Chapter Ten


He stood by her car door as Hannah got out, and closed it for her. “I don’t know where to look first. Heavenly visions are above and right here before me.”

“Do you study Jane Austen? You say the most romantic things that make me blush.” She giggled like a school girl and rushed into Star’s arms. “I thought this day would never end!” She closed her eyes as she sank further into him. “Mmm…I’ve been craving you all day.”

“I’m so glad you made it here tonight. I’ve got wine, fruits, and cheeses to make your first astronomy lesson extra special.”

“Sounds simply divine to me. Let’s get started!”

Although all the lights were out around the house, the moon cast a warm glow and showed them the path to the back yard with its plush green grass to lie on. He’d already spread a blanket out loaded with trays of yummy treats. They sat down together and chose to munch on each other’s lips for a while first.

“Oh! I almost forgot! I have an exciting invitation for you. Tomorrow, we’re invited to my boss’s house for dinner. Why is that exciting, you may ask? Well, he owns a bunch of art galleries and is interested in seeing your work. If he likes, he’ll offer you a spot. What do you think?”

“Sounds interesting. Thank you for mentioning my name to him.”

“My pleasure. I’ll pick you up about six o’clock. We can put your chosen pieces in the back of my Jeep. So now, Astronomy Master, teach me.”

“Let’s see. First, I think I’ll acquaint you with the Big Dipper.”

He proceeded to show her a variety of constellations, none of which she actually could discern, but she put on a good front so as not to embarrass herself. At one point, he rolled on his side to face her. Picking up the hem of her shirt, he made ever-increasing circles on her belly.

“There’s one star that I find the prettiest, most unique of them all.”

Goosebumps appeared on her skin where he’d touched her. “Oh?”

“Yes, it’s so brilliant, you can see its many facets.”

“Where is it? Is it that one? Next to the Big Dipper?” She didn’t give a shit where the hell it was, but she needed to keep it together a bit longer before she jumped his bones.


“Is it that one over there, by Cassiopeia?” She hoped she pointed at least in the right direction so as not to be too obvious.

“Wrong again. Shall I tell you?”

“Yes,” she whispered, near breathless. “Please.”

He stroked her hair, splaying it out onto the blanket like a fan. “It’s right here.” He kissed one eye as she blinked. “And here.” He kissed the other one, too. “The most beautiful star in the world is you.”

“You say such things, I don’t know what to do with myself.”

Like a tiger, he pawed his way to loom over her, eyes smoldering and swirling with lust and desire. “Give yourself over to me, Hannah. That’s what you can do.”

She reached up, grasped his golden locks, and brought his lips to rest upon hers, then wrestled him onto his back to land on top. She deepened the kiss, tasting him and feeling the power that lay right at the surface. A sudden gust of wind blew the contents of the food tray all over her back. She paid them no mind. Another gust kicked up granules of sand and pelted her body mercilessly.

“Ow! What’s going on?”

“Must be a dirt devil come ‘round! Close your eyes, I’ll cover you!”

He rolled over and shielded her with his body. Moments later the wind subsided. Star fell back on his side and shook his head, releasing a waterfall of sand and a plume of dirt from his hair. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“No,” she muttered. “I’m fine. I’m fine. Thank you. How about you? You look like a dirt devil yourself!”

“I’m fine. No harm done.”

“Now, where were we?”

He winked and lowered himself to her. The wind picked up again, sending leaves and more sand swirling about. Star, grabbed her hands and pulled her to stand. They hurried onto the back porch and watched as the wind subsided yet again. “I’ve never seen the wind behave in such a way before. Stay here a minute.”

She shook her hair to get any stray leaves and debris out of it while she watched him walk back out to the yard. He stalked over to their blanket, now a balled up mess. Hands on his waist, he whirled around as another gust kicked up the blanket, launching it high in the air and far from his reach. It caught on a tree branch, snagged and tore away, to come to rest on the ground. With furrowed brow, he trudged over to retrieve it and returned to her.

