Chapter Thirty


Adam rolled over slowly, surfacing through layers of unconsciousness. He opened his eyes to darkness. Bathed in perspiration, he pushed off his blankets and shivered as cool air hit his skin.

Minutes ticked by as he tried to sort out his sluggish thoughts. His butt ached where they had poked him with a needle. He had been moved to another room. It seemed like several days had passed, though he couldn’t be sure. It was all a blur.

Drifting in and out of consciousness, Adam wrestled with the fact that he wasn’t alone. He shook his head to clear it and opened his eyes wider, trying to see through the darkness that lay across his room like a shroud.

Something kneeled on the bed. It touched his bare skin, fingers skittering up his sides like spiders. A heaviness crawled up his body and sat on his chest. Adam started to panic. His hands flew up to push the entity away. A heaviness immediately pressed against him, freezing his struggle. He felt his breath being pulled from his lips until there was no breath left.

The creature stopped and allowed him to fill his lungs again.

Adam gasped for air. Icy pins and needles swarmed his skin like biting ants. The sensation spread to his shoulders and across his collarbone. He shut his eyes tightly as the pressure on his chest increased. The sensation of biting ants spread up his neck and across his face.

“Son-of-a-bitch—” He began to scream.

Muffled voices. The distant sound of a door opening.

“What’s wrong now, Adam? This is the third time.”

Adam struggled to answer the man, but couldn’t get his mouth to work right.

“I’ll take care of it, Vernon,” said a female voice. “You’re off, aren’t you?”

“I was officially off an hour ago.” Vernon checked Adam’s pupils.

“I thought you said he was sedated?”

“He is,” Vernon said with a sigh. “Guess we’d better give the next dose a little early.” The jingle of keys. “His doctor wants him kept calm.”

Adam drifted. It seemed like seconds later before his thoughts refocused again.

“I don’t know how he metabolizes so quickly,” the female nurse remarked.

“Years of experience,” Vernon answered as he rolled Adam over.

Adam tried to fight, but his arms and legs felt like lead.

“Poor guy,” Vernon said. “Dr. Leo’s backed him into a corner this time. Trying to treat him the best way possible, I guess.”

“Didn’t you hear?” said the female nurse. “They’re sending him to another hospital.”

“Really?” Vernon said. “Can’t say I’m surprised. This hospital is on its way to closing its doors, if you ask me.”

“Don’t let Blinderman hear you say that,” the nurse said with a chuckle.

“I don’t let Blinderman hear me say a lot of things.”

The sting of a needle hit his backside and their conversation faded.