The first half hour of the dinner is really hard. Despite Nathan’s glib comment—We’re not a couple, I keep hearing in his Connecticut voice—I know he knows courtesy would have dictated mentioning he’d invited Harriet over, and I’m frustrated he didn’t. I wonder what game he’s playing. I don’t even entertain the idea there’s no stratagem here, no subversion. Every one of our interactions is layers on layers on layers of subtext and hidden conflict.
It’s not just Nathan I’m angry with, either. While we fall into old roles and old routines in the kitchen, Harriet dumping pasta in the pot on the stove while Nathan and I work on the garlic bread, I find Harriet’s easy humor grating. There’s a reason we haven’t spoken in years. Harriet crossed some lines in our friendship, and I still haven’t forgiven her for it. Having her here, acting like nothing happened, is irritating.
The minutes drag. I start to imagine how the night will go. It’s one of the curses of writing for a living, my mind’s irrepressible instinct to write the scene of whatever’s happening in my real life. And there’s one thing every writer knows—nothing is as stressful as dinner scenes. Ours would play out in painful fashion, me glaring silently while Nathan rubs in his coziness with Harriet, knowing how it frustrates me. Maybe, if the powers that be were feeling provocative, we’d have it out. Yell, slam doors. It sounds difficult and depressing, and lately, my days haven’t been much else.
So while Nathan’s putting the pan of garlic bread into the oven, I make a decision. Writing every minute is hard, and doing it with Nathan Van Huysen is exhausting. I’ll unravel if I have to stay mad at these two people the entire night. I have to let my resentment for one of them go.
I pick Harriet.
The night flows easier from there. The sun has set by the time we’re ladling pasta onto plates, and the whole house smells like warmth and herbs. We sit down, and Harriet catches us up on the seminar she taught last year. One of her students was Ted Chapman, who was a co-resident from the New York Resident Writers’ Program where we met, and whom we all hated. I let myself laugh, let Nathan pour me more wine. And if while we enjoy one another’s company it feels like nothing has changed, I know it’s just a fiction maintained in the moment.
Without my noticing, hours pass. While I’m loading the dishwasher and Nathan’s taking out the trash, Harriet sits at the table, finishing the end of the pinot. I face her, prepared to say I’m glad she’s in the neighborhood. It’s not exactly an invitation but not a closed door, either.
My words vanish when I find she’s pulled over my laptop and is reading from the open screen. “Don’t read that,” I say, the sentence flying out of me sharply.
Harriet ignores me. My resolve snaps, every ounce of the equanimity I counseled myself into gone in a flash. Furious, I rush over to her and slam the screen shut, my heart rate jumpy.
Harriet looks up in undisguised surprise. “It’s just—” I stammer, realizing my reaction was disproportionate. “It’s such a rough draft.”
Harriet stares, scrutinizing my expression. “I’ve read half-assed ideas you scrawled in your Notes app at four in the morning. I think I can handle a rough draft.”
I hear the kitchen door crack open. Nathan comes inside. He surveys the scene in front of him, me standing over Harriet. I know the tension is obvious. “She was reading our pages,” I say, hearing how childish I sound.
Nathan shrugs. “How were they?” he addresses Harriet.
The question feels like betrayal. I recognize it’s unfounded—I’ve always known Nathan loves having his work read, which is his right. Besides, why would I expect him to have my back on anything these days? Once, he would have. I’ve heard him defend creative choices I’ve made in pitches and interviews when privately I knew he disagreed with them.
We were partners then. Were.
We wait for Harriet’s reply. Wordlessly, she finishes her wine in one swallow.
“You’re not going to tell us,” Nathan says.
Harriet waves in my direction. “She doesn’t want my opinion.”
“It’s not you,” I struggle to say. “It’s . . .”
“It’s what?” Harriet’s voice flares. “Care to explain why you forgot I existed for four years?”
Compared with the veiled war Nathan and I have waged recently, Harriet’s characteristic directness is almost comforting. I sit down heavily. I have an answer, just not one I want to say in present company. When Harriet and I last spoke, the night was uncannily like this one, except without Nathan. We were in the living room, fifteen feet from here. I was pacing the hardwood while Harriet sat with her feet up. When she walked out of the house after, I shut the door on her in more ways than one.
“She’s nervous about having people read her writing.” I lift my head when Nathan speaks. Something strange has entered his voice, something strangled and conflicted. Is he . . . helping me? He won’t meet my eyes.
“Funny how you don’t count,” Harriet replies to Nathan immediately.
I inhale and exhale, fighting the itch to leave the room. “No, I should work on it,” I force out. “What did you think of the pages?”
Harriet studies me. “They’re not bad,” she says hesitantly.
“But?” Nathan prompts.
Harriet stands. She picks up her bag and pulls out yellowed pages paper-clipped together. I catch sight of a printed sentence and know instantly what Harriet’s holding.
It’s an early draft of a scene from Only Once. The product of Nathan’s and my old process was hundreds, even thousands of draft pages we worked and reworked together—a paper trail of us pushing each other for endless tiring, wonderful hours.
The presence of those pages hits me like a punch to the chest. Handwriting dances over them. Nathan’s, straight and slim. Mine, long and slanted. They’re letters from old, practically forgotten versions of ourselves.
I glance involuntarily at Nathan, who looks as wrecked as I feel.
Harriet drops the pages on the table. “Here’s my opinion,” she says. “You two have been assholes to me and to each other for too long. Unsurprisingly, your characters are also assholes. Generally, that’s fine, except it’s impossible to imagine they were ever in love.” She looks between us. “Sure, they’re getting divorced, they hate each other, et cetera. Still, we need to believe there was ever love in their relationship. We need to see it in glimpses. Otherwise, there’s no anguish to this divorce and the story collapses.”
She shoulders her bag and heads for the door. I follow her, hating what I’m hearing and needing to hear more.
“I know you won’t want to,” Harriet goes on, “but I encourage you to look at those pages. You might find them inspiring. Or something.” She pauses, hand on the door. “Or, consider some, like, serious therapy. The way you two are working through your shit is, frankly, weird. Well, this was a blast,” she says, smiling. “Let’s do it again in four years. Sooner, if you’re done being dicks.”
She swings the door wide and leaves into the night.
Processing, I can do nothing but return to the kitchen. I find Nathan hasn’t moved nor have the incriminating pages in the center of the table. We say nothing, eyes fixed not on each other. Finally, Nathan heads for the stairs.
“I’m too tired for reading,” he says over his shoulder.