Chapter 1: The Plan Against Oil
- “Edison Sees His Vast Plant Bum,” New York Times, December 10, 1914, 1, 3. Letter, W. G. Bee to Henry Ford, December 10, 1914, Benson Ford Research Center, Ace 1630 4-4-5.
- “Edison Sees His Vast Plant Burn,” 1, 3. Letter, Bee to Ford, December 10, 1914.
- “Edison Sees His Vast Plant Burn,” 1. “Mrs. Edison Saved Husband’s Records,” New York Times, December 11, 1914, 9. Letter, Bee to Ford, December 10, 1914.
- Letter, W. G. Bee to E. G. Liebold, December l7,· 1914, Benson Ford Research Center, Ace 1630 4-5.
- Ibid.
- “Newspaper Specials,” Wall Street Journal, December 12, 1914, 2. “Edison Never Flinches at $7,000,000 Fire,” Boston Globe, December 10, 1914, 1–2. Matthew ]osephson, Edison: A Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959), 429.
- “Edison Sees His Vast Plant Bum,” 1. “ ‘Wizard’ Edison Loses $7,000,000 by Flames That Sweep His Plant,” Atlanta Constitution, December 10, 1914, 1.
- Generally see chapter 8.
- Ibid.
- Generally see chapters 5 and 6.
- Generally see chapters 7 and 8.
- Generally see chapter 7.
- Ibid.
- Gijs Mom, The Electric Vehicle (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004), 82–83.
- Morris A. Hall, “The Fuel Question and Kerosene Carburetors,” Horseless Age 30, no. 12 (September 18, 1912): 445. Henry T. Sullivan, “Henry Ford’s New Scheme,” Boston Globe, January 18, 1914,48.
- Hall, “Fuel Question,” 445. Also see “Hopes to Expand Fuel Range,” New York Times, February 16, 1913, 86.
- “Hopes to Expand Fuel Range,” 86.
- Generally see Craig Colten, “A Historical Perspective on Industrial Wastes and Groundwater Contamination,” Geographical Review 81, no. 2 (April 1991): 215–28.
- “Sewer Explosion Terrifies a Block,” New York Times, November 9, 1913, 3.
- “Convention of Electric Vehicle Association of America,” Horseless Age 30, no. 16 (October 16, 1912): 597. “Electric Vehicle Association Discusses Cheap Electrics,” Horseless Age 32, no. 14 (October 1, 1913): 549. Ford R. Bryan, Friends, Families Ő` Forays: Scenes From the Life and Times of Henry Ford (Dearborn, MI: Ford Books, 2002), 155–56.
- Bryan, Friends, Families, 156.
- “Edison’s Latest Marvel—the Electric Country House,” New York Times, September 15, 1912, SM9.
- Ibid.
- Letter, Thomas Edison to W. C. Anderson, November 20, 1911, Benson Ford Research Center, Ace 1630 Box 2, Folder 2-22. Letter, Thomas Edison to W. C. Anderson, November 30, 1911, Benson Ford Research Center, Ace 1630 Box 2, Folder 2-23. Bryan, Friends, Families, 155.
- Letter, Thomas Edison to Henry Ford, October 29, 1912, Benson Ford Research Center, Ace 1630 Box 2, Folder 2-28.
- Letter, Thomas Edison to Harry, undated. Bryan, Friends, Families, 154–55. “Ford Discusses Radical Scheme,” newspaper clipping, Henry Ford Archive, Vertical File—Electric Cars.
- “Ford Discusses Radical Scheme.”
- Ibid. “Ford Plans New Auto,” Washington Post, January 12, 1914, 9.
- “Ford Plans New Auto,” 9.
Chapter 2: Power Struggle
- Alan W. Cramb, A Short History of Metals (Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University), 2. See “Documenta Prehistorica XXIX: Neolithic Studies 9, Abstracts,” . See Theodore A. Wertime, “The Furnace versus the Goat: The Pyrotechnic Industries and Mediterranean Deforestation in Antiquity,” Journal of Field Archaeology 10, no. 4 (Winter 1983): 445–50. See T. A. Rickard, “The Primitive Smelting of Iron,” American Journal of Archaeology 43, no. 1 (January-March 1939): 85–88. Also see Peter R. Schmidt and D. H. Avery, “More Evidence for an Advanced Prehistoric Iron Technology in Africa,” Journal of Field Archaeology 10, no. 4 (Winter 1983): 421–34.
- Cramb, Short History, 1–5. See Wertime, “Furnace versus Goat,” 446–47, 450. See Rickard, “Primitive Smelting,” 87, 100. See J. R. McNeill, “Woods and Warfare in World History,” Environmental History 9, no. 3 (July 2004), 2. Also see generally V Biringocchio, Pirotechnia, trans. C. S. Smith (New York: Dover, 1942). Also see generally T. Wertime and S. Wertime, eds., Early Pγrotechnologγ: The Evolution of the Fire Using Industries (Washington, DC: Smithsonian, 1982). Also see generally W H. Gourdin and W. D. Kingery, “The Beginnings of Pyrotechnology: Neolithic and Egyptian Lime Plasters,” Journal of Field Archaeology 2, no. 1/2 (1975). Also see Henri Limet, La Travail du metal au pays de Sumer au temps de la ∏īme Dynastie dTJr (Paris: Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophic et Lettres de ’Université de Liège, 1960), as cited by Wertime, “Furnace versus Goat.”
- Cramb, Short History, 1–3. See Wertime, “Furnace versus Goat,” 445–48, 450, 452, and generally. See McNeill, “Woods and Warfare,” 2. Also see Ellen Churchill Semple, “Climatic and Geographic Influences on Ancient Mediterranean Forests and the Lumber Trade,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 9 (1919): 17, 21. Also see generally J. Donald Hughes, “How the Ancients Viewed Deforestation,” ļoumal of Field Archaeology 10, no. 4 (Winter 1983).
- Cramb, Short History, 2. See Wertime, “Furnace versus Goat,” 449. Also see Semple, “Climatic and Geographic Influences,” 13–40. See History_of_Cyprus. See McNeill, “Woods and Warfare,” 2, 3.
- A. Bernard Knapp, Vasiliki Kassianidou, and Michael Donnelly, “Copper Smelting in Late Bronze Age Cyprus: The Excavations at Politiko Phorades,” Near Eastern Archaeology 64, no. 4 (December 2001): 204, 206.
- . See Knapp, Kassianidou, and Donnelly, “Copper Smelting,” 204.
- . See Knapp, Kassianidou, and Donnelly, “Copper Smelting,” 204. See McNeill, “Woods and Warfare,” 2.
- See Semple, “Climatic and Geographic Influences,” 17,19–20. Also see McNeill, “Woods and Warfare,” 6–7, 8, 14. See Robert Biddulph, “Cyprus,” Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography, n.s., 11, no. 12 (December 1889): 710.
- Biddulph, “Cyprus,” 709–10; McNeill, “Woods and Warfare,” 2; . See J. V. Thirgood, Man and the Mediteπanean Forest (London: Academic Press, 1981), as cited by McNeill, “Woods and Warfare,” 2. See Semple, “Climatic and Geographic Influences,” 17, 19, 39–40. See Wertime, “Furnace versus Goat,” 448. Also see Alessandra Nibbi, Ancient Egypt and Some Eastern Neighbors (Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes Press, 1981).
- McNeill, “Woods and Warfare,” 2–8. Wertime, “Furnace versus Goat,” 448,450–52. Semple, “Climatic and Geographic Influences,” 31. H. A. Koster and H. A. Forbes, “The Commons and the Market: Ecological Effects on Communal Land Tenure and Market Integration of Local Resources in the Mediterranean” (unpublished paper presented 1978 at this symposium), as cited by Wertime, “Furnace versus Goat.” See Ian Shaw, Egyptian Warfare and Weapons (Princes Risborough, UK: Shire Publications, 1991), 31–44, as cited by McNeill, “Woods and Warfare.” See Anthony Snodgrass, Arms and Armour of the Greeks (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967), as cited by McNeill. Also see Leonard U. Salkield, “The Roman and Pre-Roman Slags at Rio Tinto, Spain,” in Early Pγrotechnologγ, ed. Wertime and Wertime, as cited by Wertime, footnote 39. Also see Russell Meiggs, Trees and Timber in the Ancient Mediteπanean World (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982), as cited by McNeill. See generally Wertime. See Semple, 19, 21. See McNeill, 12. See Koster and Forbes, 450.
- McNeill, “Woods and Warfare,” 9–12, 14. See Semple, “Climatic and Geographic Influences,” 16, 21. McNeill, 9,10, 14. Semple, 16–17.
- I. G. Simmons, An Environmental History of Britain: From 10,000 Years Ago to the Present (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2001), 94. See . Also see . See Dorothy Whitelock, ed. and trans., The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 1086–1087 (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1961); ; . See . Also see Ernest F. Henderson, Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages (London: George Bell, 1896).
- Charles R. Young, “English Royal Forests under the Angevin Kings,” Journal of British Studies 12, no. 1 (November 1972): 1–14. Elizabeth Cox Wright, “Common Law in the Thirteenth Century English Royal Forest,” Speculum 3, no. 2 (April 1928): 166, 168. See Charles Petit-Dutaillis and Georges Lefebvre, Studies and Notes Supplementary to Stubbs’ Constitutional History (Manchester, 1930), 166, as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests.” Petit-Dutaillis and Lefebvre, 166. Assize of Woodstock and Forest Assize of 1198 in Pipe Roll 31 Hen. 2, 123, 148. (P.R.O.). See Charles R. Young, “The Forest Eyre in England During the Thirteenth Century,” American Journal of Legal History 18, no. 4 (October 1974): 321–31. See G. J. Turner, ed., Select Pleas of the Forest (Selden Society) (London: B. Quaritch, 1901): 63–64. See Jude James, interview with the author, August 9, 2005. See Petit-Dutaillis and Lefebvre, Studies, as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests.” See William H. Te Brake, “Air Pollution and Fuel Crises in Preindustrial London, 1250–1650,” Technology and Culture 16, no. 3 (July 1975): 350.
- James A. Galloway, Derek Keene, and Margaret Murphy, “Fuelling the City: Production and Distribution of Firewood and Fuel in London’s Region, 1290–1400,” Economic History Review, n.s., 49, no. 3 (August 1996): 456. Young, “English Royal Forests,” 12, 13. Wright, “Common Law,” 166. Margaret L. Bazeley, “The Extent of the English Forest in the Thirteenth Century,” Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 4th ser., 4 (1921): 140–72, as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests,” 12. Also see James, interview.
- Richard fitz Nigel, Dialogus de Scaccario (Dialogue of the Exchequer) (c.l 178), ed. and trans. Charles Johnson (London 1950), 60, as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests,” 8. Young, 14. See Assize of Woodstock and Forest Assize of 1198, as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests,” 12. Bazeley, “Forest of Dean,” 169. Pipe Roll 5 John, 160–61; Pipe Roll 10 John, 202–5; Rotuli Litterarum Patentium 1, 27a, 29b, 78b, 106a, as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests,” 9. See Pipe Rolls Hen. 2 (scattered references), as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests,” 10. See James H. Ramsay, The Angevin Empire (London, 1903), 194–95, as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests,” 11. See Forest Proceedings, Treasury of the Receipt, 5 (P.R.O.), as cited by Young, “Forest Eyre,” 325. See Rotuli Litterarum Patentium 1, 31b, as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests,” 10–11. See fitz Nigel, Dialogus, 56–59, as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests,” 11. See Forest Proceedings, Treasury of the Receipt, 235; Pipe Roll 14 Hen. 2, 44 (P.R.O.), as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests,” 11.
- Wright, “Common Law,” 168. Young, “Forest Eyre,” 321, 327–28. Robert Grossteste, Epis-tolae, ed. H. R. Luard (Rolls Series), 353, as cited by Young. See Young, “English Royal Forests,” 5–6. See Wright, 168.
- Young, “English Royal Forests,” 11–14. Forest Proceedings, Treasury of the Receipt 251, m.2; 76, m.9; 79, m.6; as cited by Young, “Forest Eyre,” 326. Young, “Forest Eyre,” 321–22, 326. Roger of Howden, Chronica (1198), ed. William Stubbs (Rolls Series) (London, 1950), 4:60, as cited by Young, “Forest Eyre,” 321. See Assize of Woodstock and Forest Assize of 1198. Also see Pipe Roll 27 Hen. 2, 23; Pipe Roll 30 Hen. 2, 60, 144; Pipe Roll 8 John, 16; Rotuli Litterarum Patentium 1, 3b, as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests,” 9. Also see James, interview.
- Laws of William I. Laws of Henry I, ed. L. J. Downer (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972), 145. Benedict of Peterborough, The Chronicle of the Reigns of Henry II and Richard I, ed. William Stubbs (Rolls Series) (London, 1867), 2: 74, as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests,” 6. Benedict, Chronicle, 2:157, as cited by Young, 5. Benedict, Chronicle, 1:92–94, 99, 105, as cited by Young, 5–6. Ralph of Diceto, Ymagines Historíarum (Historical Works), ed. William Stubbs (Rolls Series) (London, 1876), as cited by Young, 6. Forest Proceedings, Treasury of the Receipt, 251, m. 2; 76, m. 9; 79, m. 6. (P.R.O.)> as cited by Young, “Forest Eyre,” 326. Young, “English Royal Forests,” 1–8, 13. Fitz Nigel, Dialogus, 59–60, as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests.” Wright, “Common Law,” 167–68. See F. H. M. Parker, The Forest Laws and the Death of William Rufus, E.H.R. 27 (1912), 38, as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests,” 2. Te Brake, “Air Pollution,” 350. See Turner, Select Pleas, 1, 3–4, 6–7, as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests.” Also see James, interview. See generally, Young, “Forest Eyre.”
- Galloway, Keene, and Murphy, “Fuelling the City,” 447–48,450, 451,454,457–58. G. Hammersley, “The Charcoal Iron Industry and Its Fuel 1540–1750,” Economic History Review, n.s., 26, no. 4 (1973): 593–613. H. R. Schubert, History of the British Iron and Steel Industry (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957), 112–13. See generally Hammersley.
- Young, “English Royal Forests,” 4. Galloway, Keene, and Murphy, “Fuelling the City,” 451–52. Pipe Roll 2 Rich. I, 145, and Pipe Roll 4 Rich. I, 214, as cited by Young. See .
- Galloway, Keene, and Murphy, “Fuelling the City,” 451–52. Te Brake, “Air Pollution,” 345.
- Magna Carta, , sections 47–48. .
- Charter of the Forest (Henry III), . William Stubbs, Select Charters and Other Illustrations of English Constitutional History (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1921), 344. Te Brake, “Air Pollution,” 346. Close Rolls, 1247–51, 17, as cited by Young, “Forest Eyre,” 327. Turner, Select Pleas, 136–37, as cited by Young, 324. Also see Pipe Roll 2 Rich. I, 145 and Pipe Roll 4 Rich. I, 214, as cited by Young, “English Royal Forests,” 4. Young, “Forest Eyre,” 324, 327.
- Schubert, British Iron and Steel Industry, 111–15. Galloway, Keene, and Murphy, “Fuelling the City,” 447, 456. Te Brake, “Air Pollution,” 343, 351. Also see Simmons, Environmental History of Great Britain, 94–95.
- Schubert, British Iron and Steel Industry, 114–15. Also see Nicholas Flower, “The Management History and Structure of Unenclosed Woods in the New Forest, Hampshire,” Journal of Biogeographγ 7, no. 4 (December 1980): 311–28. Also see Also see Colin R. Tubbs, The New Forest: An Ecological History (Newton Abbott, UK: David & Charles, 1968). See James, interview. Simmons, Environmental History of Great Britain, 94–95.
- .
- . Derek Keene, “Feeding Medieval European Cities, 600–1500,” , 4. . See . See “Hundreds of Thousands of People Affected by Smoke Haze from Fires in Peat Swamp Forests,” .
- Te Brake, “Air Pollution,” 341–44, and generally.
- L. Dudley Stamp, “Britain’s Coal Crisis,” Geographical Review 38, no. 2 (April 1948): 179. . coal.html. Schubert, British Iron and Steel Industry, 44, 114. Te Brake, “Air Pollution,” 343–44.
- Galloway, Keene, and Murphy, “Fuelling the City,” 449, 451–53, 456, 468. Te Brake, “Air Pollution,” 343. See Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, ed. Edwin Cannan (New York: Modern Library, 1937), 165.
- . lOO_l 500/. .
- . .
- Extracts from the Records of the Company of Hostmen of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Durham, UK: Andrews, 1901), xxvii-xxxii. John U. Nef, The Rise of the British Coal Industry (London: Cass, 1932), 1:19–21, 78–80,102–3. .
- Nef, British Coal Industry, 1:281. Company of Hostmen, xix. See George Muncaster, “Coal Mining in County Durham (Part 5),” . .
- Muncaster, “Coal Mining.”
- Marvin Rosen, Consolidating Capitalist Rule: Parliament and Capital, 1688-J 722 (1999), . Turner, “Keelmen of Newcastle,” 543, 545. . Muncaster, “Coal Mining.” Nef, British Coal Industry, 1:401,405.
- Neal Shipley, “Thomas Sutton: Moneylender,” Business History Review 50, no. 4 (Winter 1976), 458. Nef, British Coal Industry, 1:150–51.
- Shipley, “Thomas Sutton,” 458–59.
- Rosen, Consolidating Capitalist Rule.
- Hammersley, “Charcoal Iron Industry,” 607–8. Muncaster, “Coal Mining.” .
- William Page, The Victoria History of the County of Durham (London: Constable, 1905), as cited by Durham Mining Museum, “Mining History,” .
- Company of Hostmen, xxxii-xxxiii. Rosen, Consolidating Capitalist Rule. Muncaster, “Coal Mining.”
- Durham Mining Museum, “Mining History.” Hammersley, “Charcoal Iron Industry,” 593–95. Rosen, Consolidating Capitalist Rule. Raymond Turner, “English Coal Industry in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,” American Historical Review 27, no. 1 (October 1921): 2nl2.
- Rosen, Consolidating Capitalist Rule. Turner, “English Coal Industry,” 2nl2.
- Turner, “English Coal Industry,” 3.
- Rosen, Consolidating Capitalist Rule.
- Turner, “English Coal Industry,” 8.
- Ibid., 3, 5. “House of Commons Journal, 8 June 1643,” Journal of the House of Commons 3 (1643–44) (1802): 120–21, . Rosen, Consolidating Capitalist Rule. Nef, British Coal Industry, 1:25, 196, 197, 198; 2:69. See Conrad Russell, The Crisis of Parliaments: English History 1509–1660 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990), 355.
- Raymond Turner, “English Coal Industry,” 5. Rosen, Consolidating Capitalist Rule. Nef, British Coal Industry, 2:69.
- Rosen, Consolidating Capitalist Rule. Company of Hostmen, xxxiv.
- Rosen, Consolidating Capitalist Rule.
- Turner, “English Coal Industry,” 9–12.
- Rosen, Consolidating Capitalist Rule, n. 17. Turner, “English Coal Industry,” 20–21, n. 130.
- Turner, “English Coal Industry,” 13. Turner, “Keelmen of Newcastle,” 543–44.
- Te Brake, “Air Pollution,” 339.
- Ibid., 340.
- Ibid., 337–38.
- Ibid., 338.
- Richard Schallenburg, Bottled Energy (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1981), 5–7.
Chapter 3: Metals and Monopolies
- Luigi Galvani, Commentary on the Effects of Electricity on Muscular Motion (Norwalk, CT: Burndy Library, 1953), 47.1. Bernard Cohen, introduction to Galvani, Commentary, 35. “Luigi Galvani,” Catholic Encyclopedia, .
- Cohen, introduction to Galvani, Commentary, 20, 23, 28, 33, 38, and generally.
- Paul R. Heyl, “What Is Electricity?" Scientific Monthly 41, no. 1 (July l935):38. Cohen, introduction to Galvani, Commentary, 48n4. See generally and .
- Cohen, introduction to Galvani, Commentary, 20, 33. .
- Cohen, introduction to Galvan, Commentary, 33.1. Bernard Cohen, “The Two Hundredth Anniversary of Benjamin Franklin’s Two Lightning Experiments and the Introduction of the Lightning Rod,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 96, no. 3 (June 20, 1952): 331–36.
- Cohen, introduction to Galvani, Commentary, 25. Galvani, Commentary, 45–47. Generally see Matthew Yatman, Animal Electricity; or, Observations on the Origin and Identity of the Electric and Galvanic Fluids, Etc., 2nd ed. (London: 1805).
- Galvani, Commentary, 45–47.
- Ibid., 47.
- Ibid., 47–48.
- Cohen, introduction to Galvani, Commentary, 10.
- Ibid., 20.
- Galvani, Commentary, 59.
- Cohen, introduction to Galvani, Commentary, 20–21, 30, 32–33.
- Ibid., 32–33.
- Ernest Yeager, “Fuel Cells,” Science 134, no. 3486 (October 20, 1961): 1178. Richard Schallenberg, Bottled Energy (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1981), 20–21. See George W. Heise and N. Corey Calhoon, eds., The Primary Battery (New York: John Wiley, 1971), 1:35, as cited by Schallenberg.
- Richard B. Du Boff, “Business Demand and the Development of the Telegraph in the United States, 1844–1860,” Business History Review 54, no. 4 (Winter 1980): 461. Frank G. Halstead, “The Genesis and Speed of the Telegraph Codes,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 93, no. 5 (November 30, 1949): 448. See . See .
- Du Boff, “Business Demand,” 461.
- Ernest Rubin, “The Demography of Immigration to the United States,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 367 (September 1966): 16–17. Abbott Payson Usher, Chester W. Wright, John Ise, A. Berglund, Vanderveer Custis, Harry W. Laidler, and Francis Tyson, “The Rise of Monopoly in the United States,” American Economic Review 23, no. 1 (March 1933): 2–3. See Glenn D. Bradley, The Story of the Santa Fe (Boston: Gorham Press, 1920), 44–49, 107–38. See Elizabeth Black, interview with the author, December 7, 2005. See generally Edwin Black, War Against the Weak (New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 2003), 21–22. See generally Edwin Black, Banking on Baghdad (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2004), 95–99.
- Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 24–29.
- Thomas Gray, “The Development of Electrical Science,” Science, n.s., 7, no. 169 (March 25,1898): 402,405.
- Jill Jonnes, Empires of Light (New York: Random House, 2003), 47, 55.
- Edwin Black, IBM and the Holocaust (New York: Crown Publishers, 2001), 24.
- Usher et al., “Rise of Monopoly,” 1–11. Richard T. Ely, “The Nature and Significance of Monopolies and Trusts,” International Journal of Ethics 10, no. 3 (April 1900): 273–88. Arthur P. Dudden, “Men Against Monopoly,” Journal of the History of Ideas 18, no. 4 (October 1957): 587–93.
- Usher et al., “Rise of Monopoly,” 4. Keith Poole, “The Sherman Anti-Trust Act,” .
- Poole, “Sherman Anti-Trust Act.” See John D. Archbold to John D. Rockefeller, July 6, 1886, Rockefeller Family Archives, RG 1, box 51, fol. 378, Sleepy Hollow, New York. See Noel H. Pugach, “Standard Oil and Petroleum Development in Early Republican China,” Business History Review 45 (1971): 452–53. See R. W Ferrier, The History of the British Petroleum Company (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1982), 1:1, 259–60, 548. Generally see Ida Tarbell, The History of the Standard Oil Company, vols. 1 and 2 (New York: McClure, Phillips, & Co., 1904), . Also generally see Black, Banking on Baghdad, 104–5.
