1. Davis, Walk This Way: The Autobiography of Aerosmith.

  2. Pete Makowski, “How Aerosmith Got Their Wings: A Look Back at Their Classic First Four Albums,” November 13, 2008, Louder: Classic Rock, https://www.loudersound.com/features/aerosmith-they-re-the-wonder-years-because-we-wonder-what-happened.

  3. Tyler, Does the Noise in My Head Bother You? A Rock ’n’ Roll Memoir.

  4. Davis, Walk This Way: The Autobiography of Aerosmith.

  5. “Aerosmith 1973,” Setlist, https://www.setlist.fm/search?query=artist:%28Aerosmith%29+date:%5B1973-01-01+TO+1973-12-31%5D.

  6. Tyler, Does the Noise in My Head Bother You? A Rock ’n’ Roll Memoir.

  7. Bill DeMain, “Aerosmith: How We Made ‘Toys in the Attic,’” Louder: Classic Rock, November 6, 2016, https://www.loudersound.com/features/aerosmith-the-making-of-toys-in-the-attic.

  8. Tyler, Does the Noise in My Head Bother You? A Rock ’n’ Roll Memoir.

  9. “Headbanging,” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Headbanging.

  10. Ibid.

  11. A. S. Van Dorston, “The Birth of Metal,” Fast ’n’ Bulbous, September 25, 2015, https://fastnbulbous.com/the-birth-of-metal/.

  12. Mike Saunders, “Heavy Metal: A Brief Survey of the State of Metal Music Today,” April 1973, Alice Cooper eChive, https://www.alicecooperechive.com/articles/feature/prma/730400.

  13. Rebecca Woods, “Black Sabbath: ‘We Hated Being a Heavy Metal Band,’” BBC News, February 4, 2017, https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-birmingham-38768573.

  14. Ibid.

  15. Wall, Black Sabbath: Symptom of the Universe.

  16. “Tony Iommi: After My Finger Accident, I Used Banjo Strings,” Ultimate Guitar, December 19, 2017, https://www.ultimateguitar.com/news/general_music_news/tony_iommi_after_my_finger_accident_i_used_banjo_strings.html.

  17. Wall, Black Sabbath: Symptom of the Universe.

  18. Dan Epstein, “Original Members of Black Sabbath Look Back on 30-Plus Years of Demonic Riffing in 2001,” Guitar World, December 23, 2011.

  19. Ghost story from liner notes to Reunion (1998); “Satanists” from Wall, Black Sabbath: Symptom of the Universe.

  20. Ibid.

  21. Ibid.

  22. Black Sabbath, Volume 1: 1970–1978 (1991), DVD.

  23. Osbourne and Ayres, I Am Ozzy.

  24. Epstein, “Original Members of Black Sabbath Look Back on 30-Plus Years of Demonic Riffing in 2001.”

  25. Wall, Black Sabbath: Symptom of the Universe.

  26. “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath,” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabbath_Bloody_Sabbath.

  27. Wall, Black Sabbath: Symptom of the Universe.

  28. Welch, Peter Grant: The Man Who Led Zeppelin.

  29. Alex Ashlock, “How ‘Rock’s Greatest Manager’ Shaped Led Zeppelin’s Success,” November 26, 2018, WBUR, https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2018/11/26/led-zeppelin-peter-grant-manager.

  30. Michael Hann, “Stairway to Heaven: The Story of a Song and Its Legacy,” Guardian, October 22, 2014, https://www.theguardian.com/music/2014/oct/22/stairway-to-heaven-unreleased-mix-led.

  31. Cameron Crowe’s liner notes for Led Zeppelin: The Complete Recordings, quoted in Akkerman, Experiencing Led Zeppelin: A Listener’s Companion, 91.

  32. Wall, When Giants Walked the Earth: A Biography of Led Zeppelin.

  33. Lewis, The Complete Guide to the Music of Led Zeppelin. London: Omnibus, 1955.

  34. Mick Wall, “Kashmir: How Led Zeppelin Made Their Epic Physical Graffiti Album Track by Track,” Classic Rock, January 30, 2019, https://www.loudersound.com/features/the-story-behind-the-song-kashmir-by-led-zeppelin.