Chapter Nine


Hannah didn’t get home until past midnight. She knew she’d pay for it dearly in the morning when all the Monday crap would start piling up, but it had been a wondrous day with Star, start to finish. As she showered before going to bed, all she could think about was her meditation session and what she’d imagined doing with Star. When they’d finished, she’d scoured his face for signs he’d had any inkling of what transpired. What if he was “the one,” her mate for life? He’d be feeling everything she did, sensing everything she sensed, and knowing her every thought.

They’d already kissed for real, so a threaded connection could’ve been created already. But, he’d given no signs of awareness. No special winks or remarks to hint that he’d seen what they’d done together in her mind. Relief mixed with a tinge of disappointment, although, her powers were far from being consistent, and creating a threaded connection could be one of those things that came and went.

They’d shared dinner and the sunset together, and enjoyed talking the night away, learning all about each other, opening up about secret desires, and touching. No matter what they were doing, whether he stroked her hair, or wrapped his arm around her, he had to touch her, and she him. His smooth, supple skin with powerful muscles underneath was an addictive drug. She left after midnight, and after a long session of heavy petting. One rule she lived by was never having sex on the first few dates. As hard as that rule was to keep, she did it, leaving them both wanting. And that was a good thing.


Running late, she threw on the easiest clothes possible—another peasant skirt and a t-shirt—and slipped into flip flops rather than her pumps. A dash of lip gloss, and she raced out the door, not even bothering with breakfast. She’d get a huge coffee at the office.

While driving like a maniac, she listened to her voice mail, scheduled appointments for Gabriel, and shuffled people’s schedules around so that they wouldn’t miss work. Gabriel was pretty flexible with scheduled office time. As long as the people put in their hours, he was happy. Sometimes, those hours came between nine and five. Other times it came between ten o’clock at night and four in the morning.

Her tires screeched as she pulled into her parking spot. She grabbed her purse and slammed the car door behind her. “I can’t believe how late I am!” In reality, it was only eight o’clock in the morning. But for her, that was about two hours late.

“Hey Hannah, nice outfit. What time’s the concert?”

Marty was back finally and hanging about her desk. “Thanks. What do you mean about a concert?”

“Aren’t you dressed that way to go to a Dead concert? Make peace, not war!”

She rolled her eyes and realized she’d be regretting her clothing choice all day long. These clothes were for lounging about, not for work. What was she thinking this morning? Oh, she knew exactly what she’d been thinking about…Star.

“Cute, Marty. Real cute.” She tossed her purse in her desk drawer and sat down to turn on her computer. “So, do you have a reason for hanging by my desk this fine morning?”

“I do. I do. I need to see any Richter files you have. I gotta get up to speed so I can get back to work on it.”

“I’ll send them to you, but they’ll be read-only documents. Gabriel’s taken it over. He couldn’t wait for you to return and the rescue’s completed. Now he’s working on nabbing the people involved. If you want, I can set up an appointment for you to talk to him about doing some field work for it. He’s open in about a half-hour.”

“He took over my case? What the hell?”

Marty could be a douchebag when he wanted and was already one leg out the door. She raised a brow at him. “No need to make a scene. With you out due to illness, did you really think he’d wait for you to rescue kids? Every day you weren’t here was another day of sexual exploitation for these children. Your case had to be addressed. He did, and now you get to come and help get the bad guys.”

“Shit. No, I see your point. Those kids shouldn’t have to suffer because of me.”

“Glad you see it that way. Half-hour, Gabriel’s office. See you then. Now get the hell away from my desk so I can get my work done.” She held up two fingers and smiled. “Oh, and peace, man.”

“Right.” He laughed and shuffled off to Wherever Land.

Gabriel’s door opened. “Hannah, my office please.” The low timber of his voice sent unexpected shivers that started at her toes and crept all the way up her spine to her brain.

She picked up a notepad and pencil and headed inside. “Happy Monday, Gabriel. And how are you this fine day?” She could barely look at the man, as images of them in an erotic dream from the night before flooded her mind.

