
Chapter Eight

Herbal & Crystal Magick for Abundance, Good
Luck & Prosperity

All prosperity begins in the mind and is dependent only on the full use of our creative imagination.

ruth ross

Working with items from nature is a commonsense approach to magick. In both herbal and crystal magick, the plant or stone is a natural item that is valued for its magickal properties and the type of vibration it produces. Stones and herbs have many various types of energies, and for this chapter we will focus on those aligned with good luck, prosperity, success, and abundance. If you wish to reconnect to your earth religion, these two types of practical magick will show you the way.

Herb and crystal magick is very practical. It is also personal. Each individual will develop his or her own way of connecting to and working with herbs and crystals. This individual style and relationship that you develop will only help to strengthen your PME and therefore the successful results of your spellwork. By incorporating these suggested magickal herbs and stones—many of which I am betting you already have on hand—you can also save some money. Apply the information from this chapter and get creative! Use this magickal knowledge as a springboard for conjuring up even more kinds of practical spells for prosperity and abundance.

A Witchs Dozen of Herbs
for Prosperity Magick

…the soul of the real garden lies in the perfect prosperity of the plants of which it is the home.

george sitwell

These featured thirteen herbs are classic components used in prosperity magick. Most of these are easy to locate at a garden center, in the garden, or growing in your yard. Save some money and use earthy supplies when possible. Look at what you have on hand in the kitchen or growing in the garden. I bet you have more herbal magick supplies than you realize!

For example, try sprinkling a little dried chamomile onto your applications and paperwork at work for success. Carry a piece of fragrant cedar wood to attract money, or dust a tiny pinch of ground cinnamon around your office, place of business, or home to attract good luck—simple, discreet, practical, and very, very effective.

You will find a few charm verses in this section, as well as an herbal circle casting for any prosperity ritual. You can easily add the circle casting to any of the spells in this book or ones of your own creation. For even more information on herb magick (and plenty of herbal spells), refer to my books Garden Witchery, Garden Witch’s Herbal, Book of Witchery, and Herb Magic for Beginners.

Bay (Lauris nobilis): Also called sweet bay, it is an ancient herb of victory and success. Bay leaf crowns were given to the victors at Greek and Roman sporting events. This solar herb is sacred to the god Apollo. Bay can also remove negativity from your spellwork, so this would be a clever addition to any herbal magick worked during a waning moon.

Using a gold pen, write your wish for success on a bay leaf and then burn the leaf in a candle’s flame to make your wish become a reality.

Repeat this charm while you (carefully) burn the leaf:

Bay leaf, bay leaf, please now grant me my desire for success

As the leaf is consumed by the flame, my magick manifests.

The planetary association for bay is the sun; its elemental correspondence is fire.

Cinquefoil (Potentilla anserina): Also called “five finger grass,” this pretty perennial herb comes in many varieties for the home garden. Add cinquefoil to prosperity spells to encourage abundance and good health. This herb encourages you to grab that brass ring and follow your dreams! When it is added to sachet and herbal charm bags, it attracts wealth and prosperity. The planetary association is Jupiter, and the elemental correspondence is earth.

Clover (White) (Trifolium repens): This “herb” is often found growing wild in the suburban lawn. The typical three-leaf clover is sacred to the Triple Goddess and also to the Celtic goddess Brigid. A four-leaf clover encourages good fortune and money magick. According to the language of flowers, the white clover signifies good luck and hard work. Add a four-leaf clover to your shoe and good luck and prosperity are thought to walk with you. The clever clover also ensures the blessing of the faeries on your prosperity magick. The planetary association for the white clover is Mercury, and the elemental correspondence is air.

Dandelion: The homey dandelion flower and its foliage are worked into spells and herbal charms for success, creativity, and to grant wishes. The dandelion is associated with the summer solstice and faery magick. As every child knows, pluck a dandelion head when it has gone to seed, make your wish, and blow. To kick that magick up a few notches, call upon the sylphs, the elemental creatures of the air, and they will carry your wishes for prosperity off and out on the summer breeze. Doing this simple magick on the night of a full moon will increase its magickal effect. The planetary association for the dandelion is the sun, and the elemental correspondence is air.