“That is just bizarre. I don’t get it. But, we’re safe inside, so why let a fickle breeze distract us, eh?”

“The mood is ruined. I’m sorry. I should be going, anyway. Work will be impossible if I don’t get my beauty rest. If Mondays are bad, Tuesdays are just evil.” He didn’t look happy, but those were the breaks sometimes.

“When you get home, before going to sleep, call me. We can meditate together right over the phone.”

“That’s a wonderful idea.” Especially if she could manipulate her session to be like the one she had before!

“I thought so. That way we can stay connected even though we’re far apart.”

He kissed her all the way to her car. “I’ll be thinking of you.”

“Me, too.”

She drove off, thinking only of what was to come. Another possible occasion to make virtual passionate love with no real attachment. She hoped it would happen, anyway. One never knew what could crop up while in a meditative state. If she concentrated on the same scenario as yesterday, it could very well happen again. Finally home, she raced through a shower and hurried on a night shirt. In her bedroom, phone in hand, she called him. He picked up on the first ring.

“Honey, I’m home and fresh from the shower, nightgown on.”

“I can almost smell the floral scent on your skin from here. Music’s all cued up and I’ll rest my phone right up next to the speaker.”

“Super. I’m now sitting cross-legged on my bed. What about you?”

“I’m naked, sitting on my bed, missing you, wishing you were here beside me. See you on the other side.”

“What? Wait. What do you mean?” Alarms blared, flags waved madly. Had he been there, participating in her erotic meditation the other night?

“It’s never happened to me before meeting you, but I’ve heard there are certain times, and only with special people, where we can connect on a spiritual level and interact in each other’s meditative arenas.”

“Are you telling me you saw, you…we…. Oh, my Lord, Jesus….”

“I must confess, I was hoping it would be true for us. If celebrating each other’s existence sounds familiar to you, then yes, indeed, it happened.”

Hannah tried to respond, to say anything at all, but her brain went on full-tilt, and her voice ran for the hills.

“Making love to you on a white sandy shore has been the highlight of my entire life. So much so, I haven’t been able to think much of anything else. So, I hope to go back there tonight.” His voice lowered and rumbled through her like rolling thunder. “What do you say? Are you with me?”

She met his brazenness with more silence. What could she say? He’d seen her naked. She’d seen him naked. They’d made passionate love, virtually. More than once. “I say, see you there in a few minutes.”




Gabriel laughed his whole flight home. Star’s expression was priceless as he shook out half of Arizona from his hair, and then, chasing around his blanket like a clumsy, little boy. Being shielded and invisible never felt so good on him. Getting there at all that evening had been a close call, too. He’d only just arrived when he’d seen the two lovebirds getting hot and heavy on the blanket. His plan was only to observe, but he had no choice. If things had continued on the way they were going, Gabriel would’ve been relegated to the sidelines. He couldn’t let that happen. From here on out, he needed to be vigilant about thwarting this guy’s efforts at all costs.

He would not allow such a union to happen. Ever. She was meant for him. He was meant for her. Period. No matter who got in their way. No matter how hard he tried to fight against it. And by God, he wasn’t through fighting it, either, but he’d be damned if anybody else would usurp his place while he figured the whole damn thing out.

Dinner tomorrow night should be quite interesting. As he stood in the shower, pelted with water from all sides, he pondered the menu. A simple baby greens salad to start, then lobster claws and rib-eye steak with a side of haricot verts and mashed cauliflower and parsnip for the main entrée, ending with a refreshing watermelon granita. His best Pinot Grigio and Pinot Noir would pair nicely.

Toweling off, he scrutinized himself in the mirror. He always paid close attention to his appearance. He had an image he’d fostered since manifesting for the last time on the foothills of the South Mountain. Refinement, class, philanthropy, and control. From the little that he’d gathered by Hannah’s comments and what he’d witnessed earlier in the evening, Star seemed to be none of those things, and she was drawn to him like a fish to a lure. Maybe he should soften up a bit, relax, or let loose a little more, like she suggested. If his well-coiffed, controlling nature was driving her away, he needed to change things up.

