WE COULDN’T WRITE THE CONTACT: THE BATTLE FOR AMERICA SERIES without the support of our publisher, Louise Burke. Her enthusiasm and encouragement helped bring this story about our national heritage to print.
Our agent, Matt Bialer, at Sanford Greenburger Associates, has believed in the project from the inception. Thanks, Matt. Your faith is deeply appreciated.
Our editor, Jennifer Heddle, has given a critical eye to ensuring that we don’t lose sight of the forest when all we can see is a bunch of trees. She endows clarity to us myopics.
We would like to acknowledge Katherine Cook, under whose care the “granddogs” are left when we’re on the road. She also labored through the manuscript, catching misspellings and mistakes in grammar. Any mistakes that remain, of course, are ours.
Finally, to Mark Janus, the southeastern Simon & Schuster sales rep: Mark, you’re one of the very best. After all these years, it’s a pleasure to be working with you again. We hope you enjoy the story.