Abel: and Cain, 40

Abraham: God of, 474; house of, 81; slave of, 81

absolute, the, 210, 211-21, 223-24; choice, 173, 177-78, 224; contradiction, 237; despair, 221; Either/ Or, 174, 177-78; idea, 489; in morality, 382; personality as, 264-65; the single individual as, 265

abstract, the: duty as, 271; ethical, 255-56, 302

accidental, the, 7, 12, 14-15, 107, 383, 420; and the essential, 260-61; in life, 9

achievement(s): in life, 79-81; in the world, 81

acting prompter, 137

actor, 165; individual, 480

actual, the, actuality, 469; of life, 137; meaning to, 322; reality of, 35

Adam and Eve, 40, 259, 261, 282, 376, and Eve’s fall, 41; and Eve’s marriage, 29; Eve as seducer of, 52

Adamites, 492

Adler, Adolph Peter, 444-45, 506

Adresseavisen, 502

Æschylus, Agamemnon, 500

Aesop, 475; “Boasting Traveler,” 475; Fables of Aesop, 475, 493; Phaedri Augusti Liberti: fabularum Aesopiarum, 493

Agamemnon, 379-80, 500. See also Æschylus

age, the: characteristic of, 23-24; consciousness of, 28; our, 19, 22, 69, 95, 104, 171, 173, 175, 189, 213, 228, 235, 245, 321, 397; reflective, 27, 28

Aladdin, see analogy

Alcibiades, 397, 475; and Socrates, 488

alien: and stranger, 83-84

altar, of the Lord, 52, 55

Anabaptists, 419, 492

Anadyomene, see analogy

analogy. Aladdin, 410-11; Anadyomene, 423; Arabian horse, 198; beech tree, 295-96; bird, 86; boats, 84; carriage, 75; castle in the air, 106; clock, 138; clown, 16; flesh and blood, 72, 209; flies, 99-100; flying, 87; hermits, 1; horse, 6, 475; jellyfish, 38; kayak, 84; Niger River, 265, 492; ocean, 83-84; pigeon, 35; sleepwalker, 94; sparrow, 277; swimming, 58; swine, 11, woman in labor, 205-06

Andersen, Hans Christian, 397, 502; Only a Fiddler, 502

animal (beast), 500

Antigone, 408

Antisthenes, 487

anxiety, 117, 186, 220, 222, 238, 245, 252, 297, 342-43, 345-46, 351, 366; and trembling, 112

Apemantus: and Timon, 495

Aphrodite, 505

Apollo, 490, 495

Arabian horse, see analogy

Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, 494

arbitrary, arbitrariness, 121

Archimedean point, 265

Ariadne, 363

Aristo the Stoic, 501

Ariston the Bald of Chios, 379-80, 383, 500

Aristotle, 322; Metaphysics, 501-02; Nicomachean Ethics, 495, 496; Works, 495

Aristoxenus: Historical Gleanings, 495

art, 477; and nature, 131; and poetry, 133-37, 272-73

atheist, atheism, 265

Atheos, Theodorus, 408

aut/aut, 157, 380

author, 420-25, 451. See also writer

Bacchus, 490

Baggesen, Jens Immanuel, 477; “Jordens Lethe. Drikkevise,” 493; “Kallundhorgs Krönike,” 480; “Scheerenschleifer-Epopee,” 477; “Tilegnelse,” 494; Værker, 480; Werke, 477

Balder, 474

Balle, Nicolai Edinger: catechism of, 266-67, 270, 323; Lærobog i den Evangelisk-christelige Religion, 492

baptism: character of, 482

Basil, 37, 62

battle, 284-85, 367; moment of, 29; in Valhalla, 112

beauty, beautiful, the, 275, 282-84, 287, 475; definition of, 272, 474; esthetic, 108, 113, 116, 119, 122, 133, 136; in life, 273; of life, 276, 323; and marriage, 61, 94, 113, 116, 304, 316; and meaning, 322; of the universal, 338; of woman, 431

Beck, Andreas Frederik: “Plump Usandhed,” 504

Becker, Karl Friedrich. Verdenshistorie, 479

being(s). conscious, 490; innermost, 15, 186, 215, 216, 221-22, 254; and nothing, 483-84

Berlingske Tidende, 388, 401, 502; “Another Letter,” 502; “A Letter,” 502

Bianco Luno Press, 429, 505

Bible, 49, 69-71, 92, 123, 174, 220, 223, 287, 312-13, 322, 343-44, 375, 407

Bible Apocrypha:

Sirach 7:36, 327; 36:24-26, 81

Susanna, 287; 8-12, 493

Bible, New Testament, 71, 98, 374

Bible, New Testament:

I Corinthians 1:23, 166; 2:9, 177; 3:7, 353; 7:2-31, 210; 11:5-15, 312; 13:4-7, 68; 13:2, 97; 15:31, 196

II Corinthians 5:10, 322

Ephesians, 374; 2:19, 83

Galatians 4:1-2, 177; 4:30, 81; 6:7, 204

Hebrews, 41, 1:4, 176, 6:4-6, 41; 9:27, 322; 11:13, 83

John 2:14-15, 301; 12:25, 110

I John 4:18, 146; 4:19, 216; 5.4, 208

Luke, 341; 1:37, 30, 315; 7.36-47, 55; 8:18, 318; 8:30, 160; 9:24, 111; 9:25, 193, 220; 13:1-4, 343; 16:25, 78; 18.11, 188, 19.26, 318; 19:41, 341, 19.41-42, 239

Mark 2:26, 136; 4:24-25, 318; 5:9, 160; 8:35, 111; 8:38, 102; 11.15, 301; 11:23, 97; 12.30, 148

Matthew 2:16, 39; 5:45, 343, 367; 6:4, 286; 6:6, 286; 6:6-29, 282; 6:18, 286; 6:27, 110; 6 34, 68; 7:7, 353; 7:15, 301; 10.16, 311-12; 10:32, 102; 10:35-37, 245; 10.39, 111; 11:25, 128; 12:26, 223; 13:12, 318; 14:52, 314; 16:23, 442; 16:25, 111; 16:26, 37, 168, 176, 193, 220; 17.20, 97; 20:3, 195; 21:1, 301; 21-21, 97; 22:37, 148; 23:24, 257

I Peter 3:4, 140; 3:15, 88

Philippians 2:6, 16; 4:7, 15

Revelation 14:13, 87, 174

Romans 2:16, 322; 8:16, 244; 8:20, 74; 12:11, 353

I Thessalonians 4:9, 271; 4:13, 237

II Thessalonians 3:10, 282

I Timothy, 374; 2:11-15, 70; 2:14, 92; 4:4, 98

II Timothy 4:7, 121,256

Bible, Old Testament, 259, 314

Bible, Old Testament.

