Scientists predict that the Earth is already on track to warm up by between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius (3.6–10.8 °F) in the next century, a rate of change approximately ten times faster than in previous periods of global warming. A global temperature increase of 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 °F) is considered the safety threshold for long-term human existence.

Campaigners are pushing governments to aggressively pursue the more difficult goal of keeping global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 °F). Sustained innovation and buy-in from all industries and major governments are key to achieving this, and already technology is making it easier for consumers to adapt more eco-friendly behaviours. Consider the points below in relation to your own organization, and at every turn ask whether there is more you could do.


1.  Reduce waste. Depending on the complexity of your operations, this could be easier said than done, and you may already have a number of company initiatives in place. In either case, the next step is to look for ways to make incremental improvements. Look broadly across your operations, and don’t be afraid to think small. Could you set up a printer to always print double-sided, or set aside a pile of scrap/discarded paper for employees to contribute to and reuse when printing drafts? This is an area in particular where the cumulative effects of small changes can create asignificant impact.
3.  Upcycle and repurpose. If you’re producing a product, think how it could be reused once it is no longer needed or functional. Think creatively here, and remember that it usually won’t be necessary for your company to actually handle the repurposing of the product. It may take only one phone call to another organization, and you may find they are more than happy to handle collection of the goods from customers, before upcycling them. The same philosophy can be applied to any waste from the production process itself.
4.  Tell a compelling story. Knowing that goods have been produced by green and ethical supply chains is becoming increasingly important to consumers. So if you’re already paying close attention to the sustainability of your supply chain, be proud of your achievements. Share the news within the company and with the public. If this is something that your brand is working to improve, then that can also be the start of a good story. Find ways to mark your progress, and don’t hold back from asking for suggestions on ways to improve the cycles of production and distribution.
5.  Join 1% for the Planet, or become a B (benefit)-corporation. Put sustainability in all senses of the word, and environmental and social purpose, at the heart of your mission. Join Springwise as a member of 1% for the Planet whose membership is growing faster than ever before. There is certainly a clear shift towards businesses and customers, in particular among the millennial generation, who care about protecting and nurturing our natural environment.