
I am incredibly fortunate that editor Stephen S. Power gave me the opportunity to write this book. I will always be grateful for his knowledge and experience, that he’s a fan of concerts that stretch to four hours, and that he had the Superstars of the 70’s four-album set.

I am deeply indebted to assistant editor Samantha Zukergood for her remarkable patience and for making sure nothing fell through the cracks.

Thank you to Paul Hochman, vice president of marketing, and Martin Quinn, marketing director, for giving the green light. Thank you to Rob Grom for another beautiful cover. Thanks to India Cooper for her exemplary copyediting, to publicist Leah Johanson, and to lawyer Henry Kaufman.

Many thanks to S. Ti Muntarbhorn and Topher Hopkins for the photographs. Thank you to publicists Sean Sievers and Lauren Mele of Beachwood Entertainment Collective for helping to get the word out.

Thank you to freelance copyeditor Blake Maddox for going beyond the call of duty, and to proofreaders Angie Bruce and Emer Garry.

I am thankful to Jeff McCarty (for film and Dylan insights), Erick Trickey (for Watergate and Vietnam knowledge), David Jenison, Harold Bronson (stories about the rock press), Louis Hirshorn (insights into AOR radio), Patrick Kelleher (Motown information), Kelly Peach (Elvis), Haley LeRand (Joni Mitchell), Foster Timms (keeping the spirit alive), Jennifer Adams, Jay Burnley, Morgan Hobbs, Sutthiwan Hopkins, Dane Lee, Robert Rodriguez, Jamie Wheatley, Stephanie Van Dyke, Tom Vickers, Victoria Namkung and Tim Koch, Chris Cantergiani and Thom Foley and Ethan Maile (Jobby Nooners), and the Book Doctors Arielle Eckstut and Dave Sterry.

I’m obliged to, Billboard, Wikipedia,, and Discogs for the wealth of information they bring to our fingertips.

Infinite thanks to my agent Charlie Viney, as always, for his wisdom and guidance on our fifth book together. Thanks also to Sally Fricker at the Viney Agency and Sam Edenborough at the Intercontinental Literary Agency.

Thanks to Bowie for “Rebel Rebel,” the first song I put on my first mix tape. Thanks to Dad for always stopping to point out a great lyric. Thanks to Mom for her love of nonfiction and for finding the balance between counterculture and paying the bills. And thanks especially to Keira for her latest songs.