what is self-doubt?


Self-doubt is a harsh critic to have sitting on your shoulder. Rather than making a fair call about a situation, it defines you with an extremely negative label. You can’t see yourself in a realistic and accurate way; instead, you focus on yourself in a negative way.


Sometimes Chandni wakes up feeling so good about herself. The day in front of her is clear and she’s ready to start it. Other days, she wakes up riddled with self-doubt that makes everything feel hard. Chandni doesn’t like the way she feels in her clothes or the way she looks in the mirror. As she travels to school, Chandni feels overwhelmed and worries about her schoolwork. She second-guesses every decision she makes, from what she should eat to how to answer a question on a test. In her head, she hears herself saying: “I’m not good enough.” All this thinking clouds her mind with doubt and makes it really hard to concentrate.

your turn

Take this doubt quiz to see whether you experience self-doubt. Check all the statements that apply to you.

Have you often…

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you’ve experienced self-doubt. Here is a scale that will help you know how much you are held back by self-doubt.

more practice

It is helpful to recognize when your self-doubting thoughts have been triggered. Self-doubt can lead you to jump to the wrong conclusion, to change or question a good decision, or to do something you later regret. When doubt is in charge, you feel bad about yourself and can make poor choices.

This week, try to notice when you experience self-doubt. Record each time it arises. Use the quiz in this exercise (available for download at http://www.newharbinger.com/34831) to recognize how self-doubt expressed itself.



Self-doubt expressed: __________________


Situation: __________________


Self-doubt expressed: __________________


At the end of the week, look at your record. Do you notice any patterns? Are there certain circumstances in which doubt tends to show up the most? Write down your observations here.



The Bottom Line: Look out for your doubt.