Chapter Fifteen


They arrived at Ontario International Airport like every other normal citizen commuting for business or traveling on a well-needed vacation- a bit rumpled and a little tired. The flight, scheduled at an obscene time of morning, had been bumpy most of the way, and Hannah reveled in the unpredictable nature of it all. Gabriel kept turning to her, smiling broadly as she squealed and giggled quietly with every jolt.

They wandered through the beautiful hallways to their awaiting limousine, and were whisked away to the Harborside Hotel. It happened to be equidistant between the warehouse in question and Hatchet’s house. They couldn’t have hoped for better positioning. Marty had been staying there since the week prior and couldn’t say enough about the place.

He was duly impressed by the attentive staff and the hotel’s amenities. No sooner had they arrived, then they were offered coffee and scones. He’d requested the presidential suite on the concierge level, and from that point on, anything he needed would be attended to. Money may not buy happiness, as the saying goes, but it sure made it easy getting to the happy.

“Holy cow! This place is incredible!” She turned around and around, scoping out the room that was bigger than her first apartment. “I don’t know why I’m so surprised. You’ve always lived your life first class.”

“Get used to it, sweetheart. It’s the only way I want to live.” He came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her as she looked out over the amazing view of the harbor.

“A have to admit, a girl could get used to this. I could use more coffee. Would you like some?”

“Sure, I’ll join you in a cup.”

“Three a.m. is an ungodly hour to have to wake up and travel anywhere. I’m glad we’re only meeting today. I don’t think I could handle a shakedown in my zombie-like condition.” She noticed a steaming carafe had already been laid out for them, so she simply needed to pour and add the fixings. “Kristina and her crew are due to arrive around eleven, so we have time to review our notes and recharge our batteries. Here you go.”

“Thanks.” He took the mug from her and sat down in the living room. “This operation should go smoothly. We have all the intel we need to nab him and rescue the kids. I’m confident all will go as planned.”

“That’s good to hear. Maybe Kristina and I can get some ‘girl-time’ before we all have to head out. With all that’s happened, I think I’d like a woman’s perspective on things.”

“Kristina would be the logical choice. She knows about the Brethren, so you could share about what’s going on with you.”

“So, yeah, how is that? I thought we were living in total secrecy. That the only ones who knew we existed as Brethren were us. How is it that she gets special treatment?”

“I’ve known Kristina for about a century now.”

“What? What the hell are you telling me? Is she one of us?”

“Not exactly. She’s a reformed demon, actually. There are a few of them here on earth. You know Joe, Nathanael’s sponsor?”

“Yes. I love that guy. He’s so funny and nice. Wait. You’re not going to tell me he’s one, too?”

He nodded. “Yup. There’s an alliance of reformed demons who go around scoping out people who have a predisposition for evil possession and help them stay on the good side of town or reform. Joe and Kristina have been very helpful to the Brethren on certain occasions. She’ll be awesome for this mission.”

“I don’t believe it. All this time I think I’m talking to a human, a woman who’s like my kindred spirit, and she’s a flipping demon! That’s rich.”

“It shouldn’t change how you feel about her. She’s the same Kristina you’ve always known. It’s just that her history is different than you expected. You don’t have a problem with this, do you?”

“No, no. I’m just shocked and amazed that demons can be reformed and that she’s one of them. I guess we’re going to have plenty to talk about, won’t we?” She took a long sip of coffee and fell into quiet contemplation.

She didn’t have a problem with who Kristina was, but if Kristina knew about her family history, why hadn’t she said anything in all this time? Why hadn’t she shared?

“She doesn’t know about your family, sweetheart. She only knows about us angels. It’s up to the both of you to disclose your secrets to each other.”

“I guess we do. An angel and a demon coming clean about their lives. That will be quite the conversation.”

“I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that.” Hannah raised a brow. “Don’t worry! I promise not to be in your head. I’ll shield. I promise.”

“You’re lucky I have to believe you. Hey, I’m exhausted.” She stood up and stretched. “My ability to stay awake for hours on end hasn’t fully kicked in yet. I’m taking a nap before our meeting.”

“Want some company?” He stood up with her and put his mug on the coffee table.