Ecclesiastes, 150; 1:2, 166

Exodus 3:2, 232, 261; 18:7, 314; 20:5, 342; 30:13, 301

Genesis 1:22, 52, 70; 1:28, 69; 2:16, 282; 2:18, 92; 2:24, 92, 313; 3:6, 311-12; 3:12, 52, 3.15, 49; 3:16, 52; 3:17, 52, 282; 3.19, 118, 282, 285; 4:1, 259; 18:20-32, 342; 21:10, 81; 23:7, 314; 24, 473; 24:6, 314; 32:24-26, 344

Job 2:9, 13; 38.11, 114; 40:2, 344

Joshua 6:3-20, 161

Leviticus 24:9, 136

Nehemiah 4:16-18, 81; 4:23, 81

Proverbs 6:6, 307; 16:32, 298

I Samuel 15:22, 244

II Samuel 12.1-7, 5

Bilderbeck, L. F. Freiherr v., Urne in einsame Thale, 494

bird, see analogy

bitterness: of life, 136; of marriage, 33

Blackfeldt, Ludvig, 245-47

blessing, 86, 93, 109, 205, 344, 353, 384; children as, 74-75; home as, 81

boats, see analogy

Bomilcar, 493

Bretzner, Christoph Friedrich, Sovedrikken, 499

bride, bridal, 52; and groom, 57, 100-01; night, 53

Bruun, Thomas Christopher, Figaros Givtermaal, 502

business: world of, 207

Byron, George Gordon, 22, 41; “To Eliza,” 471; “The First Kiss of Love,” 474; Hours of Idleness, 471, 474; Works, 471

Cain: and Abel, 40

calculation: and marriage, 26-28

Caligula, 187, 382, 478

calling, 291-95, 297, 305, 323; to doubt, 376; of human being, 292; of individual, 292; work as, 293

cardinal sin, 185

carriage, see analogy

castle, see analogy

categorical imperative, 496

category: of duty, 151, 264; of good and evil, 223-24; of inwardness, 99; of love, 128; of mediation, 173; of morals, 255-56; of necessity, 174, 232, 239; of sin, 92

Catholic Church, Catholicism, 44-45, 406, 482

Cato, 167, 482, 500-01

ceremony, see wedding; marriage

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, Don Quixote au Manchas Levnet og Bedrifter, 481

Chamisso, Adelbert v., Wonderful History of Peter Schlemihl, 10, 469

character: in a drama, 137; of a man, 493; marriage as school for, 64-67

Charles, 300, 420. See also Scribe

Chateaubriand, François René, Vicomte de, 1, 359, 469; Atala, 469

child, children, 69, 72, 75-76, 188, 238, 265, 341, 364, 501; bearing of, 70, 73, 91; as blessing, 74-75; duty of, 265; and marriage, 68-69, 374; and sin, 91-92; of time, 236; childhood, of Judge William, 105, 266-70

Chinese proverb, 76

Chios, Ariston of, see Ariston of Chios

Chladni figure, 34, 373

Chladni, Ernst Florens Friedrich, 473

choice, choosing, 157-58, 163-69, 176-78, 211-24, 230-32, 237-38, 240, 248, 260, 262, 271, 302, 380; absolute, 173, 177-78, 218, 224; despair’s, 218-19; esthetic, 166-68, 302, ethical, 167-69, 177-78, 222-23, 231, 247, 262, 292; ethical as, 169; moment of, 163-68, 177, 217, 223, 251, 483-84; oneself, 218, 223-26, 247-52, 258-60, 262, 270, 271-72, 380; and repentance, 217

Christ, 15-16, 48-49, 342; as image of patience, 135-36. See also imitation of Christ

Christendom, 41, 240, 435, 438, 443, 457

Christian, Christianity, 30, 44, 48-50, 123, 218, 227, 239-40, 375, 435, 438-39, 451, 454, 455, 457-58; characteristics of, 241; commandment, 255; faith, 88; life, 41; marriage, 10, 28, 30-31, 36, 69; meaning of, 362; and paganism, 171; and philosophy, 381; relationship to, 456; and Saladin, 26; as spirit, 48-49

Chrysippus, On Ends, 500

Church, 52, 55, 316, 375, 404; blessing of, 22, 36; doctrine of, 185, 458; ethics of, 60; and marriage, 91-94. See also wedding; marriage

Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 469; De finibus bonorum et malorum, 500-01; Opera, 500

Circe, 11

classical ideal, 119, 477-78

clock, see analogy

clown, see analogy

comedy: modern, 21

commandment(s), Christian, 255

concentricity, 47-48, 55, 57, 94

concrete, the, 256, 271; ethical as, 255

congregation, 99, 102, 246-47, 313; and women, 313, 414

conquering nature, 130-41

consciousness, 20, 25, 194; of age, 28; of arbitrariness, 122; of the eternal, 21, 23, of eternity, 26, 58; ethical, 270, 470; finite, 489; marital, 118; of myself, 490

construction, imaginary, see imaginary construction

continuity, 258, 262; in personality, 263

contradiction(s), 173-74, 175, 194, 348-49, 375, 472, 483; absolute, 237; law of, 488; of life, 280; mediation of, 173; principle of, 170-71, 215-16, 223, 485

Cordelia, 409, 430

Corsair, 432-33, 505

count, 181-82, 191

countess, 181-82, 191

courage, 135, 298, 306; for battle, 112; and humility, 137

cup of suffering, 287

Cynic(s), 491

Cyrus, King, 487

damnation, 160; and salvation, 17

Danae, 473

Danish law, 412

Dansk Ugeskrift, 494

David, King: and Nathan, 5; and Solomon, 408

definition of beauty, 272, 474; of depression, 188-89; of ethical, 252-54

deliberation, moment of, 163

Delphic oracle, 492

demonic, the, 443; despair, 431; music, 164

depression, 188-90, 204-05, 207; definition of, 188-89

despair, despairing, 12, 27, 30-31, 95, 147, 192-95, 205-13, 218-22, 225, 228-29, 235-38, 260, 261, 271,370, 386; absolute, 221; choice of, 218; demonic, 431; and doubt, 212-13; energy of, 198; finite, 221-22; moment of, 220, 256

destiny: of human beings, 279; universal, 91

dialectic, the dialectical, 88, 483-84; in double-reflection, 431; of duty, 264; in erotic love, 318; historical, 484; of immediacy, 433-34, of inversion, 433-34; nature of, 484

Diocles, 487

Diogenes, 487

Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers, 371, 475-76, 487, 495, 498, 499, 500

Dionysius. Roman Antiquities, 488

divine, the: providence, 12, 13

doctrine: of Church, 185, 458; of duty, 266, 322, 383; of grace, 458; of imitation of Christ, 458; logical, 484