- David C. Cloud, Monopolies and the People (Muscatine, IA: Allen Broomhall, 1873), , 9. Dudden, “Men Against Monopoly,” 588, 590.
- Henry Demarest Lloyd, “The Lords of Industry,” North American Review 331 (June 1884), .
- Ibid.
Chapter 4: Stench and Scandal
- Clay McShane and Joel A. Tarr, “The Centrality of the Horse in the Nineteenth-Century American City,” in The Making of Urban America, ed. Raymond A. Mohl (Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, 1997), 112, 117–18, 121–22. McShane and Tarr, “The Decline of the Urban Horse in American Cities,” Journal of Transport History 24, no. 2 (September 2003): 184–85. Steve Jacobs, “Entomological Notes: House Flies,” . Stanhope Bayne-Jones, MD, The Evolution of Preventative Medicine in the United States Army, J 607-J 939 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1968), chap. 7, .
- U.S. Bureau of the Census, Interior Department, Remarks upon the Statistics of Agriculture, Ninth Census (1870), 697, 699–701. U.S. Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce and Labor, Agriculture Parí 1, Farms, Livestock, and Animal Products, Twelfth Census V (1990), clxxxvii, . McShane and Tarr, “Centrality of the Horse,” 106, 108, 110.
- McShane and Tarr, “Centrality of the Horse,” 111–12. See U.S. Bureau of the Census, Re-port on the Transportation Business in the United States, Eleventh Census 18, pt. 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1895), 682, 684, 714–20, as cited by McShane and Tarr.
- McShane and Tarr, “Centrality of the Horse,” 108, 112–14. Tarr, “A Note on the Horse as Urban Power Source,” Journal of Urban History 25, no. 3 (March 1999): 435.
- McShane and Tarr, “Centrality of the Horse,” 105–6, 125. See Nation 383 (October 31, 1872): 277–78, as cited by McShane and Tarr.
- McShane and Tarr, “Centrality of the Horse,” 106, 120–21. $department/deptdocs.nsf/all/hrs3186. .
- McShane and Tarr, “Centrality of the Horse,” 121. Jacobs, “Entomological Notes.”
- McShane and Tarr, “Centrality of the Horse,” 121–22. “The Age of Noise,” Horseless Age 1, no. 4 (February 1896): 5.
- McShane and Tarr, “Centrality of the Horse,” 122. McShane and Tarr, “Decline of the Urban Horse,” 179. Joel A. Tarr, interview with the author, August 24, 2005. See “Through Broadway,” Atlantic Monthly 18 (December 1866): 717, as cited by McShane and Tarr. See George E. Waring Jr., comp., Report on the Social Statistics of Cities, pt. 2, The New England and the Middle States (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1887), 591, as cited by McShane and Tarr. See “Clean Streets and Motor Traffic,” Literary Digest 49 (September 5, 1914): 413, as cited by McShane and Tarr.
- Christine Meisner Rosen, “Businessmen Against Pollution in Late Nineteenth Century Chicago,” Business History Review 69 (Autumn 1995): 351–54. Charles A. Benjamin, “The Science of Smoke Prevention,” Science, n.s., 19, no. 482 (March 25, 1904): 488.
- F. H. Bowman, “Improvements in the Storage of Electricity,” Science 22, no. 562 (November 10,1893): 258.
- “Storage of Electricity,” Electrician 8 (April 15, 1882): 358. Richard Schallenberg, Bottled Energy: Electrical Engineering and the Evolution of Chemical Energy Storage (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1981), 51–52. Thomas Parke Hughes, “British Electrical Industry Lag: 1882–1888,” Technology and Culture 3, no. 1 (Winter 1962): 27.
- “Storage of Electricity,” 358. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 51. Thomas Edison, letter to Science, reprinted in New York Times, May 28, 1881, 5. “On M. C. Faure’s Secondary Battery,” Science 2, no. 51 (June 18, 1881): 291. “The Discussion on Storage-Batteries before the Electrical Conference in Philadelphia,” Science 4, supp. to no. 89 (October 7, 1884): 383.
- “Discussion on Storage-Batteries,” 383. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 59–60. William Thomson, “Electric Storage of Dynamical Energy,” Electrician 7 (June 11, 1881): 57. Thomson, “On the Sources of Energy Available to Man for the Production of Mechanical Effect,” Science 2, no. 67 (October 8, 1881): 477–78. S. Wyman Rolph, “Exide": The Development of an Engineering Idea—a Brief History of The Electric Storage Battery Company (New York: Newcomen Society in North America, 1951), 10.
- “Philippart’s Last Failure,” New York Times, November 8, 1879, 1. “Notes from France,” New York Times, March 26, 1875, 8.
- “Notes from France,” 8.
- “The French Credit Mobilier,” New York Times, July 4, 1875, 8. “M. Philippart’s Career,” New York Times, November 23, 1879, 2. “The Philippart Collapse on the Paris Exchange,” New York Times, May 21, 1875, 6.
- “Philippart’s Last Failure,” 1.
- Ibid. “A Bold Bank Wrecker,” Washington Post, November 8, 1879, 1. “Financial Journals from the Past,” Newsletter from the EABH, February 2002, 23.
- “Philippart’s Mishaps,” Chicago Daily Tribune, August 1, 1880, 11.
- Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 55–56, 59–60. Hughes, “British Electrical Industry Lag,” 27–28. “Electrical Storage Batteries,” New York Times, May 24, 1882, 7. See William Thomson, letter to the editor, Times (London), June 9, 1881, as cited by Schallenberg. See also Thomson, “Electric Storage,” 57.
- Robert P. Merges and Richard R. Nelson, “On the Complex Economics of Patent Scope,” Columbia Law Review 90, no. 4 (May 1990): 887–88. “City and Suburban News,” New York Times, March 19, 1890, 3. See . Generally see Edwin Black, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race (New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 2003), and author’s files: “Charles Brush Foundation and Eugenics.”
- “Historical Weather Events, 1850–1899,” climate/l85O_l899.htm .
- “Storage of Electricity,” 358. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 63. “The Successes and Tragic End of a Genius,” Scientific American 50, no. 5 (August 2, 1884): 64.
- “Successes and Tragic End,” 64. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 63–64. “The Sellon and Volckmar Secondary Battery,” Electrician 8 (April 8, 1882): 343.
- “The Faure Electric Accumulator Company,” Electrician 8 (March 4, 1882): 243. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 64. See also .
- Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 64.
- “Sellon and Volckmar Battery,” 342–43. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 64–65. Hughes, “British Electrical Industry Lag,” 29. “Successes and Tragic End,” 64. “Storage of Electricity,” 358.
- Hughes, “British Electrical Industry Lag,” 29, 34.
- Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 65. “Storage of Electricity,” 358.
- “Secondary Batteries,” Electrician 8 (April 29, 1882): 393.
- Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 65. “The Sellon and Faure Battery,” Electrician 9 (May 20, 1882): 1. “Railway and Other Companies,” Times (London), April 17, 1884, 11.
- Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 65–66. “Sellon and Faure Battery,” 1.
- Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 67. “Railway and Other Companies,” Times (London), May 27, 1882, 13. Times (London), November 7, 1882, 11.
- Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 66. “The Cost of Motive Power from Electrical Accumula-tors,” Scientific American 50, no. 1 (January 5, 1884): 6. “The Electric Tramcar in Paris,” Electrician 11 (September 15, 1883): 412.
- “Belgium Brussels April 12,” Times (London), April 13, 1883, 5. “Belgium Brussels May 7,” Times (London), May 8, 1883, 5. “Railway and Other Companies,” Times (London), May 31, 1883, 11. “M. Philippart,” Electrician 11 (May 26, 1883): 25.
- “Railway and Other Companies,” Times (London), May 31, 1883, 11. “Faure Electric Accumulator Company (Limited),” Electrician 11 (June 2, 1883): 71.
- “Railway and Other Companies,” Times (London), June 28, 1883, 11. “The Faure Electric Accumulator Company (Limited),” Electrician 11 (June 30, 1883): 167–68.
- “Railway and Other Companies,” Times (London), April 17, 1884, 11.
- “Discussion on Storage-Batteries,” 383. “Successes and Tragic End,” 64.
- “Discussion on Storage-Batteries,” 383. “Ernest Volckmar,” Electrician 13 (July 26, 1884): 258. “Successes and Tragic End,” 64.
Chapter 5: Batteries and Bicycles
- Randy Houk, “Railroad History: Important Milestones in English and American Railway Development,” Pacific Southwest Railway Museum, .
- “Electric Storage Batteries: A Successful Experiment on Board the Steam-Ship Labrador,” New York Times, May 13,1882, 8. “The Electric Storage Battery: The Brush Company Claims Priority of Invention Over M. Faure,” New York Times, May 17, 1882, 8, S. Wyman Rolph, “Exide” the Development of an Engineering idea; A Brief History of the Electric Storage Battery Company (New York: Newcomen Society in North America, 1951), 9, 11. Neil Baldwin, Edison: inventing the Century (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995, 2001), 137. “Electricity Instead of Gas,” New York Tribune, September 5, 1882, as cited by Baldwin, Edison, 137. “Philadelphia Gas Works: Agency History,” Agency Information, Philadelphia Information Locator Service, .
- Rolph,”Exide“9, 11.
- Ibid., 11.
- Thomas Parke Hughes, “British Electrical Industry Lag: 1882–1888,” Technology and Culture 3 (Winter 1962): 34. Rolph, Έx¿⅜" 11.
- “The Storage Battery,” Electrician 10 (February 17,1883): 329–31.
- “Supplement: The Discussion on Storage-Batteries before the Electrical Conference in Philadelphia,” Science 4 (October 17, 1884): 383.
- Rolph, “Exide,” 12.
- Transactions of the American Electrochemical Society 3 (1903): 159–60.
- Edison Bulletin #18, May 31,1883, 9–10. Electrician 18 (December 24,1886): 151. Electrician 12 (January 5,1884): 182. See also Edison Bulletin #16, February 2,1883, 31.
- “Electric Storage Battery,” 8.
- “Supplement: The Discussion on Storage-Batteries,” 388–89, 391. See Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 214–15.
- Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 83. David A. Kirsch, The Electric Vehicle and the Burden of History (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2000), 34.
- “Hero’s Engine,” Rockets in Ancient Times, Timeline of Rocket History, . Robert H. Thurston, A History of the Growth of the Steam-Engine (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1878), chap. 1. “Models Showing Development in the Steam Engine,” Christian Science Monitor, April 19, 1915. “Steam Ball,” Science Shop, .
- Ernest H. Wakefield, History of the Electric Automobile: Battery-Only Powered Cars (War-rendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers, 1994), 39. “Cugnot, First Automobolist,” Washington Post, August 18, 1910, 6. “Anecdotes of the Steam Engine No. VII,” New York State Mechanic, April 23, 1842, 169. Cornelius Mulvihill, “They Motored Here in the Oxcart Age,” Cave box 1–20, Detroit Public Library NAHC.
- Carl W. Condit, “The Pioneer Stage of Railroad Electrification,” Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, n.s. 67 (1977): 4. Clark C. Spence, “Early Uses of Electricity in American Agriculture,” Technology and Culture 3 (Spring 1962): 2–3. Robert C. Post, “The Page Locomotive: Federal Sponsorship of Invention in Mid-l9th-Century America,” Technology and Culture 13 (April 1972): 143. David Cardwell, “Science and Technology: The Work of James Prescott Joule,” Technology and Culture 17 (October 1976): 677, 678. “An Electric Carriage,” Scientific American, March 23, 1895, 177. “Jeantaud’s Electric Carriage,” Scientific American, April 6, 1895. Gijs Mom, Electric Vehicle: Technology and Expectations in the Automobile Age (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004), 17.
- Bill Dunn, “Internal Combustion Engine,” Times (London), April 5, 2002. Edwin Black, Banking on Baghdad (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2004), 97. See Lynwood Bryant, “The Origin of the Four-Stroke Cycle,” Technology and Culture 8, no. 2 (April 1967): 178–98.
- “Americans Pay Tribute to German Car Pioneer,” Washington Post, February 23, 1930, A6. James J. Flink, The Automobile Age (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998), 11,12. Dunn, “Internal Combustion Engine.” See “Patent No. 37,435 Was a Winner,” New York Times, January 29, 1961, SI 1.
- C. E. Corrigan, “Condition of the Horseless Carriage Industry,” Western Electrician, January 1, 1989, 9, as cited by Kirsch, Electric Vehicle, 29.
- Richard H. Schallenberg, “The Anomalous Storage Battery: An American Lag in Early Electrical Engineering,” Technology and Culture 22 (October 1981): 749–50. “A Perfect Storage Battery,” Washington Post, October 10, 1894. Andrew C. Irvine, “The Promotion and First 22 Years History of a Corporation in Electrical Manufacturing” (master’s thesis, Temple University, 1954), 21. Rolph, “Exide,” 10, 12, 14, 15.
- Irvine, “Promotion,” 27–28, 37–38. Herman L. Collins, Philadelphia Inquirer, May 16, 1927, 27, as cited by Irvine, 28. Hiram Percy Maxim, Horseless Carriage Days (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1937), 58.
- Irvine, “Promotion,” 39, 40.
- Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 123–24.
- Rolph, “Exide” 14–15.
- Irvine, “Promotion,” 44.
- Rolph, “Exide,” 14. Irvine, “Promotion,” 47.
- Irvine, “Promotion,” 50–51. See Rolph, “Exide,” 15.
- Irvine, “Promotion,” 49, 50, 51.
- Ibid., 52, 53.
- Ibid., 53. Rolph, “Exide” 15. Mom, Electric Vehicle, 92.
- “Morris and Salom’s Electric Wagons, the Έlectrobat,’" Horseless Age 1 (November 1895): Rolph, “Exide,” 18. Mom, Electric Vehicle, 26. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 255–56. See “Some American Motor Carriages,” Scientific American, February 15, 1896, 105–6.
- Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 256., 257. See “The First American Electric Carriage,” Horseless Age 3 (December 1898): 18. See “The Growth of the Automobile Industry in America,” Outing Magazine, November 1907, 210.
- “Morris and Salom’s Electric Wagons.” Mom, Electric Vehicle, 181, 182, 183. See “To Test Electric Motors,” New York Times, June 4, 1893, 8. See “Storage Car Tested,” Chicago Daily, November 23, 1893, 3. See “Successful Storage Battery,” Chicago Daily Tribune, January 3, 1893, 14.
- “Supplement: The Discussion on Storage-Batteries,” 390.
- Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 257.
- “The Chicago Motocycle Race,” Scientific American, December 7, 1895, 357. “Horses Not in It,” Atlanta Constitution, November 3, 1895, 17. See “The Horseless Carriage Races,” Scientific American, August 10, 1895, 82–83. See “The Horseless Carriage,” New York Times, April 19, 1895, 28. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 257. Flink, Automobile Age, 23. Mom, Electric Vehicle, 25. Kirsch, Electric Vehicle, 34.
- “Endurance Tour’s Steady Progress,” New York Times, May 1, 1910, XX5. Rolph, “Exide,” 18. Maxim, Horseless Caπiage Days, 53. Flink, Automobile Age, 23. Kirsch, Electric Vehicle, 34. “Details and Dimensions of Motor Vehicles,” table, Horseless Age, February 1896, 11.
- “An Electric Hansom,” Scientific American, March 13, 1897, 166. “Electric Storage,” Wall Street Journal, December 6, 1895., 1. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 258. Mom, Electric Vehicle, 25.
- “Morris & Salom’s Prospectus,” Horseless Age 1, no. 3 (January 1896): 24. “Prospectus of the Electric Carriage & Wagon Company,” Horseless Age 1, no. 8 (June 1896): 26. “New Vehicles of the Electric Carriage and Wagon Company,” Horseless Age 1, no. 11 (September 1896): 18. “To Popularize the Electric Vehicle,” Horseless Age 1, no. 7 (May 1896): 22. See “An Electric Hansom,” 165—66.
- “The Chicago Motocycle Race.” “The Barrows Electric Vehicle,” Horseless Age ì, no. 1 (November 1895): 22. “The Arnold Electric Carriage,” Horseless Age 1, no. 1 (November 1895): 23. “The Sturges Electric Motocycle,” Horseless Age 1, no. 1 (November 1895): 24. “Dey System of Propelling Street Cars and Wagons,” Horseless Age 1, no. 1 (November 1895): 25. “Columbia Perambulator Co.’s Electric Wagon,” Horseless Age 1, no. 1 (November 1895): 28. “The Perry Lewis Electric Wagon,” Horseless Age 1, no. 1 (November 1895): 29. “The Baker and Elberg Wagon,” Horseless Age 1, no. 1 (November 1895): 32. “Professor Elihu Thomson Experimenting,” Horseless Age 1, no. 1 (November 1895): 32. “The Holtzer Electric Wagon,” Horseless Age 1, no. 1 (November 1895): 37–38. “The Riker Electric Trap,” Horseless Age 1, no. 1 (August 1896): 18. “Progress on the Dey Electric Carriage,” letter Harry E. Dey to editor, Horseless Age 1, 10 (August 1896): 22. See “How Edison Will Make Automobiles the Poor Man’s Vehicle,” Chicago Daily Tribune, June 15, 1902, 37. See “Growth of Electric Cars,” New York Times, March 17, 1912, C12. See Wakefield, History of the Electric Automobile, 68, picture from the Collections of Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, RB. 32967.
- Hermann Cuntz to Henry Cave, October 13, 1941, Cave box 9, folder 16, Detroit Public Library NAHC. “Salutatory,” Horseless Age 1, no. 1 (November 1895): 2. “Foreign Notes,” Horseless Age 2, no. 1 (November 1896): 27.
- “No More Red Flags,” Horseless Age 2, no. 1 (November 1896): 22. “Foreign Notes,” 27. Mom, Electric Vehicle, 36. Flink, Automobile Age, 21.
- “Mr. Salom on ‘Automobile Vehicles/ “ Horseless Age 1, no. 6 (April 1896): 4, 5.
- Ibid., 5.
- Charles E. Duryea, “Bogies,” Horseless Age 1, no. 10 (August 1896): 3.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- “The ‘Noise’ Question,” Horseless Age 2, no. 2 (December 1896): 1.
- “The Oil Famine Bugaboo,” Horseless Age 2, no. 3 (January 1897): 1. Black, Banking on Baghdad, 97–98.
- “The Oil Famine Bugaboo.”
- “New Vehicles of the Electric Carriage and Wagon Company,” Horseless Age 1, no. 11 (September 1896): 18. “An Electric Hansom,” Scientific American, March 13, 1897, 165. “A Horseless Brougham,” Scientific American, August 7, 1897, 85. “To Run Electric Cabs,” New York Times, March 7, 1897, 10.
- “To Run Electric Cabs.” “Electric Carriages for New York,” Wall Street Journal, November 23, 1896, 1. Kirsch, Electric Vehicle, 56. Mom, Electric Vehicle, 28, 65, 69, 85. See “Electric Vehicle Company,” advertisement, New York Times, January 12, 1898, 8. See Schallen-berg, Bottled Energy, 250.
- Kirsch, Electric Vehicle, 38–39, 50–51. Speed is various in various sources. Wakefield, History of Electric Automobile, 51–54. Mom, Electric Vehicle, 81–83.
- “Electric Vehicles Then and Now,” IEEE Monitor 53, no. 3 (March 2005): 9–10. Mom, Electric Vehicle, 79, 81. Wakefield, History of Electric Automobile, 51. “New Vehicles of the Electric Carriage and Wagon Company,” Horseless Age 1, no. 11 (September 1896): 18. “Morris and Salom’s Prospectus.” Kirsch, Electric Vehicle, 176.
- “Electric Vehicles,” Electrical World 30, no. 7 (August 14, 1897): 182.
- Ibid.
- Wakefield, History of Electric Vehicle, 53. “Electric Vehicle Company,” advertisement, New York Times, January 12, 1898, 8. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 259–60. Irvine, “Promotion,” 56. Mom, Electric Vehicle, 82.
- “Electric Storage,” Wall Street Journal, September 8, 1897, 2.
- “Electric Vehicle Company,” New York Times, September 28, 1897, 5. Wakefield, History of Electric Vehicle, 53. Horseless Age 2, no. 11 (September 1897): 2. “Electric Vehicle Company,” advertisement, New York Times, January 9, 1898, A9. John B. Rae, “The Electric Vehicle Company: A Monopoly That Missed,” Business History Review 29, no. 4 (December 1955): 299–300. See Gary McCue, “Isaac L. Rice,” .
- Kirsch, Electric Vehicle, 41, 58. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 260. Rae, “Electric Vehicle Company,” 299–300. “Isaac L. Rice.” “Electric Vehicle Company,” advertisement, New York Times, January 9, 1898, A9. Irvine, “Promotion,” 56. “Electric Carriages,” Wall Street Journal, September 29, 1897, 1.
- “Blizzard in Boston,” Washington Post, February 2, 1898, 1. “Cost of the Storm,” Boston Globe, February 2, 1898, 1. “Terrific in Lawrence,” Boston Globe, February 2, 1898, 9. “Work of the Big Storm,” New York Times, February 2, 1898, 1. “New York Snow-Bound,” Los Angeles Times, February 2, 1898, 2. “Fury of the Storm,” Chicago Daily Tribune, February 2, 1898, 1. “Snow a Foot Deep on Western Land,” Atlanta Constitution, January 26, 1898, 2. “Wisconsin Has a Blizzard,” Atlanta Constitution, January 24, 1898, 2. “Blizzard Sweeping Through Colorado,” Washington Post, January 21,1898, 1. “Blizzard at Buffalo,” New York Times, January 3, 1898, 1.
- “A New Year’s Blizzard,” New York Times, January 2, 1898, 1. “Severe Storm Up the State,” New York Times, January 1, 1898, 1. “Blizzard in Pittsburgh,” New York Times, January 1, 1898, 1. “Snow and Blizzards,” Washington Post, January 24, 1898, 1. “Work of Wind and Tide,” Boston Globe, January 24, 1898, 1. “Blizzard in Wisconsin,” New York Times, January 24, 1898, 1. “Storms and Floods,” Chicago Daily Tribune, January 24, 1898, 3. “Horses Killed by Live Wires,” Chicago Daily Tribune, January 23, 1898, 3.
- “Storm King Reigns,” Chicago Tribune, January 23, 1898, 1. “Work of Wind and Tide.” “Death and Destruction,” Boston Globe, February 2, 1898, 1. “Bad Weather,” Los Angeles Times, January 24, 1898, 1. “Milwaukee in a Blizzard,” Boston Globe, February 21, 1898, 10.
- “Work of the Big Storm.” “Gotham in the Storm’s Grip,” Chicago Tribune, February 2, 1898, 2. “Under a White Robe,” Chicago Tribune, February 1, 1898, 1. “Blizzard Feared in New York,” Washington Post, February 1, 1898, 9. “New York Snow-Bound.”
- Wakefield, History of Electric Vehicle, 53. “Progress of the Electric Vehicle Co.,” Horseless Age 3, no. 10 (January 1899): 13. “The Winter of Our Content,” Horseless Age 3, no. 9 (December 1898): 6. “Snow and Mud Pictures,” Horseless Age 3, no. 9 (December 1898): 14–15. Kirsch, Electric Vehicle, 48.
- “Progress of the Electric Vehicle Co.” “Snow and Mud Pictures.” Kirsch, Electric Vehicle, 48.
- “More Electric Cabs for New York,” Horseless Age 3, no. 11 (February, 1899): 13. Wakefield, History of Electric Vehicle, 53.
- Mark D. Hirsch, William C. Whitney: Modern Warwick (New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1948), 1–2, 17, 223–24.
- Ibid., 224–25, 600.
- Ibid., 440.