“I might ask you the same question. Have a seat.” He pointed to the couch and sat down with her.

Crap, crap, crap. She guessed she had some explaining to do, but on second thought, so did he! They hadn’t spoken since the debacle of Friday night and she had a ton of questions for him.

“So,” he began, lacing his fingers and resting them on his lap. “Are you feeling better today? Have you recuperated from your foray into the dark depths of despair?”

“Is that how you’d describe it?” She raised a brow.

“It didn’t have to be that way. Going on a drinking binge was foolish. You could’ve gotten some help from your mother and not felt one ounce of depression over that prick.”

“So, because my mother is a Savior, I should go through life never knowing pain? How would I ever know what pleasure is? No, I learned a great lesson from our brother, Raphael. Never hide from your pain, Gabriel. Feel it to your very soul and use it to make you stronger. Otherwise, it will find you when you least expect it and torture you for the rest of eternity.”

“You always did have a flair for the dramatics.”

“And you always have a knack of playing it cool. Too cool, sometimes. So tell me, what were you doing at my house in the wee small hours of Saturday morning?”

He remained silent and still but for a pinkie finger lightly tapping his thigh.

“I had a feeling.”

“Uh huh. You had a feeling about what?” She put her notepad and pen down on the coffee table and crossed her arms. She needed to craft her questions in such a way that he couldn’t skirt around the truth. Angels couldn’t lie, and she’d be damned if he wouldn’t give her the truth now.

“I had a feeling you were in trouble and needed my help. So I came over. Your door was locked, I opened it in my ‘special way,’ and found you on the floor, semiconscious.”

“What did you mean when you said, ‘what hurts you, hurts me’?”

“We’ve known each other for thirty years now, Hannah. I care a lot about you. When you’re hurting, I’m hurting with you.”

“You talked to me through a threaded connection when we saved those kids. Are we still connected?”

Another bout of silence from him.

“Tell me you can’t read my mind, Gabriel.” Holy shit, if he’s been able to get in my head, I’m doomed! I’ll never be able to show my face here ever again.

“I shielded my mind once the operation was over.”

“Okay, good. I don’t need you or anyone fishing around my brain.”

“Is our interview over? Have I satisfied all your questions?”

No, I want to know how many women you’ve taken to that big, luscious bed of yours. What? Where’d that come from? I know exactly where that came from. I’ve developed a thing for him. I have a thing for him and a thing for Star. I’m a lunatic. Certifiable. She cleared her throat.

“Yes, thanks. Now, let’s get back to the real work at hand. I sent you your schedule for the day and a rough sketch of what the week looks like right now. Marty is back and looking to help out on nabbing the Richters and their boss. The rest of the mob is out on field work through Wednesday.”

“I’ll need you to come with me on this next part of the operation. It should take a few days and then we’re out. Block off next week for travel. Arrange for two first class tickets to San Francisco, leaving Monday, returning Friday.”

“Okay. How do I dress?”

“Just as before, like at the Richter’s, all swanky. And could you wear that perfume again?”

“Why, do you think it works well on the men?” She laughed.

“Yes. And I like how it smells on you. Very complimentary.” He offered a wink of a smile and moved on. “As for the rest of the day, I’m sure you have plenty of paperwork, but if you can find the time, please order me four new suits to be ready by the end of the week. Something a bit more hip, more youthful than what I’ve currently got. I leave design and color in your hands.”

“Sure. I’ll have them ordered and a confirmation sent to you by the end of the day. Anything else?” He’s so rigid, like he’s about to burst. It seems like there’s so much more he wants to say, but won’t. What the heck is wrong with him?

“No, that’ll be all for now. And I see you have me scheduled for meetings, so I’d best get prepared.”

He stood and helped her up, too. A shock crackled the air, and she pulled her elbow away from his hand. “Ow! Son of a bitch! That hurt!”

“So sorry. Must be the dry air and static electricity.”

