abrogate To abolish by authoritative action.

amphora Ancient vessel form used as a storage jar and one of the principal vessel shapes in Greek pottery, a two-handled pot with a neck narrower than the body.

antedate To precede in time; to come or happen before.

a priori Relating to or derived by reasoning from self-evident propositions.

bey Provincial governor in the Ottoman Empire.

caliph A successor of Muhammad as temporal and spiritual head of Islam—used as a title.

citadel A fortress that commands a city.

college An organized body of persons engaged in a common pursuit or having common interests or duties.

colon A colonial farmer or plantation owner.

cooptation Absorption, assimilation.

delimit To fix or define the limits of.

desiccate To dry up.

dey A ruling official of the Ottoman Empire in northern Africa.

efflorescence Blossoming.

epitaph An inscription on or at a tomb or a grave in memory of the one buried there.

exarch A Byzantine viceroy.

grand vizier Chief minister.

hinterland A region lying inland from a coast.

hominin Any member of the family Hominidae, especially extinct near-relatives of modern man.

Homo erectus Extinct species of the human lineage, perhaps a direct ancestor of human beings (Homo sapiens).

imamate The office of an imam, any of the various rulers that claim descent from Muhammad and exercise spiritual and temporal leadership over a Muslim region..

immutable Not capable of or susceptible to change.

interdict To destroy, damage, or cut off (as an enemy line of supply) by firepower to stop or hamper an enemy.

internecine Of, relating to, or involving conflict within a group.

isthmus Narrow strip of land connecting two large land areas otherwise separated by the sea.

megalith A very large, usually rough stone used in prehistoric cultures as a monument or building block.

multifarious Diverse.

mutable Prone to change; inconstant.

neologism A new word, usage, or expression.

oligarchy Government by the few.

pasha A man of high rank or office (as in Turkey or northern Africa).

pieds noirs (French: “black feet”) A European settler born in French North Africa, especially Algeria.

praetorian Household troops of the Roman emperors.

prefect In ancient Rome, any of various high officials with primarily judicial and administrative responsibilities.

proconsul A governor of military commander of an ancient Roman province.

promontory A prominent mass of land overlooking or projecting into a lowland or body of water.

prosaic Everyday, ordinary.

proximate Very near.

quay A structure built parallel to the bank of a waterway for use as a landing place.

stela A usually carved or inscribed stone slab or pillar used for commemorative purposes.

supersession The act of being superseded; to be displaced.

suzerainty Overlordship

tumulus artificial mound or hillock, especially the type built over an ancient grave.

usurp To seize and hold (as office, place, or powers) in possession by force or without right.

wilāyah Province; administrative division.