- Mom, Electric Vehicle, 86. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 260. Hirsch, Whitney, 556–57. Herman F. Cuntz, “Pope Mfg Co.—Columbia Automobile Co. and The Electric Vehicle Company” (unpublished manuscript, June 1947, Cave box 8, folder 8, 2, Detroit Public Library NAHC).
- Mom, Electric Vehicle, 86. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 260. Hirsch, Whitney, 556–57. Cuntz, “Pope Mfg Co.,” 2.
- Mom, Electric Vehicle, 86. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 260. Hirsch, Whitney, 556–57. Cuntz, “Pope Mfg Co.,” 2.
- Horseless Age 4, no. 2 (April 12, 1899): 11. Hirsch, Whitney, 557. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 263.
- Cuntz, “Pope Mfg Co.,” 2. Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 264–65.
- Schallenberg, Bottled Energy, 263–64. William Greenleaf, “The Selden Patent Suit” (PhD diss., Columbia University, 1955), 119. Irvine, “Promotion,” 61. “Electric Vehicles Then and Now,” 10. Kirsch, Electric Vehicle, 176. Cuntz, “Pope Mfg Co.,” 3.
- “French Jottings,” Autocar, May 6, 1899, 371–73. Mom, Electric Vehicle, 48.
- Bob Mionske, “Legally Speaking with Bob Mionske: The Monopoly Machine, Part 1,” February 5, 2005, .
- Stephen B. Goddard, Colonel Albert Pope and His American Dream Machines: The Life and Times of a Bicycle Tycoon Turned Automotive Pioneer (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2000), 73–74. O.A. van Nierop, A. C. M. Blankendaal, and C.J. Overbeeke, “The Evolution of the Bicycle: A Dynamic Systems Approach,” Journal of Design History 10, no. 3 (1997): 259–61.
- Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 124–25. Goddard, Colonel Albert Pope, 238–40. Mom, Electric Vehicle, 26.
- Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 125–26. Goddard, Colonel Albert Pope, 238–40.
- Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 136.
- Bruce Epperson, “Failed Colossus: Albert A. Pope, the Bicycle and the Dawn of the American Auto Industry” (unpublished manuscript, 2006), 69–71.
- Ibid., 70–71.
- Ibid., 75, 78, 80–81.
- Ibid., 82–84.
- Ibid., 106. Goddard, Colonel Albert Pope, 78, 79, 81–82.
- Maxim, Horseless Carriage Days, xiii. “Maxim Gun,” . John H. Lienhard, “No. 694: Hiram Maxim,” .
- Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 132. Kirsch, Electric Vehicle, 36–37. Maxim, Horseless Carriage Days, 52–53. Cuntz, “Pope Mfg Co.,” 1.
- Epperson, “Failed Colossus,” 288. Goddard, Colonel Albert Pope, 119. Cuntz, “Pope Mfg Co.,” 2.
- Mom, Electric Vehicle, 29. Cuntz, “Pope Mfg Co.,” 2–3. “More Electric Cabs for New York,” Horseless Age 3, no. 11 (February 1899): 13.
- Hirsch, Whitney, 557. Cuntz, “Pope Mfg Co.,” 3. Goddard, Colonel Albert Pope, 153.
- Hirsch, Whitney, 557. Cuntz, “Pope Mfg Co.,” 3. Maxim, Horseless Carriage Days, 165.
- Hirsch, Whitney, 557. Cuntz, “Pope Mfg Co.,” 3–4. Goddard, Colonel Albert Pope, 153. Maxim, Horseless Carriage Days, 165.
- Hirsch, Whitney, 557. Cuntz, “Pope Mfg Co.,” 3–4. Goddard, Colonel Albert Pope, 153.
- Hirsch, Whitney, 557. Cuntz, “Pope Mfg Co.,” 4–5. Goddard, Colonel Albert Pope, 153.
Chapter 6: The Selden Strategy
- “Annual Statement of the Electric Vehicle Company,” Horseless Age 4, no. 26 (September 27, 1899): 8. William Greenleaf, Monopoly on Wheels: Henry Ford and the Selden Automobile Patent (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1961), 66. Gijs Mom, The Electric Vehicle: Technology and Expectations in the Automobile Age (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004), 86–87.
- “Annual Statement of the Electric Vehicle Company,” 8. “Minor Mention,” Horseless Age 4, no. 26 (September 17, 1899): 12. “$25,000,000 Electric Vehicle Company Incorporated,” Horseless Age 3, no. 12 (March 1899): 7. “Pennsylvania to Have Electric Cabs,” Horseless Age 3, no. 12 (March 1899): 8. William Greenleaf, “The Selden Patent Suit” (PhD diss., Columbia University, 1955), 145–47. Mom, Electric Vehicle, 29–30, 87. David A. Kirsch, The Electric Vehicle and the Burden of History (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2000), 56. Richard Schallenberg, Bottled Energy: Electrical Engineering and the Evolution of Chemical Energy Storage (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1981), 263.
- H. F. Cuntz, “Story of the Selden Case and Hartford,” Cave box 9, folder 2, Correspondence, September 12, 1940, 2, Detroit Public Library NAHC. See H. F. Cuntz to Mrs. Wendell Patro, November 23, 1948, “Proudly We Acclaim,” Cave box 1, folder 19, 2, Detroit Public Library NAHC. See H. F. Cuntz to Mr. A. F. Scheaf, May 8, 1947, “Pope History,” Cave box 3, folder 15, Detroit Public Library NAHC. Mom, Electric Vehicle, 28, 32. Stephen B. Goddard, Colonel Alberí Pope and His American Dream Machines (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2000), 151. Michael Brian Schiffer, Taking Charge: The Electric Automobile in America (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994), 50, 79, 84.
- See H. F. Cuntz to Mr. Henry Cave, September 9, 1940, Cave box 9, folder 1, Detroit Public Library NAHC.
- Cuntz, “Story of the Selden Case and Hartford,” 3–4. See H. F. Cuntz to Mr. Henry Cave.
- Cuntz, “Story of the Selden Case and Hartford,” 7.
- Cuntz, “Pope Manufacturing Company—Columbia Automobile Company and The Electric Vehicle Company,” 5–6. Goddard, Colonel Alberí Pope, 153. Mark D. Hirsch, William C. Whitney (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1948), 557. Cuntz, “Story of the Selden Case and Hartford,” 7.
- Cuntz, “Story of the Selden Case and Hartford,” 7.
- Blake McKelvey, Rochester: The Flower City, J 855-J890 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1949), 246. See Carl W. Witman, “George Baldwin Selden,” in Dictionary of American Biography (New York: 1926), 16:567–68; National Cyclopedia of American Biography (New York: 1893), 20:222–23; Raymond H. Arnot, “Rochester; Background of Its History,” Publications of the Rochester Historical Society, Publication Fund Series 1 (1922): 99–100; McKelvey, Rochester, 152, 157, 158, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 13–17. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 13–17.
- See undated notebook entry (early 1877), Selden Case Record, VIII, 3560; notebook entries, October 24, 25, 1877, Selden Case Record, 3563, 3565, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 46–47. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 46–47.
- “Otto’s New Gas Engine,” Van Nostrand’s Eclectic Engineering Magazine 18 (January 1878): 66–68. Lynwood Bryant, “The Origin of the Four-Stroke Cycle,” Technology and Culture 8, no. 2 (April 1967): 178–98. Rudolph Slaby, “Father of the Gas Engine,” Automobile Magazine 5 (December 1903): 1090–94. See Selden Case Record, 3, 649–54 (Frank H. Clement, December 1, 2, 1905), 709–710, 741 (William Gomm, December 15, 18, 1905), 1173–77 (George B. Selden, May 7, 1906); Selden Case Record, 616 (William Gleason, November 28, 1905); Selden Case Record, 584 (James A. Peoples, November 27, 1905), 686–87 (James Fitt, December 14, 1905), 774–75 (William M. Rebasz, December 20, 1905); Selden Case Record, 708, 710–711, 721 (William Gomm, December 15, 16, 19, 1905); Selden Case Record, 1250–51 (George B. Selden, May 22, 1906); Selden Case Record, 4, 1741, 1861 (Dugald Clerk, August 7, 17, 1906); Selden Case Record, Frederick P. Fish et al, Appellate Brief, 45, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 10–11,41, 48–51. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 10–11, 30–33,41,48–51.
- See Selden Case Record, 3, 649–54 (Frank H. Clement, December 1, 2, 1905), 709–710, 741 (William Gomm, December 15, 18, 1905), 1173–77 (George B. Selden, May 7, 1906); Selden Case Record, 616 (William Gleason, November 28, 1905); Selden Case Record, 584 (James A. Peoples, November 27, 1905), 686–87 (James Fitt, December 14, 1905), 774–75 (William M. Rebasz, December 20, 1905); Selden Case Record, 708, 710–711, 721 (William Gomm, December 15, 16, 19, 1905); Selden Case Record, 1250–51 (George B. Selden, May 22, 1906); Selden Case Record, 4, 1741, 1861 (Dugald Clerk, August 7, 17, 1906); Selden Case Record, Frederick P. Fish et al., Appellate Brief, 45. See Selden Case Record, 3, 772, 777–79 (William M. Rebasz, December 20, 1905); Selden Case Record, 717–18, 727, 757, 759–760 (William Gomm, December 15, 16, 19, 1905), 1178–79, 1192–93 (George B. Selden, May 8, 9, 1906), as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 49–53. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 49–53.
- See Selden Case Record, 649–51 (Frank H. Clement, December 1, 1905); 8, 3577, Selden to M. T. E. Chandler, December 20, 1877. Selden Case Record, 772, 111–19 (William M. Rebasz, December 20, 1905); Selden Case Record, 717–18, 727, 757, 759–60 (William Gomm, December 15, 16, 19, 1905), 1178–79, 1192–93 (George B. Selden, May 8, 9, 1906) as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 48, 51–52. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 48, 51–52.
- J. Harold Byers, “The Selden Case,” Journal of the Patent Office Society 22, no. 10 (October 1940), Cave box 8, folder 28, 726–27, Detroit Public Library NAHC. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 84–85. See Selden Case Record, XIV, 4427–38, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 84–85.
- Byers, “Selden Case.” Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 92–95.
- F. R. Williams, “A Dissertation on the Selden Patent,” Automobile 17 (November 14, 1907): 734. See Selden Case Record, R. A. Parker, Trial Brief, 463. Selden Case Record, 6, 3180 (George B. Selden, August 13, 1908), as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 93, 95–98. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 93, 95–98.
- Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 89.
- See Annual Reporí of the Commissioner of Patents for the Year 1897 (Washington: 1898), 9; Annual Reporí of the Commissioner of Patents for the Year 1887 (Washington: 1888), 3; Annual Report of the Commissioner of Patents for the Year J895, 13, 14, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 85–86, 91. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 85–86, 91.
- Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 95.
- Ibid., 94. See Selden Case Record, 14, 4427–38, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 94.
- “The Investor’s Opportunity,” Horseless Age 2, no. 12 (October 1897): 1. “Broad Claims on a Hydro-Carbon Road Engine,” Horseless Age 2, no. 2 (December 1896): 16–17.
- Cuntz, “Story of the Selden Case and Hartford,” 9–10.
- Ibid., 11–12. See Selden Case Record, 2, 435–50; Selden Case Record, 1, 37–38 (Hayden Eames, June 27, 1904), as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 142–43. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 142–43.
- “Motor Vehicles in the Stock Market,” Engineering News 42 (November 2, 1899): 289. “Scramble for Patent Control,” Motor Age 1 (September 12, 1899): 13. See Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal 12 (May 1, 1908): 24; Motor Age 1 (November 7, 1899): 178, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 111, 114–15. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 111, 114–15.
- Automobile Magazine 1 (March 1900): 641. See Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal 12 (May 1, 1908): 24, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 110–11. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 110–11.
- “000,000,000,000,” Horseless Age 5, no. 7 (November 15, 1899): 5–6.
- “Lead Cab Literature,” Horseless Age 7, no. 4 (October 24, 1900): 9. “Annual Statement of the Electric Vehicle Company,” Horseless Age 4, no. 26 (September 27, 1899): 7–8. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 149.
- “Lead Cab Financiering,” Horseless Age 5, no. 17 (January 24, 1900): 11.
- .”Loans of State Trust Company,” New York Times, January 14, 1900, 1. “Lead Cab Financiering,” Horseless Age 5, no. 17 (January 24, 1900): 11.
- Horseless Age 5, no. 17 (January 24, 1900): 10. “Lead Cab Financiering,” 11.
- “Lead Cab Finale,” Horseless Age 5, no. 12 (December 2, 1899): 8. “Lead Cab Financiering,” 11. John B. Rae, “The Electric Vehicle Company: A Monopoly That Missed,” Business History Review 29, no. 4 (December 1955): 303. See “A British View of Accumulators and Electric Vehicles,” Electrical Review (New York), December 20, 1899, 393; “Lead Cab Finale,” 8; “A short history of the electric taxi-cab,” Electric Vehicles (U.S.), July 1916, 2, as cited by Mom, Electric Vehicle, 90–91.
- “Lead Cab Scandals,” Horseless Age 8, no. 24 (September 11, 1901): 491. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 149, 153. Greenleaf, Monopoly on Wheels, 73–74. Kirsch, Electric Vehicle, 62.
- “The Trust,” Horseless Age 5, no. 20 (February 14, 1900): 9.
- Cuntz, “Story of the Selden Case and Hartford,” 14.
- “Big Patent Suit Threatened,” Motor Age 2 (June 14, 1900): 417–25.
- Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 158.
- “About the Selden Patent,” Motor Age 2 (June 21, 1900): 449–52, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 158–59. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 158–59.
- See Selden Case Record, 14, 4625; Motor World 6 (August 6, 1903): 695; Motor Review 5, n.s. (November 7, 1901), 41; Automobile and Motor Review 7 (October 18, 1902): 28–29; Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal 8 (March 1, 1904): 68–79, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 160–62. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 160–62.
- Horseless Age 6, no. 15 (July 11, 1900): 9. See Motor Age 2 (July 19, 1900): 636–37, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 162–63. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 162–63.
- “The Selden Patent Case,” Horseless Age 7, no. 8 (November 21, 1900): 20. “AProminent Patent Lawyer’s Opinion,” Horseless Age 7, no. 8 (November 21, 1900): 21. “The Selden Patent Case,” Horseless Age 7, no. 9 (November 28, 1900): 13. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 163–64.
- “Defendants File Answer in the Selden Patent Suit,” Horseless Age 7, no. 23 (March 6, 1901): 16–17. “Present Status of Automobile Patent Litigation,” Horseless Age 10, no. 13 (September 24, 1902): 327. See Selden Case Record, 10, 1372–84; Selden Case Record, 10, 1405, 1407; Motor Age 3 (April 2, 1903): 10, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 170. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 170.
- “Present Status of Automobile Patent Litigation,” Horseless Age 10, no. 13 (September 24, 1902): 327. See Selden Case Record, 10, 1405, 1407; Motor Age 3 (April 2, 1903): 10; Herman F. Cuntz, Memorandum, August 15, 1954; Selden Case Record, 14, 4625, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 171–72. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 171–72.
- Selden Case Record, 3, 1113–15 (Thomas Henderson, March 21, 1906), as cited by Green-leaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 172. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 172.
- Cuntz, “Story of the Selden Case and Hartford,” 22–23. See Selden Case Record, 3, 1113–15 (Thomas Henderson, March 21, 1906); Selden Case Record, 9, 171–72 (Charles E. Duryea, September 15, 1904), as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 172–73. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 172–73.
- “Lead Cab Service Discontinued?" Horseless Age 7, no. 23 (March 6, 1901): 19. “Illinois Lead Cab Company in Liquidation,” Horseless Age 7, no. 24 (March 13, 1901): 14. Mom, Electric Vehicle, 91.
- “Lead Cab Funerals,” Horseless Age 8, no. 1 (April 3, 1901): 1. “Illinois Electric Vehicle Transportation Company,” Electrical Review (New York), March 16, 1901, 354, as cited by Mom, Electric Vehicle, 91. Greenleaf, Monopoly on Wheels, 73.
- “Lead Cab Nemesis,” Horseless Age 8, no. 2 (April 10, 1901): 25.
- See Motor Review 5, n.s. (December 19, 1901): 2. Commercial and Financial Chronicle, March-September 1901, 72–73, as cited by Greenleaf, Monopoly on Wheels, 73. Greenleaf, Monopoly on Wheels, 73.
- “Lead Cab Scandals,” 489. “Lead Cab Finale,” Horseless Age 8, no. 28 (October 9, 1901): 577. “Lead Cab Trust Sued Again,” Horseless Age 8, no. 28 (October 9, 1901): 582. Greenleaf, Monopoly on Wheels, 73–74.
- “Minor Mention,” Horseless Age 11, no. 28 (March 4, 1903): 334. “As Some Men View It,” Motor Vehicle Review 3, n.s. (September 6, 1900): 2–3. “A Four Hundred Dollar Automobile,” Motor Vehicle Review 4, n.s. (March 21, 1901): 4. “A Remarkable Variety of Spare Parts,” Motor Vehicle Review 1 (December 26, 1899): 9–11. “Passing of the Quickly Assembled Car,” Automobile 16, no. 13 (March 28, 1907): 564. “Mainly about Man and Motors,” Automobile Magazine 5 (April 1903): 412–13. “Motor’s Historical Table of the American Motor Car Industry,” Motor 11 (March 1909): 36–42. “The Deposit System,” Horseless Age 18 (October 10, 1906): 436. “Judgement Applied to Business,” Motor Vehicle Review, May 23, 1901, 3–4. “Economy in Manufacturing,” Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal 8 (December 1, 1903): 21–22. See New York Tribune, August 5, 1917; John K. Barnes, “The Romance of Our Automobile Makers,” world’s Work 41 (April 1921): 561–64; Lawrence H. Seltzer, A Financial History of the American Automobile Industry (Houghton, Mifflin, Boston and New York: 1928), 22, 155; Detroit Evening News, October 8, 1902; Detroitļour-nal, May 26, 1903; John K. Barnes, “The Men Who Created ‘Cooperative Competition,’" world’s Work 42 (May 1921): 60–61; Benjamin Briscoe, “The Inside Story of General Motors,” Detroit Saturday Night 15 (January 22, 1921), Section Two, 7; Motor Age 2 (March 15, 1900): 3; David T. Wells, “The Growth of the Automobile Industry in America,” Outing 51 (November 1907): 213; New York Times, n.d., extracted in Motor World 4 (July 17, 1902): 462; Motor World 6 (June 18, 1903): 443; Motor Age 4 (April, 25, 1901): n.p.; Detroit Free Press, July 13, 1902. “Minor Mention,” Horseless Age 10 (July-December 1902); 11 (January-June, 1903); Ralph C. Epstein, The Automobile industry: Its Commercial and Economic Development (Arno Press Chicago and New York: 1928), 163–64, 229n; Herman F. Cuntz, “Circulation of Money Due to Automobiling,” New York Herald, February 7, 1909, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 175–82. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 175–82.
- See “Motor’s Historical Table,” 36–42; Epstein, Automobile Industry, 163–64, 229n; Cuntz, “Circulation of Money,” as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 181–82. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 181–82.
- “Mainly about Men and Motors,” Automobile Magazine 4 (September 1902): 781.
- Charles Clifton, “Cooperation and Its Results: How It Saved the Automobile Industry at a Critical Stage,” Automobile Topics 40 (December 18, 1915): 461. See Joy to Packard, January 4, 1903, Joy Papers; Joy to Day, January 5, 1903, Joy Papers; Joy to Packard, January 8, 1903, Joy Papers, Joy to Day, January 8, February 9, 1903, Joy Papers; Selden Case Record, 3, 944–46 (Elihu H. Cutler, February 21, 1906), as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 195–99. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 195–99.
- See Henry B. Joy to S. T. Davis Jr., February 21, 1903, Joy Papers; F. L. Smith, “Motoring Down a Quarter Century,” Detroit Saturday Night 22 (October 20, 1928): 3; George H. Day to Joy, February 25, 1903, Joy Papers; Joy to Edward Rector, February 28, 1903, Joy Papers; Joy to S.T. Davis Jr., February 28, 1903, Joy Papers; Joy to J. W. Packard, March 2, 1903, Joy Papers, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 200–02. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 200–202.
- See Automobile Magazine 5 (January 1903): 89–90, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 199. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 199.
- See F. L. Smith, “Motoring Down a Quarter Century,” Parker Papers, 3, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 203. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 203.
- “Nine Years Agreement on Selden Patent,” Motor World 6 (April 2, 1903): 18. “M. J. Bud-long,” Motor Age 3 (February 12, 1903): 7. See Smith, “Motoring Down a Quarter Century,” 3; Motor World (April 16, 1903): 99; “Mainly about Men and Motors,” Automobile Magazine 5 (November 1903): 1025–27; Motor Age 5 (February 1, 1904): n.p., as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 203–5. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 203–5.
- Greenleaf, Monopoly on Wheels, 69. See section 4 of “License Agreement” and “Articles of Agreement of Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers,” Selden Case Record, 14, 4643–53; Selden Case Record, 9, 688 (George H. Day, January 17, 1905); W. J. Morgan, “Selden Patent War Nears End,” New York Globe and Commercial Advertiser, December 24, 1910. Selden Case Record, 6, 2871–74 (George B. Selden, July 6, 1908), as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 205–7. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 205–7.
- See Joy to Winton Motor Carriage Company, March 9, 1903, Joy Papers; Joy to Packard, March 11, 1903, Joy Papers; Selden Case Record, 10, 1409, 1410–11; Selden Case Record, 9, 682–87 (George W. Mills Jr., January 17, 1905), 707–8 (Robert N. Kenyon, January 18, 1905). Selden Case Record, R. A. Parker and W. Benton Crisp, Trial Brief, 351–65; Selden Case Record, R. A. Parker, Trial Brief, 9–18, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 208–10. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 208–10.
- See Selden Case Record, 3,907–9 (Milton J. Budlong, February 16, 1906); opening clause and Article 13, “Articles of Agreement,” Selden Case Record, 14,4646,4650; Horseless Age 11 (April 1, 1903): 426; Horseless Age 11 (April 29, 1903), 519; Selden Case Record, 14, 4519, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 222. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 222.
- See Herman F. Cuntz, Memoranda, August 10, 19, 1954, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 216. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 216.
- “Selden Patent Matters,” Horseless Age 11, no. 25 (June 24, 1903): 746. “Day Explains Policy of A. LA M,” Motor Age 4, no. 6 (August 6, 1903): 10. See “Automobile Topics Trade Talk No. 1,” Selden Case Record, 14, 4515–19, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 216–17, 220. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 216–17, 220.
- “Co-operative Benefits,” Motor World 7 (December 24, 1903): 456. See U.S. Bureau of the Census, Bulletin 66, Automobiles and Bicycles and Tricycles, 12; New York Tribune, August 5, 1917; John K. Barnes, “The Romance of Our Automobile Makers,” World’s Work 41 (April, 1921): 561–64, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 174–76, 218. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 174–76, 218.
- “Canada Gets Bulk of Our Exports,” Automobile 27 (July 25, 1912): 165. Epstein, Automobile Industry, 76. “Cars for All the People,” Motor Age 6 (September 29, 1904): 4. See Selden Case Record, 3, 931–32 (Milton J. Budlong, February 19, 1906), as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 228–30. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 228–30.
- See Motor Age 3, no. 8 (February 19, 1903): 18.
- “Decisive Action Taken at Meeting of the Licensed Association,” Automobile 9 (August 29, 1903): 219. “Mainly about Men and Motors,” Automobile Magazine 5 (October 1903): 943–45. See Fred A. Shannon, The Farmer’s Last Frontier Farrar & Rinehart (New York and Toronto: 1945), 302–3, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 225–26, 261–62. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 225–26, 261–62.
