Chapter Six
Though heartbroken this would be the only holiday for Sweetie Pie, Makenna had put up the decorations she’d purchased for Valentine’s Day. They gave the bakery a pink and frilly look out of character with its sun, sand and surf location, but she couldn’t help liking them. The irony, of course, was not lost on her—the holiday celebrating love coming on the heels of losing Tom. She missed his smile and banter first thing in the morning. And she hadn’t been near a surfboard in more than a week. Work sustained her, but she knew the clock was ticking down on Sweetie Pie, and the thought of moving to a new location weighed on her. She hadn’t found a suitable place yet. When she wasn’t at Sweetie Pie, she was out scouting realtors, and she’d recruited Auntie Leila to the cause, which meant cousins she hadn’t even met yet were talking to everyone they knew. Something would come up…eventually.
Who knew when she’d be notified to vacate, but she expected a letter any day now from Tom’s leasing company—not from him. She’d warned him to stay away from her, but it still hurt that he had.
Disgusted with her maudlin mood, she ripped open a box of candy hearts and scattered them on top of the bakery counter. The printed sayings mocked her. Kiss me. Be mine. Luv 4ever. Even Sweetie Pie. Suddenly, it all hurt too much. Makenna rushed to the back before tears started falling.
She wiped her eyes, angry at herself, at Tom, at the situation she was in. No matter how much she wanted to, she couldn’t indulge in a fit of weeping. Kerry left for class an hour ago and Makenna had to wait on customers.
The front bell rang. Makenna checked her appearance in the restroom mirror and pushed through the door to the front, then nearly retreated to the kitchen. Tom stood just inside the door, taking in the decorations, looking a little shell-shocked. In a moment of spite, she hoped they added to his guilt.
Then he noticed her backing away. “Makenna, please, I need to talk to you.”
“We have nothing left to say.” Her voice broke, and she was glad there were no other witnesses to her humiliation.
Tom came to the counter, his gaze never leaving her face. She hoped her expression looked as fierce as it felt.
“I do. I’ve been miserable this week, missing you. I love you, Makenna. Don’t shake your head. I do.” He reached for her across the counter, then drew back his hand when she stepped out of range, picked up some of the candy hearts instead, and turned them around and around without reading them. “I can’t destroy the business you’ve put your heart into.”
His hand tightened into a fist and Makenna quailed. “What do ye mean?”
“I’ve turned down the offer on these buildings. Sweetie Pie doesn’t have to move. Your business is safe. Your dream. I need you to forgive me for putting you through the last week…I know how I hurt you.”
Makenna moved back to the counter, glaring at him. “I dinna think ye do. Why should I believe ye?”
“I know what happened in Scotland with Angus MacElin. Kerry told me some…”
“What? “Have ye two been talking behind my back?”
“…and I figured out the rest. I am sorry. I never meant to hurt you. And Kerry didn’t tell me much. Not nearly enough, as it turns out.”
Makenna’s shoulders slumped. “So ye ken. And now ye think I’m a fool to have fallen into the same trap. Well, ye are wrong. Not all women are gold-diggers.”
“No, Makenna, I never thought you were one. Well, maybe at the beginning I worried about it. But not once I got to know you. And it wasn’t your fault he deserted you.” He dropped the candy hearts. His gaze following them down to the counter, then returned to her face. “I don’t want to…I won’t…put you through that again.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “And I’m supposed to believe ye, just like that.”
“I’m not like him. We’re not all assholes.” Tom put both hands on the countertop and leaned in, apparently heedless of the candy hearts under his palms. “I’m going to preserve Sweetie Pie, just as it is. Or I’ll make any improvements you want. Just…please…can you forgive me?”
“Ye say that now, but what happens when the next offer comes along?”
He straightened. “Makenna, I’d give you the damned building if you could afford the upkeep and taxes, but I know you can’t…not yet. So I’m doing the best I can for you. I promise you, I mean every word.”
Did he mean it? Sweetie Pie was safe? He wasn’t going to destroy her dream? She wanted to believe him, but didn’t know if she dared. She’d heard promises before…traveled halfway around the world because they’d been broken. And here she found herself under another man’s thumb.
Tom watched Makenna intently, fascinated…and terrified…by the emotions flitting across her face. Fury and fear he could understand, but the one that really clawed at him was hope. The way she clutched at her chest told him that hurt most of all. And he’d done this to her. He cursed the day he’d ever mentioned Jim’s offer. But if the next few minutes went the way he hoped, he might also bless that day for forcing him to face his feelings. He’d made the tough decision to sell the house, even though he bought it after his first championship when the sponsorship money really started rolling in. Being able to help Makenna—Josie, too—was more important than his pride or his past.
“There’s more, Makenna. Please believe me, I mean every word I’m about to say.” The counter between them had to go. He took her hand and pulled her around it. She felt cold and unresisting, but at the moment, he preferred them to heated and spitting mad. She watched him, silent and wary.
“I made some calls, got another offer…” At her hiss of indrawn breath, he shook his head. “Not here. For a building up on the highway. Finding a buyer gave me the idea to adopt Jim’s big plans. I can build condos above the street-level businesses in these buildings, renovate everything, and make this area even more of a draw than it already is. Sweetie Pie will flourish.”
“But…construction noise, debris…will drive people away.”