Domitian (Titus Flavius Domitianus Augustus), 478

Don Juan, 59, 225, 377, 410. See also Mozart

Don Quixote, 481. See also Spanish knight

Don Ranudo, 424. See also Holberg

double-reflection existential dialect in, 429

doubt, 211-13, 351-53; autopathetic, 271, 383; calling to, 376; and despair, 212-13; and marriage, 96; personal, 95; scientific, 95; and suffering, 415-16

drama: character in, 137

Dumas, Alexandre, the Elder, Gabrielle de Belle-Isle, 499

duty, 254-55, 263-72, 353; as abstract, 271; category of, 151, 264; children’s, 265; dialectic of, 264; doctrine of, 266, 322, 383; as ethical, 254; of human beings, 291; of the husband, 307; and the individual, 254; intensity of, 266, inwardness of, 152; and love, 146-53; marriage as, 245, 302; meaning of, 266; multiplicity of, 266, 268, 270, 383; relationship, 151, 270; as universal, 263-64; validity of, 212; to work, 280-83, 288

earnestness, esthetic, 226, 261; of life, 10; marital love, 119

editor, 420-23, 425-26

Edward, 409

Edward, in Goethe’s Wahlverwandtschaften, 119

egotistical, egotism, 23-24; depression, 25

Either/Or, 157-59, 161-78, 206, 219, 380,420,455-58, absolute, 175,178

Elskov, 32, 317. See also erotic love

emancipated, emancipation of. women, 22, 53, 311-13

Emmeline, 300. See also Scribe

energy: of despair, 198

engagement, 10, 35, 64; days, 33

enjoyment, 202; of life, 182-83, 190-91; of secretiveness, 104

Epimetheus: and Prometheus, 279, 493

Erasmus, Apophthegmata, 492; Opera, 492

Eros, 42, 48

erotic, the, 10, 108; and religious, 44-45. See also love

erotic love, 32, 107, 193, 317; dialectical in, 318; exploration of, 36-37; and first love, 53-54; and friendship, 317-18; and marriage, 32-36, 44, 96; secret of, 48-49, 104, 106-10, 117-18, 119. See also love

essence, the essential, and the accidental, 260-61; of love, 112, 141; of woman, 92

esthete(s), 271, 277-81, 290-92, 294, 297, 302, 322-23, 432; life-view of, 292

esthetic, the, 124, 147, 271, 292, 384; choice, 166-68, 302; earnestness, 226, 261; and the ethical, 225-26, 277, 322; in existence, 133, 230; in first love, 88, 94; in human being, 123; individual, 258-61; and infinitude, 58; life, 168-69, 178-80, 219, 230, 257; and life, 6, 8, 168; life-view, 183-94, 204-05, 221, 224-25, 232, 254, 288; in marriage, 6, 8, 17, 61, 88, 104, 117, 124; and the religious, 10, 73, 88, 147; sorrow, 235, 239; validity of marriage, 3, 8-9, 88

the eternal, eternity: consciousness of, 21, 26, 58; and first love, 41, 145; in love, 22, 41-42; power, 167, 177, 206, 232; sorrow, 235; and temporal, 41; in time, 138-39; validity, 206, 209, 211, 213-15, 231, 266, 269-70

ethicist, 291-92, 295-99, 302, 318; life-view of, 318

ethics, the ethical, 265; as abstract, 255-56, 302; choice, 167-69, 177-78, 222, 231, 247, 262, 292; of Church, 60; consciousness, 270, 470; as concrete, 255; definition of, 252-54; as duty, 254; and the esthetic, 224-26, 271, 277, 322; in friendship, 316-18, 322; individual, 252-63; as law, 255; life, 168-69, 178-80, 230, 243, 254-60, 275, 471; life-view, 219-20, 225, 239-41, 250, 254-56, 288, 293, 322; and the religious in first love, 36-48, 57-58, 88, 93-95, 99; and the religious in marriage, 34-36, 88-89, 94, 99, 119; repentance, 248-49; as universal, 255

Eve: and Adam, 40, 259, 261, 282, 376; and Adam’s fall, 41; and Adam’s marriage, 29; seducer Adam, 52

evil, 8, 68, 127; and good, 113, 167-69, 178, 219, 223-27, 264; nature of, 41; personification of, 474; radical, 174, 175

existence, 178, 362-63; divineness of, 133; the esthetic in, 133, 230; individuals, 175

existential, the: dialectic, 429; in double reflection, 429

Existents, 363, 364

expectorate, 165, 482

experiment, experimenting: see imaginary construction

externality, the external: and the internal, 47, 265

faith, 14-16, 81, 200, 276; Christian, 88; history of, 97; and knowledge, 30

faithfulness, 22; in first love, 138

family, families, 9, 471; life, 75, 84-85

fate, 13, 128, 417-19

father(s), 35, 92, 313, 501; men as, 75-76

Faust, see Goethe

Faust, 225, 377

fear, 146; and trembling, 6, 436, 451

femininity: reality of, 430, 431

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, Bestimmung des Menschen, 489-90, 498; Grundlage des Naturrechts, 477; Works, 490

finitude, the finite, 249, 350-51, 472-73, 475; consciousness, 489; despair, 221-22; human beings, 352; relationship, 348-52; spirit, 250, 489; and woman, 311-12

first, the, 37-38

first love, the, 9-10, 30-61, 89-90, 96-100, 111-12, 119-20, 375; esthetic in, 88, 94; eternity of, 145; and the ethical and religious, 36-48, 57-58, 88, 93-95, 99; faithfulness in, 138; and God, 43-44; honeymoon days of, 93; immediacy of, 118; and marital love, 104, 138; marriage, 32-33, 43-61, 88, 131; nature of, 43-44, 47-48, 56; and reflection, 42-43; and the religious, 89, 249

flesh, 375; and spirit, 49-50. See also analogy

fly, flies, see analogy

flying, see analogy

Flying Dutchman, 84

Forposten, 418; “Fragmenter af en Brevvexling,” 504

Frankenau, Rasmus, “Paa en Reise man finder,” 491; Digte, 491

Frederiksberg, 75, 476

freedom, 173-74, 214-15, 224, 231, 241-42, 247, 305, 485; idea of, 496; individual, 94, 174, 247; infinite, 246; and love, 349; and necessity, 45, 61, 250; passion of, 216, 223; psychical, 61; and will, 470

Freya, 474

friend(s), 316-22, 332, 498

friendship, 317-23, 332, 495, 498; as a duty, 322; and erotic love, 317-18; the ethical in, 316-18, 322; intellectual, 319; and marriage, 317; relation, 316; validity of, 316

Frigga, 474

Frisindede, 392-97; “The Episode of ‘The Seducer’s Diary’,” 392

future, the, 170-71; and the past, 76

Fyenske Fjerdingaarsskrift, 418, 504

Fædrelandet, 388, 400, 401, 418, 426, 437, 503, 505, 506; “Public Confession,” 502

Galileans, 343

geese, Strasbourg, 24, 471

Genialitet, 21

German philosophers, see philosopher(s)

gift(s): of grace, 123, 250

girl(s), 7-8, 305-07, 377; relationship with, 50-53; young, 27-28, 276-77, 409-10

Gjødwad (Giødwad), Jens Finsteen, 434, 437, 506; Fædrelandet, 506; Kjøbenhavnsposten, 506

