“The Dark Path”, “Lady Arkwell’s Deceit” and “A Night, Remembered” are original to this volume.

“The Hambleton Affair” first appeared in the limited-edition hardback of The Affinity Bridge, published by Snowbooks in 2008.

“The Shattered Teacup” first appeared in a limited edition chapbook for Christmas 2008, given away by the author as a Christmas card.

“What Lies Beneath” first appeared in the limited edition hardback of The Osiris Ritual, published by Snowbooks in 2009.

“The Case of the Night Crawler” first appeared as a limited edition chapbook for Teslacon II, published by Percepto Press.

“The Sacrificial Pawn” first appeared in Team Up, published by Obverse Books in 2011.

“Christmas Spirits” first appeared in the hardback edition of The Immorality Engine, published by Snowbooks in 2011.

“Strangers from the Sea” first appeared in the charity anthology Storyteller, published by Obverse Books in 2013.

“The Only Gift Worth Giving”, “A Rum Affair” and “Old Friends” first appeared in The Newbury & Hobbes Annual 2013, published by Obverse Books in 2012.

“The Maharajah’s Star” first appeared in the charity ebook anthology, Voices From the Past, edited by Scott Harrison and Lee Harris, published by H&H Books, 2011.

“The Albino’s Shadow” first appeared in the anthology Zenith Lives! edited by Stuart Douglas, published by Obverse Books in 2012.