High John the Conqueror Root (Impomea jalapa): This plant is related to the morning glory and the sweet potato. When in bloom, the plant resembles a red morning glory. It is the root, however, that is wildly popular in American folk magick. This root is carried for success, wealth, and victory. The root needs to be whole to be effective; chips and pieces of High John the Conqueror are best suited to be blended into oils or potions. The whole root works especially well in men’s magick and is a potent herbal charm to carry with you on job interviews, no matter what your gender. A gambler’s herb, it is typically added to charm bags and carried as a prosperity talisman. Try wrapping a dollar bill around the root and securing it with a green ribbon. The planetary associations are the sun and Mars, and the elemental correspondence is fire.

Hollyhock (Althea rosa): These old-fashioned cottage-style biennials attract prosperity and faery magick. Hollyhocks come in an array of colors with both single- and double-flowering varieties. Yellow, pink, red, white, and almost black colors are available. In the language of flowers, the hollyhock symbolizes richness, fertility, and ambition. If you plant hollyhocks in your garden, the faeries will bless all who dwell in the home with luck and success. Carry the seedpods in your pocket or add them to prosperity-themed charm bags. The planetary association for the hollyhock is Venus, and the elemental correspondence is water.

Honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.): This is classified as a semi-evergreen shrub. According to herbal folklore, to have a honeysuckle growing near your home is to invite good luck and prosperity into your life. One of the easiest to obtain and yet more powerful prosperity herbs, the tenacious honeysuckle should be used generously in your magick. Tuck a few honeysuckle blossoms into your pocket or wallet to attract money, for as surely as bees are attracted to the honeysuckle’s heady scent, money and opportunities will be drawn to you. (You can wear honeysuckle-scented perfume for the same purpose.) The honeysuckle plant is so linked into prosperity and magick that I had it included in the illustration for the Ace of Pentacles in the Witches Tarot. The planetary association for the honeysuckle is Jupiter, and the elemental correspondence is earth.

Mint (Mentha spp.): A fragrant, fast-spreading perennial herb. Mint is sacred to both Hades/Pluto and Hecate. Growing mint in the garden is a sure-fire way to attract prosperity to your home. Keep in mind that mint is an aggressive herb and spreads quickly. It can take over a garden if you are not careful, so I suggest that you keep mint corralled by planting it in containers. Mint brings sparkle and harmony to prosperity spellwork. A fresh leaf or two can be tucked into your pocket or purse to attract cash. Mint can also bring a breath of fresh air to financial projects and goals. The planetary associations are Pluto, Venus, and Mercury, and the elemental correspondence is air.

Money Plant (Lunaria): Also called honesty and the silver dollar plant, this pretty plant attracts wealth. The seed pods resemble silvery coins and are incorporated into charm bags. Here is an herbal spell to work with Lunaria. Add a seed pod to the bottom of a clear candleholder, then burn an enchanted and empowered green votive candle on top of it to help draw money. For best results, work this herb magick during a full moon. Here is a spell to go with it:

Lunaria, silver dollar plant, draw money now to me

Under a full moon so bright, please bless me with prosperity!

Allow the votive candle to burn in a safe place until it goes out on its own. Tucking the little round seed pods into charm bags or your pocket or wallet will have the same money-drawing effect. The planetary association for Lunaria is obviously the moon, and the elemental correspondence is the earth.

Oak (Quercus spp.): The deciduous oak tree is associated with many sky gods such as Zeus, Jupiter, and Thor. It is hardly a surprise, then, to learn that the oak in all its many wondrous varieties is also aligned with thunder and lightning. A long-lived species of tree, the oak may reach up to 150 feet in height. Oaks were often used as sentinels or as markers to denote a magickal place. According to folklore, wearing a chaplet or crown of fresh oak leaves will grant you wisdom as well as special notice from the thunder gods. The fruit of the oak tree, the acorn, is a simple pocket talisman for growth and prosperity and is a promise of things to come. Adding acorns and small, fresh oak leaves to your prosperity spells and charm bags will not only boost your creativity, they will also help you to gain the favor of the sky gods who have claimed the oak as their sacred tree. The planetary association for the oak is Jupiter, and the elemental correspondence is fire.

