First spiral-bound edition 2004
Published by Hearst Books
A Division of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.
387 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016

Good Housekeeping is a trademark owned by Hearst Magazines Property, Inc., in USA, and Hearst Communications, Inc., in Canada. Hearst Books is a trademark owned by Hearst Communications, Inc.


The Good Housekeeping Cookbook Seal guarantees that the recipes in this cookbook meet the strict standards of the Good Housekeeping Institute. Every recipe has been triple-tested for ease, reliability, and great taste.

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by Sterling Publishing
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Printed in China

ISBN 1-58816-432-2

100 Best One-Dish Meals

Copyright © 2003 by
Hearst Communications, Inc.

All rights reserved. The recipes and photographs in this volume are intended for the personal use of the reader and may be reproduced for that purpose only. Any other use, especially commercial use, is forbidden under law without the written permission of the copyright holder.

Ellen Levine   Editor in Chief
Susan Westmoreland   Food Director
Susan Deborah
   Food Director
Delia Hammock   Nutrition Director
Sharon Franke

   Food Appliances
Richard Eisenberg

   Special Projects
Marilu Lopez   Art Director

Supplemental text by Anne Wright

Book design by Richard Oriolo

Library of Congress
Cataloging-in-Publication Data

   Good Housekeeping : 100 best one dish recipes.
      p. cm.
   ISBN 1-58816-217-6
      1. Entreés (Cookery) 2. Casserole cookery.
      I. Good Housekeeping Institute (New York, N.Y.)
   TX740.G55 2003
   641.8'2--dc21       2003001536

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