


A NEW FORMULA WAS BORN a short 18 months after Theodore Boston was incarcerated. This formula, born in a lab, deep underground, entered the world quickly as cosmetics don’t have to pass FDA regulations. The FDA just monitors their use. Scary, isn’t it?

Unlike the original formula, it wasn’t as sexy and didn’t erase all flaws, but it did save lives. When applied, it worked immediately and eliminated all the nanotechnology similar to the innate and adaptive immune systems our bodies use to fight bacteria or viruses. The melting malady stopped, and as with the first formula, a side effect began to emerge.

Bond called Kevin and asked him and everyone to Skype ASAP he had some exciting news.

As everyone gathered around the monitor, they saw Bond with someone in a white coat.

“What’s up, Bond?”

“I’m here with Dr. Peng, oncologist with Fuda Hospital in China.”

“Oh my God, Bond, I’m so sorry,” Kevin said while touching the screen with one hand.

“No, no, it’s not me. I have some wonderful news. The formula we sold to the Chinese, the faster acting stronger formula, when it is combined with the new formula is doing something wonderful.”

“Wait,” Danny interjected, “our original formula didn’t cause any meltdowns, so to speak.”

“Yes, but a majority of the Chinese people felt they had better use the vaccine formula, as people were calling it, to be on the safe side, and something miraculous is occurring.”

“What, what, what? For the love of God, what?” shouted Maggie.

“Well as you may have been aware, the formula didn’t stop or cure cancer; rather it sort of put people in remission or slowed things down. But, but,” Bond stopped and paused put a hand on the doctor's shoulder, took a deep breath and said, “this vaccine not only goes after the nanotechnology, it goes after cancer cells and tumors.”

“When you mean goes after?” Maggie asked in a very soft voice.

“I mean destroys them without harming the patient. So far, no side effects.  It destroys the cancer cells. They’ve done numerous scans on affected people. Gone. It’s like they’ve never had cancer. Oncologists are going crazy testing people. We are sending you everything we have so maybe you can put it all together in one formula.”

Three months later

Maggie was pacing nervously in the General Assembly Hall of the United Nations, in New York City waiting for Danny once again. After all, we’ve been through, and he can’t spare half a day to be me with me. She had unconsciously balled her hands into fists and had crumpled the corner of her itinerary into a twisted point. She was just untwisting the pages when an official in a dark suit with razor-sharp creases approached her. He cleared his throat looked pointedly at his watch and began to say in what Maggie felt was a condescending tone, “Ms. Penny.” However, the way he pronounced it, it sounded as though Penny had four e’s. “Ms. Peeeeny, the symposium will begin shortly. You will need...” Maggie never found out what she needed as the pompous crease was interrupted by

“Maggie, there you are. I have been looking all over for you. Excuse me, sir, I just need to meet momentarily with my colleague and go over some important material. I knew you would understand, my good man,” Danny said as he directed tall dark and annoying toward the Economic and Social Council Chamber.

“I can’t believe you made it” Maggie squealed, giving Danny a big hug and then noticed what he was carrying. “What’s in the bags?”

“Survival gear, of course. You didn’t think I would come to a long-winded day regarding...” Danny grabbed Maggie’s brochure and read in a monotone, “An in-depth analysis of the past, and current economic, sociological and agricultural conditions and how they may contribute impact and or predict future conditions globally.”

Maggie grabbed one of the bags out of Danny’s hands and thrust her hand inside.

“Don’t pull anything out. Just look.”

“Oh my, you are the most wonderful man in the world. These are the good ones with the large chocolate chips and the macadamia nuts. Ohhhhh, and the ones with peanut butter cups! You’ve outdone yourself. What’s in the other bag?”

“Madlibs, crosswords, and our Kindles.”

“I don’t think I have ever loved you more than I do at this moment, babe.”

“Seriously it’s just junk food and Madlibs, babe.”

“No, Danny it’s a sign.”

“A sign of what? Ohhhh. Be right there, babe.”  Danny pulled out his phone and said, “Hey Kev, we need to talk as soon as you’re done with your conference and me with mine. Yes, it’s important. Yeah, bye.”  Danny put his phone away and ran after Maggie who had a big grin on her face.