“Silly question. But you have to be good. I need my rest, not a good shagging. Understood?”

He kicked at an imaginary piece of fluff on the carpet like a dejected schoolboy. “Okay. I won’t bug you for a morning quickie.”

“That’s a good boy.” She grabbed him by his tie. “Come along, Mr. Seeker. Time for some shut-eye.”

“I don’t feel like shutting my eyes this time.”

“It’s a figure of speech.” She snorted and escorted him to the bedroom, where a king-sized bed awaited them. She shucked her flip-flops, and took off her jeans and shirt.

“Hey, not fair! You said no shagging and here you are getting naked.”

“I’m not getting naked, I’m keeping my underwear on. I just want to be comfortable. If you can’t handle it, go back to the living room and research something.”

“I can handle it. I can handle it. I was just making an observation of your unfair treatment of me.”

She rolled her eyes and scuttled under the covers. “There, you can’t see me. Now, get in the bed so I can rest on you.”

“It would be my pleasure.” He smiled, stepped out of his shoes, and jumped on the bed, making a mess of the covers. Then he scooped her up in his arms and she burrowed in.

“Can you please wake me in an hour so I can get ready?”

“Sure thing. Sleep well, my sweet.” He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. Tendrils of calm and relaxation cascaded through her body with every stroke of his hand. She giggled and yawned.

“With you around, I don’t need my melatonin anymore. Thank you.”

“Glad I could be of service.”




Eleven o’clock a.m. ushered in Kristina and her FBI crew. Hannah had showered and changed into her business attire, and when the doorbell rang, she rushed to answer it. Looking through the peephole, just to be certain, she opened the door to a beaming Kristina.

“Hi!” they shouted in unison and hugged.

“It’s so great to see you in three dimensions! It’s been way too long.”

“I know. I feel the same. You look amazing, Hannah! Have you been working out?”

“No, but I’ve been rock climbing, and I run. You look fabulous, too! I love the new hair color. Skype doesn’t do it justice.”

“Thanks, I think the red suits my personality.”

“I gotta agree! Come on in and have a seat in the living room. Gabriel is setting up his laptop and what not.”

“Hannah, this is Rob, Arthur, and Sam. They’re the best at what they do.”

“Pleasure, gentlemen.” She smiled at the pack and turned to lead them into the room. “Gabriel, FBI’s here. You know Kristina and her crew, so I don’t think I need to make introductions. Coffee’s all set and ready to pour. Help yourself.”

He stood and shook everyone’s hands. “Thanks for coming. I appreciate your loyalty. Kristina, looking fabulous as ever. Guys, we have the biggest job yet to accomplish over the next couple of days. By the end of it, you should have a bunch of rescued kids to return to families, and we’ll have one Teddy Hatchet to interrogate and serve justice. Have a seat and we can get started on the briefing. Hannah, why don’t you begin?”


It took about an hour to get the team up to speed and explain the plans for the next couple of days. Their advantage in this situation? They’d known each other and worked together for years now, so the FBI pretty much knew the ropes. The only surprise was that Gabriel had made it abundantly clear he was personally handling Hatchet. Hannah kept a close eye on him, given the nature of the meeting. She prayed he’d be able to manage his PTSD and get through the entire mission unscathed.

“So, I see you have an excellent rescue plan. How are you going to nail Hatchet for the operation?”

“Yofi and I will go to his house and size things up. We’ll extract all information his tiny brain has on other ringleaders around the nation and the world. Then, we’ll take matters into our own hands, and it’s bye-bye Teddy.”

“Just make sure my crew and I aren’t around to witness that. You know what I’d have to do.”

“Yes, I know. I’ll make sure you’re nowhere in the area.”

“Well, I’m ready to do this. Guys? What about you?” Kristina turned to her men and they all nodded and agreed.

“Marty is on standby. I’ll let him know we’re ready to move. You can head out and make any arrangements you need to for the kids’ rescue.”

They all stood up to leave, and Hannah walked them to the front door. “Kristina, after the mission, let’s get together and have a drink.”

“Oh, I’d love that. You’re on.” They hugged, which left her an opening to whisper something in her ear.

“Then we can talk about you and me, and angels and demons. You know, lame stuff like that.”

