November 22 is long-lived. Good fortune frequently comes late in life. Right from the start this luscious autumn blooming Michaelmas Daisy is busy establishing its roots in all aspects of life. Charming, decorative Mr and Ms Michaelmas D has singular determination and usually gets what it wants. And what it wants is appreciation, an acknowledged place in society and as big a patch, nay the whole garden, as it can manage.

Terrific property speculators, they buy and sell luckily, end up owning their own place and with luck a few other places, maybe even abroad. Ancient European cultures appeal to these fine minds and you usually find November people favouring Spain, Italy or Portugal for a summer home. It's not the sun they go for, with their pale skins the sun can be a problem, but the healthy, relaxed way of life and idea of a two cultures outlook. (Proud November 22 speaks the language of his adopted country.)

November people aren't flirtatious flitters, at least not once they've settled down with their desired partner. They want lots of children, quickly establishing a colony. If not they adopt or foster, working wonders with needy children.

Before all this happens, some choose a period of isolation while they slave to achieve money and goals, because they have no intention of missing out on family life later by sacrificing themselves to the office. Watch them at work. The Michaelmas Daisy is invasive and will undermine most plants, except for the great sturdy many-thorned modern rose, probably the chairman in this case. And the tough, perfumed buddleia who attracts every species of butterfly, in this case the chief accountant. Every other flower had better watch out or November 22 will have their patch for his own.

Should such behaviour bring about their own vigorous weeding, this creature is undeterred and will spring back again just as vigorously in another place, or even the same place.

I like the way you laugh The way your body touches mine.

(David Cherub)


November 22 likes sex so much they can he a bit of a sex bore. Are You A Sex Bore? 1: Are youclever with sexual innuendos?2: Do you think you have aright to sex? 3: Not having itmakes you ill? 4: ‘No' means'Yes'? 5: There's somethingwrong with partnerless people.6: Do you think having a babyon the way means you're sexierthan those who don't? 7: Tell everyone about your conquests?8: Always turn a kiss into an invitation? Answer ‘yes' to all of these and you re a sex bore. Picka friend, answer for them. See who agrees.


Lucky stones for Novemberinclude the charming rosequartz, which arouses awarenessto the beauty of nature, inspirescreativeness, absorbs harmfulvibrations, enlivens and stimulates mental ability and hastens recovery from illness.


Died: Mae West ‘Come up and see me sometime', movie queen. Born: George Eliot, British novelist author Middlemarch, Mill on the Floss, born Mary Ann Evans, assumed male name in order to be taken seriously. BillieJean King, world champion tennis player. Boris Becker, world champion tennis player. Jamie Lee Curtis, film star, daughter of Tony. Sir PeterHall, British theatre, film and opera director. BenjaminBritten, British composer, conductor. Charles deGaulle, French general, president during World War II, symbol of French Resistance.