Tomorrow, he’d forego the hair gel.

Perhaps he’d let the five o’clock shadow linger, too. Tonight, though, he’d restore his energy levels through meditation and contemplate how he could help Hannah with her impending changeover. In order to do so, he needed to know more about how she felt about it. He already discovered her fear of losing her human side, but there was so much more he didn’t know. A quick look into her mind would be an enormous help.

He settled in his favorite butterfly chair he’d bought for only forty dollars. It enveloped him, like a cocoon, and offered a great foundation to relax. He closed his eyes and tiptoed among the threads that connected him to her. He’d shielded them all, as promised, but would only need to open one for tonight’s exercise.

Slowly, imperceptibly, he opened a conduit to travel through her mind. Across the connection he encountered frustration and angst, anger and resignation, all revolving around Rick and her impending immortality and responsibilities as a Brethren Warrior. A narrow connection caught his eye and led him astray down a path of light and dark bands, the latter being the more predominant one. Depending on where he touched, he either felt freedom, comfort, and lightness, or oppression, torment, and darkness.

He recognized each path as the Brethren’s way or evil’s way. How the hell did evil get inside her? Its tendril widened even as he wandered along. It had somehow fused with her and was preparing to stake its insidious claim on her! But where was the evil housed? He’d not sensed Satan’s presence at all, anywhere. Hannah hadn’t mentioned being revisited by him or any new henchman to do his bidding. How had he gotten his hands on her without any detection? Possession of another soul?


It had to be him. Gabriel had caught a glimpse of his annoyed expression when the man had run back outside to the blanket earlier in the day. What if he was trying to pick up traces of Brethren? Her mind would be an easy conduit. Shields would remain up, and he’d notify all the Brethren, including her mother and siblings to be on alert.

He happened upon a thread loaded with excitement and dripping with sexual hunger. Curiosity got the better of him, and rather than making a silent exit, he peeked in on her, only to find something quite unexpected. Star and she were making love…through a threaded connection! What the devil’s going on? How can she do that with him when we are meant for this? Had she created the pathway between them? Or had Satan returned? I’m betting on Satan. He needed tangible proof, though. He would get it at dinner.

How Gabriel held himself back from an all-out assault was a miracle. If he’d said or done anything, who knew what it could've led to. In her meditative state, Hannah’s mortal life could’ve been compromised, with both immortals left to duke it out. Instead, he backed out the way he’d entered and extricated himself from her mind, but not before inserting a protective mask to shield the Brethren threads from detection, and a strong suggestion that she dream about him incessantly till morning.

As much as he wanted to, Gabriel couldn’t share his suspicions about Star with her. She’d consider it a jealous jab on his part and defend her new boyfriend, which would only serve to create the divide Satan would want, if he’d truly come back for her. Tricky bugger.

Star may have her in his grasp now, but Gabriel would have her all night long.




Bleary-eyed, Hannah shuffled into the office with a thermos box of coffee. She set it on her desk, tossed her purse in her drawer, and proceeded to pour her second cup of the day. The first cup she’d filled as soon as she bought the box. Yeah, it was going to be an excruciatingly long day, and with dinner at Gabriel’s later, she needed every last drop of the blessed nectar.

Atypical for her, she ditched the high heels for a safer, low-heeled sandal. Her hair was simply brushed back into a ponytail and she gave her makeup the middle finger. No fuss, no muss. And if anybody, like Marty, gave her shit about anything, they’d get a mouthful.

She woke up on the right side of the bed. Problem was, she felt like she hadn’t slept for more than an hour. Star and she were able to meet up again through meditation and their virtual lovemaking went on for quite a while. When they’d finally said goodnight, and she’d fallen fast asleep, Gabriel, of all people showed up in dream after dream, without letting up.

Some were all about business, others were of a fun and friendly nature. A few had them flying together as Brethren Protector and Warrior. The dreams that lingered longest, though, the ones she’d had just before being awakened by her alarm, were the most beautiful, sensual, most erotic she’d ever had. Far beyond what Star and she had shared. She swore her body still tingled from when Gabriel and she shared tantric sex in that last dream.

