Beginner Workouts & Journals
First 8-12 Weeks = 2-3 Sessions per week
Warm-Up & Combinations
2 rounds skipping (Warm-up)
(2 minute rounds, 1 minute rest between rounds)
1 round shadow boxing and foot work (p.52-54)
(2 minute round, 1 minute rest)
2 rounds punch combinations on heavy bag orpartner pad work (p.66-68)
(2 minute rounds, 1 minute rest between rounds)
1 round kick combinations on heavy bag orkick shield with partner (p.60-62)
(2 minute round, 1 minute rest)
2 rounds punch & kick combinations on the heavy bag orpartner pad work (p.69-84)
(2 minute rounds, 1 minute rest between rounds)
Resistance Training Exercises
NOTE : Full body exercises with 1-2 sets of 12-15 reps of each exercise using resistance band, stability ball, medicine ball and free-body, including core, abs and back exercises.
Photocopy the following pages and keep track of your program.