- “Automobilists and Licensed Makes,” Automobile Topics 6 August 1, 1903): 1083. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 226.
- See Elihu H. Cutler to editor, “From Members of the Association,” Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal 8 (September 29, 1903), as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 224. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 224.
Chapter 7: Defiance
- See David Lewis, The Public Image of Henry Ford (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1976), 143; Keith Sward, The Legend of Henry Ford (Toronto: Rinehart, 1948), 160; Chicago Tribune, March 8, 1923; Detroit News, December 31, 1931; David L. Lewis, “Henry Ford’s Anti-Semitism and Its Repercussions,” Michigan Jewish History 24, no. 1 (January 1984): 5–6; New York Times, July 31, 1938; Detroit News, July 31, l938;A. Scott Berg, Lindbergh (New York: Putnam, 1998), 375, as cited by Albert Lee, Henry Ford and the Jews (New York: Stein and Day, 1980), 45–46, 283–85. “Ford, at 75, Looks to ‘Going Ahead’; Huge Parties Given Him in Detroit,” New York Times, July 31, 1938, 1; Detroit Free Press, July 31, 1938, 1; Accession 285, box 2149, Fritz Hailer, Benson Ford Research Center, as cited by Max Wallace, The American Axis (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2003), 145–46. James E. Pool and Suzanne Pool, Who Financed Hitler (New York: Dial Press, 1978), 90–91; “‘Heinrich’ Ford Idol of Bavaria Fascisti Chief,” Chicago Tribune, March 8, 1923, 2; Morton Rosenstock, Louis Marshall, Defender of Jewish Rights (Detroit: Wayne State, 1965), 128–41, as cited by Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement (Washington, D.C.: Dialog Press, 1999), 27.
- Direct testimony, Henry Ford, United States Circuit Court, Southern District of New York, No. 8566, No. 8579, No. 8638, vol. 1, VBG 75–4194, 33 Q, 46–47. Henry Ford in collaboration with Samuel Crowther, My Life and Work, (Garden City, 1923), 28–30, 35–36. William A. Simonds, Henry Ford: His Life—His Work—His Genius (Los Angeles, California: F. Clymer, 1943), 61. See Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office 12 (Washington, DC; 1878), 277–78; New England Cotton Manufacturers’ Association, Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting (Boston: 1992), 46; Accession 42, box 1, Marvin Buck-berry Records, Benson Ford Research Center; Selden Case Record, 9, 47, testimony of August 9, 1904; Detroit Journal, June 6, 1896; Fair Lane Papers, Box 79; Detroit Journal, November 30, 1901, as cited by Allan Nevins, Ford: The Times, the Man, the Company (New York: Scribner, 1954), 83, 90–91, 112–13. See Detroit Saturday Night 1 (July 27, 1907): 7; Detroit Free Press, August 19, 1899, as cited by William Greenleaf, “The Selden Patent Suit” (PhD diss., Columbia University, 1955), 234.
- Direct testimony, Henry Ford, United States Circuit Court, 47. See Ford, My Life and Work, 36; Oliver E. Barthel, Reminiscences, Benson Ford Archives, Oral History Section, as cited by Nevins, Ford, 212–13, 221–22.
- See U.S. Board of Tax Appeals, Estate of John F. Dodge et al. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Transcript of Hearings held at Detroit and Washington, D.C., January 11-February 25, 1927, 1277–79 (John W. Anderson, January 21, 1927); Dodge v. Ford Motor Co., 204 Michigan Records and Briefs (January Term 1919), 96 (Henry Ford, November 14, 1916); John W. Anderson to Wendell A. Anderson, June 4, 1903, Accession 23, box 8, Benson Ford Research Center; Nevins, Ford, chaps. 9–11; Ford-Malcomson Agreement, August 20, 1902, Accession 140, box 1, Benson Ford Research Center, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 234–36.
- See U.S. Board of Tax Appeals, Dodge v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1277–79 (John W. Anderson, January 21, 1927); Dodge v. Ford Motor Co., 96 (Henry Ford, November 14, 1916), as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 234–36.
- Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 117. Ernest H. Wakefield, History of the Electric Automobile: Battery-Only Powered Cars (Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers, 1994), 128–29.
- “Weight of One Gallon (U.S.) of Water, Gasoline, and Ethanol,” .
- Motor Age 3 (June 25, 1903): 11. See James Couzens, “What I Learned about Business from Ford,” System 40 (September 1921): 264, 360–61, as cited by Greenleaf, Monopoly on Wheels, Ì\O.
- See Report in Additional Tax Case MSS., Accession 96, Benson Ford Research Center, as cited by Nevins, Ford, 237–38. See Ford-Malcomson Agreement, August 20, 1902, Accession 140, box 1, Benson Ford Research Center, Ford-Malcomson-Dodge Agreement, February 28, 1903, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 235.
- See Barthel & Barthel to Henry Ford, November 14, 1900, exhibit item, Fair Lane Papers, Ford Archives, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 237–38.
- See Herman F. Cuntz to Charles B. King, August 11, 1936, King Papers; Cuntz, Memorandum, August 10, 1954; Herman F. Cuntz, “Hartford the Birthplace of Automobile Industry,” Hartford Times, September 18, 1947; Dodge v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Transcript of Hearings, 1281–83 (John W. Anderson, January 21, 1927) as cited by Greenleaf, “The Selden Patent Suit.” 238–41.
- See Dodge v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1281–83 (John W. Anderson, January 21, 1987), as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 240–41.
- Ibid., 240.
- Ibid., 240–41. Harry Barnard, Independent Man: The Life of Senator James Couzens (New York: Scribner, 1958), 54. ļ
- See Herman F. Cuntz, Memorandum, August 10, 1954, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 241.
- See F. L. Smith, “Motoring Down a Quarter Century,” Detroit Saturday Night 22 (October 27, 1928): Section Two, 2. T.N.E.C. Hearings, Part 2: Patents, 268; W.J. Cameron, A Series of Talks Given on The Ford Sunday Evening Hour. . . 1934–1935 (Dearborn, MI: 1935), 51, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 241.
- See Smith, “Motoring Down a Quarter Century,” Section Two, 2, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 248–49.
- Theodore F. MacManus and Norman Beasley, Men, Money and Motors (New York and London: Harper 6` Brothers, 1929), 56. Barnard, Independent Man, 55.
- MacManus and Beasley, Men, Money and Motors, 56.
- See “Trade Talk—No. 1,” Selden Case Record, 14, 4515–19, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 262.
- See Barnard, Independent Man, 54. “Trade Talk-No. 1,” 14, 4515–19, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 262.
- See Nevins, Ford, illustration between pages 320–21.
- Motor Age 4 (September 3, 1903), 14. See Checkbook, Ford Motor Company, Accession 103, Benson Ford Research Center; Couzens, “What I Learned"; Minute Books, Ford Motor Company, September 17–18, 1903; Dodge v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1283–84 (John W. Anderson, January 21, 1927); Horseless Age 12 (September 2, 1903): 233–34; Motor Age 4 (October 15, 1903): 26, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 242nlO5, 267–68, 275. Nevins, Ford. Report in Additional Tax MSS., Accession 96, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Horseless Age 13 (January 6, 1904): 1. See Motor World 6 (August 27, 1903): 807; Motor World 7 (March 24, 1904): 1103, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 257, 274.
- Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 256.
- See “Henry Ford at Bay,” Forum 62 (August 1919): 241, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 253.
- See Detroit Journal, October 24, 1903, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 285.
- Automobile Topics 6 (August 1, 1903): 1082–83.
- Horseless Age 12, no. 9 (August 26, 1903): 209. Horseless Age 12, no. 18 (October 28, 1903): 445.
- See Motor World 6 (August 27, 1903): 811, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 257.
- Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 266–67.
- See J. Couzens to Mr. J. W. Anderson (Detroit, MI, October 1, 1903), as cited by Nevins, Ford, 256–57. Barnard, Independent Man, 57.
- Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 265.
- See New York World, September 10, 1903, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 265–66.
- Automobile 9 (November 21, 1903): 550.
- “Ford on the Selden Association,” Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal 8 (October 1, 1903): 17 ff. James Couzens to editor, October 27, 1903, Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal 8 (December 1, 1903): 19. “No Compromise Sought by Ford,” Motor Age 4 (October 1, 1903): 13–14. “An Opposition View of the Selden Patent and the Licensed Association,” Horseless Age 12 (October 7, 1903): 378–79.
- James Couzens to editor, October 27, 1903.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- See Motor World 7 (December 17, 1903): 411, as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 278–79.
- United States Circuit Court, Southern District of New York, in Equity No. 8566, Electric Vehicle Company and George B. Selden v. A. Dueπ Ő` Company and Ford Motor Company (February 28, 1910), Accession 295, box 1, vol. 18, 2–3, Benson Ford Research Center. United States Circuit Court, Southern District of New York, In Equity No. 8579, Electric Vehicle Company and George B Selden v. The O. ƒ. Gude Company, Accession 295, box 2, 3, Benson Ford Research Center. United States Circuit Court, Southern District of New York, In Equity No. 8638, Electric Vehicle Company and George B. Selden v. John Wana-maker et al, VBG 75–4194, Benson Ford Research Center. United States Circuit Court, Southern District of New York, In Equity No. 8638, Electric Vehicle Company and George B. Selden v. C. A. Dueπ Ő` Company and Ford Motor Company, O. ƒ. Gude Company, and John Wanamaker et aί, Brief on Behalf of the Defendants, Accession 295, box 2 Crisp’s Briefs, 4, Benson Ford Research Center. Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 284. Greenleaf, Monopoly on Wheels, 127.
- Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 298–99.
- Direct Testimony, Henry Ford, United States Circuit Court, Southern District of New York No. 8566, No. 8579; No. 8638, vol. 1, VBG 75–4194, Q. 118–21, 30–1. Direct Testimony, Mr. Thomas J. Duffy Sr., United States Circuit Court, Southern District of New York No. 8566, No. 8579, No. 8638, Accession 1704, box 3, folder 3–1, Benson Ford Research Center. Direct Testimony, Mr. Thompson, United States Circuit Court, Southern District of New York No. 8566, No. 8579, No. 8638, Accession 1704, box 3, folder 3–1, Benson Ford Research Center. Direct Testimony, Frank Wright, United States Circuit Court, Southern District of New York No. 8566, No. 8579, No. 8638, Accession 1704, box 3, folder 3–1, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Direct Testimony, Henry Ford, United States Circuit Court, Southern District of New York No. 8566, No. 8579, No. 8638, vol. 1, Accession 295, box 4, vol. 6, 2862–66, Benson Ford Research Center. See Oldfield Report, H.R. Committee on Patents, Report No. 1161, August 1912, in L. H. Baekeland, “The Incongruities of American Patent Litigation,” Scientific American Supplement 74 (November 23, 1912): 322–23; Fairplay, “Opposes the ‘Licensed Manufacturers Association,’" Horseless Age 11 (April 1, 1903): 431; John Trowbridge, “The Imperiled Dignity of Science and the Law,” Atlantic Monthly 78 (October 1896): 494; J. Frank Duryea, Data Relative to the Development of America’s First Gasoline Automobile (n.p., n.d.), King Papers as cited by Greenleaf, “Selden Patent Suit,” 291–95, 298–300. See undated letter to H. M. Campbell, R. A. Parker Papers, Automotive History Collection, Detroit Public Library, as cited by Nevins, Ford, 440.
- “Minor Mention,” Horseless Age 5, no. 15 (January 10, 1900): 12. “Minor Mention,” Horseess Age 5, no. 19 (February 7, 1900): 15. “Minor Mention,” Horseless Age 6, no. 2 (April 11, 1900): 24. “Minor Mention,” Horseless Age 6, no. 3 (April 18, 1900): 21. “Minor Mention,” Horseless Age 6, no. 4 (April 25, 1900): 26. “Minor Mention,” Horseless Age 6, no. 16 (July 18, 1900): 23. “Lead Cab Activity in Boston,” Horseless Age 5, no. 17 (January 24, 1900): 13. “Minor Mention,” Horseless Age 6, no. 22 (August 29, 1900): 25. “Minor Mention,” Horseless Age 7, no. 3 (October 17, 1900): 15. “Minor Mention,” Horseless Age 9, no. 10 (March 5, 1902): 306. “Exhibits at the Automobile Club’s Show,” Horseless Age 7, no. 6 (November 7, 1900): 34. “Next Year’s Output,” Horseless Age 12, no. 24 (December 9, 1903): 591. Ralph C. Epstein, The Automobile Industry (New York: Arno Press, 1972), 76. Automobile 27 (July 25, 1912): 165.
- “Boston-New York Tour in an Electric Car,” Horseless Age 12, no. 18 (October 28, 1903): 457. “Woods Electric Tonneau,” Horseless Age 12, no. 1 (July 1, 1903): 13. “From a User of Electric Vehicles,” Horseless Age 12, no. 21 (November 18, 1903): 532. “Trials of Electric Cars,” Horseless Age 12, no. 22 (November 25, 1903): 544. “Synnestvedt Electric Vehicles,” Horseless Age 12, no. 26 (December 23, 1903): 653–54.
- Electric Vehicle Company, Special Bulletin No. 4, June 1, 1901, Accession 1750, box 7, folder 7–2, Benson Ford Research Center. Electric Vehicle Company, Special Bulletin No. 5, June 1, 1901, Accession 1750, box 7, folder 7–2, Benson Ford Research Center. “Boston-New York Tour,” 457. “Recent Advances in Methods of Charging Electric Vehicles,” Horseless Age 11, no. 23 (June 10, 1903): 671–72. “The Fuel Question,” Horseless Age 9, no. 22 (May 28, 1902): 627.
- Paul H.Giάdens, The Birth of the Oil Industry (New York: Macmillan, 1938): 14,58–59, 83, 86, 87, 100–113, 114. Ida M. Tarbell, The History of the Standard Oil Company, vol. 1 (Gloucester, MA: Peter Smith, 1963), 10, 12, 30–33, 43–44; photo, “The Drake Oil Well in 1859-the First Oil Well,” lOf. “Table of Yearly and Monthly Average Price of Refined,” Tarbell, vol. 2, 384–85, 395. See Samuel Rezneck, “Energy: Coal and Oil in the American Economy,” Journal of Economic History 7, supp. (1947): 63, 64; William Culp Darrah, Pit-hole: The Vanished City (Gettysburg, PA: William C. Darrah, 1972), 2–3. See H. D. Lloyd, “Story of a Great Monopoly,” Atlantic Monthly 47 (March 1881): 317–34. “Yearly Production of Crude Petroleum of the Principal Oil Producing Countries Since 1900,” ca. January 1918: PRO CAB21/119; Gilbert Holland Montague, “The Rise and Supremacy of the Standard Oil Company,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 16 (1902), 267, 265–292, as cited by Black, Banking on Baghdad, 96–99.
- “The Fuel Question,” Horseless Age 9, no. 22 (May 28, 1902): 627. “Spindletop-Gladys City Boomtown Museum Walking Tour,” . “Spindletop” .
- “From a User of Electric Vehicles,” 532.
- See National Transportation Committee, The American Transportation Problem (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1933), 526–29; John McCarty, Highway Financing by the Toll System (Berkeley: University of California, 1951); National Council on Public Works Improvement, Fragile Foundations: A Report on America’s Public Works (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1988), 33; Federal Highway Administration, America on the Move: The Story of the Federal-Aid Highway Program (Washington, DC: September 1984), as cited by Owen D. Gutfreund, 20th Century Sprawl (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), 8–10.
- See American Automobile Association, Why Federal Aid in Roads (1916) (Colorado State Archives); William Richter, Transporíation in America (ABC-CLIO, 1995), 5, 169, 571, as cited by Gutfreund, Sprawl, 13–14.
- “Horseless Carriages,” Electrical World 29 (April 10, 1897): 468. “The Electrical Motor Carriage,” Electrical World 29 (May 15, 1897): 608.
- “Electromobile Accumulators,” Electrical Review 34 (June 21, 1899): 390, as cited by David A. Kirsch, The Electric Vehicle and the Burden of History (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2000), 198.
- “Electromobile,” Electrical Review 37 (September 26, 1900): 301, as cited by Kirsch, Electric Vehicle, 198.
- Arthur Huey to F. C. Armstrong, June 21, 1901, FA Armstrong papers, Henry Ford Archive, Folder 2. “Public Electric Vehicle Service,” Electrical Review 38 (May 11, 1901): 571.
- “Proudly We Acclaim,” Henry Cave to Mrs. Wendell Patro, November 23, 1948, 3, Cave box 1, folder 19, Detroit Public Library NAHC. Electric Vehicle Company Bulletin No. 47, August 15, 1901, Accession 1750, box 7, folder 7–3, Benson Ford Research Center. Electric Vehicle Company Bulletin No. 46, August 9, 1901, Accession 1750, box 7, folder 7–3, Benson Ford Research Center. Henry Cave, “Observations of an Engineer on the Early Development of the Automobile,” typed draft undated, Cave box 2, folder 7. “A Common-Sense Evaluation of the Work of the Licensed Association of Automobile Manufacturers, Mr. George H. Day of Hartford, and His Assistants,” 2, Cave box 9, folder 18. “The Story of the Selden Patent Model,” typed draft 1948, Henry Cave, 3, Cave box 8, folder 34. “Former Chief Inspector of HSP Retires from Consultant’s Duties,” Hamilton Standard Blade, September 21, 1944, Cave box 3, folder 9.
- Bruce Epperson, Failed Colossus: Albert A. Pope, the Bicycle and the Dawn of the American Auto Industry (forthcoming, 2006), chap. 6A, version 1.1, 1–2, 6–7. Phil Patton, Open Road: A Celebration of the American Highway (Simon & Schuster, 1986), 56. George Chatburn, Highways and Highway Transportation (New York: Crowell, 1923), 128–42; See “Errors in School Books,” Manufacturer and Builder 25, no. 2 (February 1893): 1893; Philip P. Mason, “The League of American Wheelmen and the Good-Roads Movement, 1880–1905" (PhD diss., University of Michigan, 1957); Charles E. Pratt, “The LAW. and Legal Rights,” Outing 7 (January 1886): 454–56; Ross D. Petty, “The Impact of the Sport of Bicycle Riding on Safety Law,” American Business Law Journal 35, no. 2 (Winter 1998): 185–224; Gregory C. Lisa, “Bicyclists and Bureaucrats: The League of American Wheelmen and Public Choice Theory Applied,” Georgetown Law Review 84 (1995): 373–98; Mason, “League of American Wheelmen,” 46; Wheel and Cycling Trade Review 8 (December 1891): 525, as cited by Bruce Epperson, Failed Colossus, chap. 6A, version 1.1, 1–2, 6–7. Stephen B. Goddard, Colonel Albert Pope, 117. See National Transportation Committee, American Transportation Problem, 526–29; McCarty, Highway Financing; National Council on Public Works Improvement, Fragile Foundations, 33; Federal Highway Administration, America on the Move; Lisa, “Bicyclists and Bureaucrats,” 385, 394; James Flink, The Automobile Age (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1998), 4–5; Howard Preston, Dirt Roads to Dixie: Accessibility and Modernization in the South, 1885–1935 (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1991), 171; American Public Works Association, History of Public Works in the United States, 1776–1976, ed. Ellis Armstrong (Kansas City: American Public Works Association, 1976), 72, as cited by Gutfreund, Sprawl, 8–10.
- Chatburn, Highways and Highway Transportation, 128–42. Lisa. “Bicyclists and Bureaucrats,” 385, 394; Flink, Automobile Age, 4–5; Patton, Open Road, 56; Preston, Dirt Roads to Dixie, 171; American Public Works Association, History of Public Works, 72, as cited by Gutfreund, Sprawl, 10.
- Epperson, Failed Colossus, chap. 6A, version 1.1, 22–23. Bruce Seely, Building the American Highway System: Engineers as Policy Makers (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1987), 15–36. See Lisa, “Bicyclists and Bureaucrats,” 375–93; Chatburn, Highways and Highway Transportation, 128–142, as cited by Gutfreund, Sprawl, 12–13.
- American Automobile Association, Why Federal Aid in Roads; Richter, Transportation in America, 5, 169, 571, as cited by Gutfreund, Sprawl, 14–15.
- J. Allen Davis, The Friend to All Motorists: The Story of the Automobile Club of Southern California Through 65 Years, 1900–1965 (Los Angeles: Anderson, Ritchie & Simon, 1967), 32–33. See American Automobile Association, Why Federal Aid in Roads; Richter, Transportation in America, 571, as cited by Gutfreund, Sprawl, 13–14.
- Author’s communication with Ford Motor Company, models sold per year 1903–12. “From a User of Electric Vehicles,” 532. Barnard, Independent Man, 57. See Couzens, “What I Learned,” 263, as cited by Barnard, Independent Man, 57. See R. McAllister Lloyd, “The Influence of the Pioneer Spirit on Electric Vehicle Progress,” Central Station 14 (December 1914): 180; Schiffer, Butts, and Grimm, Taking Charge, “A Dark Age Descends,” 91–102, as cited by Kirsch, Electric Vehicle, 88.
- “San Francisco Disaster,” Wall Street Journal, April 19, 1906, 7. “Over 500 Dead, $200,000,000 Lost in San Francisco Earthquake,” New York Times, April 19, 1906, 1. “San Francisco Badly Wrecked,” Boston Globe, April 19, 1906, 8. “Quake: 1906 San Francisco Quake,” photograph, .
- “San Francisco Disaster,” 7. “Over 500 Dead.” “San Francisco Badly Wrecked.” “San Francisco City Hall after the 1906 Earthquake,” photograph, and “Photograph by Arnold Gen-the shows Sacramento Street and approaching fire” (both from Steinbrugge Collection of the UC Berkeley Earthquake Engineering Research Center), .
- “The Epic of the Dynamited Metropolis,” Los Angeles Times, April 21, 1906, 1–3.
- “Over 500 Dead.”
- “A Week’s Losses in Values,” New York Times, April 30, 1906, 6.
- Kerry A. Odell and Marc D. Weidenmier, “Real Shock, Monetary Aftershock: The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and the Panic of 1907,” Journal of Economic History 64, no. 4 (December 2004): 1002–6. See Nathan Balke and Robert J. Gordon, “Historical Data,” The American Business Cycle: Continuity and Change, ed. Robert J. Gordon (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986), 802; Christina D. Romer, “The Prewar Business Cycle Reconsidered: New Estimates of Gross National Product, 1869–1908,” Journal of Business Economy 97 no. 1 (1989) 22; Commercial and Financial Chronicle, April 28, 1906, 959; Economist, October 19, 1907, 1771; Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan Witts, The San Francisco Earthquake (New York: Stein and Day, 1971), 271; }. Eugene Haas, Robert W Kates, and Martyn Bowden, eds. Reconstruction Following Disaster, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1977, 6; Kenneth A. Froot, The Financing of Catastrophe Risk, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1999; Economist, October 20, 1906, 1694; O. M. Sprague, History of Crises under the National Banking System, Washington, DC: National Monetary Commission, 1910; R. S. Sayers, Bank of England 1891–1944, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976; Clapham, Bank of England, Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1944; Charles E. Goodhart, The New York Money Market and the Finance of Trade, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1969; Charles Kindleberger, Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises, New York: Basic Books, 1978; Michael D. Bordo and Antu Murshid, “Are Financial Crises Becoming More Contagious? What is the Historical Evidence on Contagion?" In International Financial Contagion, edited by Stijin Classens and Kristin J. Forbes, 367–403. London: Kluwer, 2001; as cited by Odell and Weidenmier, “Real Shock, Monetary Aftershock.”
