This dark star has a luminous sensuosity which draws others to him. They're people magnets, tactile individuals who like to show affection and regard with a light touch to the hand or shoulder, always delicate. Nothing intimate. Quite often the starlets who cluster to this creature with its rich pink aura, betokening a balanced mind and joyful spirit, would like something more than casual regard. But although October 28 is wildly sexy and exciting, unless either sex is unmarried and looking for a mate, there's no chance of anything more than the mildest enjoyable flirtation.
Find an unmarried one, however, and the sizzle is yours. October people are psycheologically controlled and usually avoid affairs at work. Everybody knows what's going on as if by osmosis. One of you comes to work wearing yesterday's clothes. Any preference shown causes resentment. Lack of preference causes resentment in the lover. Scorpio knows that sex runs through any office like a silver seam and both sexes with their discerning observations know how to mine that seam between others to their advantage. What they don't want is somebody mining the glimmer of silver between them and a partner.
Utterly work directed in youth, they aim for the top, particularly in the media. But anything to do with transport or water also suits them. Scorpio in charge of a waterboard doesn't let the water dry up and tell his or her customers not to have baths. Scorpio in charge of vehicles doesn't allow dangerous sloppiness.
Scorpio in charge of your heart wants a lot of adventurous sex. Love in a boat, the back of a car or on top of a washing machine amuses them. And love where you could be discovered! In a lift perhaps. On the beach. In an unoccupied box at the theatre. Lovers of October 28 need strong nerves. But after the wedding bells, October 28 makes a fine husband or wife, always loyal, faithful and thoughtful.
Everything we look upon is blest.
(WB Yeats)
Everybody secretes substances called pheromones, responsible for individual body scent. No two people smell alike, but there are racial similarities, possibly due to diet. Scandinavians and Japanese prefer floral perfumes, disliking animal fixatives such as civet and musk. Experts believe it's because their diet is mainly fish. High dairy consuming Dutch, plump for Ugh t floral fragrances, whereas mutton and garlic eating Muslims prefer rose perfume. Citizens of the Far East and tropical countries, where food is highly spiced, prefer heavy animal-like scents with plenty of fixatives. Scorpios prefer woody and famously aphrodisiac cedarwood, sandalwood and frankincense, extracted from the gum of a North African tree.
Lucky October days for 28 include 15, 18, 21, 24, 26 and 28 which presage well for the regaining of losses, expansion in any business or money-making enterprise, and the achievement of cherished ambitions.
Joan Plowright, stage and film actress, married Sir Laurence Olivier. Nicholas Culpepper, herbalist mustard inventor. Jonas Edward Salk, inventor of Salk vaccine to combat polio, saved many modern lives. Bill Gates, established Microsoft, worked on inventions in garage. Auguste Escoffier, French chef, restaurateur. Julia Roberts, film actress, Pretty Woman. Evelyn Waugh, author. Francis Bacon, 20th century British painter.