Chapter Forty-Nine


Richard clicked off his cellphone, his thumb worrying the case. Moira had called from a blocked number. She sounded tense and guarded, which worried him. His turned on his phone again and dialed.

“Liam?” he said. “This is Dr. Cassano. Did Moira call you?”

“Yes. Our conversation was…weird.”

“Ours too. Does she know anyone outside of town?”

“No,” Liam answered. “Nobody she’d stay with. All her friends are here.”

“I think she’s looking for a patient. If she’s not with him already.”

“A patient?” Liam questioned. “What patient? What do you mean?”

“One that escaped from the hospital.”

“Is he dangerous?” His voice registered alarm. Why would she do that?”

“I need to talk to you, face-to-face.”

“Sure, Dr. Cassano.” He gave him the address. “Do we need to call the police?”

“Not yet,” Dr. Cassano said. “Hold tight. I’ll see you in a few.”


* * *


“She never told me.” Liam sat across from him. “I knew something was different after—” he paused, “after Isabella’s accident. But I didn’t know she’d been hearing voices the whole time.” He leaned back in his chair, his face tense. “Do you really think they’re coming from…ghosts?”

“I do,” Richard replied definitively. “I know how that sounds, but if you saw what I saw that day she was hit; there was a definite handprint across her face. That, and the things being pushed and thrown off my desk…” He shook his head. “I’ve been trying to convince myself otherwise, but there’s just no other explanation.”

“So, some asshole hit my sister?” Liam said, his voice bordering on panic. “Some ghost asshole? How are we supposed to fight that?”

“I know I’ve asked you before, but can you remember anything about Jack Galvins, anything at all?”

“I told you everything. I even asked her about him yesterday.”

“You did?” He winced inwardly. “And?”

“She didn’t say anything about a suicide,” he said. “I must have been doing my teaching practicum when that happened. Guess I wasn’t there for her when she needed me. Once again.”

“Why do you say that?” Richard asked. “Of course you’re there for her. You’re giving her the support she needs, Liam.”

“I’m trying.” His cheeks reddened.

“Why do you think you’re falling short?”

“When Moira and I were kids, she always looked out for me. Being shuttled between foster homes, it was rough. Some of them were okay, but… There was this boy at the one before Mom Adel’s…”

“She told me what happened there. The cigarette burn?”

“Did she tell you about the fight the day before?”

Richard frowned. “No, she didn’t.”

“He was teasing me, pushing me around. Moira told him to shut his fat mouth and they got into it.” Liam shook his head. “I should have seen it coming. I should have been there to protect her. I’m her brother. And at Mom Adel’s…with Isabella.”

“Nobody could have seen that coming, Liam,” Richard said.

“But it happened because of me. Isabella was teasing me, and Moira wasn’t going to let her get away with it. If it hadn’t been for me, that whole thing would have never happened.”

“Do you blame yourself?”

“Yes,” he replied. “The cigarette burn and Isabella’s accident—those things were my fault and she suffered because of it. And now with this guy, Jack. What happened with him? I wasn’t there for her, obviously. Something went down and she didn’t ask for my help.” Liam frowned. “I’m her brother. It was always Moira and I against the world. She had my back. I had hers.” His breath hitched. “Let me correct myself. I’m supposed to have her back. But I guess I don’t.”

“A spirit attachment would be a lot for someone to deal with,” Richard said carefully. “It’s probably not something they’d be willing to share.”

“Goddamn it,” Liam muttered. “I should be the one there for her, not some stranger she met in a psyche ward. Why would she go after him?”

The phone rang. Liam wiped his eyes with the back of his hand before he picked it up.

“Hey, Wes.” Liam said. “What’s up? I’m kind of busy.”

Richard walked into the living room, giving Liam some privacy.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Liam cleared his throat and sniffed. “Probably coming down with a cold or something.”

Richard spied Moira’s sketchbooks on the table and opened one, thumbing through it.

“Yeah, I’m still in the band. I just…got some stuff going on.” Pause. “Yeah, she’s out.”

He came across a torn drawing of Adam and paused. Richard shut the sketchbook again.

“Work’s fine.” Liam opened the fridge. “What are you talking about?”

I know she’s with Adam, Richard thought in dismay. Where could they be? If he hurts her in any way…

“Wes, you know—” Liam sighed. “We didn’t get “into” it. I had a couple of parent-teacher meetings. And from what I remember, they went fine. Have you heard any different?” Liam joined Richard in the living room. “Look, I’ll meet you guys for practice next week. I got stuff going on right now. Call you later.” He hung up the phone. “Sorry.”

“Problems at work?”

“Don’t tell Moira, but…after she went into Baycrest.” He wiped his face with his hands and sighed. “Gossip travels fast. And it’s not very forgiving. We have to find her, Dr. Cassano. Why would she go after that guy?”

“She told me once that Adam kept Jack away from her,” Richard said. “I don’t know what that means, but if she’s with Adam, we need to find out where they are. Or this could get really complicated.”

“Do you think she’s with him?”

Richard glanced at Moira’s sketchbook. “I’m almost certain of it.”