Pine (Pinus spp.): The pine tree is a coniferous evergreen. There are many varieties of the long-lived pine tree, and it is sacred to many deities such as Pan, Venus, Dionysus, Bacchus, and Astarte. The evergreen pine is linked with midwinter festivities and the rebirth of the sun. In the language of flowers, the pine tree symbolizes longevity, endurance, and warmth—all excellent qualities to work into your prosperity spells. The fruit of the pine tree, the cone, is symbolic of abundance and fertility, while pine needles banish negativity and break hexes. The classic planetary association for all pines is Mars, and the elemental correspondence is air.

Shamrock (Oxalis): This popular houseplant, also known as the blooming shamrock plant, should not be confused with the white clover. You will find plenty of these perky houseplants sold as seasonal potted plants around St. Patrick’s Day. In the language of flowers, the shamrock symbolizes good luck and lightheartedness. Pick up a blooming shamrock this spring to add a bit of the “luck of the Irish” to your herbal prosperity spells and charms. The shamrock is associated with the Triple Goddess and Celtic magick. Magickally, the shamrock brings health, good luck, and money, and it encourages fame and success. The planetary association is Venus, and the elemental correspondence is earth.

Sunflower (Helianthus annus): The stately sunflower is sacred to many solar deities such as Helios, Apollo, Brigid, and Sunna. This flower is grown as an annual and has become wildly popular in the florist’s trade in recent years. These days sunflowers come in all sizes and colors, but the magickal meaning remains the same. The sunflower symbolizes success and fame. If you need to stand out in a crowd—whether that’s for a job application or applying to school or scholarships and so forth—working with the sunflower in your herbal magick is a smart choice. You may add the petals of sunflowers to charm bags or tuck several stems into a sturdy vase and add them to your prosperity altar setup.

You may also work with the seeds of the sunflower. Casting a prosperity magick circle with sunflower seeds (outdoors, of course) would be a lovely way of giving back to the powers of nature. Here is a circle-casting verse for you to try. Time this magick for sunrise to tap into the power of a new day and fresh beginnings. As you cast your ritual circle, scatter the sunflower seeds in the grass. Begin in the east and work your way around the circle in a clockwise direction. Say:

Beginning in the east, this circle of sunflower seeds is cast

May my prosperity spell flourish today and my magick last.

My wishes will bloom and my prosperity grow with all certainty

I now generously give so that I can abundantly receive.

Now work your chosen prosperity spell. When the spell is done, leave the sunflower seeds as they are and allow the birds to gobble them up—that way, as you generously give so shall you abundantly receive. The sunflower’s planetary association is the sun, and its elemental correspondence is fire.

Herbal Charm Bag Magick for Prosperity

For a naturally powerful type of prosperity magick that can be worked successfully regardless of the phase of the moon, create an herbal charm bag. Remember: if the moon is waxing, then pull the prosperity and success toward you. If the moon is waning, then use the charm bag to push away lack, need, and financial difficulties.

Peruse the previous list and choose the botanicals that resonate with you or that you can most easily acquire. For this spell, you will need to gather your chosen fresh herbs, a six-inch square of fabric, and a coordinating colored ribbon to tie the bundle together. (I suggest green for prosperity and good luck or gold for wealth and success.) Or you may prefer to use the pre-made sheer organza bridal favor bags. These sheer, small organza bags are found in the bridal section of arts and crafts stores and make clever and quick charm bag alternatives for folks who do not sew. For prosperity magick, look for bags in dark green, pale green, metallic gold, or all-purpose white.

Place your herbal ingredients into the premade bags and draw the ribbons tightly together, then tie three knots. If you are using a square of fabric, gather up each corner and make a small bundle. Wrap the ribbon around the bundle and then secure it with three knots. Then say:

With all the power of three times three

Goddess, bless my herbal sorcery!

If the moon is waxing (from new to full), say these lines next:

By waxing moon, my prosperity shall increase

A positive change will my magick now release!

Or, if the moon is waning (day after full moon to new moon), say these lines next:

By waning moon, financial problems shall decrease

A positive change will my magick now release!

