References in brackets interposed in the text are to volume and page [I 100] in Søren Kierkegaards Samlede Værker, I-XIV, edited by A. B. Drachman, J. L. Heiberg, and H. O. Lange (1 ed., Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1901-06). The same marginal references are used in Sören Kierkegaard, Gesammelte Werke, Abt. 1-36 (Düsseldorf: Diederichs Verlag, 1952-69).
References to Kierkegaard’s works in English are to this edition, Kierkegaard’s Writings [KW], I-XXV (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978- ). Specific references to the Writings are given by English title and the standard Danish pagination referred to above [Stages KW Xl (SVVl 100)].
References to the Papirer [Pap. I A 100; note the differentiating letter A, B, or C, used only in references to the Papirer] are to Søren Kierkegaards Papirer, I-XI3, edited by P. A. Heiberg, V. Kuhr, and E. Torsting (1 ed., Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1909-48), and 2 ed., photo-offset with two supplemental volumes, I-XIII, edited by Niels Thulstrup (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1968-70), and with index, XIV-XVI (1975-78), edited by N. J. Cappelørn. References to the Papirer in English [JPII 1500] are to the volume and serial entry number in Søren Kierkegaard’s Journals and Papers, I-VII, edited and translated by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong, assisted by Gregor Malantschuk (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1967-78).
References to correspondence are to the serial numbers in Breve og Aktstykker vedrørende Søren Kierkegaard, I–II, edited by Niels Thulstrup (Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1953-54), and to the corresponding serial numbers in Kierkegaard: Letters and Documents, translated by Henrik Rosenmeier, Kierkegaard’s Writings, XXV [Letters, KW XXV, Letter 100].
References to books in Kierkegaard’s own library [ASKB 100] are based on the serial numbering system of Auktionsprotokol over Søren Kierkegaards Bogsamling (Auction-catalog of Søren Kierkegaard’s Book-collection), edited by H. P. Rohde (Copenhagen: Royal Library, 1967).
In the Supplement, references to page and lines in the text are given as: 100:1-10.
In the notes, internal references to the present work are given as: p. 100.
Three periods indicate an omission by the editors; five periods indicate a hiatus or fragmentariness in the text.