Discussion Questions


1. Harry had a few tenuous first contacts with God as a boy. How did these impact God’s continuing pull on his life? Was God more faithful to the initial agreement than Harry was?


2. Harry’s mother chose to remain in an abusive situation. Was this the best choice? How did it affect her children? How might things have turned out differently if she had gone to a women’s shelter? Do you think that would have been a better choice?


3. The Bible speaks of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit as “the unforgivable sin.” (Mathew 12:21-22, Luke 12:10) Different denominations understand that spiritual concept in different ways. What is unforgivable? Are there categories of sin? Would someone like Harry be cut off from the hope of Heaven by his choices? What about Tony? Ruth? Me? You?


4. Do you see evidence of how God prepared Ruth for the role that she was intended to play? Did knowing God’s character help Ruth to trust Him? How well do you know Him?


5. What effect did Ruth’s commitment to prayer have in her life? How did her prayers impact those around her? God is sovereign, and yet sometimes it seems as if He waits to be asked before He will intervene—as if He wants to be invited rather than violating our freedom of choice. Do you sense His gentle nudge to pray about a particular individual or situation? What do you think He might want to do in response to prayer?


6. Susan was faithful in the fire. Do you think she would say that the cost was too high to win a lost soul? What if Harry hadn’t responded to his chances? Was it worth the risk? Are there some things that are off-limits to God, things that would be too much for Him to ask of you?


7. Ruth and Pastor John both faced the hard questions about why God allowed Susan’s tragic death, but one looked at the tragedy and one looked at God. Which seems closer to your own heart? Which was healthier? Can you surrender your questions to God and trust Him in the darkness?


8. Harry chose to turn himself in and return to prison. Have you ever had to make a hard choice to obey God? How did He sustain you? Is there something you’re holding out on Him about now?


9. Harry and Ruth each had a few encouragers throughout their lives. Who has been your encourager? Do you have someone whom you can encourage?


10. Do you think there can be a danger in success? Are there stronger temptations for those in the public eye, or the rich or beautiful? Would it be useful to pray for those in the spotlight—especially Christians?