Bibliographical Note

This Dover edition, first published in 2003, contains the unabridged text of Letters of Emily. Dickinson, edited by Mabel Loomis Todd, as published by the World Publishing Company, Cleveland, in 1951. The original edition of the work was first published by Roberts Brothers, Boston, in 1894.


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Dickinson, Emily, 1830—1886.

Letters of Emily Dickinson / Emily Dickinson; edited by Mabel Loomis Todd.

p. cm.

Originally published: Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1894.

Includes index.


1. Dickinson, Emily, 1830–1886—Correspondence. 2. Poets, American—19th century—Correspondence. 1. Todd, Mabel Loomis, 1856—1932. II. Title.

PS1541.Z5 A4 2003





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