Kristina pulled back and sucked in a breath. “Yeah, I guess we should now. Will you forgive me?”

“Of course. Will you share everything with me?”

“Of course.”

“Then we’re good, and that coffee will taste even better.” She hugged her again and then left with her team.

When she returned to the couch, Gabriel was already on the phone. “Hey, Marty. It’s a go. Where’s he at?”

“He’s at a strip club. Just arrived, so he’s gonna be there a while. He had an argument with his wife and this is how he calms down. They fight a lot. He probably won’t leave until he’s had some kind of interaction with every fucking stripper. It’s called The Gentlemen’s Club. It’s a couple of streets away from our hotel. ”

“This must be an interesting surveillance for you.”

“It’s a hard job, but someone has to do it. What do you want me to do next?”

“Keep on him. We’ll head over now. Tomorrow’s delivery day. Hannah, Kristina, and her crew, will scoop up the kids. Go with them. With the amount of goons he probably has watching the kids, Yofi and I will have the area cleared before you all arrive.”

“Got it.”

He shut his phone and looked at her. “Change of plans. You and I have a date with a strip club. With any luck, we’ll have Hatchet on a hook very soon. Please don’t take what I’m about to say the wrong way. The last thing I ever want you to feel is exploited, but I need you to use your assets as a woman. Got anything sexy in that suitcase?”

“So it’s to be like that, eh?” she speculated. “Eye candy again?”

“You got it, and perhaps a bit more. I need you to draw his attention away from the strippers and only have eyes for you. We can make inroads if he’s drunk enough and can’t see anything but you in all your sensual glory.”

“I’m fine with it, only because I know it’s going to help nab the asshole exploiting others. You give me too much credit, though. I don’t have a body like those dancers.”

“No, you don’t. You have a much sexier one. Curvy, muscular, solid. Your body is pure hotness.”

She blushed and waved off the compliment. “I’m afraid I only have the red dress you bought me. Nothing else is what you’re looking for, except my underwear, and that’s off limits to everyone but you.”

“You’re cute, too. See, you’re the whole package. I saw a Chanel shop downstairs as we walked in. Use the company credit card and go buy yourself a few things that’ll make his jaw drop. You’ve got thirty minutes maximum. Can you handle this task?”

“Yes, sir. I can do it in under twenty-five minutes, sir.” She winked, kissed him soundly, and hurried out the door to find her “sexy.”


Twenty-two minutes later, Hannah pushed the elevator button to return to her room. The outfit she’d chosen to wear out of the store must have satisfied Gabriel’s request since one guy walked into a pole as he spotted her, and another spun around so fast, she’d be surprised if he hadn’t gotten whiplash. As the doors opened, she stepped inside, and three men wearing convention badges joined her. She waited for them to push the buttons first before she pushed hers. Luckily, she’d only have to endure their company for two floors.

“Hello, pretty lady. Here on business?” asked the tallest one of the bunch, and he flashed a toothy grin while the others waited eagerly for her response.

She took a deep breath and answered. “Yes. My own, and none of yours.”

The blessed doors opened just as she finished her dress down, and they all exited, huffing and puffing about what a bitch she was to have answered that way. Assholes. But what did she expect? Her attire begged for attention, and attention she got. Back on her floor, she stalked to her room, a little miffed, and feeling a strong desire to join the feminist movement.

Just as she took out her card to unlock the door, he opened it, looking all sorts of stormy. “Are you okay? I sensed a whole lot of hostility a few minutes ago. Did something happen? Do I need to beat up anyone?”

She tapped his cheek as she maneuvered past him to get a bottle of water from the refrigerator. “No, no. I’m fine. It was just a few convention guys that tried to hit on me in the elevator, but I set them straight. How could I blame them? I’m dressed to kill.”

“I’m sorry. Having you dress up like my wife was one thing. Having you dress up to seduce…. I shouldn’t have gone there. Take the dress off and put something else on. It’s okay.”

“Don’t be silly. This is for the job. It’s too important. And it’s not as if I’m dressed like a hooker. I’m more like a highly paid escort. This get-up alone cost nearly five hundred dollars. Don’t ask about the shoes.”

