RULER: Saturn, the ringed planet, and there's the rub. Capricorns can be hemmed in by circumstances or their own selves. Every so often they should remember: rules are made to be broken.

LOVES: The security of knowing that something will happen at a certain time of day. Success and achievement.

LOATHES: People who waste anything. People who are late, people who expect an easy ride and people who are stupid, incompetent or who don't care and ruin the efforts of those who do. Failure and rejection.

NEEDS TO CULTIVATE: The acceptance that not everything is perfect or can be done perfectly. Homing in on what is good and not concentrating on what is bad. A more optimistic outlook and positive thinking.

NEEDS TO TONE DOWN: A defeatist nature and throwing cold water on other people's plans and ideas. Being so self-critical that it hurts no one but harms their own morale or self-confidence. Being too matter of fact and hard on themselves.

CAPRICORN-SATURN DECANATE ……………… December 21/22 until December 31

Think of Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh and you have the character of this decanate in one: they don't miss a chance to be morose, maudlin and hard done by. There is a basic insecurity that stems from feeling unloved, but they believe it is their duty to carry on despite it all. They despise failure and so adopt a guilty conscience or feel ashamed that they have been part of something which was their responsibility to make a success. Add to this rejection, an inferiority or persecution complex and you might want to give up on them. But don't. For beneath this negative exterior is someone with a giddy sense of humour and endless ambition, and when inspired there ain't a mountain they can't climb. Stick with ‘em. They will never let you down.

TAURUS-VENUS DECANATE ……………… January 1 until January 10

Here's a real softie but first you must get through the crusty skin and discover the tender heart that beats inside. Here lies rich earth which in everyday terms translates into money or sex or both! They believe that you transcend the spiritual to get to the material. OK, so it's cock-eyed, but with the right person by their side they are willing to be taught, even if it takes time. But what this combo lacks in finesse it makes up for in ambition, as here is the fair and just achiever, not someone who does something simply for financial reward, but for personal satisfaction too. These earthlings might not play hard but they sure do work hard, and love hard too!

VIRGO-MERCURY DECANATE ……………… January n until January 20/21

Only the intellectually primed Capricorn can reach the goal set by the tie which draws together Mercury and Saturn. For though compassion and sympathy is conspicuous by its absence, they are clever and astute in what they do do. But that often isn't enough for their partner so they can end up lonely unless they learn to love a little more and be less formal in their feelings. When their emotions melt then their life falls into place. They want perfection at a price, but once they realise it's impossible, things will start to happen. The business acumen registered here is second to none - Paul Getty here they come! They also have the capacity to be cunning, crafty and conniving - a latter day tricky Dicky Nixon - but realise that by using their brain for self-improvement they'll get what they want without the anguish or tears.