Milk bars!

I’d like to know just how they grow

And why we see them everywhere!

Milk bars!

Is it the dairies or the fairies

Who decide to put them there?

‘Let’s Have a Tiddley at the Milk Bar’ by Noel Gay, 1936

There have been, for once in a way, no serious mishaps this term, praise be. Little Joy Mowbray (such blue eyes) accidentally set fire to the Chapel last week, but apologised so prettily that I hadn’t the heart to scold. I do feel the battle is won when they are genuinely sorry, don’t you?

‘Just an Ordinary Term’ by Arthur Marshall, 1949, collected in Girls Will Be Girls, 1974

Brighton Dairy Festival: Exhibitions! Shows! Competitions! Real cows will live on the lawns of the Royal Pavilion and be milked daily in public …

The 50-vehicle cavalcade stretched for nearly a mile, extolling the virtues of milk …

Several hundred people, told by Lord Rupert Nevill: ‘We should and must drink more milk’, took him at his word and rushed for free samples at the mobile milk bar …

Lactic Lovely: the winner of the Brighton Dairy Princess, a 19-year-old Eastbourne ledger clerk, drinks half-a-pint a day!

Brighton Evening Argus, June and July 1957