He shook his head and reached out for her. “You do look absolutely sensational. I thought red was your color, but purple is utterly mesmerizing. The plunging neckline makes me want to dive in. Maybe I should go find a convention badge of my own. Anything I say now sounds like I’m one of those guys, I’m sure.”

She stepped into his embrace and laughed. “Yup. I’ll go make you one. Your name is now Bob and you sell life insurance.”

He lightened up and tickled her ribs. “We need to get moving. Are you all set?”

“Yes, you?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be. My name is Antonio Rubello. Your name is Charlotte. You’re my girl, but I share. Let’s see if we can’t nab ourselves a trafficker today.”

“I’m up for that, Ant.”

As they made their way to the lobby, he called for his limo to pick them up. Five minutes later, they were in the parking lot of The Gentlemen’s Club, a building with plenty of flashy lights and no windows. Hannah fluffed her long, sleek curls and freshened her lipstick before Gabriel helped her out of the back seat.

He nuzzled her ear as he whispered, “You ready, my hot little mama?”

She nipped his earlobe and whispered back, “The question is, are you?”

He sucked in a breath and adjusted his jacket. “I’m so ready, my wings are about to bust out of my suit.”

“Let’s do this.”

She strutted beside him, and put her hand in his as they entered the den of iniquity. Daylight turned to instant night, and yet her eyes didn’t need to adjust. One angel power up and running. A smoky haze lingered just below the ceiling, like ozone on a hot, stagnant day in Phoenix. Spotlights were directed upon the woman on stage currently dry-humping a pole. A stray whistle and cat call caught her attention, but otherwise, the room hummed with music set way too loud. About twenty guys, no more, sat at various strategic seats around the stage. There were a few tables and booths set up around the perimeter, but only one booth had an occupant at it.

She watched Gabriel’s eyes as he scanned the place and settle on that one booth. He ushered her closer to the area, and felt his hand tense on her back. He spoke to her through their threaded connection.

“It’s him. That’s Teddy Hatchet. I think he’s got a girl with him. Come on. Let’s give him a show of our own.”

“You got it, Boss.”

He chose to sit them at a table in his line of sight. He pulled the chair out for her and she sat, facing their mark. A waitress came over and took their drink orders while another dancer graced the catwalk. When she finished her gyrating, booty and booby-shaking set, there was a small break, and the DJ turned on dance music.

“There’s your cue. Dance for me, sweetheart. Make him look and sweat and want to meet you.”

Turning thirty-six didn’t mean she was dead. Dancing was one of the few things she knew how to do, well. “I’m all over this. If you’re a good boy, you can get your own private dance later. By the way, guess what I’m wearing underneath.” She wiggled her eyebrows and stood up to dance. Like Shakira, her hips didn’t lie, and she swayed and gyrated them around, re-enacting what it would be like to make love to her. She closed her eyes and lost herself in the pulsating rhythm. Lonely for him, she grabbed her angel’s hands and pulled him to join her. He protested, but when she maneuvered his hands to palm her ass, he settled down. At one point, she turned them so she could glance over at Hatchet. As she caught his eye, she danced Gabriel back to his seat and touched herself while undulating to the pounding drums. Casting Hatchet a wicked smile, she said without words, “Forget the bitch at your table and look at me.”

He listened. A few moments later, he shoved the girl beside him out of the booth and focused his attention between his Captain Morgan and her body moving like a billowing blade of grass on the dance floor. The song ended, and a new dancer strutted up and down the stage. Hannah stopped dancing and Hatchet beckoned her over to his table.

“This is it. He’s called me over. Give me a minute and I’ll call you over to join us.”

“I’d rather walk over there together.”

“You want him, don’t you?”


“Then use me to my fullest capabilities as a woman. Bring my things over when I touch my ankle.”

She intentionally left her purse on the table and sauntered over to drunken bastard. She sized him up pretty quickly. Salt and pepper hair grazed his shoulders. A mustache and beard hid thin lips and a receding chin. His suit, Dolce and Gabbana, spoke of the wealth he’d procured from peddling children to depraved adults. Yup, selling kids was all business to him. Wagging his tongue and salivating over naked women was his diversion. He held human life in such little regard.