“Go to the next house,” 161, 482

God, 10, 13-15, 36, 40, 48-49, 56-58, 74, 94, 97, 236-37, 249-50, 260, 280, 284-86, 344-46, 364-67, 376, 442, 449, 475, 477; of Abraham, 474; and Christ, 102; and first love, 43-44; grace of, 41, 238; of the Hebrews, 44; image of, 122; of Isaac, 474; of Jacob, 474; Jewish, 474; love of, 216-17, 242, 245, 248, 352-53; of love, 30; and man, 442-43; mystics relationship to, 243-44; relationship to, 93-95, 244-45, 247, 340, 344, 346, 349-54, 386, 387; of spirit, 20, 48; wrath of, 342

god(s): Greek, 276; kingdom of, 292

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang v.; Dichtung und Wahrheit, 371; Faust, 499; “Freisinn,” 482, 501; Gesellige Lieder, 482; Poems, 482; “Vanitas!482; Wahlverwandtschaften, 20, 101-02, 470, 479; Werke, 479; West-östlicher Divan, 482, 501. See also Edward; Faust; Ottilia

good, 470-71; and evil, 113, 167-69, 178, 219, 223-27, 264

Gospel, 55, 195, 387-88. See also Bible

Governance, 439, 440, 445-46, 448

grace: divine, 207; doctrine of, 458; gifts of, 123, 250; of God, 41, 238

Greece, 19, 28, 240, 320

Greek(s), gods, 276; life-view, 241; philosophers, 387

Gregory, Moralia in Job, 381

Grimm, Brothers (Jakob Ludwig Karl and Wilhelm Karl): “Sechse Kommen durch die ganze Welt,” 504; Fairy Tales, 504

groom: and bride, 57, 100-01

habit, 127, 140-43

Hagen, Friedrich Heinrich v. der, 379

Hagen, Johan Frederick, 418, 426, 427-28; Fædrelandet, 504

Hamann, Johann Georg, Aesthetica in Nuce, 493; Schriften, 493

Hansen, Kofoed: review of Either/Or, 418, 504

Hardenberg, Friedrich v. (pseud. Novalis), see Novalis

Harun-al-Raschid, 288, 494

Hauser, Kaspar, see Kaspar Hauser

heaven, 61, 287, 313, 342, 349; infinite, 84; Kingdom of, 364; love as, 22

Hebrews, God of, 44

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 376, 396, 407, 470-71, 506-07, Hegel’s Logic, 472, 483, 484; History of Philosophy, 471; Phenomenology, 499; Philosophy of Fine Art, 474, 477, 485; Philosophy of History, 485, 486; Philosophy of Nature, 486; Philosophy of Religion, 473, 489; Philosophy of Right, 470, 475; Science of Logic, 483-84; Werke, 470

Heiberg, Johan Ludvig, 398-400, 401-02, 404-07, 437, 475, 502, 503; wife of, 437, 506; Alferne, 63, 475; “At orientere sig,” 504; “Literær Vintersæd,” 404, 502, 504; Recenseten og Dyret, 502; Skuespil, 475, 502; Syvsoverdag, 503. See also Intelligensblade

Heine, Heinrich, Buch der Lieder, 477; “Ein Jüngling liebt ein Madchen,” 471; Lyrisches Intermezzo, 433; Werke, 477

hell, 9, 139; marriage as, 22. See also purgatory

Heracles, 487

Herachtus, 385

hereditary sin, 190

hermits, see analogy

hero(es), 280-84, 289-307, 316, 411, 417, 479; and heroine, 122; and poet, 457. See also tragic hero

Herodotus, History, 503

heroine, 325; and hero, 122

Hertz, Henrik Heyman, 450, 507

Hesiod, Homeric Hymns and Homerica, 479; Works and Days, 479, 481, 497

hiin Enkelte, 448

Hipponax, 495

history, the historical, 134-35, 137, 173-75, 184, 216, 242, 250, 485-86; character of marriage, 117-19; consciousness, 20; dialectic of, 484; of faith, 97; inner, 61, 134-35, 137; of life, 117; life principle in, 134; of marital love, 97-98, 109, 118, 145; and nature, 174; object of, 485; outer, 134-35, 137; as a play, 480; and reality, 78-79; and romantic, 478; of spirit, 174-75; world, 170-71, 174-75, 485-86

Holberg, Ludvig, 73; Barselstuen, 476; Danske Skue-Plads, 476; Don Ranudo, 505

Holland, 309, 492

Holst, Hans Peter, 405-06; “Tutti-Frutti,” 502; Ude og hjemme, 503

Holy Scripture, see Bible

Holy Spirit, see God

home, 81; idea of, 82; marriage for a, 76-77, 81-83; as a responsibility, 86

Homer, Iliad, 476, 500; Odyssey, 469

honesty: of ideality, 455-57

hope(s), life in, 142; and recollection, 142-43

Horace, Quintus H. Flaccus, Ars poetica, 479, 481; Epistles, 472, 488, 494, 496; Odes and Epodes, 494; Opera, 472; Satires, Epistles and Ars Poetica, 472

horse(s), 401 See also analogy

human, human being(s), 15-16, 160, 163, 282, 344-45, 369, 420; calling of, 292-96; destiny of, 279; esthetic in, 123; finite, 352; individual, 273; life, 92, 168, 169-71, 172, 179, 208, 252-53, 362; and love, 216, 245; and marriage, 9, 89-90; race, 68-69, 89, 90; sin, 93. See also universally human

humility: and courage, 137; and love, 375; of love, 110

Hunchback, Morad the, see Morad the Hunchback

Hunger, Olaf, 120, 479

husband(s), 33, 59, 313, 325, 501; duty of, 307; as master, 92, 115

Hvedebrøds-Dage, 477

I, 177, 365, 451. See also self

idea, 474-75; absolute, 489; of freedom, 496; of home, 82-83

ideal, 474-75, 477; classical, 119, 477-78; husband, 135

ideality: honesty of, 455-57. See also Either/Or

illusion(s), 78-79, 86, 127, 238; love as, 21, 27

image: of God, 122; of patience, 192. See also Christ

imaginary construction (Experiment), 105, 123, 193, 253, 429-30

imitation of Christ: doctrine of, 458

immediacy, the immediate: concentricity, 57; dialectic of, 433-34; infinity, 94, of first love, 118; love, 19-20, 27, 29-31, 34; spirit, 188-89

immortality: of soul, 270

imperative: categorical, 496; of morality, 496

indesluttet, 105

individual, 257-59, 292, 454; actors, 480; calling of, 292; and duty, 254; esthetic, 258-61; ethical, 252-63; existence, 175; free, 94, 174, 247; human being, 273; life, 109, 117-18, 134, 251, 255-56; power of, 190-91; and universal, 256, 259, 261-62, 263, 275, 296, 328-32, 485. See also single individual; world-historical

infinitude, infinity, the infinite, 472-75; and the esthetic, 58; freedom, 246; heaven, 84; immediate, 94; knowledge, 386; of love, 26, 111; marriage’s, 61; reality, 141; relationship, 348-53; spirit, 250; spurious, 26

inner, the: history, 61, 134-35, 137; and the outer, 121, 124; world, 94

innermost: being, 15, 186, 215, 216, 221-22, 254

intellectual, the: in faith, 30; friendship, 319; in knowledge, 30

Intelligensblade, 397, 403, 404, 405, 406, 412, 418-19, 502, 503, 504

intense, intensity, 23-24

interest, the interesting, 54, 82, 86, 107, 109, 199, 202, 233, 290, 325, 397, 408; beauty, 51; esthetic, 233; and the religious, 443-44

internal, and the external, 47, 265

inversion: dialectic of, 433-34

inwardness: category of, 99; of duty, 152

irony, the ironic, 368; of life, 364; polemic, 22

Isaac, 44; God of, 474

Italy, 494

Jacob, God of, 474

Jean Paul (pseud. of Johann Paul Friedrich Richter), 389; Feldpredigers Schmelze Reise, 502; Das heimliche Klaglied der ietzigen Männer, 478; “Vierte Ruhestunde,” 478; Werke, 478

