I’d like to know just how they grow
And why we see them everywhere!
Milk bars!
Is it the dairies or the fairies
Who decide to put them there?
‘Let’s Have a Tiddley at the Milk Bar’ by Noel Gay, 1936
There have been, for once in a way, no serious mishaps this term, praise be. Little Joy Mowbray (such blue eyes) accidentally set fire to the Chapel last week, but apologised so prettily that I hadn’t the heart to scold. I do feel the battle is won when they are genuinely sorry, don’t you?
‘Just an Ordinary Term’ by Arthur Marshall, 1949, collected in Girls Will Be Girls, 1974
Brighton Dairy Festival: Exhibitions! Shows! Competitions! Real cows will live on the lawns of the Royal Pavilion and be milked daily in public …
The 50-vehicle cavalcade stretched for nearly a mile, extolling the virtues of milk …
Several hundred people, told by Lord Rupert Nevill: ‘We should and must drink more milk’, took him at his word and rushed for free samples at the mobile milk bar …
Lactic Lovely: the winner of the Brighton Dairy Princess, a 19-year-old Eastbourne ledger clerk, drinks half-a-pint a day!
Brighton Evening Argus, June and July 1957