alpha bets, language gambles, on
asks, what’re you so
scared of identity for?
it’s like being scared to say, you’re a blade of grass
in a lawn that’s
gonna get mowed
declare yourself or not, you’ll get cut down & grow back, cut
down & grow back,
cut down & erode
in the colonial rut
unless you ask hey, who imposed these
lawns & do i really
want them?
traded for forests & prairies & organic
the big combine’s coming on down, petroleum products chugging into our lungs & people with many names or no names gotta keep in mind the ground underneath is what really feeds us
the ground was stolen
through lies, deceit, conceit:
how does one handle two, three, four-
faced adversaries?
the tricks
with the knife
i’m learning to do:
splice languages
barter carefully
call it gaia or gravity,
respect the land, mother’s worth