to help disguise them a little. He didn’t need some random person taking photos of him and starting speculation.
He entered the building with the guest pass code he had since he’d set up her flat and climbed the stairs to her floor. A quick knock on the door was answered only a few moments later as if she was expecting someone. He pushed that thought away the moment he met the eyes of the woman at the door.
“I’m sorry, I might have the wrong flat.” The scent of fresh popped popcorn wafted out the door, but he could see inside enough to be sure it was the right apartment.
“Who are you looking for?” The girl had an American accent and Stefan wondered if she was a friend or family member.
“Miss Owens.”
“Jenna, someone’s here to see you.” She turned back to face him and motioned for him to come inside. He hesitated a moment, not sure if he should enter until Jenna invited him in herself.
“Who is it, Kelly?” Jenna asked as if she was surprised to have a visitor. She poked her head out of the other room in order to see the doorway and the look of shock on her face worried him. She didn’t look happy to see him. Coming was a mistake.
“Stefan, come on in.”
Stefan shook his head and remained at the door. “I didn’t know you had company. I don’t want to interrupt, I just stopped by to tell you some good news. Oliver has agreed to fund some of the research. About five percent. So only ninety-five to go.”
Jenna smiled, making him wish the smile could be for him and him alone. “That is great news. Do you think we can get all of it?”
“With the way you show how much you love your work and tell about the process in a way that makes sense to people, I’m sure by the end of the ball, you’ll have most everyone there committed to your program.”
“I hope so. I think we’re so close.”
Stefan nodded then caught sight of Kelly who still stood nearby watching them. He cleared his throat. “I do apologize for interrupting you. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be on my way.”
“Wait,” Kelly said. “We were just getting ready for a movie night. You’re welcome to join us.”
“I appreciate the offer, but I think it would be best if I go.” He tipped his hat. “Don’t want any speculation.”
Jenna’s face fell and Stefan knew he’d hurt her feelings, but didn’t know what to say to make it better. He really couldn’t afford any kind of scandal. And not just because of what Alex and his family had gone through lately.
Finding a cure for cancer shouldn’t get mixed up in the eyes of the media. Knowing those vultures, they’d take any interest he had in Jenna and twist it. He would not let a relationship with the scientist ruin their chances of getting the funding they needed.