How on earth she’d get through the mandatory morning update and scheduling without blushing, she hadn’t a clue. The last time this happened, she at least had a day in between. Now, she still reeled from a dream she’d had just a couple of hours ago. What was wrong with her? Why would she still have dreams about Gabriel when she was so enthralled by Star? It was apparent Gabriel’s ship had sailed. He wasn’t interested in her, or he would have spoken up and said something, anything, when she mentioned Star in the first place. He would have declared his desire for her most emphatically because he was that kind of guy. Passionate about everything in life.

Like Rick, he’d said nothing.

So, onward she marched into this enigmatic relationship with Star by day, while dreaming about Gabriel at night. How long could she keep this up? Until her brain decided to get in sync with her heart.

His office door opened and he spoke quietly. “Hannah, I’m ready for our meeting.”

She couldn’t even turn around. “Okay.” She coughed and cleared the hoarse out of her throat. “I’ll be right there. Would you like some coffee?”

“Sure, that would be great. Thanks.”

His office door remained opened, and after she fixed him a cup, and poured a third for herself, she walked in, kicking the door closed behind her.

“Here you go. Good morning.” She pasted a neutral expression on her face, praying her embarrassment didn’t show through. When she finally stole a glance at him, sitting smugly behind his desk, she thanked the Lord for her seat, or she’d have dropped to the floor on her pretty little ass.

“Good morning. Are you okay? I don’t mean to pry, but you seem different today.”

Is that a mischievous twinkle in his eye or is it me projecting my screwed up psyche? Deflect! Deflect! “I…I could say the same about you.” She twirled the end her ponytail and whipped it behind her shoulder, trying to appear nonchalant.

“Oh, I just thought I’d take you up on your advice. Loosen up a bit and relax. Soften the edges. I can’t say I feel that way inside yet, but I’ll fake it till I make it, as the saying goes these days.” When he flashed a smile, it belied his cool demeanor. Relaxing seemed strenuous to him. She felt sorry for the guy, but he looked terrific, and gave off a relaxed air that would surely make his coworkers feel more at ease.

“I love it all, Gabriel. Is that a sport jacket and jeans you’re wearing? To work, no less! Good for you!” She was flattered that he’d finally taken her words to heart. “The hair looks so soft, I’m dying to run my fingers through it. And the beard! The five o’clock shadow is so very sexy on him.” His gaze upon her changed from slight amusement to a confused mixture of smolder and regret.

Her hands flew to her mouth for fear she’d say anymore. “I said all that out loud. To you.” She blanched and the room swirled about her, causing her stomach to flip flop. “I think I’m going to be ill. If you’ll excuse me for just a moment.” She fled the room, dropping her notepad and pen on the floor. Out to the women’s lounge she ran, and locked herself in a stall.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Oh! She heaved and spew until there was nothing left inside her but guts and bones. Unlocking the door, she stumbled over to the sink, washed her face with the company soap, rinsed her mouth with the company mouthwash, and slunk into the lounge area to collapse onto the company chaise lounge in a bundle of tears.

A light rap on the door alerted her that she may have caught the attention of someone. “Please go away. I’ll be out in a minute.”

“Hannah, it’s me.” Gabriel opened the door and locked it behind him.

“Oh, great.” She dropped her head into her hands, dying inside from sheer mortification, as the owner of the company leaned against the bathroom wall. “What are you doing here? It’s the Lady’s Lounge, and you’re not a lady.”

“No wonder the bras I tried on didn’t fit right.” He paused and gave her an expectant look. “What? Not even a tiny giggle? I can’t get that out of you? I guess I’ll have to try a different tactic.”

“Go away, Gabriel. Leave me alone. It’s bad enough I have to face you from the other side of your desk after my sorry display of unprofessionalism. You’re…. You’re just too close to me right now.”

