APP: Living in a world lacking absolutes makes it tough to know who and what we can trust. Life can be pretty shaky when it comes to things like relationships, the economy, and the future. And it’s also confusing trying to make sense out of life when there seems to be no truth or right and wrong. People are basically doing whatever they’ve decided is right and convenient for them. I hear celebrities talking about their beliefs, but it’s hard to know exactly what it is they do believe in. Yet other people blindly follow them because they appear to be living happy and successful lives.

If we are going to experience life the way God designed it—in spite of living in this crazy world—we’re going to need solid beliefs based on God’s unchanging Word. By putting our trust in Jesus, we can be clear on what we believe and have accepted as true. This will give us confidence in daily life. It’s worth the time and effort to develop a biblically based set of beliefs. Take time to study God’s Word to accurately know what you believe.

Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.


But these have been recorded in order that you may believe that He is the Christ, the Son of God, and that, through believing, you may have Life through His name.

JOHN 20:31 WNT

There’s far more to this life than trusting in Christ. There’s also suffering for him. And the suffering is as much a gift as the trusting.


“For what my Father wants is that all who see the Son and believe in him should have eternal life. And I [Jesus] will raise them to life on the last day.”


So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”


But Jesus loudly declared, The one who believes in Me does not [only] believe in and trust in and rely on Me, but [in believing in Me he believes] in Him Who sent Me.

JOHN 12:44 AMP

I [John] write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.

1 JOHN 5:13 NIV

But those who depend on faith, not on deeds, and who believe in the God who declares the guilty to be innocent, it is this faith that God takes into account in order to put them right with himself.


“So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”


“I am Light that has come into the world so that all who believe in me won’t have to stay any longer in the dark.”

JOHN 12:46 MSG