

Brandt, Anthony, ed. The North Pole: A Narrative History. Washington, DC: National Geographic, 2005.

Brooks, Charles Wolcott. Early Migrations: Arctic Drift and Ocean Currents; Illustrated by the Discovery on an Ice-Floe off the Coast of Greenland of Relics from the American Arctic Steamer Jeannette. San Francisco: Geo. Spaulding, 1884.

Brooks, Charles Wolcott. Scientific Inferences, from a Certain State of Facts, as to the Probable Movements and Present Position of the American Arctic Exploring Yacht Jeannette…. San Francisco: Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 1880.

Danenhower, John Wilson. Lieutenant Danenhower’s Narrative of the Jeannette. Boston: James R. Osgood, 1882.

De Long, Emma Wotton. Explorer’s Wife. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1938.

De Long, Emma, ed. The Voyage of the Jeannette: The Ship and Ice Journals of George W. De Long. 2 vols. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1883–84.

Fitzhugh, William W., and Susan A. Kaplan. Inua: Spirit World of the Bering Sea Eskimo. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1982.

Gatewood, J. D., ed. The Private Journal of James Markham Ambler, M.D. Washington, DC: U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Office of Medical History Collection, 1914.


Gilder, William H. Ice-Pack and Tundra: An Account of the Search for the Jeannette and a Sledge Journey Through Siberia. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1883.

Guttridge, Leonard F. Icebound: The Jeannette Expedition’s Quest for the North Pole. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1986.

Hoehling, A. A. The Jeannette Expedition: An Ill-Fated Journey to the Arctic. New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1967.

Melville, George W. In the Lena Delta. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1885.

Muir, John. The Cruise of the Corwin: Journal of the Arctic Expedition of 1881 in Search of De Long and the Jeannette. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1917.

Nansen, Fridtjof. Farthest North. New York: Modern Library, 1999.

Newcomb, Raymond Lee, et al. Our Lost Explorers: The Narrative of the Jeannette Expedition. Hartford, CT: American Publishing, 1888.

Prentiss, Henry Mellen. The Great Polar Current. New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1897.

Sides, Hampton. In the Kingdom of Ice. New York: Doubleday, 2014.

Vaughan, Richard. The Arctic: A History. Dover, NH: A. Sutton, 1994.

Williams, Henry Llewellyn. History of the Adventurous Voyage and Terrible Shipwreck of the U.S. Steamer Jeannette in the Polar Seas. New York: A. T. B. De Witt, 1882.

Government Documents

“Proceedings of a Court of Inquiry Convened at the Navy Department, Washington, D.C., October 5, 1882, in Pursuance of a Joint Resolution of Congress Approved August 8, 1882, to Investigate the Circumstances of the Loss in the Arctic Seas of the Exploring Steamer Jeannette, etc.” Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1883.

“Report of Chief Engineer Geo. W. Melville in Connection with the Jeannette Expedition.” Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1882.

“Report of Lieut. Jno. W. Danenhower in Connection with the Jeannette Expedition.” Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1882.


Chicago Tribune. “The Fate of the Jeannette.” February 18, 1880.

New York Evening Telegram. “Firm Belief in the Safety of the Jeannette.” October 5, 1881.

New York Herald. “Arctic Exploration. Dr. Hayes on the Prospects of the Jeannette.” July 31, 1880.

———. “The Arctic Mystery.” January 20, 1879.

———. “Awful Calamity: The Wild Animals Broken Loose from Central Park.” November 9, 1874.

———. “Brave Men’s Fate: Bodies of Jeannette’s Crew Found Buried in Snow.” June 27, 1882.

———. “The Corwin’s Cruise.” June 20, 1880.

———. “De Long: Found Dead with His Party at the Lena’s Mouth.” May 6, 1882.

———. “From the Jeannette: Louis P. Noros Relates His Experience After He Left Captain De Long….” April 20, 1882.

———. “The Jeannette: Continuation of Lieutenant Danenhower’s Narrative.” May 2, 1882.

———. “The Jeannette: Dr. Newcomb’s Jottings About the Voyage.” May 7, 1882.

———. “The Jeannette: The End of Lieutenant Danenhower’s Story.” May 5, 1882.

———. “The Jeannette: Engineer Melville’s Account of the Ice Drift and Retreat.” April 6, 1882.

———. “The Jeannette: Lieutenant Danenhower’s Story of the Retreat.” May 3, 1882.

———. “The Jeannette: Lost in the Arctic—Rescue of the Crew.” December 21, 1881.

———. “The Jeannette Search: Engineer Melville at Yakutsk—His Sad Quest Ended.” May 26, 1882.

———. “Wrangell Land Sighted.” September 11, 1880.

New York Herald-Tribune. “Lone Survivor Recalls Terrors of Ill-Fated Quest for North Pole.” January 8, 1928.

New York Times. “The Bennett Polar Expedition.” May 23, 1878.

———. “Coffins Covered with Wreaths.” February 22, 1884.

———. “De Long’s Men on the Ice.” October 24, 1882.

———. “De Long’s Tragic Death.” November 22, 1882.


This flag pennant flew from the Jeannette’s main mast.

———. “From the Arctic Regions: The Return of Melville….” September 14, 1882.

———. “The Ice Journey of the Jeannette’s Crew.” October 25, 1882.

———. “In Capt. De Long’s Boat.” December 2, 1882.

———. “The Jeannette Wrecked.” December 20, 1881.

———. “Mr. Bennett’s Polar Schemes.” July 22, 1878.

———. “Off for the Arctic Seas: Departure of the Jeannette from San Francisco.” July 9, 1879.

———. “On the Siberian Coast.” November 14, 1882.

———. “The Quarrels and Troubles on the Jeannette.” November 24, 1882.

———. “The Retreat on the Ice.” November 10, 1882.

———. “Seeking Aid for De Long.” December 7, 1882.

———. “The Wreck of the Jeannette.” January 9, 1882.

———. “The Wrecked Arctic Explorers.” December 24, 1881.


This silk ribbon adorned a railroad car that carried the remains of the Jeannette expedition members out of Siberia.