- “Week’s Losses in Values"; “California Insurance Man Quits in Protest,” New York Times, May 28, 1906,4. “San Francisco Badly Wrecked.” “Over 500 Dead.” “Insurance Rates to be Raised 25%,” Chicago Daily Tribune, May 3, 1906, 1.
- “Williamsburgh City Fire,” Wall Street Journal, June 27, 1906, 8. “Insurance Rates to be Raised 25%.” “California Insurance Man Quits.” See Kindleberger, Manias; Sayers, Bank of England; Economist, May 5, 1906, 767, as cited by Odell and Weidenmier, “Real Shock, Monetary Aftershock,” 1005, 1010.
- Financial Times (London), July 6, 1906, as cited by Odell and Weidenmier, “Real Shock, Monetary Aftershock,” 1002.
- “Insurance Rates to be Raised 25%.”
- “San Francisco Badly Wrecked.” “$ 15,000,000 Sent by Shaw,” Washington Post, April 24, 1906, 2.
- “Crash Crash Crash,” Boston Post, October 18, 1907, http://www.bos.frb/about/pubs/panicofl.pdf, 2–7 .
- See Nieuws van den Dag, January 24, 1910 (GAA-Coll. Hartkamp, sheet 374/374A), as cited by Mom, Electric Vehicle, 129. See Richard W. Meade, “Influence of Standardization on Taxicab Operation,” Horseless Age 26 (July 27, 1910): 119–20; memorandum from chief engineer G. A. Green to Richard W. Meade, February 21, 1912, box 15, folder “New York Transportation company,” Meade Papers, as cited by Kirsch, Electric Vehicle, 78–79.
- Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers Report and Accounts Six Months Ended December 31st, 1909, February 7th, 1910, Accession 1704, box 1, folder 1–5, 1–2, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Author’s communication, models per year 1903–12. Nevins, Ford, 326–28. See Directors’ Minutes, September 7, 1906, as cited by Nevins, Ford, 328.
- Author’s communication, models per year 1903–12. Nevins, Ford, 396. See Records, Secretary’s Office, Ford Motor Company, as cited by Nevins, Ford, 410. “Ford Model T,” , 3–4. Tin Lizzie pictures, . Kingsford charcoal, .
- Nevins, Ford, 420,423–24. See Judge Hough’s opinion, Selden Patent Case Record, 172 Fed. Rep. 923 (1909); September 16, 1909, Fair Lane Papers, box 142, Ford Archives; Detroit ]oumal, September 16, 1909, as cited by Nevins, Ford, 420, 423–24.
- Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers Report and Accounts Six Months Ended December 31st, 1909, February 7th, 1910, Gunn, Richards & Co., Accession 1704, box 1, folder 1–5, 1–4, Schedule 1, pp. 3, 9, and Exhibit “A,” Benson Ford Research Center. See Detroit Journal, September 16, 1909; Detroit News, October 19, 1909; Detroit Journal, January 5, 1910, as cited by Nevins, Ford, 424, 426.
- Nevins, Ford, 428.
- See Ford Times 3 (June 1, 1910): back cover, as cited by Nevins, Ford, 431.
- Author’s communication, models per year 1903–12. See Detroit Journal, June 4, 1910, as cited by Nevins, Ford, 431.
- Coudert’s brief, Docket 4058, 10, Transcript of Record for the Appellate Court; Noyes opinion 184 Fed. Rep. 894 (1911), as cited by Nevins, Ford, 432, 434. Nevins, Ford, 628n48. See Automobile, January 12, 1911, as cited by J. Harold Byers, “The Selden Case,” Journal of the Patent Office Society 22, no. 10 (October 1940): 735, Cave Collection, box 8, folder 28, Detroit Public Library NAHC.
- Author’s communication, models per year 1903–12. See Detroit Saturday Night 5 (January 20, 1912): 41, as cited by Nevins, Ford, 440–41.
Chapter 8: 1914-the End of the Beginning
- E. G. Liebold, Reminiscences, vol. 17, Accession 65, Benson Ford Research Center. See W.J. Cameron, Reminiscences; William A. Simonds, Henry Ford, His Life—His Work—His Genius (Indianapolis: 1943), 17–18. “Henry Ford and Thomas Edison—a Friendship of Giants,” .
- Henry Ford in collaboration with Samuel Crowther, My Life and Work (Garden City: 1923), as cited by Nevins, no. 167. “Henry Ford and Thomas Edison.”
- Ford R. Bryan, Friends, Families Ġ` Forays: Scenes from the Life and Times of Henry Ford (Dearborn, MI: Ford Books, 2002), 154. “Electrifying the Family Car,” news clipping; cover photo, IEEE Student Journal (May 1967), Vertical File, Electric Cars, Benson Ford Research Center. “Thomas Edison’s Latest Ambition,” Los Angeles Times, June 15, 1902, A16. “Structural Details of the Edison Storage Battery,” Scientific American 88, no. 6 (February 7, 1903): 92. Theodore Waters, “Many Electrical Problems Now Solved by Edison’s Discovery,” Atlanta Constitution, August 25, 1901, A10. “Edison’s New Storage Battery,” Los Angeles Times, June 6, 1901, 8. “Some Interesting Facts About the Edison Storage Battery,” Scientific American 90, no. 19 (May 7, 1904): 358. See “Edison Solves Battery Secret,” Chicago Daily Tribune, May 23, 1901, 5.
- Thomas Edison to Marks, April 7, 1891, Accession 1630, box 2, folder 2–8, Benson Ford Research Center. “That Revolutionary Storage Battery,” Horseless Age 8, no. 3 (April 17, 1901): 60. “Some Interesting Facts.” “Edison Solves Battery Secret.” “Edison’s New Storage Battery.”
- Some Interesting Facts.” “New Edison Enterprises,” Wall Street Journal, November 5, 1901, 3. “Thomas Edison’s Latest Ambition.” “Many Electrical Problems Now Solved by Edison’s Discovery,” Atlanta Constitution, August 25, 1901, A10. The Edison Storage Battery Company, Orange, New Jersey, Accession 1750, box 7, folder 7–1, Benson Ford Research Center. Paul Israel, Edison: A Life of Invention (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2000), 413–14.
- “Thomas A. Edison to Take a Two Years’ Rest,” Atlanta Constitution, February 15, 1903, C6.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Edison Storage Battery Company. Thomas A. Edison, “The Storage Battery and the Motor Car,” North American Review, 1902, 1–4; “Tests of the Edison Battery,” Electrician 51 (October 2, 1930), as cited by Israel, Edison, 415–16.
- The New Edison Storage Battery Is Now Ready,” 8, Vertical File, Electric Cars, Benson Ford Research Center. Draft of Thomas A. Edison to Sigmund Bergmann, November 29, 1904, DF, as cited by Israel, Edison, 416–17.
- “The New Edison Storage Battery Is Now Ready,” 9. “Industrial Progress,” Los Angeles Times, February 6, 1910, V19. Edison Storage Battery Company, Inspectors Report, Week Ending July 8, 1905, Edison National Historic Site. “Manufacturing storage batteries, 1915,” photo, .
- C. E. Nestor to Harry F. Miller, September 12, 1901, ESBC 2–10, Edison National Historic Site. “Passing of Trolley,” Los Angeles Times, February 26, 1910, 11. “The New Edison Storage Battery Is Now Ready,” 43–45. Anderson Carriage Co. to Thomas A. Edison, October 10, 1911, EGF 1911, 1, Autograph & Photo Request, Edison National Historic Site. “Electric Delivery Wagons,” Carriage 6· Wagon Builder, November 25, 1911, 1–3, EGF 1911, Batt. Storage Delivery Wagons, Edison National Historic Site. “IEEEVM: The Electric Car and Hybrid Vehicles,” photo, Thomas Edison at his West Orange, New Jersey, lab, circa 1910, with a battery-powered electric car (courtesy: National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site, ).
- “Edison Solves Battery Secret.” Horace G. Burt to Thomas A. Edison, ESBC 2–1, Edison National Historic Site.
- “The Fuel Question and Kerosene Carburetors,” Horseless Age 30, no. 12 (September 18, 1912): 445.
- Bryan, Friends, Families Ó Forays, 154.
- A. I. Clymer to Thomas A. Edison, February 11,1911, ESDC 2–1, Edison National Historic Site. “The ‘Chloride Accumulator,’" Exide Technologies, Our History 2, .
- Bee to Edison, February 4, 1911, ESBC 2–1, Edison National Historic Site.
- Ibid.
- A. I. Clymer to H. F. Miller, January 17, 1912, ESBC 2–1, Edison National Historic Site. Anderson to Thomas A. Edison, January 15, 1912, EGF 1912 Battery Storage Electric Vehicle, Edison National Historic Site.
- Thomas A. Edison to A. I. Clymer, April 27, 1911, EGF 1911,1, Battery Storage General, Edison National Historic Site. “Sales—Edison Primary Battery,” March 1, 1907 to February 28, 1908, ESBC, Edison National Historic Site.
- “Uses for Edison Battery,” October 11,1911, EGF 1911,1, Battery Storage General, Edison National Historic Site.
- “Industrial Progress.” Bryan, Friends, Families Ġ` Forays, 155.
- Thomas A. Edison to Anderson, November 20, 1911; and November 30, 1911, Accession 1630, box 2, folders 2–22 and 2–23, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Thomas A. Edison to Anderson, November 30, 1911, Accession 1630, box 2, folder 2–23, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Hutch to Thomas A. Edison, May 9, 1912, EGF 1912, Battery Storage Delivery Wagon, General, Edison National Historic Site. Western Union Day Letter, Thomas A. Edison to J.J. Jenkins, October 1912, Edison National Historic Site. Thomas A. Edison to Barrett, April 18, 1912, 1–3, Edison National Historic Site. “Lansden Test,” April 3, 1912, Edison National Historic Site. “List B, Credits Due the Lansden Company as of December 31, 1912,” and “List C, Balance of Accounts Receivable Uncollected as of December 31, 1912,” circa January 1912, Edison National Historic Site. “The Elms,” 1–2, EGF 1914 Battery Storage Electric Vehicle, Edison National Historic Site. Charles Arthur Carlisle to Thomas A. Edison, April 11, 1913, Edison National Historic Site, A22.
- Anderson to Thomas A. Edison, January 15, 1912.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Anderson to Thomas A. Edison, August 31, 1912, EGF 1912, Battery Storage Electric Vehicle, Edison National Historic Site.
- Ibid. “Some Recent Developments in the Lead Battery for Electric Vehicles,” Horseless Age-Electric Vehicle Section 30, no. 20 (November 13, 1912): 749. “The New Edison Storage Battery—Warning!" unprovenanced advertisement circa 1912, Edison National Historic Site.
- “The New Edison Storage Battery—Warning!”
- “Edison’s Latest Marvel—the Electric Country House,” New York Times, September 15, 1912.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid. Woods to Thomas A. Edison, October 14, 1911, EGF 1911, Battery Storage Windmills, Edison National Historic Site. Edward G. Hobler to Thomas A. Edison, October 16, 1911, 1–2; Charles J. Jager to Thomas A. Edison, October 17, 1911; and L. Leach to Thomas A. Edison, November 8, 1911, EGF 1911, Battery Storage Windmills, Edison National Historic Site.
- Woods to Thomas A. Edison. Edward G. Hobler to Thomas A. Edison. Charles J. Jager to Thomas A. Edison. Leach to Thomas A. Edison.
- Handwritten note, Thomas A. Edison to A. I. Clymer, December 19, 1912, ESBC 2–1, Edison National Historic Site.
- Thomas A. Edison to Henry Ford, October 29, 1912, Accession 1630, box 2, folder 2–28, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Ibid.
- Handwritten note, Thomas A. Edison to A. I. Clymer. Bryan, Friends, Families Ġ` Forays, 154–55.
- Handwritten note, Thomas A. Edison to A. I. Clymer.
- Ibid.
- Hartford Agreement, Draft #8, November 22, 1912, 1–2, and 2 with note; and Hartford Agreement, Draft #6, 1912, 1–7, ESBC, Edison National Historic Site.
- Ibid.
- Hartford Agreement, Draft #6, 1912, 1–7.
- Hartford Agreement, Draft #8, November 22, 1912, 1–2, and 2 with note.
- “Fuel Question and Kerosene Carburetors.”
- Ibid. “Last Week’s Exports,” New York Times, August 14, 1912, 11.
- “Club Joins in Gasoline War,” Horseless Age 30, no. 14 (October 2, 1912): 491.
- “Hopes to Expand Fuel Range Widely,” New York Times, February 16, 1913, 86.
- Generally see Craig Colten, “A Historical Perspective on Industrial Wastes and Groundwater Contamination,” Geographical Review 81, no. 2 (April 1991): 215–28.
- “Sewer Explosion Terrifies a Block,” New York Times, November 9, 1913, 3. “Proposed Solutions of Gasoline Problem,” Horseless Age 31, no. 6 (February 5, 1913): 301.
- “Convention of Electric Vehicle Association of America,” Horseless Age 30, no. 16 (October 16, 1912): 597. Bryan, Friends, Families Ő` Forays, 156.
- “Electric Vehicles Displayed at Chicago,” Horseless Age 31, no. 7 (February 12, 1913): 338.
- Liebold, Reminiscences, 10:808–11. Bryan, Friends, Families Ő` Forays, 156.
- Western Union telegram, E. G. Liebold to W. G. Bee, January 3, 1913, Accession 1630, box 4, folder 4–1, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Hill to Meadowcroft, March 17, 1913, EGF, Battery Storage, Electric Vehicles, Edison National Historic Site. Hill to Meadowcroft, April 4, 1913, 1–3, V14, Edison National Historic Site.
- Bryan, Friends, Families Ġ` Forays, 154. T. A. Boyd, Professional Amateur: The Biography of Charles Franklin Kettering (New York: Dutton, 1957) 60, 68, 70–71. “Exide in Peace and War,” Exide Technologies—Our History 3, .
- M. R. Hutchison to Thomas A. Edison, May 15,1913, 1–2, Edison National Historic Site.
- Thomas A. Edison to W. E. Anderson, May 20, 1913, Accession 1630, box 2, folder 2–3, Benson Ford Research Center. Liebold, Reminiscences, 10:809. Handwritten note, Thomas A. Edison to A. I. Clymer, May 28, 1913, Edison National Historic Site.
- “The Edison Electric Garage, Boston, Massachusetts,” Horseless Age 31, no. 19 (May 7, 1913): 841.
- W. G. Bee to Thomas A. Edison, September 18, 1913, WGB-1–5357, Edison National Historic Site.
- Bryan, Friends, Families 6` Forays, 157–58.
- Telegram, W. G. Bee to E. G. Liebold; and telegram, E. G. Liebold to W. G. Bee, Accession 1630, box 4, folder 4–1, Benson Ford Research Center.
- “Ford Discusses Radical Scheme,” newspaper clipping (January 9, 1914); “Ford’s Son Will Also Run Profit Sharing Shop,” New York American, newspaper clipping (January 9, 1914); “Ford, Workmen’s Good Angel, Here,” newspaper clipping (January 9, 1914); “Cheap Electric by Edison-Ford,” newspaper clipping (January 14, 1914), Vertical File, Electric Cars, Benson Ford Research Center.
- “Ford Discusses Radical Scheme.” “Ford’s Son Will Also Run.” “Ford Plans New Auto,” Washington Post, January 12, 1914, 9.
- “Branches and Dealers,” dealer disclaimer, January 9, 1914, Vertical File, Electric Cars, Benson Ford Research Center. “Five New Cars Appear on the Market,” Automobile, January 22, 1914, 283.
- “Ford Plans New Auto.”
- Ibid.
- R. M. Searle to W. H. Meadowcroft, January 12, 1914; and Jas. M. Reilly to Henry Miller, January 13, 1914, EGF 1914 Storage Battery, Edison National Historic Site. M.R. Hutchison to Thomas A. Edison, March 9, 1914, Edison National Historic Site. Letter, Baker Electric Sales Agency to Thomas A. Edison, January 14, 1914, EGF 1914 Baker, Edison National Historic Site. M. B. Church to Thomas A. Edison, January 15, 1914; and M. B. Church to Henry Ford, January 16, 1914, EGF 1914 Church Balance, Edison National Historic Site.
- J. Campbell to W. H. Meadowcroft, February 25, 1914; and F W. Smith to Thomas A. Edison, January 21, 1914, EGF 1914 Battery Storage Electric Vehicle, Edison National Historic Site. David A. Kirsch, The Electric Vehicle and the Burden of History (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2000), 100–101.
- Thomas A. Edison to Smith, January 21, 1914; and handwritten note, Thomas A. Edison to Smith, January 21, 1914, EGF 1914 Battery Storage Electric Vehicle, Edison National Historic Site.
- Bee to Liebold, January 22, 1914, Accession 1630, 4–2, Benson Ford Research Center.
- “Edison Battery with Gray & Davis Ford Starter,” Horseless Age (February 18, 1914): 295. “Gray & Davis Activities,” Horseless Age, no. 14 (April 1914). “Gray & Davis, Inc.,” Horseless Age 32, no. 27 (December 31, 1913): 1102. “Record Sales for Gray & Davis in 1914,” Horseless Age 35, no. 11 (March 17, 1915). “Gray & Davis System for Fords,” Horseless Age (February 11, 1914): 237. “Starters and Generators in Factory De Luxe,” Automobile 30, no. 9 (February 26, 1914): 489–95. Alexander Churchward Patents, . Churchward patents,ļ’ack/jack/acpatents.htm .
- Electric supply request form, February 20, 1914, Vertical File, Electric Cars, Benson Ford Research Center. Bryan, Friends, Families, Ć` Forays, 157, photo.
- Liebold to Bee, February 23, 1914; April 3, 1914; and May 5, 1914, Accession 1630, box 4, folder 4–8, Benson Ford Research Center.
- “Henry Ford and Thos. A. Edison Buy the Detroit Electric,” Saturday Evening Post, March 28, 1914, Vertical File, Electric Cars, Benson Ford Research Center.
- “Baker Brings Out Electric Roadster” and “Tiffany Becomes Flanders Electric Again,” Automobile, March 26, 1914, 696, 710.
- R. H. Beach to Edison Storage Battery Company, March 17, 1914. “Passing of Trolley,” Los Angeles Times, February 26, 1910, 11. Handwritten note by Thomas A. Edison on letter, Berg Storage Battery Car Co. to Thomas A. Edison, June 26, 1913, Battery Storage Edison Storage Company, Edison National Historic Site.
- R. H. Beach to Thomas A. Edison, March 25, 1914, EGF 1914 Storage Battery Electric Street Car, Edison National Historic Site.
- “Report of tests of various batteries on starting Ford car,” Accession 1630, 4–3, Benson Ford Research Center. Bryan, Friends, Families Ő` Forays, 158–59. “Henry Ford Goes to See the Start,” New York Times, January 12, 1914, 6. W. G. Bee to Henry Ford, April 20, 1914, Accession 1630, 4–3, Benson Ford Research Center.
- “Report of tests of various batteries.”
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Liebold, Reminiscences, 10: 810–11.
- Ibid., 10:811.
- W. G. Bee to E. G. Liebold, April 2, 1914, Accession 1630, 4–3, Benson Ford Research Center.
- W. G. Bee to E. G. Liebold, April 8, 1914, Accession 1630, 4–3, Benson Ford Research Center.
- E. G. Liebold to W. G. Bee, April 10, 1914; and April 14, 1914, Accession 1630,4–3, Benson Ford Research Center.
- W. G. Bee to E. G. Liebold, April 14, 1914, Accession 1630,4–3, Benson Ford Research Center.
- W. G. Bee to E. G. Liebold, April 23, 1914; and E. G. Liebold to W. G. Bee, April 16, 1914, Accession 1630,4–3, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Bee to Liebold, April 16, 1914. Accession 1630,4–3, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Bee to Ford, April 20, 1914. Accession 1630,4–3, Benson Ford Research Center.
- E. G. Liebold to W. G. Bee, April 23, 1914, Accession 1630,4–3, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Report, J. Chesler to Meadowcroft, May 14, 1914. Edison National Historic Site.
- R. H. Beach to T. J. Moncke, May 27, 1914, EGF 1914 Storage Batt. Electric Street Car, Edison National Historic Site.
- List, Bee to Thomas A. Edison, July 2, 1914; and list, Bee to Thomas A. Edison, June 4, 1914, EGF 1914 Battery Storage Electric Vehicle, Edison National Historic Site.
- “Edison Electric Motor Future Family Carriage,” Wall Street ]oumal, May 27, 1914, 8.
- Ibid.
- “Ford to Buy Site for Electric Car Plant,” Automobile, May 7, 1914, 983.
- Bryan, Friends, Families ö Forays, 160.
- “Report on Ford Electric Car Experiment,” June 11, 1914, EGF 1914 Battery Storage Electric Vehicle, Edison National Historic Site.
- Bryan, Friends, Families Ő` Forays, 160.
- “Report No. 5, Ford-Edison Electric Lighting System From June 11th to July 1st, 1914,” Accession 1630, box 4, folder 4–4, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Ibid.
- “Dr. Steinmetz’s Picture,” Automobile 30, no. 2 (June 11, 1914): 1230, 1241–43. “Charles Proteus Steinmetz,” C.P. Steinmetz, .
- Bee to Liebold, June 16, 1914, Accession 1630, box 4, folder 4–4, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Hutchinson to Thomas A. Edison, July 17, 1914, Edison National Historic Site.
- Bee to Liebold, July 17, 1914, Accession 1630, box 4, folder 4–4, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Liebold to Bee, July 21, 1914, Accession 1630, box 4, folder 4–4, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Bee to Liebold, July 23, 1914, Accession 1630, box 4, folder 4–4, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Liebold to Bee, July 25, 1914, Accession 1630, box 4, folder 4–4, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Bee to Liebold, July 27, 1914, Accession 1630, box 4, folder 4–4, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Gray to Liebold, July 28, 1914, Accession 1630, box 4, folder 4–4, Benson Ford Research Center.
- Bee to Liebold, September 29, 1914, Accession 1630, 4–5, Benson Ford Research Center.
- “Record Attendance at Electric Convention,” Horseless Age 34, no. 18 (October 28, 1914): 643.
- See Edwin Black, Banking on Baghdad (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2004), 88–89, 114–15, 133–35, 173.
- “Memoir of Count Franz von Harrach,” ca. June 1914, Primary Documents, First World War Online, Michael Duffy, ed., . Jevtic, “Assassination.”
- Handwritten note of Thomas A. Edison on letter, Thomas A. Edison to B. F. Miller, October 9, 1914, EGF 1914 Storage Battery Lamp, Edison National Historic Site. “Edison Still Working on Storage Batteries,” Horseless Age 34, no. 19 (November 4, 1914). “Gray & Davis Ford System,” Automobile, November 19, 1914, 941.
- “Edison Still Working on Storage Batteries.”
- “Edison Sees His Vast Plant Burn,” New York Times, December 10, 1914, 1.
- Thomas A. Edison to Henry Ford, December 10, 1914; telegram, Charles Edison to Henry Ford, December 9, 1914; telegram, Bee to Henry Ford, December 9, 1914, Accession 1630, box 4, folder 4–5, Benson Ford Research Center. “Edison Sees His Vast Plant Burn.” “Mrs. Edison Saved Husband’s Records,” New York Times, December 11, 1914, 9.
- Bee to Liebold, December 17, 1914; Bee to Henry Ford, December 10, 1914; Henry Ford to Bee, December 26, 1914, Accession 1630, box 4, folder 4–5, Benson Ford Research Center.
- “Concrete Buildings Defy $2,000,000 Edison Blaze,” Chicago Daily Tribune, December 11, 1914, 1. Telegram, Bee to Henry Ford, December 10, 1914, Accession 1630, box 4, folder 4–5, Benson Ford Research Center. “Edison Sees His Vast Plant Burn.” “’Wizard’ Edison Loses $7,000,000 by Flames That Sweep His Plant,” Atlanta Constitution, December 10, 1914, 1.