“I’m too close for a reason.” He sat down beside her and she shrank away. “Hannah, something’s going on here between the two of us. I think it’s time we conduct ourselves like adults and talk about it rather than denying it any longer.”

“What’s there to talk about? I have strong feelings for you, and I don’t know why, but I can’t stop them. You don’t have feelings for me. So, it’s done. We shouldn’t be having feelings for each other anyway. It’s just wrong. Nothing more needs to be said except I’m sorry for my horrid behavior back there. Can you give me a few minutes to get my act together? I promise I will, and we can go on with our day as usual. We’ll have dinner this evening with Star and go on as though nothing happened at work beyond the mundane. We can—”

Before she could get another sniffley word out, he leaned in and grasped her head in his strong hands, bewildering her with his stormy, gray eyes. “Don’t ever speak for me unless you know what’s in my heart, what’s in my soul. I’ll tell you what’s there. This….”

He kissed her. Boldly, unabashedly, he kissed her, and emotions tumbled down the tenuous thread holding them together. Desire crashed into regret, which tumbled into passion roiling with frustration. Lust tangled with profound love, and all the while, Hannah kissed him back just as fervently; until reason and fear stole the moment from her.

She pushed him away. “Stop!” She brought the backs of trembling fingers to her bruised lips, not even noticing when she’d begun to cry again. Horror and dread threatened to drown her. “What have we done? Oh, my God! We can’t do this, Gabriel. We’ll ruin everything we love.”

He retreated to the edge of the seat then stood to pace the floor before her. “I know. I know!” He scrubbed his head. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. Hannah, I have feelings for you that run so deep, I don’t know where they begin or where they end. I know we are meant to be together. We are meant to be mated. I don’t know the why of it, either, but I’ve seen it. Somehow, this blessed mess has to work itself out. This. This right here is a scary thing, I admit. But it’s also wondrous. We can handle it if our feelings for each other and our loyalty to each other is true. It’s the possible fall-out from our actions that I’m not sure we’ll recover from.”

“That’s just it. My parents, the other Brethren. Gabriel, they’ll rake you over the coals and want to give you over to Satan themselves. They pity me at best. None will see the rightness of our being together. They’ll only see the wrong of it. We’ll be torn from each other, never to know the love we were meant to share. I can’t live the rest of eternity like that. Like a pariah. Can you?”

He returned to her and embraced her, clinging so tightly she feared she’d break. “No, I’d never want that for either of us. We may have no choice. What’s fated can’t be changed.”

“So where does that leave us, then?”

“To protect ourselves, it leaves us as dear friends, deeply caring up close, admiring from afar, longing for an eternity.”

“I honestly don’t know if I can handle it.”

“I don’t know if I can either, but to keep the peace, to keep you safe, I will have to.” She found herself clinging just as tightly to him now, because to let him go meant letting him go forever. “One request before this all becomes a story for these walls to tell.”

“What is that? Anything for you.”

“Look at me.” She titled her chin up, blinking away more tears. “Let me kiss you, Hannah, a second time, for the last time.”

“No.” She extended an unsteady hand to caress his cheek, and lost herself in the turbulent oceans of his eyes. “Let me kiss you.”

With her hand on the nape of his neck, she brought him to her and feathered light kisses on his temples, his cheeks, and the corners of his mouth. Before she could do more, he responded with a kiss so precious, her memory locked away the feel of it, the taste of him, the emotion they shared. Their irrational souls created new unbreakable ties, while older ones were strengthened, even though their logical minds had rejected the notion of them ever being together.

Releasing him pained her so, her heart hurt. He placed a gentle hand on hers clutching as she clutched at her breast. Moments later, she was awash with peace and comfort. Her tears dried, her smile returned, her heart lurched with renewed hope. She took his other hand in hers and placed it against his own chest. “Protector, take comfort, too.”

“I don’t need anything but to see your smile to comfort me.” She leaned in as he cupped her cheek, feeling more cherished than ever before.

“We’ll make it through this, Gabriel. Won’t we?”

“One way or another. In either case, it shall be together.”