Chapter 17: Nora’s Phone

The view counts on the two videos of “Close to Me” keep rising and the comments roll in.

Most tilt positive.

Dance4life331: There she is! Welcome back, Shea.

LunagirlfromlLA: Shea, you okay, girl? We missed you.

CalistaEmory: Love the ’80s vibe, Shea.

Every once in a while the creep factor sneaks up:

DavidRunner: You like Robert Smith? I’m an old sad man. How about me?

TechassRose: I’d like to get close to you, Shea.

And then the insidious comments—the slams that arrive under the cover of raves.

Mimi1999: Shea, you’ve slimmed down. Those cheekbones slay.

GirlGemNYC: My mom loves the Cure. Maybe next time, a more current choice?

CaDANCE: Love the raw and messy look, Shea. Not aiming for perfection looks good on you.

Second video get more hits and more chatter.

TechassRose: Huh. Not sure what to make of this. All okay in Shea city?

MiloDennehy: I know, right? Shea, show your face.

GunzKnivesKnitting: Who’s the new set of legs?

CaDANCE: Keep practicing maybe? Though I love seeing the unpolished steps.

GirlGemNYC: This feels a little off-brand. Whattup Shea?

Devo, using a robot avatar and very little punctuation, comments on every single post. Each entry expresses a different measure of disbelief.

Shea, you okay? Send up a signal if you need help.

Shea, we love and miss you. This seems out of character.

Hey, Shea fans, if you’re alarmed and think this is off-brand or unexpected contact your local law enforcement.

That comment disappears within minutes, right after garnering its own controversial responses.

Seriously, Devo? Call the cops on awkward TikToks.

We don’t endorse swatting.


Notifications keep chiming on Nora’s phone. And they’re not all for Shea’s TikTok. Texts pile up. The ones from Helen go left unread.

Nora, honey—how’s the visit? Are you sure you shared all the details with Sonny?

Nora, you missed your appointment. You promised! Pick up the phone. Let’s talk this out.

Nora, please reach out to me. Confused about where you are. Help me help you!

Did you seriously take Sonny’s truck? Nora, what are you playing at?!?!?! Tell me where you are.

Shaky fingers turn the sound on Nora’s phone down. The phone keeps blinking with each notification.