- “Edison Never Flinches at $7,000,000 Fire,” Boston Daily Globe, December 10, 1914, 1. “Edison Sees His Vast Plant Burn.” “ ‘Wizard’ Edison Loses $7,000,000.”
- Liebold, Reminiscences, 10:810. See Harry Bennett FBI file, Freedom of Information Act, 443n62,443n70,443nn71–73,443n76, as cited by Max Wallace, The American Axis: Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and the Rise of the Third Reich (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2003), 315–18. See Liebold, Reminiscences, 468; Stephen Eric Bronner, A Rumor About the Jews: Reflections on Antisemitism and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000), 5, 121; Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (New York: Har-court Brace, 1979), pt. I, “Antisemitism,” 7, 333, as cited by Neil Baldwin, Henry Ford and the lews: The Mass Production of Hate, 142. See Keith Sward, The Legend of Henry Ford (Toronto: Rinehart & Co., 1948), ∏7, 147; Ford Archives, Black’s Reminiscences, as cited by Albert Lee, Henry Ford and the lews (New York: Stein and Day, 1980), 20–21. Chapters in American Jewish History, chap. 85, “Henry Ford Invents a Jewish Conspiracy,” . Also see the Harry Bennett FBI file, FOIA. Also see Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement (Washington, DC: Dialog Press, 1984), 20–32.
Chapter 9: Derailed
- Thomas H. Ploss, The Nation Pays Again: The Demise of the Milwaukee Road, 1928–1986 (Chicago: privately printed, 1991), 48, 89.
- “The Olympian,” brochure, Milwaukee Road Archive, Milwaukee Public Library.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- “Engineers See End of Steam Railways,” New York Times, April 30, 1916, 23. Jeffrey W. Schramm, interview with the author, 2006. Carl W. Condit, “The Pioneer Stage of Railroad Electrification,” Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 67, p. 7 (1977). Noel T. Holley, The Milwaukee Electrics (Hicksville, NY: NJ International, 1987), 45, 66. “The Milwaukee Road Electrification,” Milwaukee Road electrification, . Rodney A. Clark, “The Milwaukee Electrification: A Proud Era Passes,” special supplement, Milwaukee Road Magazine, July-August, 1973, 8. “The end of the Milwaukee electrification,” , 7.
- Simon Ville, “Total Factor Productivity in the English Shipping Industry: The North-East Coal Trade, 1700–1850,” Economic History Review n.s. 39, no. 3 (August 1986): 362. See Frederick C. Garnst, “The Context and Significance of America’s First Railroad, on Boston’s Beacon Hill,” Technology and Culture 33, no. 1 (January 1992): 66–100.
- See Garnst, “America’s First Railroad,” 66–100. See “Art at a Railway Club,” New York Times, April 14, 1898, 9. See also “Heraldry of the Rail,” New York Times, February 16, 1897, 2.
- See Frank G. Carpenter, “Russia on the Pacific,” Los Angeles Times, February 24, 1895, 17. See “The Grand Pacific Trans-Siberian,” New York Times, September 26, 1891,4. Edwin Black, Banking on Baghdad (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2004), 118–19. William L. Ochsenwald, “The Financing of the Hijaz Railroad,” Die Welt des Islams n.s. 14, no. 1/4 (1973): 129–49.
- David Stradling and Joel Tarr, “Environmental Activism, Locomotive Smoke, and the Corporate Response: The Case of the Pennsylvania Railroad and Chicago Smoke Control,” Business History Review 73 (Winter 1999): 679–80. Liston E. Leyendecker, Christine A. Bradley, and Duane A. Smith, The Rise of the Silver Queen: Georgetown, Colorado 1859–1896 (Boulder: University of Colorado Press, 2005), 234.
- W. F. Pollock, “Smoke Prevention,” American Architect and Building News 9 (March 26, 1881): 151.
- Ibid.
- “The Abolition of London Fog,” Saturday Review, reprinted in American Architect and Building News 10 (October 8, 1881): 174.
- “Getting Rid of Smoke,” New York Times, August 3, 1882, 2. “Smoke Abatement,” Chicago Tribune, September 19, 1884, 11. “Smoke Abatement in Montreal,” American Architect and BuildingNews 11 no. 327 (April 1, 1882): 145. Stradlingand Tarr, “Environmental Activism,” 680. Angela Gugliotta, “Class, Gender, and Coal Smoke: Gender Ideology and Environmental Injustice in Pittsburgh, 1868–1914,” Environmental History, April 2000, http://www.looksmartsurfing.eom/p/articles/mi_qa3854/is_200004/ai_n8880668 .
- “England Has the Smoke Nuisance,” Chicago Tribune, August 3, 1890, 6. “The Smoke Nuisance Is Doomed,” Chicago Tribune, December 3, 1890, 2. Stradling and Tarr, “Environmental Activism,” 677, 679–80, 683–84.
- “Smoke Nuisance Is Doomed.”
- Stradling and Tarr, “Environmental Activism,” 680, 682, 685. “Dr. Werner Von Siemens,” Scientific American 64, no. 2 (January 14, 1893): 21.
- “Smoke Abatement Pays,” New York Times, February 1, 1914, XX4. Stradling and Tarr, “Environmental Activism,” 682, 696.
- “A Smoke Bureau,” New York Times, August 15, 1913, 6. “World Cities War on Smoke Evil,” Chicago Daily Tribune, March 22, 1914, Al. “Finds Cancer Bred Where Coal Is Fuel,” New York Times, October 12, 1913, C3. “Connects Burning of Coal with Increase of Cancer,” Chicago Daily Tribune, October 10, 1913, 9. “Smoke Abatement Pays.” “For Immigration Station in Boston,” Boston Daily Globe, October 10, 1913, 13.
- “Terminal Board Ready to Insist I.C. Electrify,” Chicago Daily Tribune, October 27, 1916, 5. “Western Railroad Managers Still Practicing Economy,” Wall Street Journal, January 19, 1912, 7. “Women’s Fight Against the Smoke Nuisance,” New York Times, March 30, 1913, X9. “Experts Report on Smoke Cure,” Chicago Daily Tribune, January 9, 1914, 7. “Great Northern’s Tunnel,” Wall Street Journal, July 12, 1927, 11. “Biography of Werner von Siemens,” .
- Matthew Josephson, Edison (New York: McGraw Hill, 1959), 238–40, 242–43.
- Michael C. Duffy, Electric Railways, 1880–1990 (Bodmin, Cornwall, UK: MPG Books, 2003), 38. Stradling and Tarr, “Environmental Activism,” 689, 690. “Electric Motors for Railroads,” Chicago Daily Tribune, September 26, 1893, 13. “Run by Electricity,” Washington Post, July 8, 1895, 7. See “Penn R.R. Extends Electric Service to Potomac Yard,” Washington Post, June 20, 1935, 23.
- Brian Solomon, GE Locomotives: 110 Years of General Electric Motive Power (St. Paul, MN:MBI, 2003), 16–17.
- Stradling and Tarr, “Environmental Activism,” 690.
- Ibid., 690, 700.
- Ibid., 696.
- August Derleth, The Milwaukee Road: Its First Hundred Years (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2002), 265.
- Ibid., 142–43, 153, 195.
- Ibid., 265. Max Lowenthal, The Investor Pays (New York: Knopf, 1933), 5.
- Derleth, Milwaukee Road, 171.
- Ibid., 172.
- Ibid., 171–72.
- Ibid., 188–89.
- Ibid., 167,188–89.
- Ibid., 171,188–89.
- Ibid., 170, 172–73, 198. Lowenthal, Investor Pays, 18.
- Lowenthal, Investor Pays, 18.
- Ibid., 21–22. Ploss, Nation Pays Again, 47.
- Derleth, Milwaukee Road, 171, 188–90. Lowenthal, Investor Pays, 20–22.
- Derleth, Milwaukee Road, 189–90. Lowenthal, Investor Pays, 22.
- Derleth, Milwaukee Road, 189–90.
- Ibid., 190. “Making History,” Milwaukee Railway System Employees’ Magazine 3, no. 10 (January 1916).
- “Making History,” 7.
- Ibid., 8.
- “The Milwaukee Electrification: A Proud Era Passes,” Milwaukee Road Magazine, special supplement, July-August 1973, 9.
- Derleth, Milwaukee Road, 190–91. “Milwaukee Electrification,” 1, 4, 5.
- “Milwaukee Electrification,” 1,5. “St. Paul Electrifies Its Mountain Divisions,” Wall Street Journal, October 22, 1915,7.
- Todd Jones, “Milwaukee Road in the 7O’s: What really happened?” , 7. Michael Sol, Informational Post (August 1, 2005),
- Lowenthal, Investor Pays, 26–27, 177–78, 183, 189.
- Derleth, Milwaukee Road, 200, 202–4, 208.
- Ibid., 207.
- Ibid., 206–7.
- Lowenthal, Investor Pays, 38.
- Ibid.
- Ibid., 38–39.
- Ibid., 35–37, 39, 41. Derleth, Milwaukee Road, 206–7.
- Lowenthal, Investor Pays, 64.
- Ibid., 6, 7, 8. Derleth, Milwaukee Road, 210.
- Lowenthal, Investor Pays, 67.
- Ibid., 67–68.
- Ibid., 111–14, 116, 118–19, 141–43. Derleth, Milwaukee Road, 212, 213.
- Lowenthal, Investor Pays, 3 3.
- Ibid., 13.
- Ibid., 256.
- Ploss, Nation Pays Again, 17.
- “General Motors Plans to Build Diesel Engines,” Christian Science Monitor, February 14, 1935, 11. See Holley, Milwaukee Electrics, 45, 216.
- “Zephyr Trains Run 5 Million Miles Since ‘34,” Chicago Daily Tribune, June 20, 1938, 19. Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Association, “Important Milestones in English and American Railway Development,” .
- Holley, Milwaukee Electrics, 45.
- Ibid., 45, 48. See Holley, Milwaukee Electrics, 66. Solomon, GE Locomotives, 34, 39.
- Holley, Milwaukee Electrics, 46, 48.
- Ibid. Solomon, GE Locomotives, 34–35.
- Holley, Milwaukee Electrics, 46, 49, 54.
- T. A. Boyd, Professional Amateur: The Biography of Charles Franklin Kettering (New York: Dutton, 1957). See “Efficiency Raised in Gasoline Engine,” New York Times, May 28, 1947, 50.
- Holley, Milwaukee Electrics, 45, 55, 57, 119, 200, 202.
- Northwest Rail Improvement Committee, “The Abandonment of Electric Operation by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company,” (typescript, Northwest Rail Improvement Committee, Everett, WA, 1975), 1–3.
- Ibid., 5.
- Ibid., 4–5.
- Ibid., 5.
- Ibid., 6.
- Milwaukee Road News Bureau, Press Release, February 20, 1973, Milwaukee Road Collection, Milwaukee Public Library.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Jones, “Milwaukee Road in the 70’s.” Ploss, Nation Pays Again, 154, 155.
Chapter 10: The GM Conspiracy
- Herbert Lefkovitz, “State Is Shocked at Liggett Murder,” New York Times, December 15, 1935, Ell. Wayne Thomas, “Slain Editor’s Widow to See Suspect Today,” Chicago Daily Tribune, December 11, 1935, 1, 17. Author’s interview with Marda Liggett Woodbury, February 9, 2006. Peg Meier, “Assassination of an Editor,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis), June 12, 1988, IE.
- Gordon Schendel, “How Mobsters Grabbed a City’s Transit Line,” clipping from Collier’s, September 29, 1951, 182. See “Editor Liggett’s Assault Story Denied to Police,” Chicago Daily Tribune, October 27, 1935, 20. See press clipping “Jury Indicts Kid Cann on White Slave Charges,” Minneapolis Star, September 19, 1959.
- Thomas, “Slain Editor’s Widow,” 17. “Editor Is Slain in Minneapolis by Gangsters,” Chicago Daily Tribune, September 7, 1934, 1. See Arthur Evans, “Liggett Death Turns Light on Political Crime,” Chicago Daily Tribune, December 12, 1935, 6.
- Author’s interview with Woodbury. Marda Liggett Woodbury, Stopping the Presses: The Murder of Walter Liggett (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1998), xv-xvi.
- Meier, “Assassination of an Editor.” Author’s interview with Woodbury.
- Ibid.
- “Second Witness Names Suspect Liggett Killer,” Chicago Daily Tribune, December 17, 1935, 17. “Burglar Tries to Get Liggett Murder Files,” Washington Post, December 20, 1935, 3. “Political Group Blamed for Vice in Minneapolis,” Washington Post, February 8, 1936, 4. See generally Woodbury, Stopping the Presses, 177–96.
- Samuel E. Moffett, “The War on the Locomotive,” McClures 20, no. 5 (March 1903), 4–15. See “Excursionists Like Trolleys,” Los Angeles Times, September 19, 1937, 10.
- Moffett, “The War,” 5. See Moffett, “The War.” “Excursionists Like Trolleys.”
- Moffett, “The War,” 5.
- Ibid., 5, 13. “Excursionists Like Trolleys.” See “Triumphant Trolley’s Great Work,” Los Angeles Times, May 24, 1907,113. “Trolley Cites Auto as Killer,” Los Angeles Times, June 25, 1930,4.
- Moffett, “The War,” 5.
- Ibid., 9–10.
- Ibid., 10.
- Ibid., 8–9.
- Ibid., 7–8, 14.
- Ibid., 13. “Excursionists Like Trolleys.” See Irving Brecher and Fred F. Finklehoffe, Meet Me in St Louis (movie), Vincente Minnelli, dir. (Santa Monica: MGM, 1944).
- “Holland’s Letter: Astonishing Growth of Electric Street Railway System in the Past Twenty-five Years,” Wall Street ]ournal, January 30, 1911, 1–2. “Triumphant Trolley’s Great Work.”
- American Transit Association, “Transit Industry of the United States—Total Passengers Carried, 1907–1962,” report, July 12, 1963. “Favor No-Track Trolley,” New York Times, May 7, 1921, 12. See “Packard Puts Out Trackless Trolley,” Los Angeles Times, August 28, 1921, vii.
- “Transit Industry of the United States.” Author’s interviews with Clay McShane, Al Mankoff, Van Wilkins, and sources at the American Public Transit Association, 2006.
- “Excursionists Like Trolleys.” See Owen Gutfreund, 20th Century Sprawl (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), 71.
- “Excursionists Like Trolleys.”
- Allan Nevins with Frank Ernest Hill, Ford (New York: Scribner, 1954), 1:107.
- “Trolleys Haul 16 Billion,” December 4, 1925, 12. “Transit Industry of the United States.”
- “General Motors Made Gratifying Earnings Report,” Wall Street Journal, July 22, 1922, 1. “Memorandum for the Director, FBI, Washington, D.C. re: National City Lines, et al.,” October 2, 1946. Indictment, USA v. National City Lines, et al, Criminal Action No. 19270, April 9, 1947, District Court of the United States, Southern District of California, Central Division.
- “National City Lines Guilty in Trust Case,” New York Times, March 13, 1949, 79. Verdict, USA v. National City Lines, et al, No. 47CR524, USA, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
- Bradford C. Snell, “American Ground Transport: A Proposal for Restructing the Automobile, Truck, Bus, and Rail Industries,” report to the Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly of the Committee of the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, February 26, 1974, 1–3. Author’s interviews with Bradford Snell, February 2006,.
- Snell, “American Ground Transport,” 1–3. Author’s interviews with Snell.
- Ibid.
- General Motors Corporation, “The Truth About ‘American Ground Transport’: A Reply by General Motors,” report to the Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly of the Committee of the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, April 1974, 1–4.
- See Jeffrey Price and Peter S. Seaman, Who Framed Roger Rabbit (movie), Robert Ze-meckis, dir. (Universal City, CA: Amblin Entertainment, 1998). See Google search on “Roger Rabbit GM Conspiracy.”
- Author’s enterprise and interviews with historians, critics, and experts on the topic of trolleys, Snell, and GM.
- Author’s interview with Trolley Expert B, February 2006.
- Author’s enterprise and interviews with numerous historians, critics, and experts on the topic of trolleys, Snell, and GM.
- Ibid.
- “Chronology of Fifty Years in U.S. Business and Finance,” Wall Street Journal, June 27, 1932,51.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- “Motor Companies Pass Through a Severe Period,” Christian Science Monitor, March 24, 1922,11.
- Alfred P. Sloan Jr., My Years with General Motors (New York: Doubleday & Company, 1964), 446–47. “General Motors Made Gratifying Earnings Report.” See “General Motors Reports Deficit of $38,680,770,” Wall Street Journal, March 6, 1922, 1.
- “General Motors Shows Results of Deflation,” Wall Street Journal, March 13, 1922, 1.
- Sloan, Mγ Years, 125–27.
- “Transit Industry of the United States.” “Chronology of Fifty Years.”
- 44. Author’s interviews with Al Mankoff, February-March 2006. Author’s interview with Van Wilkins, February 16, 2006. See Glendale Star (California), August 26, 1937, as cited by David J. St. Clair, The Motorization of American Cities (New York: Praeger, 1986), l77nl.
- Author’s interview with Wilkens. St. Clair, Motorization (table, “Motor Bus Versus Trolley Coach, Economic Analysis”) 53, 184–85. See “Brooklyn Bus Case in Court Tomorrow,” New York Times, January 11, 1920, 25. See “Says Bus System Will Win,” Wall Street Journal, December 10, 1921, 2. See “Street Railway Men Dispute Bus Cost Figures,” Wall Street Journal, March 23, 1923, 13. USA v. National City Lines, et al, No. 47CR524, 3.
- “New High Record in Motor Output,” New York Times, May 6, 1923, E14. “Record Year for Motor Bus Use,” New York Times, November 8, 1925, XX12. John A. Beeler, “Buses Could Not Fill Place of Street Cars in New York City,” Electric Railway Journal 61, no. 2, 37–38 (see table, “Comparative Bus Operating Costs”). See St. Clair, Motorization, 8–9. See USA v. National City Lines, et al, No. 47CR524, 2. See “Suggests Merger of Interurbans,” New York Times, June 14, 1925, E10. See “Street Railway Transportation,” Wall Street Journal, September 26, 1928, 9. See “The Beeler Report,” Washington Post, August 9, 1934, 8.
- Beeler, “Buses Could Not Fill Place of Street Cars,” 37, 38.
- Ibid., 37.
- John Diers, “Did a Conspiracy Really Kill the Streetcar?,” Trains 66, no. 1 (January 2006): 59. See “Railroad Business,” Washington Post, March 22, 1926, 6. See table, “Streetcar and Motor Bus Route Miles,” St. Clair, Motorization, 8.
- “$510,000,000 Saving in Power Planned,” New York Times, December 7, 1921, 19.
- Silas Bent, “Once Immigrant Boy, Buys 5th Av. Buses,” New York Times, July 6, 1924, XX4.
- Author’s enterprise. See “Five New Busses a Day to Be Put in Service Here,” Chicago Daily Tribune, January 18, 1923, 5. Bent, “Once Immigrant Boy.”
- 53.See NYC Metropolitan Transit Authority, “Early NYC Bus History,” A Century of Buses in New York City, . “Five New Busses a Day.” Bent, “Once Immigrant Boy.”
- “General Motors Acquires Yellow Cab Co.,” Wall Street ļournal, July 8, 1925, 12. “Yellow Cab Co. Now in General Motors,” New York Times, July 8, 1925, 21.
- “Yellow Cab Co. Now In General Motors.”
- Ibid. See “General Motors,” Wall Street Journal, January 7, 1926, 18.
- “East Orders $3,000,000 of Yellow Busses,” Chicago Daily Tribune, December 28, 1925, 28.
- Sloan, My Years, xxii. See photo, Sloan and Pierre du Pont, David Farber, Sloan Rules: Alfred P. Sloan and the Triumph of General Motors (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002), l25ff.
- “Trolleys Haul 16 Billion.” S. S. Fontaine, “Congress Is Now Worrying Sponsors of Some Stocks,” Washington Post, January 7, 1926, 16. “Electric Roads Uniformly Prosperous, Say Traffic Men,” Christian Science Monitor, October 2, 1925, 1. See “Street Car Traffic Shows Small Drop,” New York Times, June 29, 1930, 33. See “Trolley ‘Czar’ Visitor in City,” Los Angeles Times, July 31, 1925, Al.
- “Transit Industry of the United States.” “New Motors Record Predicted by Sloan,” Wall Street Journal, January 13, 1928, 16. “Street Railway Transportation,” Wall Street Journal, September 26, 1928, 9. See John A. Beeler, “Coach and Bus Operation in New York,” Elec-tric Railway Journal, August 9, 1924, 195–98. “Street Car Group Widens Its Scope,” New York Times, October 30, 1932, F2.
- “New Motors Record Predicted by Sloan.” “Says Bus System Will Win.” Martin Wachs, “U.S. Transit Policy: In Need of Reform,” Science, n.s. 244, no. 4912 (June 30, 1989): 1545.
- Robert L. Banks, “New Buses Disliked,” letter to the editor, New York Times, February 9, 1935, 14.
- M. H. Hedges, “Who Corrupts Our Politics?" Nation 115, no. 2976 (July 19, 1922): 66–68.
- Pacific Electric Railway Company Minute Books, vols. 1–3, 212, 1–8, Huntington Archive. See “Confidential Memorandum,” LA Railway box 2, Huntington Archive. See Memorandum, Richard Sachse to George J. Kuhrts, June 5, 1928, LA Railway box 2, 5. See author’s notes.
- Edwin Black, “The Checker Connection,” Chicago Independent (later Chicago Monthly), April 1975,12–15.
- “Hylan Raps Shearn on City Bus Inquiry,” New York Times, October 28, 1922, 14.
- Ibid. See “City Had to Supply New Bus Service,” New York Times, September 23, 1919, 17.
- Hedges, “Who Corrupts Our Politics?" 67. See “Twin City Rapid Transit Franchise for Referendum,” Wall Street Journal, August 1, 1919, 6.
- “Hylan Raps Shearn On City Bus Inquiry.” “Senate Quiz on Transit Case Here Is Asked,” Chicago Daily Tribune, June 13, 1929, 1. See Paul Barrett, “Chicago’s Public Transportation Policy, 1900–1940s,” Illinois History Teacher 8, no. 1 (2001): 25–38. See “City Joins Chicago Higher Fare Fight,” New York Times, November 7, 1921, 2.
- Glenn Yago, The Decline of Transit: Urban Transportation in German and U.S. Cities, 1900–1970 (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1984), 53–57. Federal Electrical Railways Commission (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1920), 1058, as cited by Yago, Decline of Transit, 53.
- See Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site, “The Great Depression,” .
- “Transit Industry of the United States.” Sloan, My Years, 446–47.
- Hogan, “Statement of the Facts from the Court Records Regarding General Motors in the National City Lines Cases,” Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Antitrust & Monopoly of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, on A Study of the Antitrust Laws—General Motors, 84th Cong., 1st sess, at 3920 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1955), as cited by Snell, “American Ground Transport,” 30.
- United States v. General Motors, Pretrial Findings of Fact, Civil Action No. 15816 (E. D. Mich.) (January 14, 1958), 26, as cited by Snell, “American Ground Transport,” 30. A Study in the Antitrust Laws, 3920, as cited by Snell, “American Ground Transport,” 30.
- A Study in the Antitrust Laws, 3920, as cited by Snell, “American Ground Transport,” 30.
- General Motors, “Truth About ‘American Ground Transport,’" 56–58.