Jellyfish, see analogy

Jerusalem, 342-43

Jesuit(s), 140, 233

Jews, Jewish, Judaism, 28, 44, 159, 214, 218, 255, 342; God, 474; people, 474

Job: wife of, 13

Joseph, 387

joy: in marriage, 103; and sorrow, 235-36

judgment, 248, 386

Jugurtha, 288, 493

Julius, in Lucinde, 481. See also Schlegel, Friedrich v.

Juno: and Jupiter, 384

Jupiter, 37, 473; and Juno, 384

Jylland, 337, 386

Kant, Immanuel, Metaphysic of Morals, 495; Religion within the Limits of Reason, 485

Kaspar Hauser, 303, 494

kayak, see analogy


as author, 434-37, 439, 446, 457

as editor, 449-50

and Møller, P. L., 506

as pastor, 434, 449

as poet, 438


A, 384, 403, 426-27, 479

Anti-Climacus, 453

B, 379, 384, 403, 426-27, 432

Constantin Constantius, 431-32

Frater Taciturnus, 432, 444

Grocer, 414

H H., 450, 506, 507

Johannes Climacus, 434, 454

Johannes Mephistopheles, 409

Johannes the Seducer, 431

Judge William, 244, 426, 479, 484; childhood of, 105, 266-70; life of, 323-25; marriage of, 62, 123, 324-26; as married man, 171, 175-76, 192-93, 207-08, 218, 244, 275, 304; and philosophy, 170-74; wife of, 81, 324-26; work of, 324

Victor Eremita, 389-92, 409; as I, 361, 365, 366, 389, 390, 391, 392, 397, 429, 431, 432-33; as editor, 426; letter by, 394-97; letter to Fædrelandet, 390-92; Post-Scriptum by, 414-31

Young Man, 431-32

sins of, 438

works cited:

“Another Defense of Woman’s Great Ability,” 494

Armed Neutrality, 507

The Book on Adler, 505

Christian Discourses, 446, 506, 507

The Concept of Anxiety (1844), 473, 481, 483, 485, 492, 498, 503

The Concept of Irony (1841), 470, 477, 479, 480, 488, 489, 491, 492, 498, 504

Concluding Unscientific Postscript (1846), 434, 440-41, 446, 449-50, 452, 454, 479, 483, 497, 501, 505, 507

The Corsair Affair (1846), 502, 503, 504, 505, 506

The Crisis and a Crisis in the Life of an Actress (1848), 437, 440, 492, 506

Discourses at the Communion on Fridays (1849, 1851), 450

Early Polemical Writings, 494, 498

Eighteen Upbuilding Discourses (1843, 1844), 431, 444, 478, 480, 507

Either/Or (1843, 1849), 371, 380, 382, 383-85, 387-88, 389-91, 392, 393-97, 401, 402, 403-05, 406-09, 410-12, 418, 431, 433-37, 438, 439-41, 442, 443-44, 446-51, 452-53, 455-58, 469, 470, 472, 473, 475, 476, 478, 479, 481, 482, 487, 488, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 497, 498, 499, 502, 504, 505, 507; Post-Scriptum to, 414-31

Fear and Trembling (1843), 455, 457, 473, 481, 482, 492, 502, 503

For Self-Examination (1851), 453, 469, 499

From the Papers of One Still Living (1838), 498, 502

“Herr Phister as Captain Scipio,” 507

“Johannes Climacus, or De omnibus dubitandum est [1842-43],” 478, 485, 489

Judge for Yourself! (1876), 493

The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air (1849), 493, 507

letter to Berlingske Tidende, 388-90

Letters and Documents, 469, 476, 477, 481, 493, 504, 505, 506, 507

On My Work as an Author (1851), 448-50

Philosophical Fragments (1844), 481, 482, 483, 488, 498, 502

The Point of View for My Work as an Author (1859), 445, 447, 502, 504, 505, 507

Practice in Christianity (1850), 507

Prefaces (1844), 503, 504

Repetition (1843), 429, 472, 478, 479, 481, 483, 498

The Sickness unto Death (1849), 447, 487, 498

Stages on Life’s Way (1845), 431-32, 481, 487, 492, 493, 494, 501, 502, 504, 505, 506

Three Godly Discourses (1849), 450

Two Ages (1846), 474, 481

Two Discourses at the Communion on Fridays (1851), 507

Two Minor Ethical-Religious Essays (1849), 444-45, 506, 507

Two Upbuilding Discourses (1843, 1844), 440, 441, 448, 449, 453, 507

Upbuilding Discourses in Various Spirits (1847), 434, 493, 497

“A Word of Thanks to Professor Heiberg” (1843), 502, 503, 504

Works of Love (1847), 505

Kildevalle, 404

King Christian VIII, 503

King David, see David, King

kingdom: of gods, 292; of Heaven, 364

King Louis XI, 478

king(s), 45. See also Hunger, Olaf; Richard the Lionhearted

kiss, 41, 126

Kjøbenhavnsflyvende Post, 494

Kjøbenhavnsposten, 412-14, 505; “Plump Usandhed,” 504

Kleobulos, 371

knight, 46, 97-98, 209; love of, 119; Spanish, 141

knowledge, 362, 367; and faith, 30; infinite, 386; the intellectual in, 30

Koch, Gustav Friedrich, Orakel der Liebe, Ehe und Freundschaft, 377-78

Koran, 387, 502

Kronos, 491

Kts (pseud, of J. P. Mynster), see Mynster, Bishop Jacob Peter

Lacedaemon, 495

Lambert, M. E. G. Théaulon de, Den lille Rødhøtte, 476

law of motion: in marriage, 94, 96-97, 98

law(s), 354, 362, 486; of contradiction, 488; Danish, 412; ethical as, 255; of nature, 354. See also law of motion; Mosaic Law

