
If book writing were a sport, it would be most like baseball: a team effort that nevertheless comes down to you alone at the plate facing either humiliation or victory. In thanking my own team, I must first turn to my agent, Robert Guinsler, who saw something in me and my idea when it landed on his desk at Sterling Lord and took the first leap. In the long journey from raw idea to crafted form, I was fortunate to have the enthusiasm and insight of a tag team of editors at Harper Perennial. George Quraishi opened the door to HP and helped launch the effort before leaving and delivering me into the expert hands of Barry Harbaugh. Barry immediately saw what I was trying to accomplish, and his calm guidance helped bring out the best in the book and in me as a writer.

The research for this book was far too much fun to call research. It was exploration of the rambling, pre-GPS kind where a few tips, a hunch, or a reckless whim can lead to great discoveries and stories. I drew inspiration and learned so much from the athletes and aficionados I met along the way, individuals whose love of their games is infectious, especially Graeme King, Bobby Leslie, Matty Ronaldson, Chuy Páez, Freeman Bucktooth, Alfie Jacques, Jeremy Thompson, Jeff Turner, Brian Sheehy, and Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir. They welcomed me into their lives and onto their playing fields and shared their time and knowledge so generously. This book would have been plodding history were it not for the life they breathed into it.

Wrapping their stories in historical and scientific context meant standing on the shoulders of many great historians, anthropologists, and scientists. Most I encountered only through scholarly works liberated from the remarkably complete stacks of Harvard University’s libraries. Others I had the good fortune to lean upon directly for their wisdom and expertise, including Stan Kuczaj, Allan Guttmann, Wolfgang Decker, John Robertson, James Brady, Sergio Garza, Manuel Aguilar, Lawrence McCray, Mark Bekoff, Tom Quesenberry, Jeff Monseau, Harry Rock, and Yves Carlier.

Every writer needs sanctuaries where he can retreat from the demands of daily life. Writing this book while working full-time and attempting to be a halfway decent husband and father made it not only helpful but essential to get away. I am deeply indebted to Preston Browning and his late wife, Ann, of Wellspring House for opening their home to me and to other writers and artists. Many ideas were unlocked and blocks unblocked there in Ashfield. When I was at the deadly midpoint of my project, my glass half empty and the end nowhere in sight, the MacDowell Colony rescued me with a fellowship that reenergized my work and made me feel that what I was doing might actually matter. In subsequent moments of doubt, I needed only to conjure the lunch basket deposited daily on my studio porch to feel restored. I am so grateful for that experience and for the extraordinary people I met there.

At every step I received moral support and sound advice from many good friends, family members, and fellow writers, including James Bernard, Nick Buettner, Dan Buettner, Dan Finamore, Val Fox, Lawrence Kessenich, Jen Krier, Bill Landay, Toby Lester, all the Logans, David McLain, Stephanie Pearson, Bernadette Rivero, Bill Shutkin, Emily Sohn, Amy and Scott Sutherland, and Jerome Thelia. I also owe thanks to my fellow “athenistas”—especially Pierre Valette and Rob Cosinuke—who have shown understanding and support for my double life.

To my mother, Mary Fox, I attribute the hard-working Irish scrappiness that got me through the toughest points. She not only taught me how to play tennis but how to play to win. I owe thanks and many drinks to my brother and fellow writer, Joe Fox, for being there as a friend and sounding board whenever I needed it and for making our wintry Scottish sojourn so memorable.

My kids are my greatest source of joy, and that joy infuses every page of this book. Aidan unwittingly launched my journey with his insatiable curiosity and love of all things sport-related. Amelia cheered me on throughout and kept me company on my dolphin visit. We had such fun, as we always do on our adventures together. My hope is that they’ll read this book and be inspired to find wonder in simple things and unexpected places.

Finally, I offer my deepest gratitude and love to my wife, Steph, who told me I could do this when I was almost sure I couldn’t, who said it was going to be amazing when I was thinking it might just be okay, and who unselfishly shouldered so many extra duties so I could achieve this goal. You made this—like so many good things—possible.