Now hold the herbal charm bag in the palm of your hand and enchant it by infusing it with your own personal power. Hold firmly in your mind the image of happiness, prosperity, good luck, and success. Build up those positive thoughtforms and put the law of attraction to work! When you feel the charm bag start to warm up in your hands, repeat the following spell verse:

Magickal herbs of prosperity and power

I conjure you to assist me in this hour.

Add your natural magick gently to mine

Bringing wealth and success to me at all times.

By the enchantment of herbs, this spell has been spun

As I will, so mote it be, and let it harm none.

Pocket the herbal charm bag and keep it with you on your person for one month. After the time has passed, open up the bag and return the herbal components neatly to nature. Wash the fabric and ribbons (or organza favor bag) by hand and allow them to air-dry so you can reuse them at another time.

A Witch's Dozen of Crystals for Abundance, Success, and Prosperity

These gems have life in them: their colors speak, say what words fail of.

george eliot

What is it about crystals, stones, and gems? They speak to us on an elemental level. Almost all Witches have a collection of tumbled stones; I have yet to meet one who doesn’t have a dish of tumbled stones or a few crystals sitting out somewhere. Crystal magick is one of the first magicks we typically work with and appreciate.

There is a wealth of power in the earth and the stones, gems, and crystals that come from it. Here is a quick list of some of my favorite prosperity-enhancing stones. These featured stones are typically easy to find—just check your local metaphysical store and peruse their selection of tumbled stones. These stones are listed in alphabetical order with a brief description of their magickal associations. Consider how you could employ these down-to-earth prosperity tools in your witchery. You could wear the stones as jewelry, tuck a few tumbled stones in your pocket or purse, add stones to a charm bag or herbal sachet for more power, or surround a spell candle with stones. There are dozens of creative and practical ways to use crystals and stones in your spellwork.

Aventurine: This soft, sparkly green stone is an all-around good luck stone. It is money attracting and often called the gambler’s stone. Aventurine will help you recognize details that others may miss; it can also enhance your latent leadership qualities, and it encourages creativity and perseverance. This stone boosts your health and may also ward off any pesky emotional vampires at your job. Its planetary association is Mercury, and its elemental correspondence is air.

Bloodstone: Bloodstone is green chalcedony marbled with red spots. This stone is for good health, wealth, and to promote a sense of victory. Place a tumbled stone in a cash register to attract a full cash drawer. Another interesting magickal property of the bloodstone is that it relieves depression and promotes healing, which makes it an excellent choice to work with if you are feeling down about your financial situation. Use the bloodstone to help build more positive thoughtforms and as you begin to put the law of attraction to work in your life.

Empower your bloodstones with this charm. Raise your PME and hold the bloodstones in the palm of your hand. Visualize what it is that you need them to do. Program the stones with your focus and your magickal goal. Say:

The bloodstone removes negativity

May its magick cleanse and purify me.

As the bloodstone’s power removes anger and strife

This spell brings victory and wealth into my life.

The planetary association of the bloodstone is Mars, and the elemental correspondence is fire.

Chrysoprase: This apple-green form of chalcedony encourages creativity and will bring your talents to the surface. If you carry a small piece with you, it will draw in prosperity. Chrysoprase promotes cheer as well as reduces envy, greed, and tension in a work environment. This pretty crystal also helps keep customers and employees loyal. The planetary association is Venus, and the elemental correspondence is earth.

Citrine: This solar crystal is a potent cleanser and energizer. A wonderful stone to promote abundance, it assists you in both attracting and manifesting wealth into your life. Citrine promotes self-confidence, prosperity, and success. This is a stone of sunshine and joy; it is good for ridding yourself of the blues. This fabulous stone promotes inner tranquility, which then allows wisdom to guide your way. Put a cluster of citrine on your desk at home or at work and allow it to cleanse the atmosphere, ridding it of any negative thoughtforms. The planetary association is the sun, and the elemental correspondence is fire.

