“To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better
than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
There are a number of non-traditional Reiki Master Symbols available that you can choose to use or simply ignore. We personally only use the DUMO out of all the symbols discussed in this lesson. We are providing this additional information purely for educational purposes. As such we cannot offer too much insight if any on how affective they are. Our advice would be, if you feel drawn to them intuitively, then try working with them and decide for yourself based on your experiences and your client’s feedback if you would like to use them in your own reiki practice.
This symbol, DUMO, is pronounced ‘do moe”.
It represents the swirling fiery heat of the Kundalini. Dumo or Dumo Fire is the heat which ascends up and over the spine as a result of the Kundalini awakening. It is said that the unification of mind and body produce the emanation of heat.
Dumo is thought to be the igniters of the Sacred Flame or Kundalini fire. It is said that Dumo unifies the mind and body and works with the fire in the base chakra. Those who use the Dumo claim that it pulls negative energy and disease out of a body, room, or situation and releases it. Those that practice with crystals report that it can be used on crystals so that they self-clear. It is used in the attunement process with the Violet Breath where it is visualized in gold.
There are a number of Reiki branches which use the Tibetan Fire Serpent before the attunement process and before a reiki healing session. The snakelike coils represent the Kundalini energy, which is visualized as coiled energy at the base of the spine that surges upward through the body as the coils unwind. The surging energy of the Fire Serpent symbol cleanses and joins the chakras.
The Fire Serpent symbol opens the Chakra system and brings them back into equilibrium. This allows the Reiki Healing energy to flow into the person receiving the attunement. Typically, it would be drawn down the back of the person receiving an attunement.