Joni Mitchell Sings Own Songs in Debut at Troubadour Nitery
Stephen M. H. Braitman, Van Nuys News (Los Angeles), 7 June 1968
Many of the current crop of popular folk singers today have used the songs of Joni Mitchell in their rise to the top. Now young Miss Mitchell has taken it upon herself to show how her songs should be sung.
On Tuesday evening, she made her performing debut at Doug Weston’s Troubadour and proved herself emotionally and stylistically impressive in her approach to her own numbers.
The Canadian-born songstress has a distinctly individual vocal quality that can be either powerful or gentle, depending on the song she’s singing or the interpretation she places upon it.
Accompanying herself on guitar, Joni rendered the simple melody of her ‘Circle Game’ with tenderness befitting the lyrics, which describe a children’s game.
Other tunes which found the audience highly receptive included ‘Marcie’, ‘Roses Blue’, ‘Michael from Mountains’, ‘I Don’t Know Where I Stand’, ‘Slowing Down’ and ‘Clouds’.