Emerald: This precious stone is one of the most expensive on the market today, so I suggest working with emerald jewelry that you already own or using low-grade uncut stones for your crystal magick. This stone encourages successful partnerships and lasting friendships. It can help bring groups of people together and ensure that they work together as a team, making emeralds perfect for business spells. This gem improves clairvoyant abilities and can help you open up to receiving wisdom from the universe. Finally, the emerald is said to strengthen the character and to attract positive realities. The planetary association is Venus, and the elemental correspondence is earth.

Jade (Green): Jade is said to help you discover your own inner beauty and self-worth. If you empower a jade piece of jewelry and wear it every day, it will attract prosperous energies into your life. Jade helps clear the air and encourages a healthier attitude about money. This quietly emotional stone will draw harmony, wisdom, and friendship into your life. Finally, green jade is thought to help you channel your passions in new and positive ways. The planetary association is Venus, and the elemental correspondence is water.

Green Tourmaline: Also known as verdelite, this stone is for fresh starts and creativity. It will boost your herb and garden magick. Tourmaline is a healing stone that promotes self-confidence and good health. It is considered to be a receptive stone, so wearing it as jewelry can help you draw in prosperity and happiness. Finally, green tourmaline helps transform negative energy and thoughtforms into positive ones.

Here is a simple spell verse for you to enchant your green tourmaline jewelry or tumbled stone. This will create a talisman—an object created for a specific magickal purpose and one that will transform negative energy into positive.

I call on the tourmaline in shades of deepest green

Now transform negative to positive energy.

This gemstone boosts my self-confidence and makes me smile

I’ll be prosperous and healthy for a good long while.

Lepidolite: Carrying this sparkling lavender-pink and purple colored stone will bring good luck to the bearer; it is a calming, spiritual stone. Lepidolite is thought to reduce stress and doubt, and it has peaceful qualities. Another stone that encourages optimism, it also attracts good fortune. Furthermore, lepidolite can help remove emotional blocks to your magickal goals. It can help you learn to stand on your own and attain financial independence. The planetary associations are Jupiter and Neptune, and the elemental correspondence is water.

Malachite: The banded malachite is a gorgeous stone, popular in jewelry and easily obtainable in pretty tumbled stone pieces. Worn to improve your energy during magick work, it can also increase your PME and give your prosperity spells a big boost. Called the salesman’s stone, it is often placed in cash register drawers to pull in sales. Malachite is also worked into crystal spells to heal depression and for general health purposes. If your malachite stone should suddenly break, it is a warning of danger. The planetary association is Venus, and the elemental correspondence is earth.

Moss Agate: The moss agate is intimately linked to the earth and is thought to grant you the power to see the inherent beauty in all of nature. A translucent stone with green, cloudy, mosslike markings, this is the ideal talisman for gardeners, landscapers, conservationists, wildlife biologists, even florists—anyone who makes their living working with plants and nature. The moss agate is a stone of success and one linked with prosperity and abundance magick. It can bolster your self-esteem and would be a handy stone to have in your pocket during an interview or at a big meeting at work, as the moss agate enhances communication and reduces stress. It can also reinforce the bearer’s ability to get along well with others. The planetary association is Mercury, and the elemental correspondence is earth.

Rhodochrosite: A beautiful banded stone in shades of pink with white, gray, and black. This is a stone of love and compassion. You may be wondering why it is included here in a prosperity stone listing. Rhodochrosite helps us learn from past mistakes and keeps our heart open. Recall the LOA: if you want to attract positive things into your life, then you need to be in an emotionally positive and upbeat frame of mind. This stone soothes stress and helps to lessen anxiety. This gorgeous pink stone also enhances creativity. It brings happiness and joy into your world. Its planetary association is Mars (some say Venus), and its elemental correspondence is fire.

Tiger’s-eye: The golden-brown banded tiger’s-eye stone is classically used to promote prosperity and cash. It is an energy boosting, courageous stone, and it has protective attributes as well. Tiger’s-eye will ward off jealous feelings from your detractors, as well as help you to stay grounded and complete your goals. Readily available as jewelry or as an affordable tumbled stone, tiger’s-eye is excellent for removing blocks of any kind, and it can assist a person who is trying to make more positive choices in their life. The planetary association is the sun, and the elemental correspondence is fire.

