Having been interested in evolution since before the 1920s, most of what I have learned I owe to masters of evolutionary thought whom I can no longer thank in person. I think of Theodosius Dobzhansky, R. A. Fisher, J. B. S. Haldane, David Lack, Michael Lerner, B. Rensch, G. Ledyard Stebbins, and Ervin Stresemann. The list should actually be far longer, but these are names that came to my mind at this moment. They certainly were a group of powerful thinkers who constructed modern Darwinism.
It gives me great pleasure to thank personally numerous evolutionists who helped me in the preparation of this volume by supplying information or critical comment: Francisco Ayala, Walter Bock, Frederick Burkhardt, T. Cavalier-Smith, Ned Colbert, F. DeWaal, Jared Diamond, Doug Futuyma, M.T. Ghiselin, G. Giribet, Verne Grant, Steve Gould, Dan Hartl, F. Jacob, T. Junker, Lynn Margulis, R. May, Axel Meyer, John A. Moore, E. Nevo, David Pilbeam, William Schopf, Bruce Wallace, and E. O. Wilson, R. W. Wrangham, Elwood Zimmermann.
The librarians of the Ernst Mayr Library at the Museum of Comparative Zoology were most helpful in tracking literature references and other help with this bibliography. Deborah Whitehead, Joohee Lee, and Chenowoth Moffatt prepared the manuscript and contributed in numerous other ways to its completion. Doug Rand saved the electronic program of illustrations from impending disaster. Finally, I am most grateful to Basic Books and its editorial staff, particularly Jo-Ann Miller, Christine Marra, and John C. Thomas in guiding the manuscript through the editorial process.