MAY 17

Many young ones live their lives as rock chicks and rockers, outrageous, party-obsessed and careless of tomorrow. Sometimes they are weighed down by the cares of the world - and the number of ear-rings in one ear - but generally they are decent, socially concerned individuals who want to change the world for the better.

May 17 is full of good intentions, but often fails to see them through. This doesn't matter, because their ambitions may be unattainable and the sadness lies not in the wanting but the impossibility of their goals.

Many people born on this day find comfort in water. They long to mess about in boats, or dip their feet in a rippling river watching the willows stir in the current. (Willows are a Taurean tree.) But because life can't be spent splashing in the paddling-pool, many individuals choose a water sign as their lifelong mate, in particular Pisces, whose spirituality appeals to the finer side of this sensuous beast.

Like most Taureans, this little number is good at making money and handling it. If the sensible side of their nature dominates, they are excellent accountants, made more excellent by the fact that they bother to discover what the businesses which they are handling are about. Or the characteristics and talents of their personal clients. (By now the multiple ear-ring situation has disappeared.)

Females born on this day have strong artistic talents. Their houses are usually interesting and splashily decorated, by their own hand. The men have similar tastes, often excel in carpentry and woodwork, sometimes becoming internationally successful furniture makers. Both sexes are happiest turning their talent into their livelihood, partly because they don't respond to corporate rules with any alacrity.

Privately both sexes are passionate and tend to stay with one partner for their whole lives. Ask them sixty years after their wedding day how they feel about each other and the radiance is still there.

I'd do anything for love But I won't do that.(Meat Loaf)


Lavender induces sweet sleep, calm and well-being, so for a change why not eat it? Talented May 17 should delight in Victorian lavender honey ice cream. Take 90ml lavender honey, 450ml milk, 125g caster sugar, 120ml double cream, a few drops vanilla essence and 5 egg yolks. Combine milk, honey, cream, vanilla and half the sugar; bring to boil in saucepan, stirring constantly. Beat egg yolks with remaining sugar until foamy, then strain boiling mixture over eggs, stir over hot water until smooth. Pour mixture into container and freeze. Just before frozen, take out, beat and replace in freezer.


Sometimes it seems a good idea to do nothing and nothing is good if it's surrounded by something. May 17 should guard against a tendency, however, to drift along in happy inertia, because later there will be regrets.


Sugar Ray Leonard, worldwelterweight, juniormiddleweight, middleweightboxing champion. Dennis Hopper, film actor, director, Blue Velvet. Birgit Nilsson, Swedish soprano. Ayatollah Khomeini, Iranian Shiitereligious leader came topower after Shah of Iran.