Chapter Forty-Eight


“Are you sure the tow guy won’t call the police?” Moira felt her temple gingerly. “I’m not supposed to be driving. My license hasn’t been reinstated yet.”

“Howard will keep his mouth shut.” He rooted around in Green Man’s sparse first aid kit for another antiseptic wipe. “Good thing it’s just some front end damage and not parts, or you’d be screwed. It’s going to take a couple of days to get a new windshield, though.”

“Did he say how much it would cost?”

“Got you covered; don’t worry about it.” Adam said shortly.

“Lover boy made some promises he won’t be able to keep.” Green Man patted Adam resoundingly on the back.

Adam felt a hot wave of anger and glared at his cousin. “Won’t be pretty like it was, but it’ll be drivable.” He inwardly winced at the deal he’d made the tow owner; his free labor in exchange for the fix. Which won’t be any time soon, that’s for damn sure. He returned his attention to Moira again. Dabbing her lip gently, he gave her a small smile. “You did yourself good. Gonna have a bruise. Can you move your wrist?”

“A little.”

“Good, it’s not broken then. Probably hurts like a bitch, though.”

“I got something for that, if she wants it,” Green Man called from the kitchen.

Adam shot him a warning look. “I’ll wrap it.” He rummaged through the first aid kit again.

“I don’t know how I’m going to explain this to Liam,” Moira said. “I can’t tell him I crashed my car. And if Dr. Cassano finds out what happened…”

“She can’t stay here.”

“Don’t worry about Green Man,” Adam said. “He likes to hear himself talk.”

“I’m serious.” Green Man stood in the kitchen doorway, dishtowel in hand. “I got a deal going down this weekend and I don’t need—”

“It’s probably not a good idea, actually,” Adam cut him off. “I don’t want you to get into trouble, Moira. I kind of syringed my nurse before I busted out of the hospital.”

“Aw, shit, Adam, are you kidding me?” Green Man said. “If the cops come here—”

“They’re not going to.”

“You don’t want to get your girl into trouble, what about me? Forget about our deal. I’m not taking a fall for you.”

“You won’t have to,” Adam retorted.

Green Man pointed at Moira. “I’m not getting pulled in for kidnapping, either.”

“You didn’t kidnap me,” she said. “I would never say that.”

“Whatever, dear,” Green Man said condescendingly. “I don’t need the extra trouble thrown my way. So, as soon as you’re done there, you can skedaddle back home. Hitchhike, walk, I don’t care what you do.”

“How about you let us crash at the shack for a couple of days?”

“Adam, goddamn it.” Green Man threw the dishtowel on the counter and shook his head.

“Is anyone staying there?”

“No, nobody’s staying there—” He caught Moira’s look and stopped. “Stack up those favors, buddy. You’ll be owing me until your funeral.” Green Man picked up the dishtowel and waved it at him. “Which may come sooner than you think, if you’re not careful.”

“Thanks, cousin,” Adam said. “It’s so good to have family to back you up.”

“He’s your cousin?”

“Keep talking,” Green Man called from the kitchen. “The more I hear, the more I’m thinking that dumping both your asses in the woods is sounding better and better.”

“I should call Liam,” she said to Adam. “He’ll worry about me if I don’t. Dr. Cassano too.”

“What are you going to say?”

“I don’t know. Can I borrow a phone? Mine’s dead.”

Adam dropped his voice. “Your ghost made you drive off the road, didn’t he?”

Moira bit her lip and nodded. “He’s getting stronger.” She hesitated. “I need your help.”

Adam felt a surge of happiness. It was swallowed immediately by a wave of fear. Fear of not only Moira’s predicament, but the fear he’d let her down. “I never turn down a damsel in distress.”

“Have there been a lot of those?”

“No,” he said, sobering. “You’re the only one. Where’s your phone, Green Man?”

Green Man fished the cell phone from his back pocket and tossed it at Moira. “Keep it short. One word about where you’re at, and you and Romeo can take a hike.”

“Excuse my cousin’s manners,” Adam said. “Runs in the family.”

Green Man gave him the finger before returning to the kitchen.

After a brief conversation with Liam, Moira hung up and dialed again. “It’s me, Dr. Cassano.” She paused, listening. “I’m fine. I just called Liam. He said you were trying to get in touch. I-I’ll be back by Wednesday. I’m not going to make our Monday appointment. I hope that’s okay.” Moira’s gaze connected with Adam’s. “I’m…visiting a friend.” Her attention shifted to Green Man, who was giving them the evil eye. “I can’t answer that. I’m doing what I need to do.”

Green Man made a sign for her to wrap it up.

“I have to go,” Moira said. “I’ll call you Wednesday.”