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm v., 126; Discourse on Metaphysics, 480; Opera, 470; Monadology, 470; New Essays on Human Understanding, 479

liberum arbitrium, 174

life: accidental in, 9; achievements in, 79-81; of actuality, 137; beauty in, 273; beauty of, 276, 323; bitterness of, 136; character of, 302; Christian, 41; contradiction of, 280; earnestness of, 10; enjoyment of, 182-83, 190-91; and the esthetic, 6, 8-9, 168; esthetic, 168-69, 178-219, 230, 257; ethical, 168-69, 177-80, 230, 243, 254-60, 275, 471; of family, 75, 84-85; history of, 117; in hope, 142; human, 92, 168, 169-71, 172, 179, 208, 252-53; individual, 109, 117-18, 134, 255-56; irony of, 364; of Judge William, 323-25; marital, 26, 140-45; in marriage, 6, 106, 144; meaning of, 190, 208-11, 232, 234-35, 249, 273, 322, 366; of a mystic, 241-42; necessities of, 283-87; reality of, 12-13; in recollection, 142; relations, 160. See also life-view

life-view, 179-84, 190, 195, 202, 204, 219, 232, 235, 239-40, 254, 287, 292, 319-22, 402; of the esthete, 292; esthetic, 183-94, 204-05, 221, 225, 232, 254, 287; ethical, 219-20, 225, 239-41, 250, 254-56, 287-88, 293, 322

logic, logical: doctrine, 484-85; and nature, 174

Loki, 474

Lord, 14, 111; altar of, 52, 55

Lot: wife of, 367

love, 15, 25, 209-10, 216-18, 249, 299-305, 348-53, 370, 382; and duty, 56, 146-53; essence of, 112, 141; and freedom, 349; God of, 30; of God, 216-17, 242, 245, 248, 352-53; as heaven, 22; and human beings, 216-17, 245; and humility, 375; humility of, 110; as an illusion, 21, 27; immediate, 19-20, 27, 29-31, 34; infinity of, 26, 111; knightly, 119; and marriage, 29; moment of, 112; nature of, 19-20, 43, 102; power of, 111; reality of, 192; reflective, 30; romantic, 19-22, 28-31, 47, 59, 134-35, 145, 375; as secretive, 56; as self-giving, 109; sensuous, 65; in universal and particular, 45, 90-91, 263-64, 329-31; of universal, 328-32. See also erotic love; first love; marital love

Lund, Peter Wilhelm, 497

Luno, see Bianco Luno Press

lust, 21

Luther, Martin, 123, 387, 458; Postille, 502

maelstrom, 31

man, men: character of, 493; as fathers, 75-76; and God, 442-43; married, 6-9, 138, 149, 298-99, 325, 382; natural, 132; nature of, 207, 386; and woman, 66-67; young, 161-63

marital, 32, 68, 127; consciousness, 117-19; life, 26-27, 140-45

marital love, 29-31, 96-100, 109, 111-12, 118-19, 126, 135-45; earnest, 119; the ethical and religious in, 112, 119, 126, 146; and first love, 104, 138; history of, 97-98, 109, 118, 145; nature of, 102; and romantic love, 138

Marquise de Prie, 499

marriage, 17, 31-36, 59, 96-97, 103-04, 112-21, 130, 152, 299, 302-05, 318, 325-26, 372, 376, 377, 384; Adam and Eve’s, 29; as beautiful, 61, 94, 113, 304; bitterness of, 33; and calculation, 26-28; as character school, 64-67; and children, 68-69, 374; in Christianity, 10, 28, 30-31, 36, 69; and Church, 91-94; of convenience, 26-27; and doubt, 96; as duty, 245, 302; and erotic love, 32-36, 44, 96-97; the esthetic in, 6, 8-9, 17, 61, 88, 104, 117, 124; the ethical and religious in, 34-36, 88-89, 94, 99, 119; and first love, 32-33, 43-61, 88, 131; and friendship, 317-18; as hell, 22; historical character of, 117-19; for a home, 76-77, 81-83; and human beings, 9, 89-90; joy in, 103; of Judge William, 62, 123, 325-26; law of motion in, 94, 96-97, 98; and love, 29; meaning of, 8-9; for money, 88; moral, 65, 116; nature of, 29, 32-33, 90, 117-19; principle in, 116; relationship, 304-05; religious, 44, 88, 131, 146; as school for character, 64-67; secrecy in, 104, 113-17; and sin, 91; and time, 137-43; validity of, 3-154; “why” of, 62-66, 87-88. See also marital love; wedding

married: man, 6-9, 138, 149, 298-99, 325, 382

Martensen, Hans Lassen, Den christelige Daab, 504; review of Heiberg, En Sjæl efter Døden, 503

Master Erik, 145, 481

master: husband as, 92, 115; of mood, 230; over nature, 282; and slaves, 501

meaning, of actuality, 322; and beauty, 322; of Christianity, 362; of duty, 266; of life, 190, 208-11, 232, 234-35, 249, 273, 322, 366; of marriage, 8-9; of sorrow, 236-38; of work, 283

mediation, 173-75, 483-84, 489; category of, 173; of contradictions, 173; pastor is, 450-51

metamorphosis, 57, 190, 271

metaphysics, 8, 240, 242, 248-54

Middle Age(s), 8, 26, 139, 245, 327, 381

Minerva, 367

Minotaurus, 363

mistletoe, 56-57, 474

modern: comedy, 21; literature, 18; philosophy, 211; poetry, 19, 31; prose, 31

Modern Zeitung, 368

Molbech, Christian, 434, 505

Møller, Peter Ludvig, 434; and Kierkegaard, 505

moment, the, 10-11, 206, 483-85; of battle, 29; of choice, 163-68, 177, 217, 223, 251; of deliberation, 163; of despair, 220, 256; of love, 112; in time, 173

monastery, 327-28

money, 277-81, 489; marriage for, 88

mood(s), 11, 26; master of, 230; multiplicity of, 199; of music, 234; and personality, 230

Morad the Hunchback, 368

moral, the, morality, 36, 470-71; the absolute in, 382; category of, 255; imperative of, 496; marriage as, 65, 116; principle, 428-29; subjective, 471

Morten, Jesper, sermon of, 414

Mosaic Law, 255. See also laws

mother(s), 35, 92, 313

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Don Giovanni, 25, 234, 427, 491; Don Juan, 491; Figaro, 42, 370, 372, 398, 473, 475, 498

multiplicity, of duty, 266, 268, 270, 383; of moods, 199; of relationships, 347-48

Musäus, Johann Carl August, 29, 201-02; Folkeæventyr, 487; “Liebestreue,” 473; “Rolands Knappen,” 487; “Rolands Vaabendragere,” 487; “Rübezahl,” 499; Volksmärchen der Deutschen, 473, 487, 499

music, 127, 136-37; of mood, 234

Mynster, Bishop Jacob (Jakob) Peter (pseud. Kts), 412-13, 436, 455, 457, 507; “Kirkelig Polemik,” 504

Myson, 320, 495

mystic, mysticism, the mystical, 241-50, 323, 381; life of, 241-42, 243-44; relationship to God, 243-44; and time, 242

