Chapter Thirty-Five


Moira lay in bed and tried to sleep. Jack lay behind her and hummed quietly in her ear. She had been trying unsuccessfully to tune him out for the past hour. They had fought over Dr. Cassano’s visit and the slice of birthday cake he’d given her. Moira left the door open in the hopes she’d feel somewhat safer, but it wasn’t working. Jack’s temper had returned to normal, as it usually did, but it still felt like she was walking on eggshells.

She drifted off to sleep and was startled awake by the feeling of being watched. As soon as she sat up, the person who had been peeking in her doorway hurried off. Tessa? She glanced at her clock. It’s eleven-thirty PM. Where is she going? Moira quickly slipped on her bunny slippers.

Jack grabbed her wrist. “Where are you going?”

Moira shook him off with a frown. She looked out her doorway just in time to catch Tessa disappearing around the corner. Maybe she’s going to the men’s floor, she thought. Her heart quickened. Adam.

“Are we playing tag?” Isabella asked.

Moira ignored her and followed Tessa up the stairwell, keeping a distance and pacing her silently. As Tessa passed the third floor exit, Moira hesitated, eying the door. I could try and find Adam myself.

Jack made a sound of contempt. “Planning a midnight rendezvous?”

Moira edged away from him. Looking up the stairwell, she could hear Tessa making her way to the fourth floor. The girl’s footsteps echoed faintly as Tessa continued up the stairs past the point where she should have exited. The roof, Moira thought, biting her lip. Dammit. She ditched her plan to find Adam and ran up the stairs after her. As she reached the roof access door, Moira could see that Tessa was struggling with the lock.

“What are you doing?”

Tessa turned guiltily. “I know that you and Adam go up here. I watched him steal the keys from Belinda.”

“You’re going to get into trouble.”

She gave Moira a blank stare before turning her back.


The lock clicked and Tessa let out a small sound of triumph. She pushed the door open. A breeze slipped through the crack.

As they stepped out on the roof, a full moon overhead shone like a spotlight on their transgression.

“Careful of the edge,” Moira said. “There’s not much of a wall.”

“I see it,” Tessa replied. She walked towards the edge boldly.

Icy cold wind buffeted Moira’s pajamas. “You’re making me nervous, Tessa.”

“Me too,” Isabella echoed.

Moira turned to see Isabella eyeing the edge warily. Jack stood silently, arms crossed.

Tessa looked over her shoulder at Moira. “Why did you follow me?”

Moira took a step back, hoping Tessa would take her cue. “Adam and I usually sit right here.”

“How romantic.” Jack eyed the spot with contempt.

“I don’t want to sit,” Tessa said.

Moira shivered, her thin T-shirt and pajama bottoms offering little protection against the wind. “Then let’s go back inside. It’s cold out here.”

“Do you know what it’s like to have no control over your life?” Tessa asked.

“Yes,” Isabella answered.

“I don’t like being here,” Tessa continued, oblivious to Isabella’s presence.

“I don’t like being here either,” Moira said.

“Or me,” Isabella echoed.

Moira glanced at Isabella, a brief pang at her heart. “It’s not forever.”

“But it is. It is,” Tessa repeated with finality. “Do you know what my doctor said to me today? He said I wasn’t making progress.” Her face convulsed. “I’ve been trying so hard.”

Moira took a careful step towards her. “I know it’s difficult, but we all have those days. You have to focus on how far you’ve come.”

Tessa frowned and shook her head. “Dr. Horvath said, ‘You aren’t making the progress I’ve been hoping for,’” she repeated slowly. “But I was. I was making progress. And now I’m not.” She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “They’re going to send me to another hospital.”

“Another hospital? Where?”

Tessa’s eyes were vacant. “Does it matter? They don’t want me here. I’m not making progress.” She took another step away.

“Please, Tessa, please,” Moira begged. “Come here and we’ll sit and talk about it.”

“Talking,” Tessa said. “I’m done talking. That’s all I do anymore. I talk, talk, talk, and doctors pretend to listen, take notes and give me pills.”

“Maybe you aren’t talking to the right person.”

Tessa worried the edge of her T-shirt and shook her head. Her attention wandered.

“We won’t talk, then,” Moira added quickly. “W-we’ll sit.”

“No,” Tessa gave a small, sad smile. “I’m done.” She took a final step away…and jumped.

Time seemed to slow. Moira’s limbs were leaden. The world felt like it collapsed in on her. And then, the screams started.

Some of them were from below. One was from her.

But Isabella’s were the loudest.