“It will all be done to minimize the impact. I’ve studied Jim’s plans…”
“He showed you his plans? After you turned him down?”
“Yes, because he owns nearby buildings. We can partner to improve this end of Ali’i for blocks. It’s what he wanted originally, except now he won’t own all of it. And if it gets to be too much…hell, you and I will figure it out. Never mind all that. There’s one more thing.”
He felt like a fool, but he did it anyway. He sank to one knee and looked up at her, heart in his throat as she paled then blushed a brilliant pink.
“Marry me, Makenna. I love you, and I can’t live without you. I want to build us a waterfront honeymoon home above Sweetie Pie. I want you to be my wife,” he said, taking her hand, his throat constricted with longing and anxiety. “I need you to be part of my life.”
She stood frozen for three of the most painful heartbeats he’d ever experienced, then swallowed and squeezed his hand between hers.
“We can watch the sun set over the ocean every evening.”
His heart skipped a beat. “We can.”
“And if the construction gets to be too much bother, a food truck might solve the problem—temporarily, mind ye. I hear they’re getting popular.”
“See? That’s why I need you beside me. Together, we can handle anything. Always, Makenna.”
“I love ye, too, ye daft lad. This last week has been…”
He stood and wrapped her in his arms. “The worst. I know. For me, too. But from now on, we’ll be together.”
He didn’t know what it cost her when she finally said, “We will. I will. I do,” before she relaxed into his embrace. But if she could put the last week—and what happened in Scotland—behind her and trust him enough to promise herself to him, he would honor her trust every day of his life.
He met her halfway and kissed her soundly, sealing the promise of a future sweeter than he’d ever imagined.
Makenna bid good day to the last customer, locked the door behind her, and flipped the sign over to “Closed.” Turning, she pulled her apron over her head and smiled at Kerry. “I’m sorry to leave all the cleanup to you, but Tom said he’s made special arrangements for Valentine’s and I’m to come home the moment we lock the door.”
“Not a problem, Mrs. B. Have a very happy Valentine’s Day.”
Kerry’s secretive smile told Makenna she knew at least some of what Tom planned. Laughing, Makenna went out the back door and up the new stairs to the door of the condo. Living here was still new enough for her to appreciate her shortened commute to work, not to mention the luxury of the interior and the views. Special soundproofing kept out the street noise when the windows were closed, but in good weather, most of the year, Makenna flung them wide and enjoyed the trade winds cooling the island.
“Tom? I’m here. Where are ye?”
“There’s champagne on ice in the kitchen. I’ll be there in a minute.”
Makenna found not just premium champagne but special chocolates from a local cacao farm. Intrigued, she popped the bottle’s cork and poured just as Tom appeared with two overnight bags in hand.
“What are those for? Are ye going somewhere?” she asked, belly sinking with disappointment, as he dropped them and came to her.
After a thorough and bone melting kiss, he answered, “We’re taking a few days off. I’m taking you upcountry for a change of scenery.”
“And you packed for me?”
“I did. Everything you’ll need, which does not include much in the way of clothes.” He smirked.
She looked him up and down, a sensual smile lighting her face. “What if I like the scenery here?”
He picked up their glasses, handed her one and tipped them together in a toast. “To my beautiful bride of nearly a year.” After they took a sip, he added, “I love the scenery here, myself,” and traced a thumb down her throat to her collarbone. “I plan to enjoy more of it,” he warned as he took another sip, then set the glasses aside and undid the top button of her blouse, “in a very few minutes from now.”
“So ye plan to make us late…again?”
“Not at all. I plan to make us happy.”
Makenna leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I am happy, more than I ever dreamed I could be. Happy Valentine’s day, husband.”
Tom scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom.
“The champagne! The chocolate…”
“I’ll get them…eventually. First, I want to taste something else.”
In moments, they were naked and wrapped in each other’s arms. Tom’s touch never failed to send her soaring.
When they finished, Makenna snuggled against his side, her head on his shoulder.
“You’re making it hard to retrieve the champagne and chocolate,” he teased.
“I can wait a wee. I’m too busy being incredibly contented.”
“I like that.”
“I love ye, Tom. I canna believe how lucky I am. Sweetie Pie is a huge success. We have this lovely home. And ye were so generous to donate the proceeds from yer other house to Josie’s charity. Those bairns will be well taken care of for a long time to come.”
“I was happy to do it. I’ve gotten attached while teaching them to surf. They try so hard to do well. Just the way you did. They deserve a chance in life.”
“You were very generous to give me the same chance.”
“I gave you nothing. You’ve worked for every success. I’m so proud of you.”
“I’m proud to be your wife.” She pushed up and stretched out on top of him. “Now about that champagne and chocolate. And where are ye taking me?”
“To paradise,” he said, kissing her and lifting her until she’d joined with him.
“We’re already there.”
A word about the author…
Willa Blair is the award-wining author of Amazon and Barnes & Noble bestselling Scottish historical paranormal romance and a contributor to USA Today’s Happy Ever After romance blog.
Her popular Highland Talents series, set in a pivotal point in Scottish history, is filled with men in kilts, psi talents, and plenty of spice. Available in ebook, print, and audiobook formats, these books will soon be joined by more novels of historical and contemporary adventure and romance.