Narcissus, 231, 490

Nathan: and King David, 5

Nathanson, Mendel Levin, 398

nature, 174, 500; and art, 131; conquering, 130-41; of dialectic, 484; of evil, 41; of first love, 43-44, 47-48, 56; and history, 174; law of, 354; and logic, 174; of love, 43, 102; of man, 207, 386; of marital love, 102; of marriage, 29, 90; master over, 282; possessing, 131-39

necessity(ies), the necessary: category of, 174, 232, 239; and freedom, 45, 61, 250; of life, 283-87; principle of, 485; qualification of, 212; to work, 289

Nemesis, goddess, 490

Nero, 184-88, 204

Nielsen, Rasmus, 440, 453, 506; wife of, 437, 506

Niger River, see analogy

Nitsch, Paul Friedrich A., neues mythologisches Wörterbuch, 491, 493

nothing: and being, 483-84

Novalis (pseud., of Friedrich v. Hardenberg), Henry von Ofterdingen, 498; Schriften, 498

Ny Portefeuille, 389, 401; “Tutti-Frutti,” 502

nymph, 303-06, 309-10, 490

object: of history, 485

obligation: love as, 56; marriage as, 245, 302; work as, 280-83, 288-90, 291

observer, observation, 8

ocean, see analogy

Odin, 474

Oehlenschläger, Adam Gottlob, 144, 450, 506, 507; Digte, 478; Digterværker, 497; “Freiers Sang ved Kilden,” 481; Gods of the North, 481; Ludlams Hule, 497; “Skattegraveren,” 478; “ Valravnen,” 481

Øieblik, 483

Olsen, Regine, 448, 507

Olufsen, Pastor, 71, 374

oracle, see Delphic oracle

Orient: sensuousness of, 28-29

Orientalist, see scholar

original sin, see hereditary sin

Ottilia, 119

outer, the: history, 134-35, 137; and inner, 121, 124

Ovid, Metamorphoses, 490; Opera, 490

pagan, paganism, 40, 240, 435; and Christianity, 171

Page, 42, 372

particular(s): and universal in love, 45, 90-91, 263-64, 329-31

passion(s), 402; of freedom, 216, 223

past, the: and future, 76

pastor(s), 70, 165, 412-14, 456; Kierkegaard as, 434; is meditation, 450-51

pathos, 157, 167

patience, 135-36, 138

Paul, St., 70

Perseus, 473

personality, 155-338; as absolute, 265; author-, 451; in continuity, 263; finite, 223; and mood, 230. See also self

Pharisee(s), 188

Philip of Macedonia, 478

philistine(s), 42, 63, 66

philosopher(s), 165, 175-76, 227, 240, 367; B not a, 170-74; German, 212; Greek, 387; a kind of, 443

philosophy, the philosophical, 170-76, 223-24, 386, 501; and Christianity, 381; modern, 211

pigeon, see analogy

Pisistratus, 495

Plato, 163, 495; Dialogues, 482; Gorgias, 495; Parmenides, 482; Symposium, 488

play: history as a, 480

playwright(s), 45, 122, 480

poet, the poetic, 120, 272-73, 306; and hero, 457; Kierkegaard as a, 438, 449, 458

poet-existence, 210

poetry, 121; and art, 134-37, 272-73; modern, 19, 31

possessing nature, 131-39

Potemkin, Prince Alexandrovitsch, 114, 479

Potiphar, wife of, 387

power(s), 295-97, 354; eternal, 167, 177, 206, 232, 236; higher, 36, 56, 89; of individual, 190; inner, 121; of love, 111; upbuilding, 351; of will, 206, 353

prayer, 243, 314-15, 370, 490

predestination, 232

pride, 205

principle(s), 302; of contradiction, 170-71, 216, 223, 485; in marriage, 116; moral, 428-29; of necessity, 485; of the world, 483

Prometheus: and Epimetheus, 279, 493

prompter, see acting prompter

prose: modern, 31

proverb, 76, 151

providence, 12, 13

pseudonyms, pseudonymity: as author-personalities, 451, 454-55; the significance of, 451. See also Kierkegaard, S. A., pseudonyms

psyche, the psychical, 61; freedom, 61

purgatory, 331. See also hell

Pythagoras, Pythagorean(s), 365, 386, 498, 502

Queen Caroline Amalie, 503

Queen of England, 81; husband of, 81

Quidam, 429-32

R. N., see Nielsen, Rasmus

race, see human

Ragnarok, 379

reality, 12-13, 469, 499; of actuality, 35; of femininity, 430, 431; and history, 78-79; infinite, 141; of life, 12-13; of love, 192; perfect, 134; of prayer, 370; of repentance, 175

recollection, 24, 431; faithful, 16; and hope, 142-43; life in, 142

reduplication, 452

reflection(s), 474, 490; age of, 27; end of, 30; first love’s lack of, 42-43; religiousness in, 453

reflective: age, 28; love, 30; sorrows, 235

reflexion, 48, 474

Reitzel, Carl, 434, 505

relation(s), relationship(s): to Christianity, 456; duty, 151, 270; finite, 348, 352; infinite, 348-53; marriage, 304-05; multiplicity of, 347-48. See also God

religion, the religious, 30-31, 58, 147; and the erotic, 44; and the esthetic, 10, 73, 88, 147; and the ethical, 34-36, 48, 147; and first love, 48, 89, 131; individual, 30; and the interesting, 443-44; marriage, 40, 88, 131, 146; virtues, 240, 243, 262

religiousness: in reflection, 453

repentance, 175, 216-18, 224, 232, 237-39, 241-42, 247-49; and choosing, 217; ethical, 248-49; reality of, 175

responsibility, 86; of father, 76

Rhea, 491

Rhodes, 63, 475

Richard the Lionhearted. and Saladin, Moslem sultan of Egypt, 472

Richter, Johann Paul Friedrich, see Jean Paul

right, in the, 346-51, 353-54

Riises Bibliothek for Ungdommen, 368

Rinville, 300. See also Scribe

Robinson Crusoe, 263, 428, 505

romantic, romanticism: and the historical, 478; love, 19-22, 28, 31, 47, 59, 134-35, 146, 375; and marital love, 138

Rome, 184, 204, 494

Rosenkrantz, Karl, 373; “Gunther’s und Pabst’s Katholische Polemik gegen Hegel,” 499; Kritische Erläuterungen des Hegel’schen Systems, 499

Rübezahl, 370

Saladin: and Christians, 26; and Richard the Lionhearted, 472

Salighed, 118

Sallust, 493; “Jugurtha,” 493; Opera, 493

salvation, 436; and damnation, 17; secret of, 218; by woman, 207

Scharling, 381

Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph v., 136; Schriften, 480; System of Transcendental Idealism, 480; “Ueber das Verhältnis der bildenden Künste zu der Natur,” 480