- Proceedings of the American Transit Associations and Its Affiliated Associations 1935 (New York: American Transit Association, 1935), 34, 76–77. St. Clair, Motorization, 58.
- Snell, “American Ground Transport,” 30.
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., “Message From the President of the United States Transmitting a Report of the National Power Committee with Respect to the Treatment of Holding Companies,” 74th Cong., 1st sess., Report of the National Power Policy Committee (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1935), as cited by Charlie Higley, “Disastrous Deregulation,” Public Citizen, December 2000, 6—7.
- 80. Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935: Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Case of Electric Bond and Share Company v. Securities and Exchange Commission, 75th Cong., 3d sess., Senate Document No. 160 (Washington: US Government Printing Office, 1938), 1–10. The Changing Structure of the Electric Power Industry 2000: An Update, “Chapter 4: The Federal Statutory Background of the Electric Power Industry,” . See Implications of a New PUHCA for the Electric Industry and Regulators (Columbus, OH: The National Regulatory Research Institute, 1992), 1–13.
- United States vs. National City Lines et al., 47CR524, Transcript of Proceedings, testimony of E. Roy Fitzgerald, 429–31.
- Ibid., 430–36,439.
- Ibid., 439–40.
- Ibid., 440–41.
- Ibid., 441,452.
- See author’s interview with Gene Nicolelli, director of Greyhound Museum, Hibbing, MN, February 20, 2006.
- Greyhound Historical Timeline, , see 1931. Author’s enterprise. See author’s interview with Gene Nicolelli.
- US vs. NCL, testimony of E. Roy Fitzgerald, 442–43.
- “Offers of Proof by Certain Defendants,” United States vs. National City Lines et al, District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division, Criminal Action No. 47CR524, 2–3.
- US vs. NCL, testimony of E. Roy Fitzgerald, 442–46.
- “Offers of Proof by Certain Defendants,” 3.
- US vs. NCL, testimony of E. Roy Fitzgerald, 444.
- Ibid., 446.
- Ibid., 449,452.
- Ibid., 452.
- “Offers of Proof by Certain Defendants,” 4–5. Order of Illinois Commerce Commission upon the applications of Chicago & Joliet Transportation Company, }oliet City Lines et al., Docket No. 23155, July 27, 1934; Order of Illinois Commerce Commission upon the applications of East St. Louis Railway Company, East St. Louis Electric Railway, and East St. Louis City Lines, Docket No. 23811, October 31, 1935; Order of Illinois Commerce Commission upon the applications of Illinois Power & Light Corporation and Decatur City Lines, Docket No. 25147, November 25, 1936; Order of Illinois Commerce Commission upon the applications of Illinois Power & Light Corporation and Quincy City Lines, Docket No. 24888, October 1, 1936; Order of Illinois Commerce Commission upon the applications of Illinois Power & Light Corporation and Champaign-Urbana City Lines, Docket No. 24890, October 1, 1936; Order of Illinois Commerce Commission upon the applications of Illinois Power & Light Corporation and Bloomington-Normal City Lines, Docket No. 24889, December 2, 1936; Order of Illinois Commerce Commission upon the applications of Illinois Power & Light Corporation and Danville City Lines, Docket No. 24891, November, 25, 1936, as cited by “Offers of Proof by Certain Defendants,” 5. US vs. NCL, testimony of E. Roy Fitzgerald, 474–76.
- US vs. NCL, testimony of E. Roy Fitzgerald, 453–57.
- Ibid., 454–63. “National City Lines,” Wall Street Journal, October 20, 1936, 11.
- US vs. NCL, testimony of E. Roy Fitzgerald, 463.
- Indictment, USA v. National City Lines et al, Criminal Action No. 19270, April 9, 1947, District Court of the United States, Southern District of California, Central Division, 7 subsection 4.
- Indictment, USA v. NCL et al, 7–8.
- US vs. NCL, testimony of E. Roy Fitzgerald, 466.
- Ibid., 466–67.
- Ibid., 467.
- Ibid., 469–71.
- Ibid., 469.
- Ibid., 470. “A Pot of Gold at Rainbow’s End: Story of 5 Fitzgeralds, Masters of L.A. Transit, as Told by U.S. Records,” L.A. Herald and Express, October 22, 1947, n.p.
- US vs. NCL, testimony of E. Roy Fitzgerald, 470–71.
- “Southern Pacific and Standard Oil,” Chicago Tribune, December 31, 1892, 12. “Serious Charges,” Los Angeles Times, December 31, 1892, 2. Letter, Foster Beamsley to Mack International Truck Co., November 7,1939, FBI Files 60–3275 FOIA.
- Letter, Beamsley to Mack International. US vs. NCL, Colloquy, 79.
- US vs. NCL, Colloquy, 79.
- Ibid., 80–81.
- Ibid., 81.
- Ibid.
- US vs. NCL, testimony of E. Roy Fitzgerald, 496.
- Contract between Firestone Tire and Rubber Company and National City Lines, Inc., May 15, 1939, FBI Files 60–3275 FOIA. US vs. NCL, testimony of E. Roy Fitzgerald, 496–97.
- Contract between Firestone and National City Lines.
- Report, interview with source at U.S. Rubber Company, August 13, 1948, 3, FBI Files 60–3275-90 FOIA.
- Letter, Guido Pantaleoni Jr. to Russell Riggins, April 18, 1939, 2, FBI Files 60–3275 FOIA. US vs. NCL, testimony of E. Roy Fitzgerald, 497.
- Letter, Pantaleoni to Riggins, 3–4.
- Ibid., 6.
- US vs. NCL, testimony of E. Roy Fitzgerald, 497. Report, interview with source at Mid-Continent Petroleum Company, January 28, 1947, FBI Files 60–3275-20 FOIA. Report, interview with source at Sinclair Refining Company, March 11, 1947, FBI Files 60–3275-29 FOIA.
- US vs. NCL, testimony of E. Roy Fitzgerald, 497–98.
- Ibid., 500–501.
- US vs. NCL, Government’s Exhibit No. 90, 1331–35. Trial Memorandum of Defendants, USA v. National City Lines, Inc. et aί, 14. Indictment, USA v. NCL et al, 10–11.
- USvs. NCL, Government’s Exhibit No. 90, 1330–35. Indictment, USAv. NCLetaL, 10–11.
- US vs. NCL, Colloquy, 93–97. Contract between National City Lines Inc. and Mack Manufacturing Corporation, August 1, 1939, 2, FBI Files 60–3275-157 FOIA.
- Letter, John L. Wilson to E. Roy Fitzgerald, October 2, 1945, Georgia State University Special Collections, NCL 496—Coaches, General ‘45. Joint report of Special Agents [censored], April 5, 1947, 3, 6, FBI Files CV File No. 60–133, 60–3275-38 FOIA Report, interview with source at Twin Coach Company, July 25, 1947, FBI Files 60–3275-55 FOIA.
- Joint report of Special Agents [censored], 18–20.
- US vs. NCL, Colloquy, 93. Report, sworn statement of Mack Truck employee, December 28, 1948, FBI Files 60–3225-139 FOIA.
- Report, interview with people’s counsel in suit filed to block conversion from streetcars to buses in Baltimore, October 4, 1948, FBI Files 60–3275-103, FOIA. US vs. NCL, Colloquy, 94–5.
- US vs. NCL, Colloquy, 96.
- Ibid., 95–96.
- US vs. NCL, Government’s Exhibit No. 111, 176.
- Ibid., Government’s Exhibit No. 114–17, 178–79.
- Ibid., Government’s Exhibit No. 90, 1336.
- Indictment, USA v. NCL et al, 2, 11–12.
- Ibid., 5, 10.
- Ibid., 6–7. Report, Pacific City Lines, Inc., Purchases of Petroleum Products, October 4, 1948, FBI Files 60–3275-104 FOIA.
- C. J. Helbing to Cone T. Bass, Inter-Company Correspondence, March 13, 1946, NCL-SOS Abandonment of Streetcars, Tampa 46, Georgia University Special Collections.
- Ibid.
- Letter to Attorney General Tom C. Clark, September 4, 1947, enclosed in office memorandum to J. Edgar Hoover, September 24, 1947, FBI Files 60–3275-67 FOIA.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Federal Bureau of Investigation, memorandum, “National City Lines, Inc. Et. Al.,” October 30, 1947, FBI Files 60–3275-69 FOIA.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Letter, Foster O. Beamsley to Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, December 1, 1944, FBI Files 60–3275-62 FOIA.
- “Trolley’s Bow to Buses,” National City Liner, October-November 1945, 7.
- Newspaper clipping, “Call for Street Cars,” Tampa Morning Tribune, December 8, 1946. Newspaper clipping, “Letters to the Editor,” Tampa Daily Times, September 19, 1947.
- “Baltimore Transit to Buy Cars, Buses,” Christian Science Monitor, July 3, 1940, 17. Report, interview with people’s counsel. See Abel Wolman et al., Report to the Mayor of Baltimore by the Committee on Mass Transportation (Baltimore: December 1955), 6, as cited by Aaron Michael Glazer, “Fade to Gas: The Conversion of Baltimore’s Mass Transit System from Streetcars to Diesel-Powered Buses,” Maryland Historical Magazine 97, No. 3 (Fall 2002): 340.
- 153. Report, interview with people’s counsel. “Court Asked to Save Baltimore Trolleys,” Washington Post, December 11, 1947, B2. “June 22, 1947: A Streetcar Named History,” Sun, June 22, 1947, . “88-Year Era of Trolleys Bows Out in Baltimore,” Washington Post, November 5, 1963, B4. See “Improved Traffic Conditions Are Not Around the Corner,” Baltimore Sun, October 11, 1946, as cited by Glazer, “Fade to Gas,” 348.
- See folder “Abandonment of the Trolley,” National City Lines collection, Georgia State University.
- Directive, Office of Defense Transportation, April 17, 1942, GSU-NCL·B492 Transportation, General.
- Ibid.
- Farber, Sloan Rules, 205.
- Ibid.
- Charles Wertenbaker, “The World and Jim Mooney,” Saturday Evening Post, October 30, 1937, 23. “James D. Mooney Discusses Automotive Industry with Hitler,” General Motors World, June 1934, 1–3; Mooney, “Diary of Mr. Mooney’s Visit to London and Berlin: March 27 to April 6, 1939,” 6, 1–14, Mooney Papers, Georgetown University Library; Memorandum, September 16, 1936, by R. A. Fleischer, OPR 019343.
- See Keppler to Fleischer, January 3, 1935, OPR 019046. Fleischer to Keppler, January 14, 1935, OPR 019040. R. K. Evans to J. D. Mooney, January 18, 1935, GM 001064–8. Paetsch to Colonel Thomas, February 27, 1935 (Abschrift), OPR 019014. Paetsch to Fleischer (Abschrift), February 26, 1935, OPR 019015f. O. C. Mueller’s circular memorandum of March 21, 1936, OPR 017802. A. Bangert to H. Grewenig, August 13, 1937, OPR 017729. Grewenig to Fleischer, September 17, 1937, OPR 042133); and “Gesamt-Produktion des Werkes Brandenburg der Adam Opel A.G. 1936–1940,” OPR Ol6934ff.
- “General Motors Man Wins German Award,” New York Times, August 11, 1938, 10. “Thomas J. Watson Is Decorated by Hitler for Work in Bettering Economic Relations,” New York Times, July 2, 1937, 8. Black, IBM and the Holocaust, 134, 137.
- Farber, Sloan Rules, 222.
- Ibid.
- Gabriel Kolko, “American Business and Germany, 1930–1941,” Western Political Quarterly 15, no. 4 (December 1962): 724–25, and generally.
- Michael Dobbs, “Ford and GM Scrutinized for Alleged Nazi Collaboration,” Washington Post, November 30, 1998, Al.
- 166. Farber, Sloan Rules, 111. Alfred P. Sloan Jr., Minutes of Meeting held at the D.A.C., May 21, 1941, 2, Kettering University Archives 87–11.4–18, Alumni Collection of Industrial History, GMI, Flint, Michigan.
- Ibid.
- Snell, “American Ground Transport,” 1–3, 16–22. General Motors, “Truth About ‘American Ground Transport,’" 1–4.
- “Truth About ‘American Ground Transport,’" 5–10.
- Memorandum for the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Re: National City Lines, Inc., et al., Washington, D.C., October 2, 1946, 3, 5–6.
- 171. Federal Bureau of Investigation, numerous complaints, “National City Lines, Inc. Et. Al.,” October 2, 1946, FBI Files 60–3275-1 FOIA. Federal Bureau of Investigation, report Superior Motor Coach and Body Company, “National City Lines, Inc. Et. Al.,” October 30, 1947, FBI Files 60–3275-69 FOIA Joint report of Special Agents [censored]. Report of FBI Laboratory, signature analysis of NCL documents, September 22, 1948, FBI Files 60–3275-94 FOIA. Contract between Firestone and National City Lines. See generally author’s copies of FBI FOIA documents.
- Indictment, USA v. NCL et al, 1–21.
- Ibid., 1. “Transit Line Plot Laid to Nine Firms,” New York Times, April 11, 1947, 38.
- Indictment, USA v. NCL et al, 7–10.
- Ibid., 14–19.
- 176. Criminal Action No. 47CR524—Bill of Particulars, USA v. NCL et al, February 18, 1948, 1–4.
- Ibid., 1–10.
- “Transit Line Plot Laid to Nine Firms.”
- Criminal Action No. 19270—Motion of Defendants National City Lines, Inc., American City Lines, Inc., Pacific City Lines, Inc., E. Roy Fitzgerald and Foster G. Beamsley for Bill of Particulars, May 12, 1947. Criminal Action No. 19270—Motion of Defendants Firestone Tire & Rubber Company and L. R. Jackson for Bill of Particulars, May 12, 1947. Criminal Action No. 19270—Motion of Defendants General Motors Corporation and H. C. Grossman, for a Bill of Particulars and Points and Authorities in Support Thereof, May 12, 1947. Criminal Action No. 19270-W-Motion for a Bill of Particulars by Defendants, Standard Oil Company of California, Federal Engineering Corporation and Henry C. Judd (Under Rule 7 [f]), May 12, 1947. U.S. Supreme Court, USA v. NCL et al, June 21, 1948, 1.
- Charge to the Jury, USA v. NCL et al, March 9, 1949, 22–23. “National City Lines Guilty in Trust Case,” New York Times, March 13, 1949, 79.
- Verdict, USA v. NCL et al, April 1, 1949, 1.
- Ibid.
- Ibid. 2.
- United States Court of Appeals Seventh Circuit, USA v. NCL et al, January 3, 1951, 1. U.S. Supreme Court, USA v. NCL et al, June 21, 1948, 1.
- Helbing to Bass.
- “First Order of Business for Bus Lines Is Service,” Tampa Daily Times, August 1946.
- Letter, Commissioner Robin C. Herndon to Burton R. Morley, July 9, 1945.
- “To the Port Arthur City Lines,” Port Arthur News, November 22, 1947, NCL·5I8, Beaumont Regional, 1947.
- Western Union telegram, Otho Plumer, Mayor, City of Beaumont, to F. N. Hill, East St. Louis City Lines, Inc., December 1, 1947. Letter, F. Norman Hill to Mr. R. S. Moore, December 9, 1947, NCL·5I8, Beaumont Regional 1947, 1–2. “Five More New Buses to Arrive in Beaumont Soon,” Beaumont Enterprise, April 26, 1947.
- “The Streetcar Strike,” Los Angeles Times, May 20, 1946, A4. Photo, “A Pot of Gold at Rainbow’s End,” Los Angeles Herald Ó Express, October 22, 1947. “Story of 5 Fitzgeralds, Masters of L.A. Transit, as Told by U.S. Records,” Los Angeles Herald Ó Express, October 22, 1947.
- See generally Georgia State University Special Collections, NCL Transportation General Mobile, 1945; also, Transportation Superintendent Jackson, 1946, and author’s files on National City Lines segregation.
- Weekly Report, R. J. Cortright to F. N. Hill, November 23–30, 1946.
- Review: “Divided Highways: Building the Interstate Highways, Transforming American Life,” ļoumal of American History 87, No. 1 (June 2000): 297. Program Administration: Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, Federal Highway Administration, , 1–9.
- Program Administration, 1.
- “The Ordeal of Engine Charlie: How one of our most enlightened business leaders became the symbol of corporate ruthlessness,” American Heritage Magazine 46, no. 1 (February/March 1995).
- Ibid.
- 1956 NCL Annual Report, 5, NYPL·SIBL XLF 456 National City Lines AR 1956.
- 1957 NCL Annual Report, 6, NYPL·SIBL XLF 456 National City Lines AR 1957.
- Ibid., 6–7.
- Ibid., 7.
- Ibid., 1959 NCL Annual Report, 2–3, NYPL-SIBL XLF 456 National City Lines AR 1959.
- “Mayor Makes New Appeal in Deadlocked Transit Strike,” Los Angeles Times, May 12, 1946, 1. “Thumbnail Sketches of TCRT Trial Defendants,” Minneapolis Star, August 6, 1960, Bl.
- “Thumbnail Sketches,” Bl.
- “How Mobsters Grabbed a City’s Transit Line,” Gordon Schendel, Collier’s, September 29, 1951,181,184.
- Ibid., 184.
- Ibid., 181–84.
- Ibid., 184.
- Ibid.
- Ibid., 185.
- Ibid.
- Ibid., 185–86.
- Ibid., 186.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid., 185, 187.
- Ibid., 186–87.
- Stephen A. Kieffer, Transit and the Twins, (Minneapolis: Twin City Rapid Transit Co., 1958), 46.
- Ibid., David C. Smith, “GM’s Jack Smith Set to Cap 42-Year Career-General Motors’s Chairman,” Ward’s Auto World, July 1, 2002.
- Kieffer, Transit and the Twins, 46–47.
- Ibid. Όssanna, Kid Cann Indicted in Sales of Streetcar Scrap,” Minneapolis Star, September 18, 1959, 1.
- Kieffer, Transit and the Twins, 46–47.
- Letter, H. P. Jacobson to L. G. Bakken, May 14, 1952. #222: Miscellaneous Records, Twin City Rapid Transit Company Documents, Minnesota State Archives Library, Minnesota Historical Society.
- Ibid., May 15 and June 13, 1952.
- Ibid., September 15, November 21, and December 10, 1952.
- Ibid., September 19, 1952.
- 226. Diers, “Did a Conspiracy Really Kill the Streetcar?" 63. Picture, “A Streetcar Tamed by Fire,” aye verily, .
- Όssanna, 4 Others Guilty in TCRT Fraud; Cann Acquitted,” Minneapolis Star, August 6, 1960. Όssanna, Kid Cann Indicted,” 1. “ļury Indicts Kid Cann on White Slave Charges,” 1.
- Όssanna, Kid Cann Indicted,” 1. “Jury Indicts Kid Cann on White Slave Charges,” 1.
- Όssanna, 4 Others Guilty in TCRT Fraud.”
- Ibid. “Did a Conspiracy Really Kill the Streetcar?" 62.
- Όssanna, 4 Others Guilty in TCRT Fraud.”
- US vs. NCL, Colloquy, 105–7, 109–10.
- Ibid., 105–8, 110.
- Ibid., 105–7,108–11.
Chapter 11: Manhattan Now
- “Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s California Hydrogen Highway Network Action Plan,”
Governor’s Office, 2004. “The Particle Pollution Report: Current Understanding of Air Quality and Emissions through 2003,” United States Environmental Protection Agency, December 2004, 2–3, 7, 9. “Technology Transfer Network National Air Toxics Assessment: Acetaldehyde,” United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2002, . “Health Effects of Diesel Exhaust,” California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and the American Lung Association, August 2000. “What Toxic Air Pollutants Are Produced by Petroleum-Based Fuels and Combustion Engines?" Energy Independence Now, circa 2002, 1. “How Do Tobacco Smoke and Car Exhaust Compare?" Energy Independence Now, circa 2002, 1. Map, “Petroleum Infrastructure and Related Pollution,” Energy Independence Now, 2002, . “What Are the Defects and Harms of Internal Combustion Engines?" Energy Independence Now, circa 2002, 1–2. “Last Gasp,” Fresno Bee, December 15, 2002. Joan Flores, “On the Move Against Asthma,” Children’s Advocate, September-October 2003, . Author’s interview with Janice Nolen of ALA, March 2006. Presentation, “SCAQMD Hydrogen Program: NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference,” Cynthia Verdugo-Peralta, March 13, 2006, , 1–25. Author’s interview with Cynthia Verdugo-Peralta, SCAQMD. Author’s interview with Jerry Martin, CARB, March 2006.
- “Health Effects of Particulate Matter and Ozone Pollution, January 2004,” California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board. Author’s interviews with Janice Nolen, March 16 and April 7, 2006. “What Are the Health Harms Associated with Petroleum-Based Fuels and Combustion By-Products?" Energy Independence Now, circa 2002. Author’s interview with Verdugo-Peralta. Author’s interview with Martin.
- “SCAQMD Hydrogen Program.” “Multiple Air Toxics Exposure Study in the South Coast Air Basin (MATES-II),” chap. 4, SCAQMD, March 2000. “Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s California Hydrogen Highway.” “Health Effects of Particulate Matter and Ozone Pollution.” “What Are the Health Harms Associated?" Author’s interview with Nolen. Author’s interview with Verdugo-Peralta.
- ”Air Trends: Carbon Monoxide,” U.S. EPA, .
- David Hosansky, “Traffic Congestion,” CQ Researcher 9, no. 32 (August 27, 1999): 731–47.
- “SCAQMD Hydrogen Program.” Author’s notes.
- ”Excerpt from the Alaska Oil Spill Commission Report on the 1989 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill,” . “History Detail” (Ixtoc I), “What’s the Story on Oil Spills?" NOAA’s National Ocean Service, Office of Response and Restoration, .
- D. O’Rourke and S. Connolly, “Just Oil? The Distribution of Environmental and Social Impacts of Oil Production and Consumption,” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 28 (2003): 599,616.
- Andrew C. Revkin, “Offshore Oil Pollution Comes Mostly as Runoff, Study Says,” New York Times, May 24, 2002. Press statement, “New Study Uncovers Long Term, Unanticipated Damage from Oil Spills,” Natural Resources Defense Council, December 18, 2003. “Cleaning Up the Oceans: A Global Ethical Challenge,” Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, 2003.
- O’Rourke and Connolly, “Just Oil,” 594.
- Ibid., 594–95.
- “Questions and Answers on Fuel Economy,” . “This Week in Petroleum,” June 2, 2005, U.S. Energy Information Administration, . , plus their interview, March 17, and communications. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the U.S. Transportation Section: 1990–2003,” .
- Stacy Archfield, “Hazards of Sea Level Rise: An Introduction,” http://cfa- . See generally Elizabeth Kolbert, Field Notes From a Catastrophe (New York: Bloomsbury Publishers, 2006). Michael D. Lemonick, “Has the Meltdown Begun?" Time, February 27, 2006, 59.
- Andrew Haines, Anthony J. McMichael, and Paul R. Epstein, “Environment and Health: 2. Global Climate Change and Health,” Canadian Medical Association, September 19, 2000, 729. “Has the Meltdown Begun?" 59.
- David Louie, “Faster Jetstream Costly for Airlines,” KABC-TV, Los Angeles, February 27, 2006. Author’s personal observation. Also see pilot discussion, forums, “The Wings of the Web,” .
- Nicholas Bakalar, “Warming Will Lead to Major Disease Outbreaks, Experts Warn,” National Geographic News, December 2, 2005, 1–2.
- Rick VanderKnyff, “33 States Top $3 a Gallon,” CNBC, September 7, 2005. “U.S. Author Forecasts $5 Gas by Next Year,” United Press International, August 17, 2005. Energy Information Administration, “United States—Oil,” . “Petroleum Products,” .
