Stretching Exercises
Each stretch should be held in position for 10-30 seconds. You should feel mild discomfort. Do not bounce. Breath comfortably, exhaling as you elongate the muscle group.
Glutes & Groin :
Toes pointed out 45 degrees, heels under hips.
Hamstrings :
Shift, positioning heel to floor, toes up.
Glutes :
Full squat ensuring thighs are parallel to floor, toes forward, feet slightly wider than hip width apart.
Adductors :
Toes forward, shift body to side, feel stretch on inside of extended leg.
Hamstring & Calf :
Leg extended, heel to floor, toe up. Supporting leg slightly bent.
Shin-Anterior Tibialis
Press toe towards floor, stretching the shin.
Groin, Quads & Glutes :
Bend lead leg forward, bringing torso to thigh, fully extending back leg.
Back & Shoulders :
Interlock fingers, palms forward. Gently push forward, bending at the waist.
Rear Deltoid :
Raise arm parallel to floor. Hand palm down on opposite shoulder. With the other arm gently press to rear.
Rear Deltoid :
Switch sides.
Start Position :
Feet a comfortable width apart. Extend arms overhead, palms together.
Obliques :
Slide hand down the side of the leg, while bringing the opposite arm up over head. Do not lean forward or backward
Palms Together
Obliques :
Switch sides.
Palms Together :
Top Deltoids & Trapezius
Press fingers towards floor.
The following twelve moves (on this and the facing page) are done as one series of stretches.
Start Position :
Feet a comfortable width apart. Palms together.
Pectorals :
Press elbows back, palms forward. Upper arms parallel to the floor.
Palms Together :
Front Deltoids & Pecs :
Extend arms out, parallel to floor, palms down. Press fingers to rear.
Palms Together :
Biceps & Pecs :
Extend arms out, parallel to floor, palms forward. Press fingers downward.
Palms Together :
Forearms, Biceps & Pecs :
Extend arms over head, palms together. Press towards ceiling.
Palms Together :
Lats, Trapezuis & Rhomboids :
Extend arms over head, palms, together. Press towards ceiling.
Triceps :
Position arm with elbow to ceiling. Gently pull the arm back behind head.
Triceps :
Switch sides.
Start Position :
Fists together, arms parallel to the floor.
Obliques & Rear Deltoids:
Rotate torso to the right.
Fists Together :
Bring torso back to centre.
Obliques & Rear Deltoids :
Rotate torso to the left.
Fists Together :
Bring torso back to centre.