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MAGGIE’S COSMETIC CONTACTS were limited to the U.S., however, Kevin had in the past made vague references to an over-seas connection for his side projects. This contact was now video conferencing Danny, Kevin and Maggie at her place..
“Are you sure this is safe? Would it be possible for anyone to just hack into our conference?” asked Maggie.
“Bond and I have done this many times. This system is better than the DOD,” Kevin informed. But at Maggie’s blank look, he explained, slowly, “The Department of Defense.”
“Then why didn’t you say so in English?” Maggie snapped.
“Bond, you are positive you can sell this to a company over there?”
“Bourne, if it does a fraction of what you say, there will be a ferocious bidding war. Believe me, we are all going to be very rich.”
“Um who is Bourne and how much does Bond get?” Danny asked.
“For God’s sake try to keep up. I’m Bourne as in Jason Bourne, and he is Bond as in James Bond. We don’t use our real names.” Kevin said
“Hey, Maggie, I’ll be Duck as in Donald, and you can be Mouse as in Minnie” snickered Danny.
“You see what I have to put up with?” said Kevin with a dramatic sigh.
“I know, I I am surrounded by morons myself, and to answer your question, I will only require 5% of the profits. You send me proof that I can show to the major cosmetic companies and we have a deal.”
“All you have to do is set up a meeting, preferably with some reputable companies and a few employees that could use the formula to make a dramatic impact, and we will show you the proof.”
“Okay,, I’ll start on it right away. Bond out.”
“Bourne out.”
Maggie turned to Danny “I can’t remember, am I duck or mouse?
“Either way you’re out. Way out in fact.” Kevin casually put his arm around Maggie’s shoulders, and said in a calm, soothing voice, “So do you know any Chinese, Mag’s?”
“No of course not, why would I know Chinese? I’m lucky if I can order anything from Sku Yu’s menu. I usually just point or say number five. You know that. Why are you asking me if I know Chinese? Wait a minute. Wait one fucking, stinking minute. You want me to go to China and meet with Mr. Geek Bond, don’t you?” Maggie looked for Danny and saw that the chair he had occupied seconds ago was slowly spinning in a circle. She whirled around and saw him by the doorway to her office, holding a plate containing a large chocolate cupcake surrounded by what looked like freshly baked peanut butter cookies. “There you are you coward. Hey wait a second, is that cupcake from Paddy Cake Bakery? And are those peanut butter cookies?”
At Danny’s grin, Maggie threw up her hands. “Wait, stop, you two cannot buy me off with baked goods. Let me see if I have this straight. I get to travel all by myself, presumably with a priceless formula, to China where I will probably get Shanghaied and then what? I’m not even that fond of rice. No, no way, no way, Jose, I am not going.”
Danny, who’d set down the plate, now appeared wheeling in a cart atop which sat a small cash register looking object with beakers alongside the keypad.
“Is that what I think that is? I've wanted one for ages, but they are ridiculously expensive. How did you get a hold? Never mind, I don’t want to know.”
Maggie approached the object on the cart and was gently stroking it. “It’s beautiful. A coulometric KF titrator for determining the water content in liquids, gas, and powders. Oh wow, diss bun can bin ou da sulds doo.” Her last sentence was garbled given she’d had stuffed half a cookie in her mouth. “So you think bribing me with food and equipment and ....stop looking at me like that, Danny. You know what that look does to me and on top of Paddy’s...” Maggie stopped to wipe drool away from her mouth. “ Alright, dammit, if I’m going, I’m going first class, not two more centimeters of leg room business class, but honest to god first class. Both ways. This had better be a roundtrip ticket, or I will hunt both of you down and rearrange your organs. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes ma’am,” said Kevin.
“Yes love of my life,” said Danny.