- David L. Greene, “Cost of Oil Dependence: A 2000 Update,” prepared by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy, December 2000, 1.
- Justin Blum, “Senate Overwhelmingly Passes Energy Bill,” Washington Post, June 29, 2005. Erica Swisher, “The Real Cost of Oil,” Ethanol Today, August 2005, 22,44. CTA International Center for Technology Assessment, “Gasoline Cost Externalities: Security and Protection Services,” January 25, 2005. David Gerard and Lester Lave, “CAFE Increases: Missing the Elephant in the Living Room,” AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, June 2004, 1. Anthony H. Cordesman, “Outside View: The Costs of the Iraq War,” Washington Times, December 14, 2004. Senator Richard Lugar, “Energy Security: Cause for Cooperation or Competition?" Brookings Institution 90th Leadership Forum Series, March 13, 2006, proceedings (Washington, DC: Miller Reporting Co., 2006). .
- Chris Isidore, “ExxonMobile Sets Profit Record,” , January 30, 2006, . Justin Blum, “ExxonMobil Profit Soars 75%,” Washington Post, October 28, 2005. Kevin Bogardus, “K Street Lobbyists Carry Water for OPEC,” .
- 21.”Cost of Oil Dependence.” National Resources Defense Council, “Safe, Strong, and Secure: Reducing America’s Oil Dependence,” . Nathan Vardi, “Sins of the Father?" Forbes, March 18, 2002, . Swisher, “Real Cost of Oil,” 45.
- Vardi, “Sins of the Father?”
- Edwin Black, Banking on Baghdad (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2004), 95–228.
- Generally see Black, Banking on Baghdad, 169. “Casualty Record of Belligerents,” New York Times, January 19, 1919, 39. “Military Casualties of World War One,” July 2003, First World War Online, Michael Duffy, ed., . BBC News, “The War to End All Wars,” . “Timeline: 1914–1918—Casualty Figures,” Trenches on the Web: An Internet History of the Great War, The Great War Society, eds., . See “The Cost of War,” Washington Post, November 27, 1916,4. See “Primary Documents: D. F. Houston on U.S. War Readiness, 1917,” February 2004, First World War Online.
- 25. Generally see Black, Banking on Baghdad, 169. “The Battle of the Somme, 1916,” August 2001, First World War Online. “The Battle of Verdun, 1916,” First World War Online. “The Gallipoli Front-an Overview,” August 2002, First World War Online. BBC History, “Daily Mirror Headlines, Published 31 July 1916,” January 2002, . “At Verdun,” New York Times, May 3, 1916, 12. See “Allied Efforts on the Somme Called ‘Gallipoli on the Continent,’" Washington Post, December 10, 1916, 5. See “How the Battle was Won,” NewYork Times, December 17, 1916, 2. “Timeline: 1914–1918—Casualty Figures.” “Military Casualties of World War One.”
- See Black, Banking on Baghdad, 169–228.
- Letter, M. L. Requa to Alvey Adlee, May 13, 1920, NA RG59 800.6363/112.
- Ibid.
- See Black, Banking on Baghdad, 261–292. Generally see Black, Banking on Baghdad.
- See Black, Banking on Baghdad, 240–46.
- George Antonius, The Arab Awakening: The Story of the Arab National Movement (New York: Putnam, 1946; Reprint, NewYork: Capricorn Books, 1965), 312.
- See Black, Banking on Baghdad, 229–292.
- Ibid.
- Ibid., 246.
- 35.Eileen T. Westervelt and Donald F. Fournier, “Energy Trends and Implications for U.S. Army Installations,” U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, September 2005, . “The End of Cheap Oil,” National Geographic, June 2004, 89, 94–95. “China ‘Feeds’ Automobiles with Corn,” Peoples Daily Online, December 7, 2001, .
- “Hubbert’s Peak, the Peak,” . “CIA—The World Fact Book—Rank Order—Oil—Consumption,” . “End of Cheap Oil,” 89, 98–99.
- Eileen T Westervelt and Donald T. Fournier, “Energy Trends and Implications for U.S. Army Installations,” report for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, .
- “The Costs of the Manhattan Project,” Brookings Institution, Sublette, “Nuclear Weapons Frequently Asked Questions: Section 10.0 Chronology for the Origin of Atomic Weapons,” May 15, 1997, .
- “Costs of the Manhattan Project.”
- Ibid.
- National Air and Space Administration “Project Apollo: A Retrospective Analysis,” http://history.nasa/gov/Apollomon/Apollo.html . “Crossroads of the Americas: Trans Texas Corridor Plan,”— Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans-Texas Co., . Brad Foss, “Update 1: Experts: Alaska Pipeline Won’t Solve Woes,” Forbes, March 18, 2006. “Pipeline Facts,” Pipeline Facts, . Jack Lyne, “Priciest Pipeline Ever,” Priciest Pipeline Ever—Site Selection Online, . “Cost Estimates,” NAPCO—Hong Kong Airport Core Programme, . Genome, .
- Anthony H. Cordesman, “Outside View: The Costs of the Iraq War,” Washington Times, December 15, 2004.
- Justin Blum, “Exxon Mobil Profit Soars 75%,” Washington Post, October 28, 2005: D01. Chris Isidore, “Exxon Mobil Sets Profit Record,” , January 30, 2006, .
- Harry Reginald Hall, Ancient History of the Near East (London: Methuen, 1963), 300.
- See author’s March 2006 interview with Office of Coal and Power National Energy Technology Laboratory, DOE.
- Ibid.
- “Owners Agree to Shut W. Va. Mines,” CBS News, February 2, 2006, . Anna Sale, “West Virginia Coal Mining Halted After More Deaths,” NPR, March 20, 2006, .
- See author’s March 2006 interview with Office of Coal and Power.
- See author’s notes on several attempts to call Ben Yamagata, Clean Coal Initiative, March 15–17,2006.
- “Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion,” U.S. Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, March 20, 2006, .
- Press release, “Toronto Hydro and Enwave to Provide Downtown Toronto with NEW Electricity Supply,” February 3, 2006. “Deep Lake Water Cooling: Chilled Water for Cooling Toronto’s Buildings,” Enwave Energy Corporation. “Deep Lake Water Cooling: Chilled Water for Cooling Toronto’s Buildings,” March 20, 2006, .
- “Italy: Electricity Generation,” International Geothermal Association, . Raf-faele Cataldi, UGI Vice President, “Birth and First Steps of the Geothermoelectric Industry, and Its Centenary,” .
- “Iceland: Electricity Generation,” International Geothermal Association, . “About Geothermal Electricity,” Geothermal Technologies Program: Geothermal Electricity, . Press release, Geothermal Energy Association, “U.S. Geothermal Power Poised to Double, New Survey Shows,” March 15, 2006. See author’s notes on interview with Karl Gawell, IGA. “Installed Generating Capacity,” International Geothermal Association, .
- Alex Sifford and R. Gordon Bloomenquist, “Geothermal Electric Power Production in the United States: A Survey and Update for 1995–1999,” Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2000, 441–45,450.
- “California’s Geothermal Energy: Present and Future Strategies,” Public Interest Energy Research: California Energy Commission, October 8, 2003.
- See author’s interviews with NERL and GEA.
- See author’s interview with Karl Gawell, March 20, 2006. GEA, “U.S. Geothermal Power Poised to Double.”
- See author’s interview with Gawell.
- Ibid. GEA, “U.S. Geothermal Power Poised to Double.”
- See author’s interview with Gawell.
- See author’s interview with Boddington, Gawell, and Valetkevitch, March 21, 2006.
- Ibid.
- See author’s interview with the Natural Gas Supply Association.
- “Germany Split over Green Energy,” BBC News International Version, February 25, 2005, . “Wind Energy in Ireland,” Irish Wind Energy Association Online, .
- “Wind Energy Fact Sheet,” American Wind Energy Association, .
- Report, “Wind and Wildlife: Learning from the Past, Changing for the Future,” American Wind Energy Association, 2003.
- “Wind Energy Fact Sheet.” Report, “Wind Power Today,” American Wind Energy Association. Danish Wind Industry Association, . “Wind Energy at GE,” GE Energy, index.html. Meredith MacKensie, “Wind Energy Grows Through On Site Turbines,” UPI, March 13, 2006. Author enterprise.
- “Solar Panels,” Worldwatts, .
- Author’s communication with Jon Slangerup, Solar Integrated Technologies, March 2006.
- “BIPV Solar Electric Roofing for Sustainable Buildings,” . See author’s communication with Slangerup.
- “Konarka Products,” . “Nanosolar—Products,” . Press release, Konarka Technologies Inc., “Smart Fabrics 2006 Conference Features Konarka’s Chief Marketing Officer Daniel McGahn as Industry Speaker,” March 7, 2006.
- “Smart Fabrics.” Author’s interview with Daniel McGahn, April 2006. Author’s interview with Jon Slangerup.
- “GM Partners with Verasun and Shell for E85 Push in Chicago,” Green Car Congress, .
- David Pimentel and Tad W. Patzek, “Ethanol Production Using Corn, Switchgrass, and Wood; Biodiesel Production Using Soybean and Sunflower,” Natural Resources Research 14, no. 1 (March 2005). David Pimentel, “Energy and Dollar Costs of Ethanol Production with Corn,” M. King Hubbert Center for Petroleum Supply Studies, April 1998. Author’s interviews with David Pimentel and Tad W. Patzek, March 2006.
- Pimentel and Patzek, “Ethanol Production Using Corn, Switchgrass, and Wood.” Author’s interviews with Pimentel and Patzek.
- See author’s interviews with Pimentel and Patzek.
- See author’s interview with National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition.
- See author’s interviews with Pimentel and Patzek.
- Ibid. See curriculum vitae, David Pimentel. See curriculum vitae, Tad W. Patzek.
- See author’s interview with automotive alternative-fuel source.
- Letter, Linda D. Willis, Director, Tax Policy and Administrative Issues, U.S. GAO to the Honorable Charles E. Grassley, Chairman, Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts, June 23, 1997, GAO Files (with enclosure).
- Ibid.
- Report, “Argonne National Laboratory Ethanol Study: Key Points,” Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, March 28, 2005, 1–3.
- Ibid.
- Author’s interview with National Ethanol Vehicle Association March-April, 2006.
- Press release, “Acher Daniels Midland Co. to Plead Guilty and Pay $100 Million for Role in Two International Price-Fixing Conspiracies,” U.S. Department of Justice, October 15, 1996. “Federal Regulations: VEETC,” Renewable Fuels Association, http://www.ethanolrfa .org/policy/regulations/federal/veetc/. See Mark Whitacre as quoted in “My Life as a Corporate Mole for the FBI,” Fortune, September 4, 1995, 55.
- “Federal Regulations: VEETC.” See H.R. 4520, 2004, .
- Press release, “Ford F-250 Super Chief Concept: A Bold, American Flex Fuel Pickup That Delivers Tomorrow’s Fuel Today,” Ford Motor Company, January 6, 2006. “GM—Only GM,” . See author’s interview with representative of Ford.
- Mark Clayton, “Carbon Cloud over a Green Fuel,” Christian Science Monitor, March 23, 2006, .
- Ibid. Author’s interview with Brad Davis, Gold-Eagle Cooperative, March 2006.
- Clayton, “Carbon Cloud over a Green Fuel.” Author’s interview with Davis.
- See generally presentation, Emilio Lebre La Rovere, “The Brazilian Ethanol Program: Bio-fuels for Transport,” International Conference for Renewable Energies, Bonn, Germany, June 2004; La Rovere, “The Challenge of Limiting Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Activities Implemented Jointly in Developing Countries: A Brazilian Perspective,” Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, November 1998; La Rovere, “Climate Change and Sustainable Development Strategies: A Brazilian Perspective,” OECD, 2002.
- Larry Rohter, “With Big Boost from Sugar Cane, Brazil Is Satisfying Its Fuel Needs,” New York Times, April 10, 2006, Al.
Chapter 12: Hydrogen Solution
- See Genesis 1:1–5, New International Version Study Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1995). See Paul Shestople, “Big Bang Cosmology Primer,” January 27, 1998, http:// .
- See “Fermilab—Press Pass—Photo Gallery—Graphics and Illustrations,” . Shestople, “Big Bang Cosmology Primer.” Dennis Overbye, “Astronomers Find the Earliest Signs Yet of a Violent Baby Universe,” New York Times, March 17, 2006.
- Aloysius I. Reisz, “earthrise,” . “World’s First Fuel Cell-Propelled Submarine Starts Sea Trials,” Howaldtswerke Deutsche-Werft News Archive, April 7, 2003. “Ballard Secures US$8.3 million Contract for Fuel Cell Bus Field Service: 27 Ballard Powered Mercedes-Benz Citaro Fuel Cell Buses on the Road in Europe for an Additional Year,” news release, March 2, 2006. Alton Parrish, “Germany Launches Submarine Fuel Cell Era with Ό31/" Fuel Cell Today, May 20, 2002, .
- International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy, “Fuel Cells: A Hydrogen Enabling Technology,” January 18–20, 2006.
- “National Hydrogen Energy Roadmap,” based on the results of the National Hydrogen Energy Roadmap Workshop, Washington, DC, April 2–3, 2002. Steven Chalk, “U.S. Hydrogen Program” (5th Implementation—Liaison Committee Meeting, Shanghai, China, January 18–20, 2006). See author’s enterprise. International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy, “A Vision of the Hydrogen Economy.”
- Asgeir Sigfusson, “Iceland: Pioneering the Hydrogen Economy,” Foreign Service Journal, December 2003, 62–63. “Hydrogen-Filling Station Opens. . . in Iceland,” USA Today, April 25, 2003. “Vision of the Hydrogen Economy.”
- “National Hydrogen Energy Roadmap,” 19. “Background on the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative,” . “National Hydrogen Association,” . See Patrick Serfass, interview with the author, April 2006.
- Chris Isadore, “$3 gas—is it here to stay?” , September 8, 2005, .
- “The President’s Hydrogen Fuel Initiative,” .
- Bill Dunn, “Internal Combustion Engine,” Times Online, April 5, 2005. “Natural Gas History in New Zealand,” Natural Gas History—New Zealand—Pure Energy, www.pure “Gas Industry Museum,” Slovensky Plynarensky Priemy-sel, . Hydrogen Now! “A Brief History of Hydrogen,” . The Bellona Foundation, “5.2 Town Gas,” Report 6:2002, . “History and Chronology of Manufactured Gas,” . “Prospects for a Hydrogen Economy,” postnote, Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, October 2002, No. 186.
- Ninth Grove Fuel Cell Symposium, . “History and Chronology of Manufactured Gas.”
- “Brief History of Hydrogen.”
- Arnold Krammer, “Fueling the Third Reich,” Technology and Culture 19, no. 3 (July 1978): 400–403. Raymond G. Stokes, “The Oil Industry in Nazi Germany, 1936–1945,” Business History Review 59, no. 2 (Summer 1985): 268.
- Krammer, “Fueling the Third Reich,” 401. U.S. Department of Energy, “The Early Days of Coal Research,” .
- “Early Days of Coal Research.”
- Ibid.
- Pat Grimes and Karl Kordesch, interviews with the author, April 2006. General Hydrogen, “Brief History of Vehicle Fuel Cells,” .
- See Grimes and Kordesch interviews. “Saturn V: America’s Moon Rocket,” 14/SpaceRace/sec300/sec384.htm. “Karl Kordesch,”’℮ugeniik/history/kordesch.html . Danny Hakim, “An Elec-trovan, Not an Edsel,” New York Times, November 17, 2002, .
- Grimes and Kordesch interviews. “Karl Kordesch.”
- Mazda, “Mazda Delivers First Rotary Hydrogen Vehicles to Corporate Customer Fleets,” press release, circa 2004.
- Hank Wedaa, interview with the author.
- Author’s interviews at National Hydrogen Association Conference, Long Beach, CA, March 2006.
- Ibid. J. I. Levine, M. K. Mann, R. Margolis, and A. Milbrandt, “An Analysis of Hydrogen Production from Renewable Electricity Sources,” National Renewable Energy Laboratory/ISES 2005 (conference paper, Solar World Congress, Orlando, FL, August 6–12, 2005), .
- “Analysis of Hydrogen Production from Renewable Electricity Sources,” 3.
- Ibid., 5.
- Author’s interviews at National Hydrogen Association Conference. Kordesch interview.
- David Talbot, “Cheap Hydrogen Fuel,” Technology Review, March 9, 2006. Author’s interviews at National Hydrogen Association Conference.
- Hydrogen Now! “Frequently Asked Questions,” . “Brief History of Vehicle Fuel Cells.” Ballard Power Systems, “Fuel Cell Technology: How the Technology Works,” http://www . .
- “Ford Moves Forward with Hydrogen Engine Research,” press release. Author’s interview with Ford source. Gene Johnson, H2 Nation, interview with the author. Hydrogen Now! “Frequently Asked Questions.” “2003 North American International Auto Show: Ford Model U,” January 5, 2003, .
- General Motors, “General Motors Announces Collaboration with Abengoa Bioenergy and Kroger Stores to Help More Texans Power Their GM FlexFuel Vehicles with E85,” press release, March 30, 2006. IHS Automotive Standards, “GM, Chevron, Pacific Ethanol Plan E85 Project in California,” January 5, 2006, .
- “Hydrogen Proponents See 2020 as Showtime,” MSNBC, March 17, 2006, . See H2Nation, .
- “London Buses—Fuel Cell Buses,” . “Fuel Cell Bus Club,” . “AC Transit,” . Parrish, “Germany Launches Submarine Fuel Cell Era.” Robin Young, Ballard, interview with the author, March 2006.
- National Academy of Engineering, Board on Energy and Environmental Systems, The Hydrogen Economy: Opportunities, Costs, Barriers, and Rć`D Needs (Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2004), 38. Johnson and Kordesch interviews. “Hydrogen Proponents see 2020 as Showtime.”
- “BMW World-BMW 75OhL,” . “Praxair, a Supplier of Hydrogen, Liquid or Gas,” . Kordesch interview. Author’s interview with source at BMW.
- Kordesch interview. K. Kordesch, G. Faleschini, V. Hacker et al., “Alkaline Fuel Cell-Hybrid Systems with NH3 Cracker as H2-Producer” (report, Fuel Cell Seminar 2005, Palm Springs, November 2005). “X-15 Hypersonic Research Program,” NASA Dryden Fact Sheets, Sheets/. Johnny Armstrong, “Expanding the X-15 Envelope to Mach 6.7,” .
- “National Hydrogen Energy Roadmap,” 17. “Remarks Prepared for Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham, April 21, 2004,” U.S. Department of Energy, . Anthony J. Lachawiec, Gongshin Qi, and Ralph T. Yang, “Hydrogen Storage in Graphite Nanofibers and the Spillover Mechanism” (presentation, University of Michigan, Department of Chemical Engineering, May 20–24, 2005).
- Author’s notes from National Hydrogen Association Conference, Long Beach, CA. Author’s enterprise. Wedaa interview. Author’s interview with Praxair, April 2006.
- Governor’s Office, Governor Arnold Schwarzeneggers California Hydrogen Highway Network Action Plan, 2004.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- National Academy of Engineering, The Hydrogen Economy: Opportunities, Costs, Barriers, and RĆ`D Needs, (Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2004): 38. ΌCEES Hydrogen.” Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Investor, “Bulk Hydrogen,” . See author’s interview with Praxair. “Praxair Expands Hydrogen Pipeline Capacity,” May 2, 2002, .
- See author’s interview with Praxair. Also see author’s enterprise.
- Intelligent Energy, “Hestia hydrogen generator,” 12&secondlevel=8O9 and .
- “Hydrogen-Producing Ship Will Use Wind,” Energy Bulletin, Europe Intelligence Wire, October 4, 2004, . Hydrogen Challenger: The World’s First Hydrogen-Production Ship, .
- See author’s interview with Ford sources.
- Honda Worldwide, “Honda to Begin Producing Next Generation FCX Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle,” January 8, 2006, . See author’s enterprise.
- Honda to Begin Producing Next Generation FCX.” See author’s enterprise.
- “Honda to Begin Producing Next Generation FCX.” See author’s enterprise. Daniel Mc-Gahn of Konarka, interview with the author, April 2006.
- J. Craig Venter Institute, “IBEA Receives $3 Million Dept. of Energy Grant for Synthetic Genome Development,” press release. Synthetic Genomics corporate information, . Michael S. Rosenwald, “J. Craig Venter’s Next Little Thing: Tackling the World’s Energy Problems,” Washington Post, February 27, 2006. “Hydrogen Production by Means of an Artificial Bacterial Algal Symbiosis (Project Ar-BAS),” . Lucy Sheriff, “Scientists Push Bacteria to Quadruple Hydrogen Production: Amazing What a Zap of Electricity Will Do,” Register, April 26, 2005. Jessica Gorman, “Biological Production of Hydrogen Fuel,” Science News, October 12, 2002. “A Three-Step Microbial Hydrogen-Producing System: First Results,” .
- See author’s enterprise. See author’s interviews with foreign auto makers.
- See author’s interview with Toyota. “CalCars: The California Cars Initiative—100+ MPG Hybrids,” . “Plug-in Prius Now Offered in UK,” 4Car News from Channel 4, . Matthew Shechmeister, “Making a Plug for Hybrids,” Wired News, July 11, 2005.
- All-day, all-night vigil to save the last EV1 from the crusher, . The Campaign to Save Electric Cars, .
- See author’s notes, National Hydrogen Association Conference, March 2006.
- Ibid.
- Ibid. Steve Ellis, interview with the author, March 2006.
- See author’s enterprise. “BMW 75OhL—the Ultimate Clean Machine,” . “BMW Hydrogen Cars,” . “BMW Hydrogen Racer H2R: BMW Sets Speed Records with Specially Designed Hydrogen Race-car!” .
- See author’s interview with Toyota. Ellen Chrismer, “Toyota Delivers First Fuel-Cell Car to UC Davis,” Dateline UC Davis, December 6, 2002. “Toyota Jointly Develops Fuel-Cell Hybrid Bus, the FCHV-BUS1,” .
- Honda, “All-New Natural Gas-Powered 2006 Civic GX to Be Introduced to NY Consumers,” press release, April 13, 2006.
- Ibid.
- Environmental Protection Agency, “Global Warming: Climate,” . “Natural Gas and the Environment,” .
- U.S. Department of Energy, “Strategic Petroleum Reserve—Quick Facts and Frequently Asked Questions,” . Tom Johnson, “N.J. Sues Gas Stations Over Rapid Price Hikes: Two Dozen Face Charges of Gouging During Katrina,” Star-Ledger, September 27, 2005.
- Kevin Chandler, Kevin Walkowicz, and Nigel Clark, “United Parcel Service (UPS) CNG Truck Fleet: Final Results,” DOE/NREL Truck Evaluation Project, August 2002. Max Do-nath, Dan Murray, and Jeff Short, “Homeland Security and the Trucking Industry” (report, Intelligent Transportation System Institute, Center for Transportation Studies, July 2005), 1,3. FedEx Corporation Facts, Fedex, .
- “Homeland Security and the Trucking Industry,” 1, 3. “The Wal-Mart Nobody Knows,” Wal-Mart 1998 Annual Shareholder Report, . “Fleet Owner 500: America’s Top Private Fleets,” Fleet Owner, March 8, 2004. Anthony Schoettle, “Fedex Ready to Test Hybrid Delivery Vehicles,” Farm to Table, July 14, 2003.
- “Court Rejects Attempt to Delay Alt-Fuel Vehicles Purchase Plan for Federal and Private Fleets,” Government Fleet, April 4, 2006. See directory, Federal Fleet Policy Council (FED-FLEET), circa 2004.