In those days weasels often hexed villagers,
bewitching young girls
and women of frail health.
Such a victim would rave in a weasel’s voice,
trembling and brandishing her arms.
Her family would rush out,
shouting and beating a basin
to scare away the weasel casting the spell.
Some carried brooms
to thrash the creature if they found it.
Once the rascal fled
the crazed person would return to calm.
Nowadays no one believes
that animals can hex humans.
Instead we send the possessed
to a shrink or hospital.
Sorcery is nothing but superstition.
Yet if a voice cries,
“Go chase the weasel away!”
I might hurry out to search through
haystacks, bushes, firewood
in hopes of finding a weasel
shrieking and rocking in spasms.