“What are you going to do once they close the hospital down, Richard?” Jackie plonked a bag of bagels on the kitchen counter. “That was the last thing I expected to read in the papers this morning. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It happened pretty quickly.” He poured her a cup of coffee. “I handed in my resignation yesterday.”
“Seriously?” Jackie stared at him. “Well, aren’t you full of surprises? Does this mean you’ll move back to the city?”
“I’m…not sure. I’m thinking of starting my own practice,” he said. “I’m sorry about the other night, by the way.” He let out a small sigh. “I was being insensitive.”
“Yes, you were,” she agreed. “But we’re…friends and I forgive you.”
He gave her an appreciative smile. “Anyways…Baycrest has problems that have nothing to do with its patients, in my opinion. Adam’s escape was the final nail in the coffin.”
“Speaking of,” Jackie said, “how much trouble is he in?”
“Adam Blackwood?” Richard said. “A lot. If they find him, he’ll be sent into a high security hospital.” He sighed. “I’m almost hoping they don’t.”
“You don’t think he needs to be institutionalized?”
“I think he sees ghosts,” he said carefully. “More importantly, he sees Moira’s ghosts.” He frowned, puzzled. “She told me her ghosts weren’t with her when she was with Adam. That he kept them away somehow.”
“Really? Well, that’s interesting.” Jackie eyed him. “So, they were spending time together?”
“It’s a small hospital,” Richard said with a shrug. “One dining room, two common rooms.”
“If they stay away when he’s around, maybe they sense she’s ready to move on and he represents a large portion of that.” She seemed to gauge his reaction. “That’s what my mom would say, anyways. Especially if there’s something going on between them.”
“I don’t think there was anything going on between them,” Richard said.
“You never know…”
“Well,” Richard said. “Regardless, one of the two spirits has left her, seemingly for good.”
“And the other one?”
“He’s the one I worry about more,” he said. “And the reason why I hope the authorities don’t find Adam.”
“Do you think she went looking for him?” Jackie asked. “Have you talked to her recently?”
“Um…yeah. She called me last night but won’t tell me where she is,” Richard said. “She’s not staying with her brother.”
“And…one plus one equals two?” Jackie said, incredulous. “She’s probably with this Adam guy.” She took in the look of concern on his face and sighed. “Well, you’re screwed, aren’t you? And not in a fun way.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
“Well, I don’t know how you can possibly help her if she’s in that situation. I mean, she’s obviously an adult, and obviously making her own choices,” Jackie said. “Choices that have nothing to do with you.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Do I need to spell it out?”
“Moira is my patient,” Richard said. “I’m responsible for her.”
“No, you’re not. You’ve made yourself responsible for her, for whatever reason that may be.” Jackie set her coffee cup down. “You know, I should probably go.”
“Jackie, don’t do this.”
“There’s only so much I can listen to about this girl,” Jackie said. “I’ve watched you put yourself on the line for her, over and over.”
“I would do the same for any patient.”
“Would you?”
“This is important, Jackie.” He looked away. “I need to help her get through this.”
“Because If I don’t, I’m afraid she’ll end up dead.”