“No shit?” She rubbed her elbow with her other hand as she walked out and scowled. “Well, I’ll go see about ordering a humidifier, too. Or maybe something more natural. I’ll ask Star about it and see what he says.”

Gabriel quickened his step and stopped her. “Star? Who’s Star?”

“A man I met the other day when I was done puking my guts up and decided to get my emotions out. He lives right near me at the base of the mountains. I inadvertently trespassed on his land when I chose a spot to set up and draw. He’s simply amazing!”

Gabriel rolled his eyes.

“What? Just because I hate Rick for dumping me and being an ass, doesn’t mean I hate all men. You’re a guy, and I still like you.”

“Oh, thank you. I appreciate it.”

“You know, come to think of it, I’ve gotta get you two together. He creates art and you show it. Isn’t that brilliant? Next time I see him, I’ll tell him. You have space in one of your museums, right?”

“I’m sure I could find a spot, if the art speaks to me. Please don’t make him any promises you can’t keep. I have to see his work before I make a decision. It’s a very competitive field out there right now.”

“Okay. I get it. Wait until you meet him though. He’s so grounded and in tune with nature. He farms and sculpts and paints. So different from you.” She laughed as she sat at her desk. “In fact, I think you’re probably polar opposites.”

“That doesn’t bode well.” He snorted. “Here’s your notepad and pencil, by the way.”

“Oh, thanks. Hey, don’t worry. He’s very sweet. Wouldn’t harm a gnat.”

“So this…Star. You seem very taken with him. I can hear it in your voice, with how it lilts. And yours eyes, they brightened. What’s the real story here?”

She flushed and quickly covered her cheeks. “I don’t know, Gabriel. I felt a strong connection to him Saturday, when I first met him, and then again, Sunday morning, when I went to capture the sunrise, he was there. We wound up spending all day together. I’ve never felt this way before about anyone. There seems to be this physical and emotional connection between us, like Brethren threads, but different.”

“After only one day? You know what connections mean to us, Hannah. Are you sure you felt a Brethren-like thread form between you?”

“I’m not sure. My powers have been coming and going very haphazardly. I’m only telling you what I felt. Plus, it’s only been a day, but I can’t stop thinking about him.” Gabriel looked like a bloodhound ready to bolt. Touched a nerve, maybe? “I can’t tell if it’s a healthy dose of jealousy pouring off of you right now or a Brethren’s need to protect. Mind telling me which it is?” Please give me something that I can work with. Let me know whether or not my strange attraction to you is baseless.

“Let’s have dinner tomorrow night. Come to my Prophet’s Point house at seven o’clock. Bring Star, and have him bring some of his work.”


“I’m intrigued. So, yes.”

Marty shuffled over to her desk. “Hey, boss. Ready for our meeting?”

“Sure, follow me.”




Son of a bitch. I’m all concerned about giving Hannah time to heal before telling her the truth about our own connection, and there she goes barreling right into another relationship with a guy she’s known for a day! And they have a bond? She’s only supposed to be able to have one with me! Something’s up and I’m going to find out exactly what it is.

Marty talked incessantly through Gabriel’s musings, probably not even realizing that his words fell on deaf ears. He just let him talk and talk while he planned and schemed to find out all he could about Star before their dinner engagement tomorrow night.

“Okay, Marty. Sounds good. Here’s the latest surveillance on Teddy Hatchet. I need you and your team to follow him starting tomorrow through the weekend. Hannah and I will be there Monday and move in after you brief us on his daily habits and who comes and goes from his house. I need to know everything about this guy, down to how many times the asshole blinks in a minute. Get the picture?”

“Yes, sir. It’ll be done.”

“Good, now get going. You’ve got a lot of work to make up.”

Gabriel turned toward his computers, effectively dismissing him. He typed four letters in his search bar—STAR.


“It’s after seven o’clock.” Hannah stepped into Gabriel’s office and approached his desk. He looked at the clock. Where the hell did the time go? “Here’s the latest mail, and I’m headed out unless there’s anything else you need from me today.”