Turquoise: A classic good luck charm. Turquoise can help success and prosperity to manifest in your life. This pretty blue-green stone attracts new friends and is believed to unite the energies of Mother Earth and Father Sky. If turquoise jewelry is given as a gift, it blesses the recipient with affluence and joy. Try working prosperity spells with turquoise at the time of the new crescent moon.

Here is a quick crystal spell that combines the energies of the newly waxing moon phase and the turquoise stone.

Time the spell for shortly after sunset, when the thin crescent waxing moon is in the western sky. To begin, hold a piece of turquoise firmly in the palm of your hand. Raise your personal magickal energy and wait until you feel the stone start to warm up. Then move outdoors and look up at the moon. Hold the stone up to the moon so it seems surrounded by either side of the waxing crescent, then say:

By the goddess Diana’s crescent moon

I ask the Maiden to grant me a boon.

Empower this gem with prosperity

May this turquoise stone’s magick stay with me.

Keep the stone with you for one month. You may recharge it again at the next waxing crescent moon if you wish. The planetary association of turquoise is both Venus and Neptune, while the elemental correspondence is earth.

A Crystal Spell for Success and Good Luck

Read the following directions carefully and decide for yourself how you can personalize this crystal spell to make it more powerfully unique.

Timing: It is strongly recommended that this spell be worked during a waxing moon phase. Also keep in mind that there are two days of the week that are most opportune for prosperity magick: Sunday, which corresponds to the sun, success, wealth, and fame, and Thursday, which aligns to the planet Jupiter, prosperity, and abundance. Again, I do suggest working this spell during the waxing moon phase to take advantage of that growing and increasing energy. Or you may choose to tap into a full moon for the ultimate magickal power. In a perfect world you would have a full moon on a Sunday or a Thursday, but you certainly will have a couple of Sundays or Thursdays each month during that waxing moon period. Consult your astrological calendar and start plotting! Ultimately it will be up to you, but I find that a little preparation and taking the time to work during the most opportune moment to be well worth the wait.


Directions: Pick up the unlit green candle. You may carve it at this time with whatever magickal symbol you prefer. Try the symbol of the sun (36244.png) if you are casting on a Sunday or the symbol for Jupiter (36246.png) if casting this on a Thursday. If you are casting on the full moon, then carve whatever symbol you feel would be the most appropriate. As you engrave the candle, empower it with the following lines:

As I hold this prosperity candle in my hands

I empower it to send magick across the land.

Now burn with purpose both bright and true

May I be blessed in all that I do.

Place the enchanted candle in its holder and then light the candle. Arrange the four stones evenly in a circle around the candleholder. Repeat out loud what each stone is and what powers it brings to the spell. For example: “Malachite to boost my energy, tiger’s-eye for power and courage, aventurine for good luck, and bloodstone for a full cash register drawer.” You get the idea.

Now, once the crystals and stones are named and you have declared the energies they are bringing to the magick, then you can repeat the spell verse reverently, with intention and purpose. Say:

Crystals of magick, good luck, and success

By your powers I will surely be blessed.

Your energies enhance my spell candle so green

Good luck and prosperity send swiftly to me.

The earthy power of the stones will anchor this spell

While the candle’s bright fire illuminates so well.

By the light of the moon and the strength of the sun

As I will, so mote it be, and let it harm none.

Allow the spell candle to burn in a safe place until it goes out on its own. Keep the four crystals with you for one month, then you may return them with your other supplies.

Blessed be.

Lastly, Consider This

A Witch’s greatest wealth is her ingenuity.

kala trobe

Now that you have this herbal and crystal information at your witchy fingertips, take a moment or two and go back through all the spells in the book from before this chapter. Yes, each and every one of them. I know, I know…I am a hard-ass. But do it anyway.

Okay, now that you have taken a look at all of those spells from the previous chapters, how do you think you could have added herbs, crystals, or both to all of those spells to enhance and personalize them? Making a spell uniquely your own and adding some personality into it is what separates an advanced or adept Witch from someone who just goes through the motions.

So here is my sincere and straight-up suggestion: put some effort into your Craft. Add some personality, originality, and effort into your prosperity work. You will get out of this type of magick whatever you are willing to put into it.