Schiller, Friedrich v., The Robbers Wallenstein, 489; Werke, 489

Schlegel, Friedrich v., 479; Lucinde, 479, 480-81. See also Julius

Schlemihl, 10

scholar, and dot, 309-10

school, 266-69; marriage as, 64-67

Scribe, Augustin Eugène, 235, 254, 325; To Aar efter Bryllup, 496; Aurelia, 491, 496; Enten elskes eller døe, 496; Familien Riquebourg, 496; For evig, eller Medicin mod en Elskovsruus, 19, 470; Den første Kjærlighed, 19, 300, 420, 427, 505; De Utrøstelige, 491. See also Charles; Emmeline; Rinville

Scripture, see Bible

secret, secrecy: erotic love’s, 49, 104, 106-10, 117-18, 119; love as, 56; in marriage, 104, 113-17; of salvation, 218; system of, 113, 116

seducer, seduction, seductive, 300, 377, 430

Seducer, the, 411

self, 169, 177, 215-26, 259, 364, 365, 451; personal, 262; social, civil, 262-63

self-giving: love as, 109

self-knowledge, 259-60

self-love, 169, 271

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, 70, 476; Epistles, 501; “On the Value of Advice,” 501

sensuous, the, sensuousness, 21-22; and eternity, 22; and love, 65; of the Orient, 28-29; and sin, 91; and the spiritual, 61, 116; as transitory, 23

sermon(s), 337-38, 384, 385; of Jesper Morten, 414

Shakespeare, William, Hamlet, 491; Works, 491

Sibbern, Frederik Christian, Logik, 485

Sibylline Books, 209, 488

Silenus, 488

sin(s), 41, 91-92, 220, 248, 375; and child, 91; depression as, 189; human, 93; of Kierkegaard, 438; in marriage, 91; and the sensuous, 91. See also hereditary sin; cardinal sin

single individual, that, 448

single individual, the, 240, 246, 328, 442-43, 453; as absolute, 265. See also individual

Sirach, Jesus, 81

Siren, see Ariston

Sisyphus, 365

slave: of Abraham, 81; and master, 501; woman as, 92

sleepwalker, see analogy

Socrates, 364, 470, 471, 475-76, 487, 491, 498; and Alcibiades, 488

Solomon, 282; and King David, 408

Sophists, Sophism, sophistry, 13, 15

sorrow, 189, 204, 234-38; esthetic, 204, 235, 239; eternal, 235; and joy, 235; meaning of, 236-38; reflective, 235

soul(s), 220-21; damage to, 220-21, 386; immortality of, 270

Spanish knight, 141. See also Don Quixote

sparrow, see analogy

Spirit, the, 244, 485, 489; Divine, 489; Holy, 220

spirit, the spiritual, 48-50, 204-05; Christianity as, 49; and depression, 188-90; finite, 250, 489; and flesh, 49-50; God as, 20; of history, 175; immediate, 188; infinite, 250; and marriage, 61; and the sensuous, 61, 116

spiritual trial, 124, 287, 323, 332

state, the, 152, 471, 485-86, 496

Stoic(s), 491, 500

stranger: and alien, 83-84

Strasbourg geese, see geese

struggle, 283-87, 442-43

Suetonius, “Gaius C. Caligula,” 478; Lives of the Caesars, 478

suffer, suffering, 432; cup of, 287; and doubt, 415-16; long-, 136, 139

suicide, 245-46, 382

Supreme Good, the, 501. See also good

swimming, see analogy

swine, see analogy

system, 173, 321, 361-62

Sædelighed, 470

talent, 183, 292-97

Tarquinius Superbus, 209

teleology, 28, 66, 195, 263; inner, 272-76

temporality, the temporal, 249-50; and the eternal, 41

temptation, 121, 386

Tennemann, Wilhelm Gottlieb, 374, 380, 382, 383, 385, 387, 408, 501; Geschichte der Philosophie, 380, 499

theater, 122-23

Thersites, 380, 500

Thiele, Just Matthias, Danske Folkesange, 474, 481; “Jeg beder jer hellige Konger tre,” 474

third power, see God

Thostrup, Ludvig, Østergade og Vestergade, 489

Tilblivelse, 103

Tilværelse, 167, 198

Timaeus, 498

time, 134-38; children of, 236; eternity in, 138-39; and marriage, 138-43; moment in, 173; and mystic, 242; qualification of, 139; of sorrow, 24; and woman, 307-08

Timon: and Apemantus, 495

tragedy, the tragic: hero, 236, 237

transparent, transparency, 179, 254, 487

trial(s), see spiritual trial

Tro, 200

Trojan War, 500

Tungsind, 185, 189

understanding, the, 15, 21, 22, 30, 87, 151, 191, 280, 410, 484-85; calculating, 27; concepts of, 496; good, 280; and marriage, 115-18; and secretiveness, 117; of Supreme Good, 501

universality, the universal: beauty of, 338; destiny, 91; duty as, 263-64; ethical as, 255, 302, 304; and individual, 256, 259, 261-62, 263-64, 275, 296, 328-32, 485; love of, 328-29, 330-31; and the particular in love, 45, 90-91, 263-64, 329-31. See also universally human

universally human, the, 328-32, 375

upbuilding, 123, 340, 346-50, 351-53, 386

Valhalla, 479; battle of, 112

validity, 209-10, 219, 224, 469; of duty, 212; of friendship, 316; of marriage, 3-154, 317. See also self

Valkyries, 479

Vergilius (Virgilius) the sorcerer, 373

Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro), Æneid, 474; Virgil, 474

Virkelighed, 469

virtue(s), 261-63; civic, 262; extraordinary, 11; Greek, 240; and mystic, 243; personal, 262; religious, 240, 243, 262

wedding, 89-91, 100-01, 103, 142. See also marriage; marital love

Wessel, Johan Herman, “Cavalieren,” 489; Skrivter, 489

Wette, Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de, 381; Lærobog i den christelige Sædelære, 501

wife, 305-10, 375; Edward’s, 119; Job’s, 13; Judge William’s, 9, 324-26; Lot’s, 367; scholar’s, 309-10

will, willing, 94, 257-58, 496; choosing to, 169; determination of, 21-22; power of, 206, 353. See also choice; freedom

Wilster, Christian, 473; Digtninger, 473

Winther, Villads Christian, 450, 507

Wolff, Pius Alexander, Preciosa, 494

woman, women, 92, 308, 310-12, 313, 316; bearing children, 91; beauty of, 431; and congregation, 313; emancipation of, 22, 53, 311-13; essence of, 92; and the finite, 311-12; and man, 66-67; poor, 12-15, 74; salvation by, 207; as slave, 92; and time, 307-08. See also analogy

wonder child, see nymph

wonder stool, 364, 497-98

work, 280-98, 305; against oneself, 452; as a calling, 293; duty to, 280-83, 288-90, 291; of Judge William, 324; meaning of, 283; necessity to, 289

world, 220-21; achievements in, 81; creation of, 364; history, 170-71, 174, 485; inner, 94; intelligible, 496; principle of the, 483

world-historical: individual, 174-77, 486; process, 174

writers, 297. See also author

wrong, 340, 346-51, 386

Xanthippe, 66, 475

Xerxes, 402

Zeno, 374, 487