She had the strangest look about her. The kind of look that asked for more than what her words had. What did she want from him? Answers. Was he jealous of Star? Damn straight he was! Could he tell her? How could he? She’d reject him like she’s rejecting who she is. But what if she had feelings for him? When he came for her and helped her through her drunken stupor, she’d said things. Things that gave him pause. If he waited, though, would Star usurp the position meant for him? Had it happened already? Tomorrow’s dinner gathering would be able to help him discern that.


“I’m sorry. No, that will be all for today.”

“Great, because I have plans.”

“With Star?”

“Yes, with Star. He’s going to teach me about the constellations this evening.”

He bit back a snide remark, and responded instead with, “Super. Have a great time. See you bright and early tomorrow.” If Star proved to be a threat to him, he’d make sure Hannah knew exactly how he felt about her and render the man null and void in her life.

“Okay, boss. Have a great night, too. Go see a movie or something. You should get out more. See you in the morning.”

She shook her head and closed the door behind her, leaving him alone to fester with his demons.

According to Gabriel’s sources, Star, as named, didn’t exist in the known universe, but he had one last resource to tap into yet. As for the unknown universe, he was still working on it. Until he knew more, he’d have to go on personal gut feeling. His gut told him to go on high alert. But was his gut being ruled by his head or his other head? Either way, he would fly about this evening and see what information he could gather. Hannah’s going stargazing with him? Perfect. He’d be there, too.

One last search, though, and he’d call it a day. He’d been holding back on this for so many years. Wanting to know, yet not wanting to at the same time. No one before or since had ever brought about such pain and terror within him. Satan was a puppy dog in comparison, and yet she was his student. With trembling fingers, he typed in a name: Erzsebet Bathory. He hadn’t noticed he’d held his breath until he let it out with a huge sigh. On the screen were over one hundred thousand search results. He tightened the search parameters: descendants of Erzsebet Bathory. That cut the list down to about six thousand entries. He saved the first ten entries, read one, and shut down his computer.

That was good enough for now. He’d save the real looking for another day. The hardest part, the typing of her name, was over. Now, he hoped there were no remnants, no descendants of one of the most vicious women in human history, in his history. If there were, he would investigate each and every one of them to the fullest extent of his capabilities. If any were suspect, he would deal with them personally. E.L. could go fuck himself if he tried to admonish him. He would have his retribution.

Just as he locked the door to his office and headed to his car, his phone buzzed. “Nathanael, what up? Haven’t heard from you in ages.”

“Hey, I’ve been up to my eyeballs in bounties. I could use your mad research skills tonight. Do you have time to come over? I’m searching for this one bounty and I’m stuck. He’s one creepy SOB, and I need to find him like, yesterday.”

Gabriel scrubbed his cropped hair with his free hand. “Well, I sort of had other plans, but I’ll swing by your place first. Can’t say no to a brother. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

He shut the phone, hopped in his Aston Martin and headed home where he shucked his suit and dress shoes in favor of jeans and biker boots. He shoved a t-shirt in his pocket and flew out into the night, hoping he’d still be able to do some reconnaissance on Hannah and Star.




Gabriel infuriated her! Something had changed in their long-time relationship over the past week, and he wouldn’t face it. She hadn’t noticed it before, but upon seeing him bristle over her talk of Star, she decided to review their recent time together. He’d gone bonkers over her makeover, loved the perfume scent on her, and came to protect her soul when she was self-destructing. So, he felt something for her beyond just friendship. He cared for her, beyond the care given to a friend. And he seemed to be fighting it.

I’m no better! Why haven’t I said how my feelings have changed toward him? What are we afraid of? The truth of it? The fallout of the truth?

Could she move forward in a relationship with Star when she had unresolved feelings for Gabriel? There were strong connections made to both. Whose would get stronger? It would depend on so much. Tonight, she would put her burgeoning feelings for Gabriel aside and concentrate on Star. Tomorrow night’s dinner should make for quite the interesting gathering. One innocent amongst cowards.