This is a lucky birthday. July 14 is one of those people who goes through life boosted by sudden strokes of good fortune. They may be buying a house, a rival is offering more, but the seller likes July 14 best because they share the same passion for stock car racing. Our man with the star-studded destiny gets the property. Or, popping out of a movie for some cokes, and finding a lost purse on the floor, which contains several hundred pounds, they hand it in. The owner of the purse turns out to be a millionaire looking for someone honest to manage his business and, bingo, our Cancer child immediately steps on the ladder to wealth and position.

We've all heard such stories. We know it does happen. But be alert. Chances slip away fast - and you have to believe in them- so seize the moment. Because chance is a golden seam in July 14's psycheology, they are open to new ideas and emotions. Both sexes question established traditions in big companies, not out of destructiveness, but knowing that a fresh eye picks up old problems, too long accepted and just put up with. Nor is Cancer keen on intricate hierarchies, thinking too much energy goes into furnishing posh offices. With July 14 about, there will be open plan, little rank-pulling and no talk of'proper channels'.

Privately our lucky star may seize a few more chances of love than most. There could be several serious affairs or marriages and, be warned, quite a few children. One or two of these kids may come along as a surprise and July 14 is likely to have at least one excessively talented offspring. Both sexes adore children, and since their winning streak stays with them all their life, watch out for sparks of excitement which will help provide financially for kids born to July 14 in later life.

Character is destiny. (Heraclitus)


If you suffer from indigestion, it may he because you eat too fast. Many July 14 people wolf things down, often while they are on the move, and then wonder why they suffer from stomach cramps. Grapes are traditionally thought to be soothing to the stomach - and far more slimming than snacking on chocolate biscuits and cheese sandwiches. They are also thought to be helpful with viruses.


The temptation for July 14 is to sit back and wait for something to happen, and this person is confident that it will. Laziness diminishes everybody's chances because you re simply not around in enough places to maximise the luck.


Lino Ventura, Italian screen and stage star. Terry Thomas, British comic film actor. Ingmar Bergman, Swedish film director, The Seventh Seal. Jerry Rubin, long-haired, bearded, vegetarian Yippie leader and author. Joe Sacramento, at 601 pounds one of the fattest men in the world.