“Hello.” She leaned against the table’s edge, making sure her cleavage did its own talking, and smirked.

“Hello. May I buy the woman with the sexiest body in the world a drink?”

“Sorry, but I don’t accept drinks from strangers. You know what? If you told me your name, and I told you mine, we wouldn’t be strangers anymore. You could buy me that drink.”

His upper lip twitched. “My name’s Teddy.”

“Mine’s Charlotte. See, now you can buy me that drink. You might want to make that two. That’s my boyfriend over there, but he’s cool about…things. I roll differently than most women.”

“You do?” He shifted in his seat and rubbed the empty space beside him. “Why don’t you join me, baby, and we can talk about it?”

“Don’t mind if I do.” As she chose to sit down across from him, she rubbed her ankle. Gabriel came strolling over and stood beside her, his body touching hers.

“Honey, you forgot your purse.” He turned to Hatchet and continued. “Hi, name’s Antonio. I see you’ve met my girlfriend, Charlotte. Ain’t she something else?”

“I’ll say.”

She wrapped an arm around his waist. “Antonio, this is Teddy. He’s buying us drinks.”

“Thank you very much, Teddy. You look so familiar to me. Have we met before?”

“Probably not. I got that kind of face, though. I get that all the time.”

Hmm, oh well. My apologies. So you like the way my girl dances?”

“Very much. I’d like her to dance for me, Antonio. I’ll pay you a thousand bucks.”

“You sure don’t waste any time asking for what you want.”

“When I like what I see, I usually get it. Everything has a price. What do you say? Do we have a deal?”

“You have to ask my woman. If she says yes, we have a deal. Charlotte, what do you say? A thousand for a dance.”

“I say one for me, for the dance, and one for you, for letting him watch your baby dance.” She stared pointedly at the panting, sweating degenerate in king’s clothes. “My terms, Teddy, and I’m in.”

“Done.” He plunked down a wad of hundred dollar bills onto the table. “Now, dance.”

The music had changed to retro 70’s music. Heart’s Magic Man had begun playing. How apropos. I’ll give them both a show neither will forget. “Excuse me, honey. Can’t dance unless you move.”

He stepped aside and gave her space to perform. She wouldn’t look at him. She needed to earn her money’s worth, and that meant catering to the loathsome man at the table. The music centered her, and she closed her eyes. Her body found the rhythm, and her heart found the meaning in the lyrics. Together, they created a heady mix, and her body sang. Every now and again, she glanced over at Hatchet to gauge his reactions. His eyes had glazed over and one of his hands was down his pants.

Son of a bitch! Close your eyes! Don’t look! She turned her back toward him, shook her ass, and flicked her hair as she forced the bile back down her throat. Had her angel noticed what Teddy was doing? When would the song end? She’d had enough.

Gabriel appeared before her, and took her face in his hands. His wild eyes burned straight through to her soul, and he plundered her mouth with his. He ran his hands up and down the sides of her body as she continued to twist and thrust her hips about.

“Only think of me, sweetness. The song’s almost over. Only think of me.”

“Dear God. The man is retched.”

“We’re this close to nailing his diseased balls to the wall. You’re part is over. Now it’s my turn, and he’s going to fry. I love you.”

“I love you, too, and the kids we’re about to save.”

The song finally ended, and they walked back to Hatchet’s booth where she saw him readjust himself. Seemed as though he couldn’t finish the job. Too many booze or drugs? Probably. Gabriel sat across from him and she remained standing.

“I have to be honest with you, Teddy. I have more to offer than just my woman dancing.”

“Is that so?” He raised his eyebrows and scowled. “I’m listening.”

“You said you’re name is Teddy. If you’re the Teddy I think you are, you need to know we’re friends of Margot and Tony’s.” He paused, no doubt waiting for some kind of reaction. He got none. “I got a frantic call from her yesterday saying they had to shut down their operation because the police were on to them. They’re in hiding. Charlotte and I were on our way to see you, to discuss picking up where they had to leave off. We just popped in this place on a whim. Our meeting, although inevitable, was a total surprise to have happened here, and not exactly how I’d pictured it to be. If it’s all the same, though, one office is as good as another. Care to do business?”